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Merry Xmas 2022

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Idk how I missed this!

@tas I love the didgeridoo!! It’s like my all time favorite instrument. My grandfather bought one one year - he acquires random hobbies in his old age. Lol and the didgeridoo was one of these hobbies. He sadly SOLD IT without letting his family know - cause if I would have known he was looking to sell it, I would be proficient in this instrument as we speak. Thank you for this track. Love it.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Glad you liked it mate, you can practice with a vacuum cleaner tube if you can get a seal around your lips. Yes you can, you will need to trail and error to get the right tube but you will find one, I promise :). Hint what you put into the didge you will get out of it and it's all about vibration. A little didge on this classic Aussie track. Raining on the Rock, this one makes me humble, humble to be on this ancient land and gives me great joy. I hope you like it.

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