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A Christmas Message From Oz

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Sorry, basically this is a great short film making me think about the field but more short film. Merry Christmas again I hope you like it there is English subtitle too

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


That was one of the best short films I have come across.

I wish English was your first language - because nothing in it should be lost in translation.

Thank you for sharing this. I actually bookmarked it, it’s that good in my opinion.

Merry Christmas to you too.

This I know to be true.


azark has reacted to this post.


”“Told me to watch out. That they will steal your Emeralds when you aren’t paying attention.“ ”

Not all that is green and physically hard are Emeralds.

What is green that you hold to be special? Money? A plant or tree?

What is it that whoever would take it? Another person? Anything not from this Earth can take what it wants at will. Anytime. In fact - there are human beings and technology that can make ANYTHING including money, appear at will.

What makes YOUR green stuff so special? The soil? The music you play? How you interact with it? Those are the things I would explore.

Don’t forget to talk to your greenery. I freaking talk to them like they are friends. I am CONSTANTLY thanking them. They all are dying to give all people their secrets.

THIS I know to be true.



Your post alert, the door slammed and my phone started playing “Can’t Stop” by Red Hot ChiliPeppers waking me up. I guess I drifted to sleep. I haven’t listen RHCP since 2005

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

That’s one of their best songs! Californication is an old, old friend.

This I know to be true.


Quote from pissedlizard on December 30, 2021, 5:00 am

That’s one of their best songs! Californication is an old, old friend.

This I know to be true.


You know Mr. Lizard, I am forced to reluctantly agree. I say reluctantly because after I found bona fide evidence of a few of the member's indiscretions with [very] young ladies, I was put off - to put it lightly. I just cannot tolerate that kind of abuse. YES; other abuse is OK - like tearing my ears apart from cranked music.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


I couldn’t agree more about that or any abuse.

It’s the EFFECT of the sound and everything around it.

Let me go further, as it is now the time.

@Alice I actually wrestled to get this info for you and several others who ask “what in the heck am I supposed to listen to”?

Keep in mind that this was only “discovered” by humans in 2019 - less than 2 years ago.

I uploaded the first paper for you all to read - in fact - I’ll break it down for anyone and everyone within 48 hours from when I post this - and likely sooner than later.

You all make a great case. You are all beloved. Think what you want - but I know this to be True.

This is a rough paper to digest, so look at it from 30000 feet. It’s meant to confuse.

But it’s pretty cool. REAL cool.

I hope you all enjoy it! This is the foundation of what’s to come on planet Earth.

THIS I know to be true.


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Alice has reacted to this post.

PL, you have been hinting nicely about gravity for a long time. Would love to understand something completely new to most of us (and me too haha). We probably should have a thread for technical stuff, because they are all scattered, all over the place.

Do a column, Godzilla.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Are you about to prove my- Music is the foundation of my universe- theory is true?

Thank you for this info! I feel like this is going to blow my mind, when I know what I am reading..... I have to be intentional and thorough with physics,  so I dont know if 30000 feet would help. I will be eagerly waiting for your “-Physics for Dummies” parsing.

I do want to note that the formulas reminded me of Hebrew lettering from 2 feet, so there is hope for me hopefully.

Nothing of mine is green. Money has never been appealing to me, its the root in my experience. Emerald is my birth stone and I have had an odd dream about Emeralds, recently. Other than that, I have not a clue what my OP was warning about. The story in Revelations just came to mind...


azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hi, what are those letters and numbers on the Hebrew alphabet to be precise and to get an idea. as well as the corresponding phonetics. Thank you @Alice 

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