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The bottom just dropped out from the neocon pro-war faction that want a war over Taiwan

For those of you who are unaware, the k-street neocons (in Washington DC) have been promoting a war with China for over four years now. They started with [1] a war over "democracy" in Hong Kong, and when that failed, they started [2] with a war over Tibet with India, and when that failed, they started [3] with a war over the Uighur Muslims though Afghanistan, and that failed as well. The last group of beating drums has been [4] a war over Taiwan.

"Leaked" nonsense articles discussing Chinese plans to invade Taiwan are all over the Western press. Of course, if you go to the source of this Intel, you will see a glossy supermarket tabloid devoid of facts. Never the less, the drum beats have been a booming. And the neocons in Washington has even started laying out "tweets" using official Whitehouse websites...

...and Biden put a complete end to all this immediately.

Have you noticed how all the "file hose" of media against China regarding Taiwan has ended? When was the last time you saw an article promoting American involvement in a war over Taiwan?

Why is this?

This is why...

Yup. This goes 100% against everything that Mike Pompeo and the rest of that ghoulish neocon cabal are saying.

What's Next?

Well, the Morrison regime is still pushing for a war with China. Maybe they will try to perform amphibious landings on the coast of Shenzhen. Who knows? These people are that "bat shit crazy"!

This is a short article, but the content is significant.

America will stand down, and not get involved with any conflict over Taiwan. All those folk who are promoting war, more military spending and all other factors regarding a war with China over Taiwan has got their "wings clipped".

Notice how none of this is being reported in any American "news". The only way that you can tell that anything is going on is the lack of coverage regarding Taiwan.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Feal has reacted to this post.

Your vantage point is so appreciated. We haven’t heard ANYTHING about Taiwan or the “Chinese threat” in a while. I figured that the only news left in the world was that white people are the devil and need extermination. And yes, that’s the terms getting thrown around!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

the desired narrative is just dangled like a carrot through government propaganda organs aka 'Media', P.L.

In The Euranglosphere now, especially outside the U.S., it seems to be the race and trannie thing being rolled out once more. With a bit of 'those Eastern European Neanderthals won't let mentally ill men use ladies' toilet facilities' or they 'won't take the knee' and politicise a fucking soccer match.

Also, have you noticed the ratcheting up of riots and tensions in Africa, South Asia and South America, too?

I personally feel that there's gonna be martially enforced lockdowns coming to much of the Western Hemisphere later this year. And they're guiding the narrative toward this end. We just had a series of soccer games all over Europe with packed stadiums, pubs and other venues with NOBODY wearing masks and not even a mention of COVID.

So either a) the threat of COVID is disappearing fast, or b) they are using these sporting events as mass-spreader COVID initiations in order to justify further lockdowns. Or even both scenarios are possible, I guess.

Just one more thing, guys-- After studying Arl/Mr Man's narrative carefully, I now believe that the Mandela Effect is a result of MAJestic/Benefactor operations aimed at shifting the collective-- or grouped-- worldlines in pre-determined directions. Not just the rescue of trapped Domain forces as Mr Man has alluded to. Nothing else makes sense wrt an explanation. Perhaps they utilised CERN, too. Or perhaps not. We'll never know in this incarnation, at least.

Those they can't group-- independent thinkers such as those who read Mr Man, can see and smell the bullshit immediately. Or at least aware of something majorly off. And we're diverging rapidly on mini-slides of our own.

Crazy stuff, for sure.

There is some weird shit going on for me personally-- or rather, I'm observing weird shit going down particularly in my local reality. As an observer by nature I'm relatively unaffected. I'll spare you the details, but I'm now convinced the whole COVID narrative-- and particularly the experimental inoculation angle-- has something to do with a sentience sorting event-- or has been re-tasked as one. They're pushing ahead with this agenda even though the bio-attack on China failed, and had that attack been successful, I think their plans would've been much further along than they are now. The empty hospitals, the bizarre public health advice, all seemed aimed at something much more serious authorities were expecting than COVID A. And somehow these plans have been thwarted. For now. Did they intend to hit the world with COVID B after China was beaten, too?

Or, or, now that they can't proceed with that B scenario, the COVID/inoculation narrative is proceeding merely for profit, as Gordon Duff has indicated, too. They failed to beat China, but they'll make a profit off the spoils anyway, and be dammed with side effects or long term illnesses.

Perhaps all those Klaus Schwabs and Great Reset narratives were all cover for the bioattack to keep folks and the conspiracy nuts distracted. I mean, Schwab was such an obvious double for a Bond villain that it was laughable. Now he's disappeared as fast as the Taiwan shpiel. I lived and worked in Germany for a few years, and NEVER met a German who spoke like that.


Have the US and China now reached some kind of deal? Has the US been put in its place temporarily?

Something weird is going on. And it's gonna get worse, or much, much better.

I guess we'll have a clearer idea by year end. And now that we've confirmation about our IS-BE status (nothing new to a Catholic, btw-- even though church authorities tried to negate the reincarnated aspect; and now we know why), the effect of the external world will have a lesser effect. Especially in tandem with the intentions campaigns.

Well it will for me, anyway! And sorry for the all over the place post, just hashing a few ideas out loud.

keff has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on July 12, 2021, 10:57 pm

has something to do with a sentience sorting event

Gotta say, this is ringing quite true to my own local experience, even more so with the narratives they are trying to run of "nobody wants to work". It feels there is a massive concerted push to prevent individuals from identifying themselves as an authority in their own life and having the ability to set their own priorities.

Quite a few friends and acquaintances I had before the pandemic are now so fully wrapped in stories told by others that they can only define their expectations for the future in terms of their employer and media franchises they enjoy.

On the other hand some people I know, including myself and my wife, have managed to seemingly "blossom" and rapidly grow skills, talents and strength as an individual across this same time period. We're actually on the verge of starting a number of very large long term projects that will be our main focus for the next 20+ years now. A lot of these projects are informed by the very same things that lead me to finding MM, and even some life-long fixations of mine are now proving to be relevant to the possible coming situations.

No coincidences indeed.

congjing yu, Feal and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealUltan McG

@doublefresh, @ultan-mcg,

I hear you, my brothers. There is some kind of quickening taking place. People who used to think I was pretty crazy just three years ago are starting to peek beyond the media narrative.

I live in Singapore, and it is traditionally a pretty US aligned place. The usual big international big news agencies are present here, and some have their regional HQs here. As you can expect the local news media mostly parrots the Western view. But ever since the Hongkong protests, a significant amount of people have seen big bias, if not downright lies and manipulation/twisting of information to suit certain narratives.

Similar to doublefresh, I too have recently been given a go ahead for a long term project. For years I have been told, "not yet, not yet". Now that I am going ahead, it is a little daunting I admit.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

DoubleFresh said it far better than anything that I can say. This is what is going on. You all.