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Looking for that one movie ...

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But Feals link to the  trailer on Vimeo functions. Here again:

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Thanks @watertiger but that link was supplied by @wellbeing though, so, thanks @wellbeing!

Here's the trailer as an mp4 file, to download/view without going to Vimeo. I assume it's copyright free as it's just a trailer.

I'm currently looking to confirm that it was released on DVD and in what regions. Then the mission would change to locating a second hand copy.

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Odd things afoot. A search for "meridian 2002 DVD" on qwant gave me some strange results. On page two there were several results from this metallicman site.

Is my Mantid messing with me?


Uploaded files:
  • mmsearch.png

Quick update. I managed to find a server with a long enough retention to download that NZB and it was indeed a fake. Just a passworded file together with a password.txt which contained a link to a long dead dodgy site to get the password. Oh well.

I haven't even seen a record of it being on DVD yet anyway. If it's not on the net and not on DVD the only other thing I can think of is a VCD. Being the early noughties, a VCD release is a possibility. Maybe. This is a curious hunt.

There is most certainly something strange going on regarding this movie. Especially with so many links to MM on the JPG above! WTF?

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Answer from the movie director Philipp C. Walter:

Dear Sofia

I was super busy and just was able to respond. So sorry. So amazing that you’re interested in the film. It was a wonderful project and we had such limited resources at the time and really made something great with it. The film is actually in Vimeo and I just made it public. Please follow the link below:
Again…thanks for reaching out. 
Best wishes,
What a kind gentleman Philipp is! 🙂
Here it is Meridian (2002) film:
Metallicman, I sent you a forward email with Philipp's answer, could you please confirm if you received it, and if the link to the film works?
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@wellbeing fantastic work, well done!


I'm surprised it's only an hour long. I haven't had time to watch it yet but will over the weekend.

I have to admit that I'm really impressed that your direct approach worked.

I hope it does turn out to be MM's mystery film.

Very, very good work!

Zora and WellBeing have reacted to this post.

Thank you so much @feal

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the movie MM is looking for.

But at least we now know we can discard this movie and move on with the search.

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If it's not the movie, then I don't know what we can do next.

Only it's lack of information made it a candidate. Nothing with anything like the right description is listed in IMDB's database, from 1991-2005, and tagged as Sci-Fi. If it is listed at IMDB then it must not be in Sci-Fi. I guess I'll have to go through, maybe, thrillers instead.

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Maybe it is only available on certain World Lines.

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