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Christmas holidays

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Quote from MerLynn on December 18, 2021, 9:14 am

"I was looking into that Magnetized Bath @merlynn was advocating - as a possible remedy. However, my injuries were extensive. The very best imaging tools, and the surgical eyes while IN MY BODY, indicate that I have virtually no disks at L3-L4, L4-L5 & L5-S1. The historic damage was very closely related to [?genetic?] arthritis,"

This is pretty simplified but its all I have time for today.

What is a Battery? What is Bio Electricity? What are “nerves”? What are L3’s? L4’s? What are Plates in a Battery? The Batteries of a WW2 Spitfire were the length of the entire underbelly fuselage of the plane and were made with Salt Water, copper plates and hessian bags. (sorta) When Joe was at Cape York Peninsula back in the 1970’s, he came across a Spitfire wrecked at the end of the runway in the jungle and sat in the cockpit and noticed the key was still in the ignition so he turned it and the engine cranked over after nearly 30 years being wrecked. They were designed to be SELF CHARGING and pack enough Punch to turn over a Rolls Royce engine and never need charging. They built them different in them days.

A Battery makes use of the Natural Energy flow inherent in Differential Energy materials.

NiCad Batteries, Lithium Ion, Lead Acid. Batteries require TWO Differential “materials” and the resultant ‘Flow of Vibrations” we call ‘electricity’.

The Hip Ball Joint and the Socket in the Pelvis are TWO different Energy Materials. Each ‘Joint’ in the spinal column has an energy differential between them. Each and every bone in the body is connected to and separate from each other and each and every one of them has a Positive and negative end. A Battery goes “flat” when ONE SIDE of the Plates in the battery degrades or corrodes or oxidizes or ‘rusts’.  They just don’t build them like they did in the Spitfires anymore. They KNOW what is required to make a battery last forever but there’s no money in that.

They DO NOT KNOW of the ‘Battery effect’ between bones. Instead they call it (genetic) Arthritis and sell you artificial knees, hips and Disc Surgery.

What is wrong is the Body Electronics are ‘disrupted’ by injury or diet or wrong SALTS as in the Spitfire batteries. Sea salt works for everlasting batteries. Sea salt works for proper Diet. Chicken salt or NaCl laced with Iodine does NOT work for Human Batteries and it’s a proven fact that too much ‘Table Salt’ gives you Arterial sclerosis or blocked arteries near the Heart as it changes the Charge within the body and the Higher Positive charged blood from the lungs ELECTROPLATES the Fats (cholesterol)to the sides of the Arteries ONLY.  But eat Diet foods to fix this and wonder why you never actually get better. They make you a customer for life. Same goes for Vaxxines.

One of the Design Parameters of the Bio Electric Field Enhancement Device was to ‘balance the Field charges’ or more accurately, realign the Bio Meridian Energy Grids within the Human Aura so the Electrical wiring of the body, (nerves) operate in harmony, not with degrading friction. The correct CHARGES exist between each bone of the spinal column so the body can repair the damage caused by excessive use. Friction is caused by excessive differential battery charges. Friction is two magnetic charges interacting. Even a grinding disc on an angle grinder is magnetically eroding the surface of another material. There is no such thing as a Chemical reaction, its ALL magnetic Interactions.

So to go to a Doctor who knows absolutely nothing about body electronics for help and healing with a body thats at Dis Ease due to Bio Charges and letting them cut out that which they don’t understand is pretty smart dontcha think?

So to make a Golden Wand with too many plates of Nylon and brass screws holding it together might have several ‘battery effects’ that interfere with the Charging of the gold rods yes?

Do you get the “idea” now?





Easy Baby, I was complimenting you, and your device... I was paraphrasing into a non-existent name.

Yes; I know much of this NOW... not so much back then. Back then, I was an invincible human... just glue me back together! Obviously surgeons have their practical uses - re-attaching my thumb for instance; re-attaching the severed ligament within my hand; retracting my entire fingernail into the nail bed - perhaps these repairs could have been even better had the physician know how all the nerves and systems REALLY function- but he still had to actually attach it and them.

The ejecta from my ruptured discs was visible; that material was impinging my nerves in more than a few spots. The first surgery was biomechanical in nature get that shit off of my nerves. Are you really suggesting that your methods and devices could have remedied THAT situation? I'd like to hear how.

My diet is very stable and healthy - I spoke of this before - perhaps a bit too much alcohol on occasion. My fitness, even with this broken body, is remarkable. I was looking to @merlynn and your tools primarily for the arthritis - which is purportedly clogging up the works - all over.

Thank you for such a detailed response.

I must apologize for my 'tone'. I dont mean to be so critical, its just I have way too much skepticism and cynicism when it comes to the human race.  Humans have set up a system where they Nobel each other for imaginative thoughts and this is used as a 'control mechanism' for the rest. Gee, if he was Nobeled for such an advanced 'equation' he must be a genius so believe regardless of what your eyes see or others say. Its a Cult of Ask no questions and get told no lies. And its all because they minted too many shekels.

So I adapted my writing style to reflect a metaphorical base ball bat to bash some truth into those who dont see it the way I see it. And yes, such a self righteous attitude doesnt garnish many friends. I am thankful MM allows me to publish and I refer many to this site and my threads. I get about one email a day from people who want to know more of how its really put together and its easier to refer them to this site and hopefully they learn some more truths along the way.

The answers only come if someone asks a question or makes a 'silly' comment. (which isnt silly as there are no silly questions, only silly answers and this I am guilty of). I cant sit down and write a discourse on Batteries and human bones unless some one refers to bone degradation being caused by something its not caused by. So in that regard you did very well to prompt me to explain is even if in simplistic terms. So tell me Im full of shite if you want some really good stuff.... haha


It's pretty obvious NOW, that if I hadn't been exposed to a toxic environment my whole life, that I wouldn't even be talking about this.

If I were to make an uninformed, stupid , and silly guess, it would be that my bombardment with VAXXXEENS early in my life played a large part in setting in motion the KlusterFukk that my body grew into. Having no knowledge of nutrition until I was FORTY years old also played a part - and I give credit to my chiro for bashing me about the head for THAT info.

It's a khadammed miracle that I can even walk, let alone comprehend multisyllabic words.

If your shit works, I'd be the first to pay accordingly, and then offer a sincere fucking thank you.

"If your shit works"

Why the "if"?  Is fear holding you back? What is your health worth to regain it back from the Medical Mafia's Cult Beliefs?

Here's a brief expose of the Science Humans Trust.

We know Mercury causes a toxic reaction to the body, same as Aluminium.We know when you place a drop of dye in water that it permeates the entire glass in a short period of time.

Why wouldnt a drop of VAXX permeate every cell of YOUR water in a short period of time and be permanent? Well it does.

The Air you breathe has an 'electro-magnetic' charge. This "charge" is what energizes, by INDUCTION, the Red Blood Cells. Now when every cell in the body has been contaminated by Mercury and Aluminium, then the Induction energy MUST pass through these cells and the contaminants change the Vibrational energy that is Inducted to the Red Blood cells that are "tuned" to receive or absorb this "Air" energy.

Childhood Vaxx poisons the Bodies Energy it receives by Induction. The energy from the air you breathe is contaminated by these VAXX's for the rest of your life time. Causing all kinds of NEW Alphabet Diseases.  The same goes for the linings of your intestines and contaminates the "energy" you receive from your Gut digesting the food you eat. We call this problem Leaky Gut, Crones, Irritable bowel syndrome etc and the Medical Mafia now have you as a permanent Patient or customer with more Pills than you could wish for, enough for several lifetimes if you can just get through another day.

In a previous post I recalled the story of a boy made "Autistic" by mandatory Child Care Vaxx and how it took just 3 months of  "Your Shit" to return this boy to being able to talk and feed itself again. I further stated that this can be done to ANY vaxx injured child if done before 7 years of age. and after 14 years of age the Toxic Vaxx has gone into CELLULAR MEMORY and remains as a contaminant for Life if Electro-Magnetic Detox protocols are not implemented. Your Hair will show if you have Arsenic poisoning. This is a natural detox by the body IF it has enough Electro-Magnetic Energy to  excrete the toxin. But It will always be present in Cellular Memory. Unless your science doesnt have 'water memory' then its a GENETIC Disease so we can have Jeans for Genes days and do Genetic Modifications on Babies In Uterus giving QUACKS unlimited funds to do Generic Research all made possible by childhood VAXX.

There is no "IF". Its been proven millions of times it works. There are very few 'pathogenic diseases' we have found it to NOT be effective on and there are other ways to 'electro-magnetically' fix these.

This MED BATH will NEVER be accepted by main Stream Quackery as "they" are about making you a Customer for life, not curing. Only the Open minded people who understand what FAITH is, will experiment with Healing in the Electric Universe. The rest will trust the Science and Get the Jab. The Med Bath is the most powerful Natural Immunity Booster EVER Invented or Created under God. Its all about your Bio Charge that keeps you young and healthy.

And while on the JAB, the ingredients, like bits of AIDS Virus and Human Fetus bits will NOT, like the dye in water, permeate your every water cell in your body, so they use GRAPHENE to Transfer these contaminants by VIBRATIONAL Energies to modify every cell like the Mercury does to Lung Cells and 'oxygen'.

While the MED BATH aka Bio Electric Field Enhancement unit cannot reverse the damage, it can stop further damage, allowing the body to recover the best it can when dealing with MAN MADE Poisons.

All those who Got The JAB, unknowingly signed up to be part of an Experiment. Did you know Life Insurance does not payout of you are part of a medical experiment. In OZ Insurance companies are NOT excepting New Life Insurance policies. Your Govt, entered into a CONTRACT with the Experimental Health providers and you WILL COMPLY with all their mandates until you die. The UN will ENFORCE this by them Free Trade agreements, like TPP, the govt have sold you out to. Bio War 3 has only just begun after the Battle for Your Mind.... which You Lost. If your car isnt worth insuring, you sell the body parts and cremate or recycle it. If the Human Body isnt worth Insuring anymore... what does that tell you about what your Govt thinks of you? After all, you cannot have kids after the Jab so you are no longer a valuable slave producing commodity.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE AND EFFECTIVE VAXX. Man cannot make better what God Created. Salk, the inventor of Small pox vaxx, testified before the Senate that all Smallpox outbreaks since 1961 were from the VAXX. POLIO is caused by too much SUGAR in the Diet. Sugar, another poison like Table salt, promoted by those who create too many "shekels" aka invisible chains of slavery.

It is my opinion, like the designer of the 7 rings did, that is to take a MED BATH immediately after the Jabby Jabby Joo Juice injection, it will negate the VAXX in its entirety. TJ had FAITH in his Invention. This is after all, GOD SCIENCE. More trusting than MAN Science. No "ifs" about it.

Lots of "ifs" in Man's Quackery


You do recall that I sought your products out... I read what you offered; I have a diversified education; I have a colorful history, even though it is human; I believe you.

I am no customer to these poseurs, except for the orthopedic work - and at that time, I knew no better, I needed quick work - at least according to the usual muscle atrophy and impinged nerve data they follow. I know that they are quacks, worse still, they really aren't very intelligent. Unfortunately, in my "family", I was the first to divert from the status quo... I had no real guidance.

I do not recall how to acquire the items that make your Med Bath functional for a regular human like me. If you have the time, please enlighten me.

The "If your shit works" entry, was a loose sarcastic comment opposite of the truth. Clear now??

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and wonderful holidays to everyone!

@old-wine and @goldleaf  Thank you both! I think I got myself back together. At least parts. It dawned to me that I was pressuring myself doing everything from scratch just because I know how to do it. Turns out hubby and kids don't mind me buying the cookies and icing. And so we decorated cookies together and ate them xD And presents were "unwrapped" in multiple turns so the kids could go and enjoy the new toys and then came the next ones.

So it's ok over here.

Merry Late Christmas to everyone!

My favourite gift this year was a bracelet made for me by my youngest niece.

Finances were a bit tighter than I expected so couldn't do much for many people - however I did buy the guard at the car park gatehouse at work a big box of chocolates. Literally everyone did the same for the departments inside, but nobody remembered the guy sitting in the cold who lets us into work every day.

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