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@bochen2021,  an utterly brilliant article where in a few sentences you have put up insightful commentary in American hegemony and done poor Marx in as a throwaway line. This is above the stuff put out by the Saker and the Moon of Alabama, and I would consider on par with Qiao Liang's little speech at a book forum

US harvests the world with the USD

All puffery aside, are you secretly in a PLA think-tank? Please don't kill me if you have to tell me lol.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

If bitcoin is controlled opposition then what are good alternatives?

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

Multiverse, I don't remember if you live in the USA or not.

But - if the MSM is mentioning something at all, putting it in the headlines, publicizing it all the time, you may be certain that it is not in your interest.

I see bitcoin being pushed as a great technology, a savior in an age of tyranny.  That this is done publicly is quite suspicious.

The real truth of any matter is found in the shadows, after much effort and looking on your own.  There is no other way.  Seek, and you will find.  Knock, and it will be opened to you.

Digital currency transactions lie in the future, but unless they are strongly supported by a solid stable government, any utilization is fraught with risk.

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