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Weird half dream or crowd sourced group think

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Quote from Alice on January 9, 2022, 2:01 pm

Or the reason the info isnt so black and white is because the Memory traps are still in place? Its kind of like what Airl said about Vedic Hymns in the Interview. The truth is scattered amongst riddles, imagination, and rabbit holes.

My theory is, once we hone our ESP abilities and can Astral communicate - we wont connect the dots. Especially not on a public forum.

The only dreams I remember are ones that are gifted. Our collective reality and fantasies set the stage for the ones that are skilled in remembering. There is constants in all the dreams. Old wine has a white woman, husband and Asian-esk lover. GL is a recruiter? Or studying or recruiting members. Shes the linker. There is more but that is what I can remember without looking.

Just my input


Hey @alice hope you are doing better now.

Yes we are like puppies in your bounding box. But a bounding box is just arbitrary set of lines. An invisible cat is probably not subject to the rules of the game.

I'm looking at a common translator or interpretor so we can meet in some dream world. And you are looking at the boundaries of that world.

If the boundaries are malleable or permeable then we have a start somewhere. But if there is a cheat code, then we can manifest the boundaries to be visible. Or we can make the boundaries to poof! away if we know such cheat codes.

Or we can manifest that doorway between the pocket universe and beyond. @garrire will know which pop culture references I'm on about.

I have taken @azark 's idea literally, but am focusing on pop culture. The Commander mentioned that some techniques of technology in some cultures involves just ritual. Predictive programming involves implanting of ideas in the collective consciousness in order to manifest <something> by using some popular medium.

Throw more stuff into the pot, guys.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss You're on the right track. A book by Joe D and we were talking about manifesting. Basically bullet point 3 in your list in the original post. Any time I gave you the book title or tried to talk deeper about he subject, you crashed.

No more crash tho. I'm beginning to think that the way to tell us stuff is to crash our machines. It wasn't a warning but encouragement.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I think this thing runs on your individual cultural settings. So for an aboriginal Aussie, he will have another set of references that may not mesh with yours. 500BC guy in Greece will have his unique settings too.

I'm gonna try using MM's template thingie here. Not sure how at this point. Maybe there is a baseline reality template?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

ML, I agree it's based on your individual cultural setting and whatever you've seen or experienced in your day to day life. I play a lot of video games, so they feature prominently in my dreams--for the series that I mentioned above, in the first dream that night I was my character from my favorite rpg game, doing what she does best, killing titanic monsters and demons, but the funny thing is she needed to take a bus to cross the city to reach a titan, and that game is set in pre-industrial times.

The last dream before I woke up was in "movie" mode where I was more of an observer, and it was following classic Disney Channel teen movie style. I don't watch those movies now but I did years back.

Oooooo Im back. Man they had my consciousness locked down! Ok I just had a thought.- What type of Sentients are Mantid Primes? A Rufus type of Soul Config? Just throwing that out there

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I am going to throw this out there because I have to. Before my weird health thing, before Christmas even, around my weird surgery room (XoX Az)- when I stopped seeing a pattern in dreams, I thought I am going to pick a platform that will be my signature stage. I cannot remember my dreams, I have seen my reflection- but what proof? A couple nights ago I said to my self, ‘Self- whats your signature? The one place youve dreamed of going but never had the luck, the buck, or the ducking fortune to go? My dream world in the physical is a Mouses House. “A dream is a wish your heart makes, when your fast asleep....”

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice I had a dream last week about meeting a woman at a Disney park... 🙂 It's over in the Dream Share thread.

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