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Affirmation theory?

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It speaks volumes that you went out of your way to help the child. A calming voice from a grown up can mean the difference between”my cat left me what did I do to make this happen” to “my cat is gone, what can I do to find it”.

I know more people that wouldn’t have got involved even if they did accidentally run over it.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

That is a profound story. Even in tragedy you are the Rufus.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

I had an interesting experience this morning. I've been working on adding a line to my affirmations and spoke the final result out loud for the first time. When I got to that line it felt like a silent pulse going out. I hope that means I got things right!

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Yes. That is how it works. As you get better at it, you will be able to determine the "quality" of the pulse, and it's "acceptability" relative to the rest of your affirmations and template. You can use this "ping back" loop to determine whether to proceed or to stop particular affirmations.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

@laoban4site Thanks for this. The ping didn't happen again today and yesterday's ping felt neutral - I didn't get any overwhelming positive or negative feelings associated with it. I know i have a lot to learn still. There are a couple other affirmations that I need to tweak the language on. It will be interesting to see if I get pings with those too.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Nothing good or bad. You are learning. Over time, you will be able to see the pings into "gradients" or varying degrees of "value". Then even further on, you will see the pings in a 3D grid (of sorts). That will give you much more quantitative information that you will be able to use.

All in all, I see this as a very highly positive development.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

Manifestation is speeding up I tell you!

This morning I affirmed that I was going to do a spritzing up of my neglected front yard. But I had in mind a lazy project that I would do leisurely over months maybe. Then about noon, a municipal officer came around and told me I had to remove some planter pots that I had placed onto the side of a public road, and move them onto my front yard. Now I have some time pressure for me to move my butt on my front yard project? LOL

I had gotten away with putting those pots on the roadside for 10 years, but for the officer to come around today a few hours after my affirmation. WOW.

I read all this stuff about how our world is entering into a period of higher vibration where manifestations come more easily and faster. I wonder if this is proof of that? Maybe it is that and our interlinked Intention Campaigns reinforcing each other?

Also another thing notable is that this incident again shows how time is not strictly linear, like past ----> present ----> future. This municipal officer was forced to act because lots of properties in my area were doing the same thing. Apparently there have been some feedback/complaints about this so he was obliged to act. Usually they are quite chill about minor infringements such as these. Anyways, these complaints definitely came BEFORE my affirmation. It is to me, yet another proof that affirmations are not constrained by linear time.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The longer that you are involved in these MM activities the easier it will be able to see that time does not exist, and our reality is moldable by our campaigns.

keff and guyFromAfrica have reacted to this post.
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