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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Quote from azark on December 9, 2021, 5:34 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 8, 2021, 2:52 am

I would like to know two things (for now):

  1. What physical locations have human beings "traveled" to off this earth?
    • Moon
    • Mars
    • Other
  2. What means of transportation did they use?
    • Ship (what type of propulsion)
    • Portal of some sort (what type of construct)

Of course I'd also like to know if humans actually accomplished any of this, or was it all a result of off-world assistance.




it seems to me that these answers are already written it is a lot of material and I agree as a rufus will. In case I am wrong I will be happy to be corrected, I am so clumsy, it is extraordinary what MM is doing is perhaps unifying the World, I thank him for it

If you are referring to this MM site, then those locations, as I have read, would be HIS experience and HIS opinion. I wish to ask these questions of The Commander.

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Ultan McGazark

Given the recent MM posting (What happened after Alien Interview that helped to set up MAJestic), and the stated precursors therein (big "bombs"), I would like to ask one more question.

I am fairly certain that we all gather our information from a number of sources, and a trust [of those sources] is built upon a comparative analysis of sorts [of that information].

I have it from some very educated, intelligent, and trusted, [multiple] sources that all the purported nuclear testing events, or displays, were likely faked... and similarly, the two most famous explosions over, in, and around Japan. There are some technical reasons given (unorthodox physics by some), as well as geopolitical and the usual fear-mongering and video fuckery (before, after and during). However, surprising to me, the wide-spread blast and burn (at least for those two biggies) can be accounted for by unbelievably immense quantities of [pre-arranged] conventional explosives. Easy to do, even by puny humans.

Were the devices purportedly detonated above Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, nuclear in design and effect?

If, and that is a big IF to me, you allow for off-worlders "assisting" in the development, deployment and detonation of said devices, then my above question is moot.

Thanks MM.

I have one more sneaky one, too, if I may.

Given what the Domain have told us directly-- and Metallicman has been telling us for years-- that 'the future' is never set in stone and is actually subject to many variables in the MWI (in the Reality Universe, at least)...

...are the Deagel Forecasts wrt. certain countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?

Reason I ask is, as most of us here in MMan Land are, I'm sure, getting on with our lives and intentions regardless of the wider geopolitical shitshow underway, it would be beneficial for us to be aware that something like this is a strong possibility/incoming, and perhaps take a good look at what our current priorities are, and weigh up whether or not these priorities require adjustment at the very least, or a complete revision IF the forecasts are correct/expected as a matter of expediency. (It would be a historical first, after all-- at least if the history we're told about is correct, that is.)

I also recall that the Domain said directly 'Heaven is being expanded' to cope with the expected inflow. So perhaps this has been answered already, because the means through which this Deagel figure is attained may well be the expected kinetic events (that Metallicman and the Domain) forecasted in a recent Q&A session.

Either way, I think it would be beneficial to know if the Deagel Forecasts in themselves are roughly accurate in terms of actual figures, or was the Domain referring to another extinction event the details of which must remain-- for obvious reasons-- veiled, for now.

That last part is a question many of us wouldn't want an answer for anyway, I'd say. And I'm not looking for that answer here-- just the one above in bold.

Cheers, Mr Man.

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BTW, great question above, DSK.

If I may add, the explosion attached below is most definitely not a hundred truckloads of conventional munitions. Trust me on that.

waaayyy to much heat in the fireball-- and that's hundreds of metres in diameter. And hundreds of metres high. Conventionals cannot do that. Impossible.

This tech may or may not have existed in the 1940s-- Airl did say they were investigating 'atomic detonations' on Earth back then, though-- but it sure as shit exists now.

Notice the first explosion-- definitely conventional and standard tactics-- as in Beirut-- to get everybody to duck and ensure no cameras are rolling for the second nuclear detonation a few seconds later. (This tactic is frequently used by 'our favourite ally' in the Middle East. Has been for years. But conventionals do not leave a crater in solid rock unless it's a penetrator/bunker buster.)

The whole 'nuclear weapons don't exist' shpiel has been spread by the same crew who spread the 'viruses are fake and don't exist' trope, too. Divide and conquer technique-- military grade psyops now being used on the general population (and illegally used, too)-- but as old as the hills and super effective.

Definitely looking forward to the Domain's answer on that, though.

Edited, better example:

Think of a U.S. city during/after this and you have a good idea what Metallicman has been warning us about.

Multiplied by about x10, of course. What you see above is a tactical 'mini-nuke'. Deployed across the globe to all Muppet Land assets for decades. We can only guess what China-Russia has in response.

@ultan-mcg, I have come to a conclusion via my weird fanfic that the Deagel forecast is largely disinformation. But I also now think even the Alien Interview is a poisoned well and very subtly done at it.

Our @multiverse was very good at letting the cat out of the bag. He had the talking points from an internal executive summary of some 3 letter agency. Tracking the clues of who our friend works for is quite interesting. Because of that, I am convinced he is still online but anonymously. So I won't say much but you should zoom out and take a wider point of view. You may see in the shadows the actual masters of these agencies. The Old Empire can be seen in the shadows they cast. Put those night vision goggles and peer into the shadows. Turn up the gain.

The question for me is whether CIA analysts know they work for the Old Empire? And if so, is it possible to get them to work for humanity instead?

I do not have any questions for the Domain in this respect. Their plans are very intricate and so absurdly well gamed, to ask for a reveal will be just spoiler territory.

As regards the Prime Mantids, however, I do have one question. Can the Domain shed any light on happenings within their society? I am assuming they have leaders and factions.




Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I think you're right about Deagel, M.L. But Alien Interview is for real, I'm sure about that-- and it ties very much in with what the Domain has been telling us recently. As well as Metallicman, obviously. I read that book straight through about 5 times and it just rings true going by my own experiences in Weirdsville over the years-- and by gut instinct.

Either way, we'll know soon enough. Stay safe, out there!

Ultan, the Alien Interview in my eyes is poisoned in places and done in such a way it has to be deliberately sabotaged from the inside. Very subtle too but at the same time very much in your face. Something the OSS used to do and what the CIA wishes it could aspire to.

The date of formation of Pakistan is a heck of a big tell. So maybe it is 99% true but 1% untrue. I'm pretty sure the Domain knows. Because by now I'm very sure this site is monitored, I won't say more. But some things, one must just go by trust. I trust the Domain.


By art of Deception thou shalt wage war. 

~Old Empire saying

Edit: I want to add, there are wheels within wheels. And it's awfully complicated and complex.




Ciao! Gip me your ideas

MESSAGE OF UNIVERS WE QUE CAN Train with our Deference and we will go into the future reformer the future will be Deference sought with you?


Guys, I have collected the questions and are going down the list. For some reason, the answers are long long longggg. Sheech! So please hold on. Last night I spent a 6 hour long session on just two questions. Damn near wore me out. I had a bottle of wine and crashed out. So please be patient. Every question posted in this thread is getting, has been or will be answered. It just takes time. And it's hard on my personally, physically.

I upped the gain to plow through the discord surrounding me at the moment.

Some of the answers are what you might except, and I wondered if I was answering them and not the Commander, so I had to up the gain further, and purposely shut down my thought process and just recorded.

I can tell you that some of youse guys wanted to know about your lives in the "Old Empire". You know, it is stuff that maybe you don't want to read about, you know? Somethings are better forgotten and then you move on. That's a strange place. I guess DM can affirm that. Really strange with really strange inhabitants.


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