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A Christmas Message From Oz

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Ah the music, the sound the words c is quite a pan, panel of my envy life, I love the psychiadelic and or minimalist one, I explain myself The sound transports you or accompanies you in a torrent with its deep notes which draws me towards an elsewhere yet just here even as if from minimalism to psychedelic there was a close fractal relationship, which pushes you back the better to pull you down and that my mind s enlarged by taking the place of expansion. Some chason's tidy words sound the same one word is a world resembling Alice's rabbit hole and each slide brings awe-inspiring and deep journey. I tried to integrate myself into a pirate radio some 15 years ago but the band does not invest itself alone is not a pleasure, so I always left the same energy and music let's be tolerance it's not easy to build. Well done for those who try.

Exemple :

Hoshi .Et même après je t aimerai

Subscape. A lot à learn

Synapson . All in you (feat.Anna Kova)

Yungchen Lhamo.AMA.  Fade Away

Ainsi de suite MP moi pour partager j ai de quoi faire



@azark, I like French music. Singers and songwriters like Helen Segara, Charles Aznavour, Garou, Lynda Lemay, Jacques Brel rock!  There's something about French music and the songwriting which is just that little different from the Anglo music world. Thank you for your recommendations.

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I remembered that someone had said that most certainly you in fact and as the last day year arrives I said to myself that this sharing could be welcome, I hope that MM tolerates this intrusion because I find that there is more in addition a progression towards the application between everything that has been written, said and even verifiable by the news or our lives. Yes, sound is a weapon. The intention forms the ammunition, Of flowers or stems.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on December 30, 2021, 6:57 am

I hope you all enjoy it! This is the foundation of what’s to come on planet Earth.

Who's planet earth, my scaly, cold-blooded friend?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

The Earth I am standing on right now.

This I know to be true.


Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on December 31, 2021, 5:57 am

The Earth I am standing on right now.

This I know to be true.


My Mantid (c) says: "Dave, you have been ordered to stay on the ShitShowEarth as penalty for past crimes. No soup for you!"

I don't think that that is quite the one you dwell upon.

Could you imagine, experiencing Earth not as a PPE? Like see everything as it is? Incredible to think. I imagine it would be similar to Pandora in Avatar.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 31, 2021, 11:24 pm

Could you imagine, experiencing Earth not as a PPE? Like see everything as it is? Incredible to think. I imagine it would be similar to Pandora in Avatar.

Alice, if you can locate the tickets, I'm buying.

I pray it’s the Earth’s future. She surely deserves the break. Once the traps are all disabled.... Why would the OE imprison sentience on such a beautiful planet? When I think of a Prison Planet, I imagine a more treacherous environment.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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