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Speculation about how the American Empire resembles the Old Empire. Insert obligatory Chyna!!!

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Adding a speculation on my part:

Imagine a movie with a Mob boss in prison. The Mob boss usually has a good life in prison because 1. he knows and games the system, 2. he usually receives help from outside through middlemen in the prison and 3. he plots his escape eventually.

We know that some Old Empire agents escaped to Earth to avoid capture by the Domain. They made themselves comfortable within the Earth prison system by controlling the systems and the MWI from within.

Let's assume they have had help from outside just like the Mob boss. Let's also assume that they will have to escape the Earth prison environment eventually to avoid capture by the Domain or by former prison inmates who might regain their memory with the help of the Domain thereby realizing what the Old Empire has done to them.

That would leave us with a couple of questions to ponder or to further your "fanfiction" ;-):
- Who is helping the Old Empire agents from outside the prison system?
- What is the Old Empire giving their outside assistants as a payment or reward?
- How could they orchestrate their escape without being detected? Would it probably be helpful to create a mass exodus (by war/vaccine/other) to overwhelm the prison system and the Domain detection mechanisms, thereby sneaking through the force field undetected?

@vainamoinen,  I think they reset or collapse the system periodically. Each time before the inmates wake up. There is a system perfected through the ages.

But in our case, with the Domain closing in they will try to escape. However they may really burn the place down to cover their tracks so the Domain cannot find them.

Understanding the dynamics of the Prison system is necessary both for us and the Domain.

@daegonmagus had some hints and just reading them gave me the chills.

To continue with the fanfic, we need a couple of scriptwriters. A plot. List of characters. The actors. Etc etc.

I could only think of role play in trying to figure out the Prison Complex. But it is necessary to come up with an understanding of the whole shebang. Otherwise we remain trapped.

The cast has a number of factions.

  • The Domain
  • Lost battalion
  • Old Empire
  • Global elite
  • Mantids/mantid primes (kinda like Vulcans, Romulans, Klingons etc)
  • American Empire
  • Russian and Chinese Resistance
  • Humans
  • MM recruits
  • Other entities (@daegonmagus will know some). Might see Ferengis too, opportunistic players.

The actors in the Global Elite faction will be Klaus Schwab, Billy boy etc. In the American Empire, we have the usual suspects.

So actually a cast of billions. The dynamics can be bewildering.

If we can flesh out stuff then things will become clearer. For me, at least the ungodly haste and determination to inflict the vaccines on humanity has a plausible explanation in my fanfic. Also the desire to collapse the world economy (or take advantage of the collapse). The desire for war.

To make sense of madness is a pretty big challenge. The IS-BEs created everything from imagination. We just need to create a coherent script that mirrors the actual reality we cannot perceive otherwise.

The actual unknown determinant for me is the mantids. They hold immense power and can tilt the board either way.

So, @vainamoinen, put on your script writing hat and get to work 👒😁.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

The "periodic reset" time is about 10 generations or 250 years.  You can set your clock by it.  This too has been engineered into Homo sapiens.

It is also called the "Glubb limit".  This has happened many times in human history.

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