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The forms we take as we escape

This is a Patreon video first released in early Summer 2022. It's a very complex subject and discusses the quantum forms that are aligned upon the moment of death. Feel free to visit the MM Patreon site at any time to see the entire pile of in-depth videos that cover these most unusual subjects.

I hope that you get something out of this video.

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Great video as usual MM. This IS-BE/Mantid/death series has answered a lot of questions. I have one remaining though:
It is unclear to me what will happens to the mantid Prime portion of us if we choose not to enter the tunnel of light for another incarnation but rather go for another option like joining the Domain. Will the prime portion stay in the heaven bubble? If so what happens with it when the Domain manages to dismantle the prison complex? Will the Prime portion "join up" with the rest of us?

I have covered these questions in other views, and I will eventually move them to MM out of Patreon. I also am going to cover these issues later on on other posts.

Quick summary...

[1] It seems unlikely that the prison complex will be completely broken up. It is being transitioned into a rehabilitation complex for STS consciousnesses.

[2] Over time, all of STO sentience will be freed, and STS will be on parole within the bubble universe. Their higher energy selves will be merged with their lower consciousness elements, but their "wings will be clipped" and certain quanta isolated from them.

[3] Many consciousnesses fleeing the Prison Complex will have to leave their higher energy forms behind. Some will attend and leave, but many will not. I have not discussed what will happen to these orphaned higher energy "mantids".

I hope that you enjoy the videos. I am transitioning to videos, and working on improving video quality.

Thank you very much. Yes I enjoy your videos a lot. I hope you can include the question of these orphaned higher energy "mantids" in a future comm with the commander. It feels a little like leaving a leg behind lol.

The ending scene of Peter Brook's Mahabaratha:

Tas has reacted to this post.
Quote from WaterTiger on July 24, 2022, 4:17 pm

The ending scene of Peter Brook's Mahabaratha:

Thank you. Thought provoking for several reasons really.