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Effective Past Life Regression Technique

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@Alice my brother's passing was a long time ago, so I have had plenty of time to put it past me, but thank you all the same. I no longer really use that nickname. it is funny, since my experiences with the EG names just seem so meh to me. They seem more like a descriptor of experiences rather than a means of identification. For example Dori/David describes my experiences in this physical body, whilst Daegon is more related to my lucid expeditions and my fictional stories I am working on - the worlds of my dreams. Then I have my name I use solely for magic (affirmation/ manifesting) purposes that I don't reveal to anyone.  When I return to dust I will be more of a Trick and Trip kind of guy. Lol this is why my wife is always giving my heck for not having something stable she can refer to me by, but I honestly don't know how to answer the question of "what should I call you" - names do not do the justice of identifying "what" I am, only a single aspect of my existence. I guess I relate to the IS BE thing a little too much eh? hahah

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Daegon Magus

@alice i impressed myself the other night. whilst not exactly a past life regression memory, I was lying in bed trying to think of the name of an author of a book I have had for many years but not properly read.  Istarted trying to "rember the name" from glancing at the book. The name Dan Andrews flashed in front of me - Dan Andrews is a familiar name because it is the name of one of our premiers. I immediately thought - the Author's last name is Andrews. Then the name Bill flahed in front of me - I did a quick analysis and thought no Bill Andrews is wrong, but then a voice screamed at me "Bill and Ted". So i replaced Bill with Ted and got Ted Andrews. Then something just felt like a puzzle piece clicking into place. I was just certain that this was the guys name even though I hadn't really bothered paying attention to it. I went and looked it up on the internet and sure enough this book was written by a guy named Ted Andrews

Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice
Daegon Magus

So I am about to go to bed and I pulled up the picture of the Fool. I got the swirling rainbow of lights, and came on here to see what I got the first time....

Swirling lights. I guess I didn't do it long enough to get the water ripples. Until tomorrow.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice swirling rainbows sounds familiar. not sure where from though

Daegon Magus
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