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Christmas holidays

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A few things, please hear me out here, but I am not arguing. I just want to explain my train of thought here.

@goldleaf Yes, you are right that there is a separate Mantid thread, but you know the story "A Xmas Carol" by Charles Dickens? Well that is a Xmas story with the Mantids/Guardian Angels/Xmas Spirits. And the reason I had brought the Mantids into this thread is because I got a "happy holidays" greeting from them in my dream (seriously--the words materialised on "fortune cookie paper"). And I thought that @dsklausler was maybe feeling a little "scroogey" despite what sounds like a great upcoming holidays with his family. Honestly, I just thought it wasn't right for him to feel so ornery during the holiday season, and it was a "misfire" I guess on my part. My apologies.

On another note, does anyone here have any affection for "A Xmas Carol" by Dickens? My favourite versions are the animated Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck version, and the "Scrooged" version with Bill Murray. I can see the the lads on this forum are more oriented towards action flicks.

(note--I cannot paste the link of the YouTube link to Mickey's Xmas Carol)

So I just want to make my case that the subject of Mantids do bleed into the subject of Xmas. It's not entirely separate, when you consider that in the story "A Xmas Carol", the Mantids in "traditional folklore form" play a big part in reminding Scrooge what Xmas really means.

dsklausler, I do apologise if the (mild) comparison between Scrooge Mcduck and you annoys you. I certainly don't mean it that way. Think of it as a playful kind of ribbing, all well meaning.

Though this thread is supposed to be about joy in the holiday season (and that's what it should be, I do agree with that), I also feel that this is actually hard for many people these days. I believe that suicide rates in some parts of the world actually go up, because instead of people focusing on what went right, they only focus on what went wrong. 2 years ago, my mother in law was depressed (!) because the holiday season reminded her how fast time goes by and that we are all getting older and will eventually die. She actually broke down crying, even with all the food, Xmas decorations, everything! I was bewildered and couldn't relate, but I also knew I had to be a little bit more sensitive.  Just because I didn't feel that way doesn't mean her feelings weren't real or legitimate.

For someone like me, I think, how can we infect people with positivity (yes, be like a good virus)? Why should bad viruses have all the fun with a high rate of infection (ROI)? I feel that "the good guys" need to do a better job utilising and developing better "infection" weapons for the mind and body. If the mind and body are infected with good things, bad things can't infect them.

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@old-wine Can you please start experimenting with me? Please infect me with "christmas-21"!! I already started with trying to not compare myself with you and all the others having friends and family over and all the decorations up. There is no picture in my head how I want my Christmas to look like. I left so much last year when moving to Finland I have no ideas what it could look like, what fits....

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

DSK is Scrooge McDuck? Egad.

Sorry, just have to rib you haha. I actually get where you're coming from. I'm from the "Mass Psychosis" camp sent here to spy on these revelers.

Yes, @old-wine, there's a lot of psychological pressure out there. You need to sneeze more of your good virus on fellow mankind.

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

OK, I am the biggest idiot ever. I finally learned how to put links in the post (d'oh). I can see why my Mantid preferred the electronics route to get my attention.

First, a heavy metal Xmas song:

A Micky Mouse Xmas short:

Pluto's Xmas Tree:

It is my hope that some will be tickled with these videos. Enjoy!

@mirri Since you are in Finland, here is a Finnish movie I really enjoyed about Santa Claus called "Rare Exports". Have you seen it yet? If not, please do. It's a great movie!

It actually reveals that Santa was "not a nice guy" (to put it mildly). However, this is a comedy/mild horror movie, with a child-friendly happy ending. I really loved it. In this movie, something that was actually bad was harnessed and repurposed into something that is actually good. Infection is just a tool, I believe. My criticism is that the good has to be better at not letting the "bad" turf them out on useful tools and methods. How is it that evil gets to have the patent on infection? That's BS I say.

Strangely, I prefer to have the look of a "white Xmas", though I can't tolerate the reality of it (I hate cold weather and get circulation problems in my feet). So I have a flocked fake tree. You have a real "White Xmas", though perhaps the darkness can be unsettling (you are in the North, after all). Have you started with lights at least? The light spectrum will at least do something to change your mood.

You have pastry you feel inspired to create something just for the season, but it's YOUR design? That's what I did with the ribbons...I made sure it wasn't anything that has been shown on Pinterest or instagram or whatever (though I haven't checked Tik Tok...I am at least satisfied that my ribbon style hasn't been seen ANYWHERE in my area in Southern France). You seem very happy when you're pouring out your effort into some dessert.

As you can see, I went "overboard" on my gift wrapping (MM's words on his latest post). I think you are fully capable of going "overboard" in your tan pastry creation. Even if it's a failure the first time, I'm sure you will hit a homer eventually, and it will be ALL YOURS. I dunno if that's a motivation for you though...I know it is for me. It's just a suggestion. It will be unique, no one else's.

Gosh, I hope what I said helps. Because it really bothers me when people don't feel the holiday magic. I hope this virus sticks...

Quote from Memory Loss on December 16, 2021, 7:02 pm

DSK is Scrooge McDuck? Egad.

Yeah that's crazy talk.

Actually, I'm quite generous... I understand well the downtrodden of this country, and those coming from shaky parenting.

You wouldn't be able to tell any of these things (that I have revealed) from meeting me on the street... I look pretty good - hah! some more modesty!

Just one more thing: yeah, I have some physical pain, but I am well aware that what I deal with doesn't come close to what many others experience; THAT list would be long. Mine is highlighted by anger - also not unique. MENTAL pain... now that is something that I would rather not have; or simply losing your marbles. I have given my three close buddies stern instructions if I lose my mind - get me drunk, and accidentally shove me off one of the cliffs that we frequent on our backpacking trips.

Edit: I AM thankful; I know that I have things and abilities that many do not. I just DEMAND that my body perform the way that it was designed and highly trained to do.


Back to christmas - almost - we don't celebrate that religious shite. We go pagan with the Winter Solstice; though I do understand well the meaning that it plays in many, many peoples lives. I treat them and that accordingly and respectfully.

There are a whole series of Windham Hill produced recordings titled "Winter Solstice XX" those spin on random this time of year at my house. Check em out.

@old-wine No apology needed. We like to derail ourselves 🙂 My question on mantids was completely unrelated so I revived the old thread. And that's what got me thinking that maybe it's not just mantids...

@mirri I remember the first time we spent our Christmas alone after a move. Leading up to the day I was fairly upset about it. Afterwards I realized it was pretty awesome. It was the most relaxing Christmas I'd ever had. No family drama, hurt feelings or feeling resentful afterwards! Now we prefer to spend our Christmas alone with just us and the cats. Christmas music plays all day while lasagna prep goes on and we leave the living room a mess of wrapping paper for the cats to play with lol

@dsklausler Have you heard Joe Dispenza's story about how he repaired his spine utilizing intention and visualization after an accident that left him wheelchair bound? Doctors said he'd never walk again. Know what? Screw doctors. There are many videos of interviews of him telling his story. Here's one on Youtube:

Change your thoughts, change your life.

Here they are:

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Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on December 16, 2021, 10:50 pm

@dsklausler Have you heard Joe Dispenza's story about how he repaired his spine utilizing intention and visualization after an accident that left him wheelchair bound? Doctors said he'd never walk again. Know what? Screw doctors. There are many videos of interviews of him telling his story. Here's one on Youtube:

Change your thoughts, change your life.

Back when I was speaking to The Commander - offering my services (whatever that's worth)... I stipulated fixing my body as a "payment." I believe what you are saying, but I also believe that those changes were accomplished by simply Sliding to a World Liine where all else was the same EXCEPTING the body hadn't been damaged (or it was magically repaired). So, my attempts to Slide, or barter for repair, have been unsuccessful.

I was looking into that Magnetized Bath @merlynn was advocating - as a possible remedy. However, my injuries were extensive. The very best imaging tools, and the surgical eyes while IN MY BODY, indicate that I have virtually no disks at L3-L4, L4-L5 & L5-S1. The historic damage was very closely related to [?genetic?] arthritis, but the aggravating events were 50 years of running, nearly 20 years of full martial arts (at an advanced age), and an incident that did the rupturing: lifting while twisting a very heavy object. According to my surgeon(s) and my chiro... the only reason that I was able to continue to do what I was doing is that I trained the musculature to compensate for the lack of properly functioning vertebral disks - that, and I was very good at ignoring pain. The Main Event (and a few related fixes) was way back in 2003, and the Stenosis has only worsened since... two more recent procedures addressed that directly by reeming out my nerve ports down low. The "permanent" nerve damage is minimal. That's only my back; I have a few other fun issues going on as well. But as I mentioned before: these are all orthopedic in nature; better than a lot of other maladies.

"I was looking into that Magnetized Bath @merlynn was advocating - as a possible remedy. However, my injuries were extensive. The very best imaging tools, and the surgical eyes while IN MY BODY, indicate that I have virtually no disks at L3-L4, L4-L5 & L5-S1. The historic damage was very closely related to [?genetic?] arthritis,"

This is pretty simplified but its all I have time for today.

What is a Battery? What is Bio Electricity? What are “nerves”? What are L3’s? L4’s? What are Plates in a Battery? The Batteries of a WW2 Spitfire were the length of the entire underbelly fuselage of the plane and were made with Salt Water, copper plates and hessian bags. (sorta) When Joe was at Cape York Peninsula back in the 1970’s, he came across a Spitfire wrecked at the end of the runway in the jungle and sat in the cockpit and noticed the key was still in the ignition so he turned it and the engine cranked over after nearly 30 years being wrecked. They were designed to be SELF CHARGING and pack enough Punch to turn over a Rolls Royce engine and never need charging. They built them different in them days.

A Battery makes use of the Natural Energy flow inherent in Differential Energy materials.

NiCad Batteries, Lithium Ion, Lead Acid. Batteries require TWO Differential “materials” and the resultant ‘Flow of Vibrations” we call ‘electricity’.

The Hip Ball Joint and the Socket in the Pelvis are TWO different Energy Materials. Each ‘Joint’ in the spinal column has an energy differential between them. Each and every bone in the body is connected to and separate from each other and each and every one of them has a Positive and negative end. A Battery goes “flat” when ONE SIDE of the Plates in the battery degrades or corrodes or oxidizes or ‘rusts’.  They just don’t build them like they did in the Spitfires anymore. They KNOW what is required to make a battery last forever but there’s no money in that.

They DO NOT KNOW of the ‘Battery effect’ between bones. Instead they call it (genetic) Arthritis and sell you artificial knees, hips and Disc Surgery.

What is wrong is the Body Electronics are ‘disrupted’ by injury or diet or wrong SALTS as in the Spitfire batteries. Sea salt works for everlasting batteries. Sea salt works for proper Diet. Chicken salt or NaCl laced with Iodine does NOT work for Human Batteries and it’s a proven fact that too much ‘Table Salt’ gives you Arterial sclerosis or blocked arteries near the Heart as it changes the Charge within the body and the Higher Positive charged blood from the lungs ELECTROPLATES the Fats (cholesterol)to the sides of the Arteries ONLY.  But eat Diet foods to fix this and wonder why you never actually get better. They make you a customer for life. Same goes for Vaxxines.

One of the Design Parameters of the Bio Electric Field Enhancement Device was to ‘balance the Field charges’ or more accurately, realign the Bio Meridian Energy Grids within the Human Aura so the Electrical wiring of the body, (nerves) operate in harmony, not with degrading friction. The correct CHARGES exist between each bone of the spinal column so the body can repair the damage caused by excessive use. Friction is caused by excessive differential battery charges. Friction is two magnetic charges interacting. Even a grinding disc on an angle grinder is magnetically eroding the surface of another material. There is no such thing as a Chemical reaction, its ALL magnetic Interactions.

So to go to a Doctor who knows absolutely nothing about body electronics for help and healing with a body thats at Dis Ease due to Bio Charges and letting them cut out that which they don’t understand is pretty smart dontcha think?

So to make a Golden Wand with too many plates of Nylon and brass screws holding it together might have several ‘battery effects’ that interfere with the Charging of the gold rods yes?

Do you get the “idea” now?





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