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By the way, funny what you mentioned about Korea North and South, the wife had a conversation with somebody along those very same lines. More on that another time. And whatever is going on with the rockets thing of late, there's definitely more to that story. I sense a major shift underway, personally, as far as loyalties and alignments go geopolitically-- lots going on here. Maybe the Koreans are starting to discover the Rainbow Coalition aren't the most reliable of partners. Nor as you rightly point out are the grunts set up for a fight. I mean look at the guy cutting the cake above-- does he look like the kind that'll keep it together when things heat up? One thing is for sure: it's gonna be a bad hair day for him once the hypersonics get locked and loaded. Let alone fired.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@ultan-mcg I am justglad things are working out for you over there. The amount of stress that you could have caused for your kitties - well, nobody wants that. They are cats. As long as they are in their element they will thrive. The fact that you didn’t want to put anything through that speaks volumes. It’s hard enough for YOU - a Human that has an understanding of why everything is different. Think about a little fur ball.

My wife went through the pig thing too… “oh they are like puppies and they are clean and…”- until we actually moved to a farm and had to deal with WILD boar. They are tasty but MEAN. And destroy everything. They are always wormy so you gotta really cook the meat, but slow smoked boar is a Floridian delicacy. If you buy your country place and you have wild boar - get a good smoker. It will NOT disappoint!

I can’t go into all the fireworks on the peninsula but you know that you are right. All the oddness with the whole Family to the North - it’s all alignments. Political - sure - buy from this vantage point - it’s more of - they never allied with the “Soul Suckers” (MY term) so now that they are packing their shit and hauling ass - and because of the Zero Time Reference about 1000 US Veterans accidentally created - totally off the Radar - they are open to negotiations with the One of The Seats. And here we go.

He and his Sister SAVE the entire peninsula and unites it. And honestly, after the way he is about to be treated, I wouldnt. But he does. When you see satellite views of the peninsula AFTER the attack you will see it looks like a white blur. THAT thing saves the peninsula. The device he uses looks exactly like an iPhone.

He also has a device that looks and acts like an iPhone that can wipe a continent off the map. Right now. He has this shit.

They are SO valuable because none of them ever interacted with this online internet thing. And none of them have the emotions and Human connections we carry. Anyone over the age of 40 also has a special pineal. But THAT type of virgin pineal is like Gold. You don’t find THAT type of virgin pineal anywhere else.

Anyway, I am glad it’s going well! It’s my understanding that “South Korea” has a lot of cool gadgets and shit that can keep anyone entertained!

This I know to be True.


Ultan McG and Qurow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGQurow

A couple of us have put together a mini book collection for all sorts of stuff that could help us on our journeys. If anyone's interested in joining, please post here.

Feal has reacted to this post.

No way. Free? No catch? I cannot believe it!


Wait. Will this help free me from this Prison Planet? Can I read those books while waiting for rescue by the Domain? I mean we'll be stuck since we're not going to the Tunnel of Light.

I get a free reading lamp right? So many questions...


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle hit a home run with the Sleuth. Echoes of a more civilised time, could be a basis for building a new future.

Quote from Mirri on January 25, 2022, 12:03 am

@alice About the imagination... do you then think, what happens in the physical realm is someone elses dreams? And do you put dreams into your imagination?

MIRRI! I randomly opened an MM tab and this comment just took me by surprise. Has it been a year and 1/2? My original response to your question is proof to myself that I lacked a sound train of thought. The Hatter wasn’t mad, it was Alice the whole time.

I have asked myself your first question for 7-8 months now. Each experience within my higher state of awareness thus far consistently transcends anything comparable to that of my peers in this game. Also, the work I do in this state accomplishes SOMETHING, yet it never seems to fit with the ones I choose to surround myself with. My inability to connect MY DOTS to those I hold so dear to me - singularly is the most maddening thing I have ever experienced. Feeling this way ALWAYS brings me to the question “who’s dream am I stuck in?”. It’s the only logical answer I can deduce with the position of working alone (in the awaken state). I know this is not the case, in my core. However, the rational mind has a limited vantage point to anchor too. I’m sure this is by design, at my current stage.

Do I put dreams in my imagination?  Good question - my excitement kills my transitioning every. Damn. Time. However, I think Dae would agree to this being KEY to a successful awaken transition to dream world. Anticipating the day I’m successful here is like the 30+ years I’ve anticipated going to Disney World. But i do know one thing….. when the day comes, there is no cutting my wings. Catch me if you can 😉

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I wasn't sure where to post this but Metallicman's books were obviously on my list and so I got them thanks to some extra cash that came about recently.

I noticed though when searching Amazon for "Majestic Disclosure" or "Robert Vannrox" or a combination of both that nothing turned up in the search.  I also tried a search on Metallicman but that just results in a bunch of metallic looking men's clothes.   Is Amazon or perhaps our government intentionally trying to block people from finding MM's books?  The only way I could find them was from the links here on the A1 Top Master Index Page.


MM, Metallicman, and myself have to be one of the most censored people on the planet. I am ghost shadowed, blinded, and censored by all sorts of means. Which is why that I argue that if you somehow found me here, that you are special.

Here's one of my you-tube videos it shows you where I live. No politics. No secret stuff. Nothing controversial. But it too is censored in about 80% of the world. I wonder if you can watch it.


Yes there was no problem watching it.  I was trying to tell what the large green areas were in the video.  It didn't look like trees or grass.  Some type of vegetation or farming?

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