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Affirmation theory?

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Quote from Goldleaf on July 17, 2021, 9:07 pm

I'm new here. I stumbled upon the MM site about a month ago and was one of those who everything just "clicked" for. I'm still slowly working my way through the site, there is sooo much to read and absorb. While I found the site through the first post in the world line index, I was immediately drawn to Affirmation Campaigns. I saw this post about being at the beginning of your campaign and I wanted to share too.

I'm just over two weeks into my first campaign. The first day, within 10 minutes of speaking my affirmations aloud for the first time, I was hit by a wave of euphoria. It's had to describe. It was like pure joy, contentment and well being, knowing I have done/am doing/will be doing something amazing and just felt right. That sense of euphoria wore off after a couple hours. The sense of general well being and that things will be OK has not stopped and I feel it bump up each time I speak my affirmations. Maybe 3-4 days later the weird physical side effects started. They are uncomfortable but manageable, especially since they're coupled with an overall feeling of well being. The combination is weird for sure. So far each has hit me for a few days, then faded, then a new one, which fades after a couple days. I put a line in my affirmations to not panic or freak out over the changes as they occur and it works - I'm not freaking out or panicking. So far anyway!

Growth and change is painful and hard to varying degrees. We humans tend to resist change, which is ironic when you consider that change is the one constant in the universe as we experience it. I'm fortunate that my job has prepared me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I've been referred to as one of our organization's "change agents" for the last two years. I've always found that people and things come into my life when I need them. Apparently I needed to learn how to be my own change agent and am on the right path based on the instant feedback my soul has provided. I'm in this for the long haul.

It's great to have others to share this with that understand. Thank you MM for your site and this forum!

What you are experiencing is a common event. And it is a good one. But, I am sorry that I haven't written about it. I will get around to it, it's just that my list is so long right now.

It might seem like euphoria, or a clear day with a glimpse of insight, or some other kind of expression.

(Ok, I am going to go super deep. Please try to keep with me as I go really "off the charts" in trying to describe something very important, but very briefly.)

We are consciousness. We are part of soul that creates our consciousness, and that is the part of you that wrote this comment.

This consciousness has components. Instead of getting really "deep" and detailed about the components, just realize that they are all different, have different functions, and all interact and work together.

Now, there is a thing called "harmonics" or when the frequency of one item resonates with another. This is a physical property that you can see with tuning forks.

Well, when you are going thought the changes, the difficult time as you move from one MWI pre-birth world-line template to your new template map... or going from highway to city "A" to highway to city "B" and you are tamping though the bush and undergrowth though the forests and swamps to get to the new highway...

As the discomfort hits you...

Some things that you desire, your goals, your needs, start to resonate with the components in your consciousness.

And you start seeing images. Or feelings. Or understandings.

Sure the world around you might be ablaze and on fire, and looks like it is going to shit (moving from one template to another is never comfortable) Slides are not for the weak.

...but slowly the conditions are moving into place.

And you will get premonitions, feelings or glimpses that things are going to be all right.

You are on the path my friend.

Right now, what ever you do, make sure that you follow the formula. On and then off. Completely off, then start the new campaign. Continue in this. It will take years. This is not something that you do for a month or so. It's something that you do for the rest of your life.

I have been doing this for decades now. Right now I am on my "off" phase. My affirmation campaign is a one month duration. I advise and suggest a three month on and three month off campaign for all new folk. But remember you MUST begin after the three month stop (pause) period is over. Once you get on this system there is no way off. If you really do not renew your second or third or fourth campaign you will slide right back to your old template. So keep it up.

Keep everyone on MM advised of your progress, and if you have questions... ask. We all work together. We are all Rufus, don't you know.

guyFromAfrica, Old Wine and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
guyFromAfricaOld WineGoldleaf

@goldleaf - you and I are right in the same basket. I ended up in MMs site a few months ago and as far as the articles go here is my recommendation - as MM says read them in order. Now here is the kicker and the reason why-again it’s my own example

One of the articles is about cat heaven. I personally could not bring myself to read it because I developed an intense INTENSE love for my baby and just the thought of her leaving the physical - I just don’t even want that in my head so I skipped it. Inside that article after the stories - that are hopeful but I am still selfish - there is SO MUCH that will help make so much sense out of all this - I give you my word on that.

That being said it filled in a LOT of holes in MMs personal story about his probes and (in my opinion) why they are where they are (there is a diagram in another article).

I guess the point - if you haven’t found out already - his stuff is like a 3D library. Everything is layered in a way where things make more sense when read in order.

How everything “clicked” for you - freaking crazy, right? Mother freaking crazy for me. The Irony is that this site would seem “crazy” to most yet it is a calm, peaceful island for some of us. The other sites are crazy. CNN? Fox News? I have literally dealt with people in full blown psychosis that made more sense than those sites.

As far as the quantum stuff goes there are some good videos online that may help. A book called “The Holographic Universe” had a lot of good stuff too. P-bay has some stuff but it’s more confusing repeat of MMs posts.

As far as meditating if you don’t do it and ever find an interest, I found “The Chakra Workbook” by Pauline Wills. The kindle version is affordable.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

I just wanted to share my experience when I started doing affirmation campaigns in 2020, I think around February, though I had a lot of false starts/mistakes. I started reading the MetallicMan posts of affirmation campaigns and had to redo/reformat my affirmations. I also had to figure out my prayer/rest schedule.

Anyway, when I started doing affirmation campaigns, I started getting a lot of interference and resistance from my husband. First, he thought I was "going new age". He would badger me and refuse to leave me some privacy while he was at home with me. This happened for several days. Then, he started an argument about how he couldn't be married to someone who believed in ridiculous hocus pocus, and it wouldn't be long before I joined a cult.

I told him straight--the power of belief is real, as proven in science--the most famous being the placebo effect. I told him, if I can harness the power of belief to my advantage, I'd be a fool to not use it. So what should I do, believe in nothing so I can never feel disappointed, and destroy whatever power I have to mold my life in the process? Is this really a good thing? So finally the argument stopped on that.

Then, he started insisting on going back to the US to live, which I thought was completely nuts (we are in France by the way). This is the complete opposite of where I want to go on my affirmations. It was HELL, like I thought some evil force hijacked his meat suit just to put mountains where flat grassland used to be. Again, this eventually subsided. But during all this ridiculousness, I never once stopped my affirmations. I felt like something wanted to prevent me from creating the habit of affirmations. It really felt like an attack. But I thought, the right to live my life as I see fit is worth the fight.

There were little "roadblocks" popping up that seemed to get in the way of me saying my affirmations every day (during the designated prayer period). Like we had too spend time at his parents for the holidays, or I think I would be alone and in the middle of saying my prayers, and he's calling me from the living room asking me what I'm doing. I'd respond, and then I'd sneak away to finish my affirmations in the back yard. My in laws and my husband could still see me, but at least they could think I was just "enjoying nature".

I wondered, what is this daily BS that is creating hindrances for me in saying my prayers? But I kept it up--I took pictures of my affirmations on my phone so I could read them at my in laws back yard when I was alone, hell I even woke up at 5 or 6 in the morning to read them by myself in the bathroom.

Unlike you guys, I did not feel any sense of euphoria. But I felt that the discord was a sign that I was going in a powerful direction. But it was also just the principle of it all. I don't have any harmful or malevolent affirmations, but I do include protections to keep me and my loved ones safe. There is absolutely no reason for me to apologise for that. Honestly, I felt that the initial discord was a sign that I was doing something right.

These days, my life is much more placid, with a few things starting to materialise. It's only been a little over a year, and I am almost done saying my 3rd prayer campaign (it will be a rest period for me soon). My personal relationships are a lot smoother, I just moved into a beautiful condo in a quiet and gorgeous neighborhood.

On June 29 or 30, I saw something curious. I had just finished my last appointment before break time. Just FYI, I work at home. Anyway, I look down and see a hairy caterpillar on the floor. The window is closed, and so is the door to my home office. There are no plants in my home office or the hallway that leads to my office. It is exactly 11:11 am. I take the caterpillar to the backyard near the bushes and it disappears. I told my husband about the caterpillar, and he dismissed it, saying it must have gotten through the window or something. Honestly, I don't see how or why the caterpillar would be in my office, since there are no plants. It was on the floor next to my desk, far away from the window.

Anyway, I look up caterpillar sightings on the internet, and a lot of what I had to read made me smile. I think a few days after the caterpillar sighting in my home, MetallicMan puts put a post called "Coping in Chrysallis". Is it a coinkidink? Maybe. But it sure is a happy one.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardguyFromAfricaGoldleaf

I have at the top of my affirmation list in huge bold brightly colored letters the exact stop/start dates for this round of on then off and the first date to start the next round so I can't miss them. Instructions to myself "Read affirmations aloud DATE to DATE. Pause DATE to DATE. Restart on DATE." It was the very first think I wrote before I started hashing out the actual lines of intention. It will also be the first thing I update when I'm ready to start the next cycle.

And with your response I just experienced a... sign post? The word "harmony" is the current buzz word the HR team my office is using this year so I see it monthly in random emails. And now you just explained I'm experiencing harmonics as things are moving to where my affirmations need them to go. There are no coincidences.

pissedlizard, guyFromAfrica and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardguyFromAfricaOld Wine

@pissedlizard OMG, it happened again!! I need to write about cat heaven later. Not enough time now to do it justice. This is my reminder to myself 🙂

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Quote from Old Wine on July 17, 2021, 10:27 pm

I just wanted to share my experience when I started doing affirmation campaigns in 2020, I think around February, though I had a lot of false starts/mistakes. I started reading the MetallicMan posts of affirmation campaigns and had to redo/reformat my affirmations. I also had to figure out my prayer/rest schedule.

Anyway, when I started doing affirmation campaigns, I started getting a lot of interference and resistance from my husband. First, he thought I was "going new age". He would badger me and refuse to leave me some privacy while he was at home with me. This happened for several days. Then, he started an argument about how he couldn't be married to someone who believed in ridiculous hocus pocus, and it wouldn't be long before I joined a cult.

I told him straight--the power of belief is real, as proven in science--the most famous being the placebo effect. I told him, if I can harness the power of belief to my advantage, I'd be a fool to not use it. So what should I do, believe in nothing so I can never feel disappointed, and destroy whatever power I have to mold my life in the process? Is this really a good thing? So finally the argument stopped on that.

Then, he started insisting on going back to the US to live, which I thought was completely nuts (we are in France by the way). This is the complete opposite of where I want to go on my affirmations. It was HELL, like I thought some evil force hijacked his meat suit just to put mountains where flat grassland used to be. Again, this eventually subsided. But during all this ridiculousness, I never once stopped my affirmations. I felt like something wanted to prevent me from creating the habit of affirmations. It really felt like an attack. But I thought, the right to live my life as I see fit is worth the fight.

There were little "roadblocks" popping up that seemed to get in the way of me saying my affirmations every day (during the designated prayer period). Like we had too spend time at his parents for the holidays, or I think I would be alone and in the middle of saying my prayers, and he's calling me from the living room asking me what I'm doing. I'd respond, and then I'd sneak away to finish my affirmations in the back yard. My in laws and my husband could still see me, but at least they could think I was just "enjoying nature".

I wondered, what is this daily BS that is creating hindrances for me in saying my prayers? But I kept it up--I took pictures of my affirmations on my phone so I could read them at my in laws back yard when I was alone, hell I even woke up at 5 or 6 in the morning to read them by myself in the bathroom.

Unlike you guys, I did not feel any sense of euphoria. But I felt that the discord was a sign that I was going in a powerful direction. But it was also just the principle of it all. I don't have any harmful or malevolent affirmations, but I do include protections to keep me and my loved ones safe. There is absolutely no reason for me to apologise for that. Honestly, I felt that the initial discord was a sign that I was doing something right.

These days, my life is much more placid, with a few things starting to materialise. It's only been a little over a year, and I am almost done saying my 3rd prayer campaign (it will be a rest period for me soon). My personal relationships are a lot smoother, I just moved into a beautiful condo in a quiet and gorgeous neighborhood.

On June 29 or 30, I saw something curious. I had just finished my last appointment before break time. Just FYI, I work at home. Anyway, I look down and see a hairy caterpillar on the floor. The window is closed, and so is the door to my home office. There are no plants in my home office or the hallway that leads to my office. It is exactly 11:11 am. I take the caterpillar to the backyard near the bushes and it disappears. I told my husband about the caterpillar, and he dismissed it, saying it must have gotten through the window or something. Honestly, I don't see how or why the caterpillar would be in my office, since there are no plants. It was on the floor next to my desk, far away from the window.

Anyway, I look up caterpillar sightings on the internet, and a lot of what I had to read made me smile. I think a few days after the caterpillar sighting in my home, MetallicMan puts put a post called "Coping in Chrysalis". Is it a coinkidink? Maybe. But it sure is a happy one.

It is happening for you. It is. Do not lose hope. Using my latest imagery of the highway to city "B" you, my dear on on that highway. you will see some really nice things in your future. Just what ever you do... never give up your affirmation schedule.

pissedlizard and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardOld Wine

@old-wine - not a chance it was a coincidence (your caterpillar story) as well as letting us know your experience - it helps! A lot.

I saw the strangest looking caterpillar July 6 (it was so odd looking that I had to take a pic) it looked like a small green snake with a horn on it. and I NEVER look in the grass or bushes. Say this one-stood out like a sore thumb.

No coincidences.

Wether it is me changing or you changing or is changing - something is changing into a butterfly.

congjing yu and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld Wine
Quote from pissedlizard on July 17, 2021, 10:21 pm

One of the articles is about cat heaven. I personally could not bring myself to read it because I developed an intense INTENSE love for my baby and just the thought of her leaving the physical - I just don’t even want that in my head so I skipped it. Inside that article after the stories - that are hopeful but I am still selfish - there is SO MUCH that will help make so much sense out of all this - I give you my word on that....

The Cat Heaven post was the third post I read on MM. It shook me to my core. Like I mentioned earlier, my first experience here was reading the first post on MWI, followed by one of the deep posts about soul and consciousness, then Cat Heaven. The story about Snowball is what did it for me. I've always had "special" dreams with pets I've had a deep bond with (and one human so far) after they've passed. Last year in the midst of the pandemic I had to make the hardest decision of my life to let my soul cat go. She was very ill and suffering and I knew deep down it was the right thing to do. She was 3 months shy of her 21st birthday and I'd had the good fortune to share 19 of those years with her. I was so distraught that it took 2 weeks before she was able to visit me in my dream. To date, they work about the same. I'll be having a normal dream when something in my dream shifts and I notice a presence. The dream becomes more life like - I can feel emotions, tactile sensations, sounds, smells, the works. Every single pet that's visited me this way has told me through emotion and non-verbal communication that they are happy, I shouldn't be so sad and that they love me. My extra special little girl has visited several times since to check in, including that first night of discomfort since starting my campaign.

I've tried to share the idea of special dreams with others before and quickly learned that most people don't get it so stopped. MM is helping fill in the gaps of my knowledge, confirming things I've long suspected and adding so much more.

I had another sign today while running errands. This latest discomfort had me mentioning to my husband that I might see if he had any of his old muscle relaxers to help my back and then didn't go look, just followed rest and stretching protocols (which worked fine I might add). A couple days later my husband went to a doctors appointment he already had scheduled to follow up on a thing from earlier this year. While he was out we got a call from the pharmacy that a prescription was ready. I assumed his doc had prescribed something during his appointment. When he got home I asked if he'd picked up the meds and he was like "What meds?" so I replayed the message. He was baffled. We then proceeded to forget about it until yesterday when the pharmacy called again as a reminder. So our last stop today was the pharmacy where my husband picked up his prescription. It was for muscle relaxers in his name by his doctor. On the drive home the conversation went something like this...

Him: That's odd. My doctor didnt mention he was going to prescribe anything.

Me: Didn't I just ask you not long ago about looking for some of your old muscle relaxers for my back?

Him: Yeah, you did. That's so weird.

Nothing is coincidence. I never expected anything like this to work this fast or materialize in this manner. I have so much to learn!

congjing yu and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld Wine

Ok first, I am SO sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences. Honestly. I am SO glad you get visits! The bond that cats give is so intense and people who don’t own cats will never get the pleasure of understanding.

I am 1000% certain MM is who he says he is and is stuff is real - along with many other contributors. Zero question. In fact, I was SO certain so early on that when he described the brain surgery, the actual procedure-no question. We do that kind of brain surgery now in some places. The technology Majestic had in the 80s we have now. But the thing that REALLY REALLY did it is there is an “experimental way” of opening the scalp exactly as described. It’s so new it hasn’t got funding yet, but there it is - described.
(putting current through a gel and micro bursting seizures - but at a rate of 1000 times per second) - deadens everything and the patient can remain awake. It WILL revolutionize neurosurgery. Period.

So - yeah that’s just one of dozens. The pineal gland just now being seriously studied in a way that is going to bring theology and medicine together. The study is in year 2 (not counting 2020) and has another 5 to go. No way is that public knowledge - at all.

I can go on and on...

Now here is the real good news:

Your husband is how my wife was up until about a month ago. I did what you are doing - but I’m a guy so I gotta be slick about it - but keep pointing out the coincidences. Curiosity during times of crises is when people’s minds open up.

Madness is planned in every town in every state in America on October 19. South Africa is an image of the western worlds future. He will come around as things heat up.

Now-the Snowball story. Had me in frigging tears. Fortunately I printed it out so that’s when I saw the later pages and said “where has THIS been”? Now its easier to read the stories but I am a softy for animals. Cats on the top of the list.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Ah. Snowflaker. (Aka "snowball"). He was a good little guy. I still miss him.

I have had many experiences with cats, and I really welcome your stories. Lately I have been thinking about a cat that lived down the street from my home. At that time I lived in Indiana, and I lived in a mobile home park. Now we had (at that time) a bunch of cats. But down the street was a (perhaps) eight year old boy who was attached to this grey cat about a year old.

He loved that cat. But, his mother would not allow him to have a cat. So what he would do is go and carry the cat to our house and try to hide it there. I know it sounds silly, but that is what happened, and then on his spare moments he would sneak over and play with "his" cat. I had no problem with this. This boy had a real obsession with cats. He was really in love with cats.

Now at that time I was driving a distressed Mazda RX-7. Which is a little two-seater sports car that was really low to the ground. When I mean low, I mean LOWWW. The bottom of the car was only about three inches from the road. Maybe 30 cm. I'd have to put my head on the street to make sure that nothing was under the car when I would leave for work in the morning. And if you have pets, especially cats, it's a big issue.

Unfortunately I have had the experience of running over cats who hid under my car, so I took special precautions to make sure that that would never happen. Sometimes (like in the Summer) I would get the hose and spray underneath the car. But for the most part I would check the car myself, and then ask my wife to check.

One day, I checked under the car, and saw nothing. I then asked my wife to check. She said it was ok, (she didn't check, by the way) and I ran over the grey cat that "belonged" to the little neighborhood boy.

It was lying down right in front of my front right tire. And I just ran over it.

I was heartbroken, and I picked up the little guy as it died in my arms, it's little claws digging into my fingers as it died. I stood there holding it. And my boss was ringing my phone off the hook "as if to say you had better not be one minute late". And I just carried the dead cat to my backyard.

But the cat came to me. Right then in clear clarity. It "said" it's ok don't feel bad. I know you didn't intend to kill me".

My wife was saying "I just felt the cat. It's ok. Don't worry. Do not feel bad. The cat is all right.".

So I went to work.

That evening, I saw the boy looking all over the neighborhood for his cat. And then again the next day. He was really shaken up.

So I went over to him as he walked down the middle of the street. As I walked with him he kept on saying that he must have scared the cat, and now the cat "ran away" because he must have done something really bad. And he was beating himself up over it.

So I went next to him as we walked down the street looking for "his cat".

So I walked close to him and I told him that cats are magical creatures. they come into our lives, and they give us love. And then they go away to do other "missions". I told him that the cat will return to him. Maybe not today, but one day. And when it does he might not recognize it, but he will be able to "feel" it. And I said, that when that happens, for him to take care of that cat, and he will stay with him and never leave ever again.

It calmed the boy. And he stopped looking for the cat.

I often think about this event from time to time, and this is the first time that I have ever mentioned it to anyone.

My feelings were genuine, and the events did happen as described. I do not know what happened to the cat and the boy, but I have a strong "inkling" that they connected a few years later when he was no longer living with his mother. (BTW. An "inkling" in my mind is like a remote (little used) channel that you monitor from time to time. I'll have to talk about that later.)

Anyways, at the time I told a kind of story that was suitable for a young boy. That the cat is on an adventure and that it will return to him because (after all) it loved him. But it also held truth. The cat will return to him when the conditions were better for their joint relationship.

I do hope that this little story has a much meaning for youse guys as it does for me.


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