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World-Line Travel Using Vehicles – Some Examples

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@pissedlizard , you wouldn't happen to be mucking around with this gravity stuff? I saw an article the other day about strange disturbances in microgravity that puzzle the egg heads. I thought immediately about you lol.

Unfortunately I didn't think to bookmark it. I got one book on the Dogon people thanks to you, have to read it. Also the skin walker book. Many of these books are available for free on


Edit: sorry it was a rhetorical question. I'm fairly certain that you are mucking around with gravity. Now I just need a gravity map for Florida to look for you lol.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML “you wouldn't happen to be mucking around with this gravity stuff”?

Not even a little bit.

I can now - after a long editing process - can go a bit further. It’s going to sound odd and untestable - because it’s odd, but very testable.

Lets take the elecro-magnetism example. It could be any 2 variables that are linked by - in its most basic form - in interchangeability between the dependent  and independent variables.

I contend that Gravity exists in both wave and particle form.

I contend that the reason the public at large has not found this simple fact is because they are looking in the wrong state.

I contend that there is both a positive and negative state in the quantum multiverses. See MMs previous posts. It’s how things can “move around”, so to speak.

I contend that while all other variables that we can see and measure are in and of the matter state. Either particle or wave.

I contend that if the “scientists” tried measuring gravity in the negative or “anti-matter” state, someone would get VERY rich VERY FAST.

In fact, everything I write here is intellectual property of MM and America is about to be given the shock of its life, and I know what happens to me - so yeah, I want the guy and all of you get filthy rich off of as much as anyone can off of my contributions.

Gold and it’s strings mean nothing to me. The information getting into the right hands is what matters. The actual genetic part of MY DNA that had the attachment to gold and riches were removed during a procedure. My focus is Three fold. The health and well being of those I love is the first of the three and the only one I will write of. But I love you all. Humans, bots, whatever. I simply could care less who or what you all are. Look at what you are all doing.

Look how far you have all come in such a short time.

Gravity also holds information together with something more subjective. You are right. Information is not stored in your brain but in a cloud that follows you like a shadow - many of them really. The further away from whatever reality - in Time - the further the “cloud” is from YOU. That’s why old memories are not just available - but in many cases - available slightly differently.  Think of multiple jackets. One for every 0.1*10^(-36) seconds - you get another “jacket” added to the old. You lose the “jackets” my moving away - in Time or Space. Again - look at MMs 3D Maps. Then look at his “Mandela or Mandala” effect article depending on your timeline.

Any other questions or clarifications - please let me know.

And I am genuinely happy that you are researching. That information you gain can be interchanged with any and all information in the right “state”, noted above.

@goldleaf - Now you know who fly with.

All of this I know to be true.



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