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What is humanity actually and where are we headed?

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Ok, I had an idea of a long-assed essay on this question but it turns out I couldn't start somewhere neat. And then the inkling of hive consciousness came in. Perhaps I should be asking for input from other MM dwellers. So instead I will try and post this title instead and seek your feedback.

I don't know what humanity is or will be. My thinking was to look for the fundamentals. Big stuff that we have not addressed. And what could we do that the Domain can't.

To start with, the Domain. So, the obvious thing I see it that the Domain have not experienced humanity as a human. Sort of like the Christian God had not experienced humanity until he sent his son over. And from his PoV it is a big deal. Same as the Commander not wanting a meatsuit. The perspective from our human viewpoint :Is it so bad? But maybe from God's or the Commanders point of view is <No way in Hell! >

The thought occurred to me that it would be akin to a human being forced to have his consciousness enter an amoeba. So we are severely handicapped. Probably in the way the amoeba in handicapped haha. Very low on the evolutionary ladder actually.

There are many many things an ISBE can do that we humans cannot. But are there things a human can do that an ISBE cannot?

From Jerry Marzinsky, at least, the negative entities who are connected to afflicted humans do not like pain. The snap of a rubber band on a human body can stun them for a few minutes at least.

On the other end,we only have our imagination, which is limited by our bandwidth of exposure to this physical world for most of us. If this environment or restricted bandwidth were to be altered, what would happen? Danger Mouses are exceptionally rare even on a planetary scale. A planet full of such beings popping up tomorrow (so to speak) I'm not sure if the Domain is ready. So it has to be gradual.

Once the prison amnesia is removed, humanity will be changed. To borrow Klaus Schwab, removing the prison amnesia does not change the way humans work. It will change humanity itself [I think one of the goals of the 4IR in fact is to forestall this. The architects of the Great Reset are opposed to the aims of the Domain so much so that I suspect they are a player against the Domain. If you look at the bigger picture, it does seem so.]

So I am hoping for your feedback or pushback whatever. I have my own thoughts that I will chime in later. Maybe humans work best in cooperation? I found a lot that I didn't know just interacting on this site.

Keeping it short for now.





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  1. "So, the obvious thing I see it that the Domain have not experienced humanity as a human."
  2. "Sort of like the Christian God had not experienced humanity until he sent his son over. "

I'm gonna pass on both those. 1. How do you know this; and 2. I'm not going near that shite.

"But are there things a human can do that an ISBE cannot?" There god-damned better well be, else why the fuck am I here? Yep, still angry.

"Once the prison amnesia is removed, humanity will be changed." I agree with this, but this may not occur for years, generations... The Domain does not even know (or they are just withholding that gem).

MM and many others have posited that this is, or was, a sentience nursery - a school. This I believe, but man o man it just can't be that construct any longer - to me, it's self-evident that this has been waaaayyyy corrupted.



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@dsklausler  , 1 and 2 are conjecture based on very limited information. I should have mentioned that. Also I should mention that I am actually not Christian but it's interesting to see their viewpoints.

I think other than the rare ones like the Arch Duke guy and the Tesla and the ones captured, most of the ISBEs would stay away from a meat suit. But the Domain as a collective have not experienced humanity in a meat suit. Kinda obvious actually.

The "God loved his only son" construct is just that. An expression to show we have such a troubled world that even a God would want to experience first hand.

Humanity will be changed is quite obvious to me at least. In the way a guy of 20 thinks differently of a guy of 80. Or a guy of 20,000 I suppose haha. And you are right it will take generations.

There is rehabilitating of humans on a micro scale and rehabilitating the Sentience school or farm on the macro scale. The Domain says they created the Master Universe. Now in the process of exploring this portion of it, they bumped into a complex of Prison Worlds that were run by the Old Empire. Now they appear to be in the process of reclaiming it/them for its original purpose(s).

So our world may have been meant to be a hybrid school cum farm. A school for emerging sentiences and/or a farm for breeding tho beautiful cows, goats (take your pick) etc. That is the gist of it anyway.

Here is where it gets hazy. Within this pocket of "the Universe", the Lost Battalion of the Domain were caught by surprise. They didn't know the Old Empire existed. So in the last couple thousand years, they lost a battalion of ISBEs. Now they are recovering said battalion.

Insert "we are here". The Old Empire had pretty set ideas for this planet. And the Domain also has ideas what this planet is for and how its inhabitants should develop (I think haha).

But do humans have a say? We appear to be mostly pawns of "evil forces" to want to keep us miserable. And possibly make us miserabler by war and vaccines etc. The elite who run this show appear non human in their lack of empathy towards other sentiences. In summary, the elite are NOT Rufus (plural) and they will never be.

MM wants humanity to move in the direction of Rufus. If I have to distill MM's words in negative words , it's <don't be like our politicians/elite>.  In the pecking order of sentience sorting, the elite will be last in line

Sorry for the ramble, I am building some ideas based on feedback. You have been very helpful actually. Feed me, Seymour!


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There is a book called "Childhood's End" by Arthur Clarke.

To sum it up, a series of ships appear over major cities.  They sit there for 50 years.  They then speak.  Then wait another 50 years, then show their faces.

They say they are present to oversee a change in humanity.  Man will have a hive mind.  This occurs, and humanity unites, dissolving the Earth, no longer needing the physical plane.

It is not too different than what this site describes.

There are advantages and disadvantages to everything I've seen so far on Earth.  No doubt, there is pros and cons to having a body, and the same for being a spirit.

Being a prisoner is the same - gains and losses.  The mark of a real engineer is discussing tradeoffs, not absolutes.

In the "Ecology of the Universe", every type of behavior and organism play a role.  Selfishness has a role, and selflessness has a role also.

What is better - to breathe in or out?  Male or female?  Night or day?  Birth or death?

DSKlausler and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Quote from xzianchow on November 14, 2021, 7:11 am

There is a book called "Childhood's End" by Arthur Clarke.

Arthur had connections.

"The mark of a real engineer is discussing tradeoffs, not absolutes."


xzianchow and Chromacat have reacted to this post.

Ahhhh, so Arthur Clarke isn't just another sci fi writer.  That makes sense.  That book is way too close to the material I see written here and in other places to be coincidental.

Who or who organization is Clarke connected with?

Chromacat has reacted to this post.

Excellent topic ML!

It is very relevant to us at this time.

@keff. I was wondering if we were so intrigued by the Domain disclosures that we forget to also focus on our own humanity, what we are, could be, should be yadayada. Where are we heading?


Do you like the things that life has shown you

keff and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


I love Diana Ross and the Supremes. But we must be careful; if not, we will reveal our age! LOL

Seriously though. On the subject of where we are heading, I expect that it is towards greater and greater unity with all that is around us.

Since a kid, I have always marveled at the clues that nature is showing us. Like for example how the earliest cell (prokaryote) combines with a bacterium to become Eukaryote with a mitochondria. Each of the cells in our body are a combination of two different life forms at least. Some say that the nucleus is actually yet another life form. Our physical bodies are actually composites of two, maybe three different types of organisms.

Then these individual (composite) cells work to form tissues. The tissues form organs. The organs form the meat suit of each of us. We form communities. Communities form nations, Nations form the Earth Humanity....and it goes on and on. Both upwards in complexity and downwards towards the molecules, atoms, elementary particles......

I get a headache thinking how we are but a tiny step in an infinity of steps upwards and downwards. And this is only talking about our physical selves.

If we talk about our Is-Bes, my, then I think it can be only more mind boggling.

I feel like a seven year old who has just learned to read and somehow stumbled into a vast library of books.

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I'm a bit foggy here...

It is said, here, that My Mantid assists me while in Heaven to set up my next incarnation (targeting "growth"); right?

  1. What am I at that juncture, my [voluntarily] imprisoned, memory-less IS-BE consciousness?
  2. "Assists" - that seems more and more unlikely - I am leaning towards "programmed", or "ordered."
  3. Just ask (meaning: beg) your Mantid for help. Do I really need to tell you again the actual effort I put into this (and now have angrily discarded)?

After reading and re-reading, it seems to me that even if the Mantids only Assist, it is minimally a bit of an agreement (although I doubt that). Why then would they allow ANY change at all to the pre-birth planned World Line? Alternatively, if changes to that very same World Line ARE ALLOWED, why is the methodology hidden, exceedingly difficult (for current humans), or purposefully buried in history's lies?

As far as I have read, here, those of you accomplishing intentional bona fide World Line Slides have skills well beyond me, and are in fact special - either as a human, or a Mantid-preferred entity, or both. That's okay, really. I always allow for the possibility that I am what I am by plan, but as a simpleton, I just do not see the purpose in this world (any longer). Once again, I just would like the truth.


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