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Merry Xmas 2022

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Merry Xmas to all on the site, I hope you have a great day. Peace and Love


Alice, WaterTiger and frannya have reacted to this post.

...and a happy Christmas to you and everyone 🎄

Alice, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.

Merry Christmas @tas!!!! And to all the MMers that lurk, to the ones I don’t get to talk to everyday and  to the ones I do. I love you all SO BIG!

Merry Christmas to you too @laoban4site

This ones for you Tas

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, Mate thank you so so much for that, it's awesome to the max, really truly awesome. Thank you for the gift Alice, it's now on my play list, forever. Catch ya soon and I hope you and your mob had a great Xmas. All our love from the bottom of the world.



Makes me happy you appreciate it like I do.

Want to know something funny?  Apple Music has a feature where it tells you how much of a certain artist/song/album you listen to throughout the  year.  😆 My #1 Artist “City of the Sun” #1 song “Mad as a Hatter “ #1…… now here’s where it gets funny - #1 album I listen to the most is the “Aladdin sounds track”! Ha! I cant get enough of it (and yea I listen to it when my kids are not in the car and I don’t even care if people judge me) Best album ever. Will Smith such a great job that movie.

But seriously - if you are starting to love City of the Sun as much as I do…. This is their best performance, to me. That last video I just came across the moment I sent it.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

PS whatever you do don’t play that song in the shower while washing your hair….. Don’t ask, just take that tid bit as a bonus.

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I am going to play some SotS softly as I go to sleep tonight, lets see what happens as it seems to put my mind in that "mellow place". Don't play it in the shower whilst washing your hair, here's my guess you became so engrossed in the music you grabbed a bottle of hair colour instead of shampoo. That's what I would have done, totally mesmerised LOL.


We’ll go with that. 👀

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu was a blind Australian indigenous singer/songwriter who sadly passed from lack of medical care due to his race. He played the guitar upside down as he was self taught.

He was an Australian legend IMO. This track to me is a mixing of 50,000 years of indigenous culture and the modern world. I just love it.

I hope Gurrumul found his way home and to a better place. Do unto others..

I love the Didge, this Nomad track is a super cool mix of the old and the new. Arms open on the top of a mountain at dawn good. I sometimes do my Kata's to this in front of a mirror at 2x speed. It inspires me to do that little bit better.


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