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What is humanity actually and where are we headed?

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@dsklausler I think I'm a little foggy on what you're trying to get to on this one. It seems you're trying to work out the Mantid/human relationship? In one of the Q&As we're told there is more than one type of Mantid. PL has indicated the same in one of his writings. The ones in "heaven" are different than the ones outside. Scroll down to the question starting with "Are other “prison guard” consciousnesses assigned as..." in this Q&A:

More Q&A with the Commander from The Domain with personal questions from top MM influencers

The part about performing a slide... as long as you perform affirmation campaigns, you can do a slide. No permission required.

Structuring a well-rounded prayer affirmation campaign using world-line transitions

It's not going to be as dramatic as what MM describes as part of his MAJ work, but it is doable for us regular folk. Scroll down to the sections "Speed of Implementation" and "Important Navigation Notes."

Hope those help.

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