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World-Line Travel Using Vehicles – Some Examples

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I only have a few minutes so I gotta jump in-

As far as spending time trying to clear up the disinformation campaign against China - I will tell you - as an American living in the reddest of red states - nobody is believing the bullshit about China anymore. To be honest, when things were good, yeah - but now -EVERYONE sees through the bullshit. We all know our supply chain problems are due to restrictions on US truck drivers since Obama got re-elected (Biden is not even present mentally).

If it draws and audience - great - but when that reason is exhausted, I swear you are beating a dead horse.

All of this I know to be true


Alice has reacted to this post.

I dare to imagine that our movement between the slides influences the target and an example maybe we are traveling mwi, this physical movement according to our inner world this echo in our consequences of weighing and dimensions that we overlap as faith and values , our experience here in prison offers us this experience presented with our bags here again this door to the other world to the story of MM. He offers us the story that could bring the world together here below.
better thoughts


@perolator thanks I will let you know. Right now I am sort of juggling btween organising and editing. The main problem is that despite MMs efforts of arranging these into sub indexes the sheer volume of the work means that often times there are articles randomly floating around in some of the sub indexes within sub indexes (as an example I will get you to try and find the large article explaining what he knows about ETs from working alongside the greys - I accidentally stumbled onto it then couldn't find it afterwards, luckily I got it saved before that happened). so basically it is a back and forth effort of creating a volume tailored to a specific subject, then trying to find where I can fit these loosely floating articles into them......and every day I am finding enough new information to fill yet another complete volume - for instance just now a whole 4 part series on FTL travel. Man, there is enough here to make up for the past 75 years. It is absolutely mind boggling more people are not taking this website seriously. In saying that tough, I am making good progress. I will release PDFs of vol 1,2,3 and 5 to him shortly. I am aiming for 7 consecutive volumes before the end of the year

pissedlizard, perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardperolatorMemory Loss
Daegon Magus



There is a book called “Hunt for the Skinwalker” that literally explains inter dimensional travel.

It was written by a physicist who actually worked there during the research project funded by Bigelow.

The first part describes what happened to the family that owned the ranch. The good description of what people see is in Chapter 8 if I recall correctly. The second half is the Bigelow years - which is the most interesting part of the book. The final part is theoretical.

For ME - it was literally required reading. Of course, now that it is available for free.

An example of some of the stuff in the book is how these scientists went out at night -some with night vision and some without. The ones with night vision saw a portal open up and something crawl out. This was unseen to those without night vision.

Also there is a great description of the inter dimensional orbs. Mr. Gorman actually saw another sky while he was looking through the orbs.

He describes the light as orange but I would say it’s more pink than orange. That’s just my perception. More peach colored.

I hope this helps - and it’s LIGHT reading. Like bedtime stuff.

All of this I know to be true



@pissedlizard Interesting coincidence. I had a dream last night about wearing a high tech goggles that let me see into the non-physical, among other things. I posted about it in the dream share thread.

Looks like I need to read this book.

great recc, P.L. Read it years ago-- scary stuff. And the part about the hapless farmer/rancher who thought releasing his two big, loyal, and tough as nails (and twice as smart) sheep-dogs after the rustling in the bushes was a good idea.

Let's just say they never made nam-nams that night. Or any night since.

'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than  are dreamt of in your philosophy.'

For anyone still in doubt about that, check out Skinwalker.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than  are dreamt of in your philosophy”

Now I know-without any question - we drink from the same well.

I hope your move is going well and your travels are safe!

This I know to be true.



Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Pissed Lizard I swear my home town is the Oz equivalent of skinwalker. Some wier, wierd shit has happened around this area. I am thinking of investigating it properly if I can ever find someone with equipment. Thinking of doing a few articles of some of the shit I have witnessed (like a big fucking MWI slide during a cattle mutilation)

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@DM - Nightvision seemed to be the key to actually seeing what goes into and out of the “tunnel” of “our bubble”. So if you are going to set up your own lab- that is what I would look at having on hand all the time.

For those of you do not know what our “bubble of reality” is. - picture this. When you  look at our little bubble of reality - it’s really what we ONLY SEE AROUND US - it’s like being on the edge of the inside of a donut hole - you get what quantum physicists are saying now. The “whole universe” being described as being on the inside of a donut hole is dead on. But on a micro scale. The other side is literally the other side of your consciousness. There is the tunnel MM describes. The “Other Side” is literally a negative image of what you see here. THAT is irrelevant to what happens to our consciousness when we die for this stage in this diatribe.

The other reason it makes sense is because the same glue that allows Time and Space to meet is the exact same thing  that connects thoughts with emotions - gravity. It’s higher in areas RELATIVE to where the viewer is because - again - look how gravity really works- I refer everyone  to MMs article on that.

That point - the center of  - that 4 dimensional shape structure of where Time and Space meet thought and emotion - is literally reality. That’s it. That’s why your phone is solid and higher  level humans can make shit appear out of thin air. The vantage point people have looking down when they die at the surrounding area is because they are IN that tunnel - gravity is pulling them one way or another. If people looked up at the right time they may actually see an orb.

The night vision can ONLY SEE wave or particle. Either or. Not both. The night vision is seeing the point where light is hitting the optic nerve in light or wave form. Again - I refer to MMs awesome article on quantum biology. But it’s One or the other. And it’s not really seeing the light - it’s seeing the light bent by the gravity - which makes the light seen in night vision - particle form. Again - that’s why night vision sees the way it does.

Now - find something physical thing that you can manipulate ANY COMBINATION of ANYTHING that goes into and out of wave form - like light and thought and emotion and gravity and Time and Space and on and on and on…that you can actually USE to mess around with ALL levers - I only talked about 6 there are many more - then you would have one cool “vehicle”

All of this I know to be True


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