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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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congjing yu,

If I may, I would like to know who am I.

This would be strange, I am feeling a strange connection to you, and the ideas you promote, especially Rufus behavior and state of mind,  always have been like that, humans are fascinating, I feel urge to protect them from the evil I see in some entities, this is why I can not stand any manifestation of hate or ignorance towards groups of people based on their set of believes color or race, they are all the same to me. I can not harm a fly but I do feel rage when I see how people are being led to fight each other or pray on each other, this evil entities which responsible for that are my enemy, yet it seems they do manifest or wear human skins, so why we get confused and fight each other in a never ending circle of war and destruction.
something else,  I feel, now when I got to learn that I have powers, yes it sounds crazy, but it is something different, i do not need to write it down, only to think about it and it happens, of course this is not as simple as that, but I am being more carful now in what I think.  all this is very confusing but strongly I have no fear for my self, I know I will be fine, but I am upset and sad with how people treat each other, and this is not something new, covid only matters as it is targeting the richer part of the world, before it was not much better, probably worse, only it was targeting others,  in the "new world", which became the new colonies, in Asia and so on and on
I see this evil as something that needs to be removed but again, this entities hide so well, they jump from the Vatican, Venice or other empire to the UK then to the US like a flee and can do this again, this round using the US will end probably due to external war but the source behind this will continue to be with us until we find a way to seek, find and destroy it.

sorry for the long writing..  I know you are right, as you know, in 2020 we where very close to a full war, it did not happen but I know this is only to be postponed, and you know this too. I can see how both sides are preparing and thinking time is on their side, this is why 2023-2025 is due for the big one, I see what you see, when we get closer, eventually, one side will strike first, I think as well, it would be the Russians, or China and Russia as one.
I do hope we get a better world, or a chance for a better world, better humanity, but we need to set the foundations for that, and we need to do it soon and fast. I will explain, i have no problem with nationalism, especially regarding the twisted agenda behind todays globalism, but humanity at the core is one, it is united while varied, it is a community of exceptional individuals, and it's only the many colors and manifestations of its beauty that makes us think differently.


Alice and azark have reacted to this post.

Hello MM, would you ask the Commander if it would help the Domain when we put something along the lines of " All of the Old Empire entities step out of the shadows and the Domain is able to seperate them from the earth population"*?

It seems important to me, because if we could seperate the really bad guys, all the others have a chance to recover better. You know, like removing the bad apple so the others stay good.

Edit: *into our affirmations

Memory Loss, Vainamoinen and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossVainamoinenGoldleafAlice

---Recorded ---

In the pipe.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I would like to know two things (for now):

  1. What physical locations have human beings "traveled" to off this earth?
    • Moon
    • Mars
    • Other
  2. What means of transportation did they use?
    • Ship (what type of propulsion)
    • Portal of some sort (what type of construct)

Of course I'd also like to know if humans actually accomplished any of this, or was it all a result of off-world assistance.




Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Geez, MM, Id be a fool to miss this opportunity but I guess we are all at the point of where we stand in this effort of helping. While knowing can be a distraction in itself, knowing could also be one step closer to giving confidence in our abilities. So for my question would be: Who Am I in regards to the Domain? What role do I play in helping “Free the Lost Battalion” and the imprisoned IS-BEs?

Thank you, my friend. Good luck.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

This is also something i am wondering too. Who am i for the Domain and who am i as an IS-BE. And how am i of use?

When we found out about my baker, i wondered who i am in relation to "knowing" that he is special. Why did i recognize it? Do i know him from before?

Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice

I would also like to know who I am as an IS BE and how I can help the Domain.


Would I be a help, or would I be a hindrance?

Quote from DSKlausler on December 8, 2021, 2:52 am

I would like to know two things (for now):

  1. What physical locations have human beings "traveled" to off this earth?
    • Moon
    • Mars
    • Other
  2. What means of transportation did they use?
    • Ship (what type of propulsion)
    • Portal of some sort (what type of construct)

Of course I'd also like to know if humans actually accomplished any of this, or was it all a result of off-world assistance.




it seems to me that these answers are already written it is a lot of material and I agree as a rufus will. In case I am wrong I will be happy to be corrected, I am so clumsy, it is extraordinary what MM is doing is perhaps unifying the World, I thank him for it


Whats the relationship between the 13 Beings in the Crystal palace and the 'Domain'?

Alice has reacted to this post.

@Merlynn good question.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
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