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Looking for that one movie ...

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I think that this video MIGHT BE THE ONE. I need to check further.

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You-tube 4 second segment.

Meridian (2002)

The absolute dearth of content on the internet is concerning. I have never seen such an under reported, represented movie in my life.

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That's actually just a brief clip of some credits at the end of a TV showing of "Daddy's Girl" on the "True Movies" segment on ITV Meridian, a Southern UK TV company.

It is weird how little of that movie exists online. Usually, if it was released on DVD, it was at some point posted of usenet and thus then torrented.

If it wasn't released on DVD it then becomes a curiosity which is posted, usually a VHS rip, for the kudos of finding/ripping it.

I've never encountered such a hard to get film. Never. Odd isn't it?

I'll keep looking. Maybe it was released under another name? That's the only explanation I can think of.

Quick update. I did find out that it was posted on usenet 4576 days ago. I haven't found a server that still has it though. I'll update if I do. The uploaded file isn't a .jpg, just remove that part, it's a .nzb

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Another reply to myself, derp.

That nzb is wrong. Somehow it contains Howard the Duck and some other movies!

This one is correct. It looks like the file contains a passworded .rar so it might be fake anyhow.

It was posted December 10th 2010 and I've not found it on the usual servers. As it contains a text file called PASSWORD.txt my guess is it's a fake, which was very common at the time.

Again, not a .jpg - just remove that part.

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nzb file is just a text file for a usenet. Not really useful.

Man oh man! Have you EVER seen such a hunt for an obscure movie??????

Why, oh why, and I being driven to watch this thing? The Domain has their reasons.

Couldn't they have picked something easier to find.

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When I asked POE to help me find the movie, it CRASHED and stopped working.


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  • 2023-06-22_06-45.jpg

I feel like the DC is putting us in some kind of maze trying to get us to achieve or doing something. For some reason. i don't know what, or why. Why the HELL is this stupid movie so damn important?

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From my Quora inquiry...


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  • 2023-06-22_08-15.jpg
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I just sent this email to the movie director:


"Dear Philipp C. Walter,

I am contacting you, Sir, to request some information regarding a way to obtain / buy the film "Meridian (2002), directed by Philipp C. Wolter, the Sci-Fi earned Best Film and Best Direction at the SVA Thesis Awards Ceremony."

One friend of mine is particularly fond of that film, he says he watched it 20 years ago, and he has now been searching it for months.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Yours sincerely,

(my first and last name)"


English is not my first language, I hope to have done it properly

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