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Speculation about how the American Empire resembles the Old Empire. Insert obligatory Chyna!!!

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Quote from azark on December 8, 2021, 1:52 am

I meant something also like a potential control effect of the old empire. thoughts cannot have a prison here so you grant yourself as you can me I accept everyone vaccinated maybe an effect on the access to travel in the MWI no kind of idea, I don't believe the plan can pervert. If the old empire believe controls my MWI I'll be there and all of us come out and maybe leave some tips for it that still doesn't understand.?

@azark, for some reason I think the translator turns your message upside down or into other different directions. Is it possible you also post the original French version of your posts?

I'm testing out one weird theory.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I made up my mind by trying to be in agreement with my values ​​to divulge through tales and theology and philosophy. on the limits of duality like everyone, following coherent limits, I am a human here like all of us, and a dilemma is I good or bad, but I recalculate my vectors of acts and thoughts which fill my being and I measure the world


Je voulais dire quelque chose comme un effet de contrôle potentiel de l'ancien empire. les pensées ne peuvent pas avoir de prison ici alors vous vous accordez comme vous pouvez moi j'accepte tout le monde vacciné peut-être un effet sur l'accès aux voyages dans le MWI aucune idée, je ne crois pas que le plan puisse pervertir. Si l'ancien empire croit qu'il contrôle mon MWI, je serai là et nous sortirons tous et lui laisserons peut-être des conseils qui ne comprennent toujours pas.?


@memory-loss why not go straight to the non physical planes and ask entities there for help? There an abundance of beings that are none too happy with the way they are running things. Could be risky though. This is a whole other battlefield

Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on December 8, 2021, 9:19 pm

@memory-loss why not go straight to the non physical planes and ask entities there for help? There an abundance of beings that are none too happy with the way they are running things. Could be risky though. This is a whole other battlefield

The Domain might have already done so. But as humans, we still have some agency right? Could be interesting.

You're correct, that should be done. They probably have their sources of information. I have almost non existent LD abilities lol. So you will have to ask.

My speculation cum LARPing has come up with something that actually makes sense as regards the Old Empire. Unfortunately its convoluted so I have to shorten things before posting.


Edit: I will post one half later, see if it makes sense. As much sense as bad fanfic anyway.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Ok, a slight continuation from before. I will try to extrapolate stuff in bad fanfic. This is based on the assumption that the mRNA vaccines is an Old Empire weapon.

I continue my role play as an operative of the Old Empire and elite of this world.

The following are my problems as an O. E. operative that I have to overcome.

Problem #1. The Domain are closing in and they appear to be trying to dismantle our amnesia apparatus all across the different dimensions. They are trying to break down the amnesia that we have imposed on the inhabitants of this world.

Problem #2. The path that we have set on the portions of the world that we control is leading to economic problems. Possibly collapse of the economy of those countries. But is this incompetence or malice on our part? 

Problem #3. We need to find a s permanent solution to the Domain problem. Where do we run?


Problem #1 is interesting.

One of the main objectives of the Domain is to restore the past life memories of the beings on this planet. If this is done, the inmates will realize how we control this planet. More importantly in countries where we have installed and maintained a culture of conquest and subjugation, the population will rebel against imperialism. Our war machines will have severe obstacles. What will happen to our proposed wars against China and Russia?

So we have to sabotage the plans of the Domain. How do we do this? We roll out a coordinated health campaign worldwide in which we have disguised our masterstroke.

The mRNA vaccine which we designed to inhibit past lives recall will obliterate the plans of the Domain. We cannot destroy the actual memory of the inhabitants without rendering them useless. BUT we can destroy access to all that past life memories by hacking away the memory interface.

Repeated boosters of the mRNA vaccines will inhibited or even break the memory interface entirely.


[narrator~ It won't matter if the memory itself is intact if those poor creatures have no way to access them. Your computer is not completely useless if I take away your mouse and keyboard. It can still function and run automated programs. So we will also realize our dreams of zombie slaves from the majority of the population. This is subject to a major caveat stated below. ] 

If we are able to continue with the boosters, then we will have won in 3 years.

We play to our strengths. We control Western media. Concentrating the media to 6 major corporations a1was a genius move.

We crank the propaganda up to 13. We do a physical and propaganda blitzkrieg because the Domain cannot move as fast. They have no physical presence on this planet. Their only media outlet is one tiny blog run from China called MetallicMan. He is of no threat to us.

We will hype up the physical dangers of the vaccines on one end and and media campaign on the other end to ensure compliance. Those poor sods will newer be able to figure out our ultimate objective. We will plant misleading statistics and claim those statistics were based on remote viewing.

We will by use of cleverly contradictory messages, create a state of confusion and that will allow us to proceed with our plans.

[narrator~ this is to tie in with our Deagel 2025 disinformation campaign. They will be looking for actual deaths whereas we will have inflicted actual spiritual deaths in the majority of the population. By misdirection we will buy valuable time. And we the Empire is very very good at the arts of deception and misdirection. We can practically wage war without getting our meatsuits dirty. ]


Problem #2 is a bit of a bother. The need to reduce the population is to make this planet more unattractive to the Domain. If the Domain does not regard the Earth as a high value target, then they will put less resources into hunting us down. But if we reduce the population by too much then the countries not under Empire control will gain the upper hand. So there is a need to also reduce the population of the Resistance, we still have to eliminate Russia and China.

An problem that we have to address. Our advanced planning has set the stage for economic and population collapse in the West. But we have been unable to create the necessary conditions in the rest of the world.

Our best Mentat projections show that we must start the collapse in the West. In the confusion we will create the conditions for a world war. We must remember, the ultimate goal is to make this planet unattractive to the Domain. We are immortal and the meatsuits are unimportant. So long as we have our avenues of escape open, the plan must continue.

Ok, I will stop here for a bit. I need to gather some bits and bobs to continue with what I have written. 



Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss I tried an internet translator for @azark 's last comment and it's still the exact same as what he posted. Did you find a better translator?

Quote from azark on December 8, 2021, 4:01 pm

Je voulais dire quelque chose comme un effet de contrôle potentiel de l'ancien empire. les pensées ne peuvent pas avoir de prison ici alors vous vous accordez comme vous pouvez moi j'accepte tout le monde vacciné peut-être un effet sur l'accès aux voyages dans le MWI aucune idée, je ne crois pas que le plan puisse pervertir. Si l'ancien empire croit qu'il contrôle mon MWI, je serai là et nous sortirons tous et lui laisserons peut-être des conseils qui ne comprennent toujours pas.?

This one? @goldleaf? I have a couple of translators.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Yes, that one.


I have a couple of translators but I didn't say any were good lol. They all mangle what @azark wants to say. 😳 It's very strange. Some sort of quantum antibodies 😱.


Edit: I can feel the sincerity come across actually but I have to guess the meaning. Normally the translation is good enough. However it's bonkers in his case. It's all very weird.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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