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Effective Past Life Regression Technique

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@Alice in the middle of two articles one of which is LD training #3 and the other an update on the mysterious chicken bird that scared my kid the other week. It gets complicated, but basically the Tree of Life is said to be map of how consciousness solidifies as it descends through the three non physical worlds into the fourth world of material manifestation after it comes from the source light - Ain Soph Aur. What many people don't realise is that the Tarot deck is a pictorial representation of the tree. The trump cards are representative of the 22 pathways the light/ consciousness descends through - the Fool card is on of the two cards that connect the first non physical world to that Ain Soph Aur. Given that the tree of life is basically like a giant filing cabinet for the human template, making the Fool walk backwards is literally telling your sub consciousness you wish to reconnect with the Ain Sop Aur. You are walking yourself back to your original, uncorrupted, higher self, hence the past life regression thing.

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Memory Loss
Daegon Magus

See the source image

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Daegon Magus

Dae... on your website or on here? All your website has on it was back in September. Your chicken bird was just last month, right?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice on here. I haven't updated my webpage in a awhile because my internet is slower than a snail where I am and I was having problems with a few of the articles not coming up on there. Should probably get back to it at some point lol.

Daegon Magus


I hope you are able to. I really enjoyed reading  the article I was able to. I feel like there is stuff there, with another perspective, that can help here. Unless you have it figured out and I haven’t gotten that far. Good work, Dae. Truly.

Im going to try walking the Fool today. My mind has not been strong enough these past few days. I’ll let you know what I get.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice thanks. It is good to know someone is getting something out of them. I have to say, I quite like your nick name for me. I have a running joke with my wife about her not having anything to call me because I loathe my birth name, and my pseudonym name being too confusing for the kids. Maybe i'll slip Dae in there next time we are talking about it, that way it can reference both at once 🙂

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Daegon Magus


Dori wouldn’t happen to be your real name?.... While I do love Dori, solely for her encouraging “Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming... what we do? We’re swimming, swimming.” Yeah I went all the way there.

Dodged that one.

I have one long record of nicknames that stick. I’m glad I could solve your name crisis. That made my day.

Surely your name is that bad to be confusing the kids over? Is it Eugene? Cause I LOVE THAT NAME. So classy.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


No, Dori was yet another nickname my brother gave me a few years before he died when I was in high school. It was an amalgamation of my first and last name. By the time I got to high school, all his friends knew me as it, so for a good time it was what I introduced myself as, sort of like a tribute to his memory. It got to the point where people including, his friends and friends of my parents actually thought Dori was my first name. Even my mother in law didn't know it until several years after I married her daughter. My real first name is shared with a certain famous sculpture Michaelango did. I found the genitalia to be somewhat misrepresentative. Mine were somewhat smaller lol.
Jokes aside, it was just too biblical for my liking, so I decided to use this pseudonym as a nom de plum when I started writing. Dagon was a dude off a game I was playing at the time, which I thought looked better with an E in it - I think originally it meant "sower of crops" in Ancient Sumeria or something along those lines. Magus was in salutation of my LD achievements. Silly I know, but silly is basically me in a nutshell.

PS, I was going to say something but I forgot what it was ;).

Daegon Magus

Whenever I hear the name Eugene, I think of Pink Martini. So, Hey Eugene. I have no Dori song unfortunately.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Welcome to my world, about the forgetting.

I love that video. I used to be a ballerina back in the day. I went off to boarding school, so I stopped.

Dori is a great nickname. I am sorry about your brother.

I think David is an honorable name, biblical or not. My first love’s name was David, so it will always be my favorite.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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