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America today

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here's another one for ya, P.L. As a 'science guy' you'll appreciate Duff's concerns, I think. It's just an opinion, of course, as nobody really knows what's happening, but I've been reading Duff for years and he's posted some 'out of the park' reports that after a few years turned out to be true.

I'm not a Duff fanboy, btw-- its' just that as a journalist he's turned out to be correct on many, many occasions. One has to respect that. Even though I disagree with his take on MRNA inoculations, which he seems to gloss over in a way that concerns me. Sure they might protect you, but going by what Farrell above has discovered, at what cost?

Is this whole COVID thing merely about profit now that China has dealt with the attack?

Or, are the inoculations a desperate attempt to protect civilian populations everywhere before a 'rogue group' release another deadlier variant? And that any side effects are acceptable collateral given the alternatives? I mean, hospitals are pretty empty and cancelling regular procedures still-- are they EXPECTING something serious incoming?

Or, or, or-- is this article just another bullshit cover up of a bioattack on China gone horribly wrong, and that's ALL it was about. COVID A for us-- now mutating badly-- and COVID B for China and friends-- dealt with effectively by the Chinese, and either mutating badly, or returned to sender as Mr Man suggested might happen 'this summer' several months ago. It's understandable if Duff and other powerful operators are trying to protect what's left of America's tattered reputation-- and if news got out about what they did to China AND how their puppets went along with it and AGREED to release COVID A on their populations knowing it would kill the weak and elderly, then surely righteous retribution would be called for and in order.

One thing struck me about Duff and a few of the other editors, though, before both Johnson in the U.K. and Trump stateside were elected, they stated clearly that if they achieved power, it would be the end of both countries-- US and UK-- in their current forms, and what would come out the other side would be unrecognisable. And may very well affect many other countries, too.

And here we are 4-5 years later, on the verge of international chaos that I hope to the hopes that, according to our New Rob's hypothesis, is being used or somehow co-opted to a greater end.

Or as Catholic would say, God uses human history as his instrument-- even though we might not recognise his workings at the present time.

Best as always, U.

Breaking/Exclusive: NEO – Down the Rabbit Hole with COVID Truth

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Thank you both for the links! Both are very eye opening to say the least.
My take - and I am going to share with you all what I say to every family member  I have that had asked - as a family member and a doc. Here is my take to you.

I truly feel we, as humans, are missing the point inasmuch as we are looking for a place to blame where we should be looking at how do we, again as human beings, rationally handle this.

America - today - on BOTH SIDES - which should be telling in itself but BOTH sides are blaming China. Or America FUNDING a lab well away from OUR shores or whatever... it makes no difference at this point.

Anyone who says they know how mRNA works let alone an mRNA vaccine is dumb. Dog-shit dumb. We have no clue. We know ONE function of (if you look at a cell and where RNA pops up-there could be millions of OTHER functions).
We don’t know how this stuff works.

Think of this analogy. Think of an old auto assembly line. Beginning is a frame and the end a car. How OUR technology inserted itself into this line of mRNA workings is about middle towards the end. That leaves A TON of information that we do not have (from the beginning of the line to insertion point).

Again this is what the “average” person can find out.

I think playing with genetics is worse than playing with nukes. THAT is why I do not trust this vaccine. Yes, I agree that maybe this vaccine is PROTECTIVE of a pre-planned event - yup - I agree that’s a possibility. But what I KNOW - I know we are placing a lot of faith in the hands that are fed by greed. I know that to be a fact, as do you all.

I can’t stress this enough to anyone, as much as I LOVE genetics (and I do-even more so after coming to MMs site) but I cannot stress enough the danger we are in by messing around with ours. We - humans - need to handle this as we would nukes. We have no idea the power that’s in there. It’s every single one of your relatives that ever lived and then some. THAT is powerful shit. Throwing caution to the wind is unwise in my opinion.

Looking at what we all know, who can we save with minimal death is what we need to do. Are YOU at risk? If so what is the risk and what can you do to lower it? If it’s age, well, consider the vaccine. If it’s not, what can be done to lower the risk? It’s like the only way to change the world is to begin by making your bed in the morning and working outward from there.

Let’s get on top of this virus instead of laying blame. We should cross that bridge if we even get there. America will eat itself first and I think that’s why the neocons want war. If America collapses so goes the free unending money. They would rather cause a fight elsewhere. And we all know that isn’t ending good for America.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

America today is a mess. I wonder what the opinions are of MM readers inside the USA. Do you think that the worst is over, or that it is building up towards a very bad climax? The reason I ask this is because of the huge influx of steady visitors to my SHTF indexes.

Oh, it’s building. We are no where near the beginning. It’s palpable even in the sticks.

Something happened tonight that got the “wow this is a disturbing turn of events” was this-

I go to a friend who I knew for years retirement party. He is a doc who teaches at a local university. He was having all these other people I know just as well. I have NEVER heard one racist remark. Ever. In fact one got real angry at another one for calling someone some racial slur like 20 years ago.

Tonight was different. The hatred towards blacks was that. PURE hatred. It was n-bomb this and that F-big n-bomb that. And again it wasn’t what was said it was HOW it was said. So I am like - ok, at least I got out of medicine before all of this nonsense. But it gets worse.

Every person in the banquet hall, and there were at least 18, was either a practicing physician or related in some way. I believe these people. Every one had some crazy story to tell about how they witnessed or took a statement from someone who witnessed - and swore on affidavits that black staff members including doctors aren’t just neglecting white patients but in some cases actually harming them. ALL were told to pretty much shut up or risk your license or DEA number (to prescribe meds) being taken.

Now couple this with going your whole life really trying to make everything equal for blacks and whites only to be told they really want whites to be subservient - and the way blacks are acting - they do - and you have a recipe for disaster.

It was bad. The anger-it was strange.The people of South Asian descent - Indian and Pakistani alike - as well - right there saying the same thing. N this and N that.

I am looking at South Africa saying - that’s how we go down. That’s how we end up in a civil war. South Africa is real spread out. REAL spread out so the riots aren’t country wide yet. Once the American intelligence agencies really ramp up the heat, it will. And those tactics will be in America.

If the rioters in America last year would have even thought to target critical infrastructure - they would have. Now we see the CIA directing minions to do that in SA. They are just working out the kinks.

That is probably why you are seeing the traffic here in the SHTF realm of MM. I would guess most are Fox News watchers because that is the only network showing South Africa. The rest is how China is a threat, the economy is great and unicorns are pooping fairy dust for them all to sing about.

I genuinely don’t think you can fathom - seriously - what it is like.  Hatred everywhere.

That’s my neck of the woods. I don’t know how it is elsewhere in the USA but my guess - same hatred. And there are 7 of us to 1 of them if you don’t count liberals who just want to hear themselves scream. It isn’t ending well. For anyone.

congjing yu, Feal and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealUltan McG

Thanks for this, PL.

Where I am-- NE Atlantic Seaboard-- it's racism against Chinese being ramped up. All forums, from crypto to shaminism to the anti-vaxx crowd. (China released the virus!!! The virus is fayyyke!! Ya know, those kinds of rational minds.)

But it's everywhere. And polluting ALL alternative media platforms. In other words, AMPs are being seeded with-- and probably being managed by-- the government or similar. As Mr Man has stated repeatedly.

As for South Africa, I can tell you that the "whites"-- and more specifically the Dutch speakers, the "woke" English speakers, for the most part, have been coralled effectively into cities where they can be easily targeted and destroyed-- are arming themselves to the teeth.

The rich can exit at any time via private jet-- many of whom are now in Perth, Australia.

Rich Boers don't leave. They'll fight to the death. And that's just their daughters!

They are tough as fuck-- and have always been armed anyway, as thousands of them have been murdered by marauding gangs of feral "youth"-- 100% sanctioned by the "state"-- since Fweedom Day. Now they're taking things back into their own hands, it seems. And breaking out their weapons stores well hidden from government forces. They are armed enough to fight a war. No bullshit. But the dangers they face are air force nuke attacks, of which rumour has it they have quite a number of their own, believe it or not. That will not end well if the "government" of SA decides to go down that route.

As Mr Man repeatedly reminds us, reality is not what you read about in the newspaper, 😂

Watch what happens in South Africa. I guarantee you if it comes to that, the cities will be destroyed and the Boers will be the last men standing. They've been preparing for decades. They are ready. 100%

Stay safe, and please do keep them valuable insights from your end coming when you can.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Great Intel. Great comments.

The Boer’s - couldn’t agree more. An author named H. John Poole wrote a book called “Afrique” about the situation in sub Saharan Africa and really talks about the Boer’s and their strategies/tactics. They will be the victors or make one hell of a dent trying.

Yeah, the anti-China crap is everywhere down in sunny FL too. But now it’s more “bomb Cuba” than anything else. As MM says - a caged elephant on a plane that is trying to escape. Perfect analogy. Personally I dont think this is the CIA or government that’s behind it - I think it’s the private intelligence agencies behind it. Haiti - CIA is busted but Cuba? I think it’s Startfor by how their articles have been saying this needs to be done for years.

And notice the hate turning south to the Caribbean? Before you know it we will be invading - and losing to - the Island of Guadalupe because the coconuts there are causing climate change.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Now once it seems that invading Russia and China are off the table, the war-mongering is directed closer to the United States. The targets; Haiti. Cuba.

Well, at least that is what it looks like to me.

LOL, Cuba and Haiti, eh? There's a couple tough targets for the schoolyard bully if ever there were. Gotta put that trillion dollar defence budget to some use now that China and Russia have demonstrated a few capabilities.

The developing or Third world always was the US Marine corps main area of expertise,  anyway. (Well, apart from Vietnam and Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan, etc ). Goat herders in dresses with 1980s low bore tech did provide a tougher nut to crack than previously expected after all, dontcha know!!

Here's something on Cuba written by a guest poster in situ. Jack Hearts take can never  be discounted. May be of interest. It sure does provide some context.

Cuba in the Crossfire

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Monkey pox and norvo virus. America is NEVER getting unlocked down. I am SO glad I am in a state that isn’t playing anymore.

I found this article and have this to say as it’s a good 3 months in the future. But this one is important if you want to read below why.


At one point in my life I was a psychiatrist in Tampa. The main hospital is right near McDill AFB. One thing that all military people know is if you see a military psychiatrist - even if it’s for sleeping pills - your career is over ESPECIALLY if you have a clearance. And McDill houses allllllll of the SOCOM command and they are ALLLLLLLL severely mentally disturbed. But if they see a private psychiatrist, nobody will know. So I got some CRAZY CRAZY psychiatric notes with some well known on TV  names telling me all kinds of crap they feel guilty about.

One lady was a sitting congressperson from a nearby district. This was 2009-2012 range.

At this point a warning - for you this is anecdotal. For me it is reality. As MM says - I do not care what anyone thinks - it happened.

So she tells me in a therapy session that our CIA and DIA have their own group called the “Intelligence Support Activity”

THIS groups sole purpose is to run around countries to basically start revolutions. They have been doing this since Operation Ajax in the 50s and have been involved in every uprising, riot, all that stuff. No surprise there, right?

But what she told me next was what made me focus on the below article.

She said that this group - ironically 1 was another patient from McDill that coordinated logistics so he really confirmed what she said but again at the time America seemed real stable.

She said that this group was turning its focus on collapsing the USA. She talked about “Occupy Wall Street” over a year before it happened. Obama approved everything (and she was a dem but not that far left - in fact in private she was a conservative).

She said that the no matter who was President at the time and she - and my SOCOM people all said the same thing - it wasn’t going to be the president after Obama but the president after whoever came into office  after him (2 presidents away - now)
Keep in mind this is 2009.

She said - and Maxine Waters public ally alluded to - that Obama was setting up military people - planners - from foreign governments AND AMERICAN UNIONS to be in charge.

She said in 2009 that Obama and at the time Facebook which was only college kids - and a new form of instant communication on a 3rd party server- (Twitter it turned out)which were very different then - would be used in the Middle East - later in 2010 and 2011 I watched what she said unfold in Egypt then Syria. People forget on The day Benghazi was attacked so was the embassy in Egypt. She told me on Sept 9 Egypt would blow and 2 days later it did.

Then - true to form - Tahrir Sqaure and the Arab spring. Also she said they use areas like that on purpose Tahrir square means “freedom square” as does Maidan Square in Ukraine.

I could go on and on but she said after we attack ourselves with a bioweapon a countrywide event will happen in one day in October (when the markets are always crazy) and THAT would usher in Obama’s fathers version of communism in the USA.

When she would tell me all this - other high ranking officers would tell me the same thing. And they all - back then - knew you got on board by 2020 or you would not have a career. Look at Miley.

One of my patients who was a Lt. General hated America so much it wasn’t funny. Not all of them did but a lot did. And remember Extortion 21 - I know for a fact that it was Biden himself who gave the order. One of the people in that chain tried to commit suicide out of guilt. He actually brought in signed - that spelled out put that helo there and shoot it down because at first I didn’t believe him as thought he was delusional.

I thought it was the  the BLM riots, but nope.

So last night I go down there to see my old office buds. The guy I shared an office with says “hey, do you remember your congresswoman?” I say how can I forget (of course my partner and I bounced ideas off each other so we “knew” each other’s patients)

He frigging shows me a card that was sent to the office last week that had THE SAME FLYER. He knows it’s from her because the envelope is watermarked.

So... all In the states - OUR government is planning protests to bring down our government.

Only in America.


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