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The moon - after reading here - EVERY night it’s out! But this video...

I love this guy. First, he talks the talk. Hospitalists - the docs whose sole job is to be in the hospital - do not know what sun downing is. And it’s real. And it’s in psych texts now.

My approach to hallucinationins was different, so I had a little better success with meds, but here is why. Again, taught verbatim from a mentor who really did understand and I hope to see again to thank, but here was my rule of thumb:

If what the voices are saying is silly, think MANIA (ah-ha, right? YES mania presents with hallucinations!) - with mania you do not use antipsychotics or selective serotonin receptor inhibitor - that makes matters worse. Manic psychosis you use a salt, like lithium. But I digress... If the voices are silly - for example, patient states “I have a new machine that I am building and the president wants me to be at the whitehouse today”... that is “silly”. I am NOT discounting it I’m showing you how I approached this.
If what the voices are saying is DISTURBING - think schizophrenia - in which case it’s a crap shoot with meds. Disturbing being... patient states “I have a machine that is going to kill ...” totally different ballgame.

NOW that being said I want you to see this from my vantage point. First, like that clinician in the video, I believe antipsychotics as well as other psych meds HAVE A PLACE. If they work and can bring the patient to be able to perform activities of daily living on their own with minimal side effects and positive nightly sleep- yup - I am for it. However, this scenario works very very well on manic psychosis versus schizophrenic psychosis. MUCH better. Here I am actually going to add a MM style bullet point because the average person doesn’t “see” that this stuff goes on - but you know it does. So anyway:

Mania-I am going to describe as best I can what I see it as and then try to tell you the “modern medicine” take then my thought. Mania is described as being as high on cocaine or methampetamine  (or adderall/Ritalin) high - that never ends. For those of you who don’t know what that feels like - pat yourself on the back! - but it feels like your brain is doing 150mph in neutral. And you want to have sex with everything on top of that.  Which is why manic women are so promiscuous.  (My thought - they turn the driving over to another frequency while the conscious freq drops down to a lower one). But that’s mania. Think about not sleeping for days on end. THAT is what happens.

Scizophrenic psychosis is a totally different animal. This is where I agree to a point with the clinician. This kind of hallucination or psychosis is exactly as the cases presented were. I personally loved how he presented it. Articulation is not my strong point and he did it well. Lots of “voices” we ALL have - just some a little more evil than others.

This is where we part ways. Now, I am going to look further into his theory and may think otherwise, but I’m not sold. He sounds like he is going down the road of Scientology and I believe Mormonism. And my issue with it - is pointing blame at something misses the point. For example, saying “these are entities that are taking your energy for - whatever” is very different than “my energy is being taken by this entity. Am I sure it is doing me harm?”.
If I don’t understand anything ABOUT the entity, than I cannot possibly know it’s intent. I know that sounds all soy-boyish - and I’m not that - but I do believe - NOW - that these are frequencies that are altering thoughts. 20 years ago I didn’t. Like that clinician I was very intrigued and 1000% agree with his assessment and hopes he gets it published - but at the time - even up till relatively recently (10 years)  knowing full well that we had no clue what we were doing as psychiatrists - my belief was that it was an organic disease that could be treated medically. But as the clinician said- the voices never go away. They just become “manageable”. Which led me to my beliefs.

I do not believe in Scientology. Period. And I looked. They hate psychiatrists. Worse than anyone. I had to know why. I did my due diligence and there you go. I do not believe it.

Here is the problem. Psychiatrists are people. Most do NOT want to be psychiatrists. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in med school goes in looking to be a shrink. What happens is in year 3 and 4 you do clinical rotations. All you do is rectal exams. For your first few months and on. Nothing,  and I mean NOTHING clears a table next to you at a pizza a place faster than “hey, ya know how many butt holes this finger has been in today”?... Fast.

Med students see this and say “THIS???? Buttholes, shit, snot and body fluids flying everywhere??? Nope. And there are born psychiatrists. Also the ones who mentally have it bad IN med school. They become shrinks. Nobody in a first or second year wants it. It’s a very easy residency to get. You will always get the job out of med school so to speak. And you have the people like me who fell out of their first residency and fell into it. It matched me because I have always been into ethnobotany. And I’ll leave that at that.

So most psychiatrists don’t really want to be there. They want the 9-5, 3 days a week, no call, no midnight bullshit, stable lifestyle.

I clicked with psychiatric patients. In med school the first 2 years are book work the last 2 are in the hospital. We all do a psych rotation. I clicked with the patients. I wanted to operate more so I went a different route, but every single patient is opened with “My name is Dr. —, I want you to know two things - I believe you and I will never judge you”. The reactions always were positive. Even the kids looking for adderall would say “awww, I can’t lie to you doc...”

Again, other than the what are they doing versus what are they? I couldn’t agree more with this guy and appreciate you sending it my way!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

There are obviously things going on with people with mental and social disorders. And the medical profession has barely scratched the surface of it. My first wife, sweet girl, but very sick had mind-blowing abilities. As did all of her family. For instance her cousin could bend spoons. Not a parlor trick. She did it one inch from my nose.

My wife could see things far away, and at different times. She predicted the California earthquake in San Francisco back int eh 1990's and tried desperately to contact our friends there.  And she tried to work through the illness, and the medications helped, but they had side effects that made things worse.

Not to mention evil mob bosses who flooded Massachusetts with fake psychotic medicines (sugar pills) and sent the entire city into an uproar. Suicides spiked like you have no idea.

This is a massive subject, and it's way beyond my ability to grasp.

A cynical old broad-sheet newspaper reporter I know took a trip to Korea-- his first-- and had organised with the embassy to meet an English speaking local guide to see him through one of the big national parks-- which usually incorporate a Buddhist temple, or two, being mountainous for the most part.

So he meets the tour guide who turns out to be a sassy young hotty from the embassy in Seoul; Korean, with an American education. They proceed to climb the trail and they pass on old 'homeless looking' guy sitting on a bench. Very old. Not a monk, apparently.

As the pass, the guy calls out something in Korean, my colleague turns to give his attention, and the sassy young hotty elbows him in the ribs to move on saying something like 'he's just looking for money, ignore him.'

My colleague being British, polite and very interested in other people (attributes not always applicable, generally, of course), couldn't ignore the old guy, that's just not our way, so he greeted him and went to move on beckoned by the hotty, and the old guy calls out clearly and in fluent English: Excuse me, Miss, I'm not looking for money, and I'd like to read sir's palm if I may! He has an interesting face.'

(According to my colleague, how he overheard the hotty being several metres away on a windy day is another matter, right?)

Now, my colleague is also a hard core realist/cynic with very little time for superstition, religion, aliens, astrology or any of that stuff, but out of curiosity (he says later-- sounded to me like he was drawn and not just by the English-- unusual in Korea, too, for that generation) he approached the old guy, sat down and offered his palm.

Long story short, the old guy proceeded to give an accurate account of my colleagues past until the present-- 100% accurate; friends, family, children, career, postings; everything-- and an insight into future possibilities/opportunities and directions that my colleague had been pondering for months. Including a potentially life changing future event that he needed to start preparing for immediately.

In his own words he was so dumbstruck, tears streaming, he sat there for 5 minutes beside the old man in silence, sassy hotty waiting impatiently, before offering the old guy a 10 buck note-- refused-- and walked on with a smile and a wave.

He tells me he's never really recovered from that encounter-- in a positive way-- and never, ever mocked or disregarded anything he couldn't see or verify with his own two eyes since.

Just a story, but anyone who knows about these meta-realities just knows, some of us learn as life goes on; and others stumble across it like my scientifically trained reporter colleague.

It's a funny old world, for sure-- and there are no coincidences, indeed.

congjing yu and lindseigh have reacted to this post.
congjing yulindseigh

"it' a funny old world. There are no coincidences." Indeed.

lindseigh has reacted to this post.

I am sorry to hear about the ex, MM. In an earlier post you mentioned scizoaffective disorder. That’s the hardest to treat (conventionally). For those who don’t know scizoaffective (abbreviated SA) is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

A common misconception about schizophrenia is based an the symptom of hallucinations. Not all get hallucinations - there is catatonic - where they don’t move. There are a whole slew of behavioral things that go on that are called positive or negative signs. Bipolar is highs and (OR) lows.

So the TYPICAL presentation of an SA patient is one who is acting like a few night binge on cocaine, sprinkled with hallucinations, usually the evil flavor.
When someone presents like that first thing ya gotta do is make everyone safe, so you “snow” them or “put them down” with a thing called a B-52. That’s 5mg of haldol - an antipsychotic - and 2mg of Benadryl (the B-in the B-52) to aid in sleep. And go up from there (do a 10 and 4 until they “go down”).

Watching something like this is medieval. Participating in it is absolutely soul crushing. These are living, breathing beings with a soul. They are someone’s loved one. Coming to us in their darkest time-and we treat them worse than animals. It’s disgusting. But there is no alternative right now.

After they start to come around, the haldol usually clears them up a bit. Sometimes not. If not and the person can’t afford real meds they bump up the haldol to a “tolerable” level - meaning being somewhat lucid. If they have money it’s off to the expensive med races. That’s where you literally throw meds at the wall and see what sticks. The problem is with EACH med you have to do a trial of 3 months then a month off if the med don’t work. That’s 3 “chances” per year.
Scizoaffective a slip thru the cracks because nobody sees the bipolar aspect. Patient gets snowed, patient is cured. Now it’s the family members problem.

This is pretty disgusting, right?  Who reading this doesn’t have a family member or they themselves been thru the psych circus? Probably a good amount. This is what it looks like behind the curtain.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The guy in Korea story is awesome! Who wouldn’t be affected by that? It would have freaked me out to the point of getting on plane and getting out of there. Depending on the hottieness of the guide, of course!


well he was shaken to the core, that's for sure. As for the hottie, my colleague got the distinct impression that she was trying to be representative of 'modern Korea' and failing in a way that only amplified her servitude to her Anglosphere masters, rather than displaying any inherent sophistication on her part. Her rudeness toward the old shaman struck my colleague as indicative of a culture trying desperately to be or embrace something it most definitely is not.

Julius Caesar said the same thing about the Britons he came across adapting Roman dress and customs: They think they are displaying their sophistication but rather, they merely display their servitude.

Anyway, it's one trip to Korea he'll never forget.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

If you think that America is a mess today, you should check out other "democracies" in the world. Like South Africa. The looting of the big time malls is horrific. Absolutely horrific.

My gut tells me that THIS is what’s coming to America. In the case of South Africa they are saying they are on the brink of civil war.

That’s what needs to happen there as it does in America. We all saw South Africa descend into chaos after Apartheid. A 30 year slow burn. What I find striking - is like in America - they are all black doing the looting, and all the videos I see - it’s the whites filming. I am not making a racist statement but a statement. It seems some races just feed off chaos. They just do.

I have an app called flight radar 24. With that app you can see all aircraft (that have a transponder on) anywhere in the world. Between 3am and 5am (South Africa time)if you look at the airports on the eastern coast - you see a TON flying out of Washington DC as well as other military bases. They aren’t even HIDING it!!! We are fueling that and are bringing it to America.

All the average person wants is peace.  But they just can’t help themselves in Washington DC.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

and here's a COVID insight from the guy who told me all about the Cosmic War in the Solar System millions of years ago, years ago.

More substantiation of Mr Man's 'hypothesis' re. biowarfare.

Scary stuff, be prepared. It's a short video.

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