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Weird half dream or crowd sourced group think

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Feel better soon @alice! Sending some healing thoughts your way.

Weird coincidence. I had a health thing this week too. Mine's done though.

@memory-loss Don't forget our conversation. You need to dig into that issue.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Yo GL. Yeah I have to dig into something. Hopefully it will come to me.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I remember it. Don't want to keep crashing your computer though! Ugh. This is hard.

Ok... I'm going to try to mention it obliquely. If it still crashes your browser, can you post in another thread? Then I'll edit the comment out. I'll wait for you to acknowledge you've seen this first.

@memory-loss, was there anything after the "quelques?" Because it seems like that word usually is paired with another, like "quelques chose"=something.

I had a series of dreams last night which I actually remembered so I wrote them down. Not LD or anything special, but they were clearer than most I've had recently. There was sort of an apocalyptic theme to them, about gifted children trying to evade capture.

Nope @jaytnr1357,  it was my autospell so there wasn't anything after that. But when I tried again to see if it was repeatable, it wasn't in my autospell list. So now I have to look at @azark 's writings real closely. He has actually given me one weird idea about our dreams.


This dream of yours, would there be any pop culture references?

My idea is that the dreams use a translator. But not an universal translator. Alternatively not a common translator that is hooked up online. Question, do we tap into a common consciousness when we dream?

Trying to borrow from azark 's point of view has actually given me many lines of queries. Like when we interpret, do we use a common dictionary? And can we force the use of a common dictionary or interpretor?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
  • Nous sommes connectés à l'information et devons la transmettre pour la proposer avant qu'elle ne déraille et c'est pourquoi la nature a un modèle très solide. Commençant par un lieu et parti pour trouver le lieu
congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
  • We are connected to information and have to pass it on to deliver it before it goes off the rails and it s a collective with the old empire and rufus is the standard maximum equilibrium accessible
congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Or the reason the info isnt so black and white is because the Memory traps are still in place? Its kind of like what Airl said about Vedic Hymns in the Interview. The truth is scattered amongst riddles, imagination, and rabbit holes.

My theory is, once we hone our ESP abilities and can Astral communicate - we wont connect the dots. Especially not on a public forum.

The only dreams I remember are ones that are gifted. Our collective reality and fantasies set the stage for the ones that are skilled in remembering. There is constants in all the dreams. Old wine has a white woman, husband and Asian-esk lover. GL is a recruiter? Or studying or recruiting members. Shes the linker. There is more but that is what I can remember without looking.

Just my input


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Goldleaf on January 9, 2022, 12:06 am

Ok... I'm going to try to mention it obliquely. If it still crashes your browser, can you post in another thread? Then I'll edit the comment out. I'll wait for you to acknowledge you've seen this first.

I forget what was crashing my browser. We had a convo I know but I can't remember now. 😂


Edit: Joe Desponza? Just occurred to me.

It's more extensive than I thought haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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