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Feeling adrift: I don't know why I'm here.

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Well said and well written. Man, I wish that I was as good a "word smith" as you are. I am very glad that you have found connections, understanding and direction. You are the reason why MM keeps going on. A very big thank you!

JayTNR1357, I could bore you with my horror stories. But we must all remember, someone's always got it worse. Every day above ground, make it count. Do your best. That should be enough. You'll know where to go /what to do when the time comes. These things take time.

I'm not a big "people person" either. In fact, I've found that a vast majority of them totally suck. It's even worse around high concentrations of them. But, I am polite to all my interactions here. A few even warrant some respect. And best of all, a few I've made friends with. Trust yourself. Sure, you'll be pushed to your limits from time to time. But embrace those "opportunities" to better yourself like a fine sword being tempered. Changes will occur. Face them well.


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