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Eating delicious food with friends and family

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I have been musing a lot about food lately. It's one of the top things that I think about, don't you know. And so I have been going over some of my older posts and articles about food, friendship, companionship and similar subjects. One of my older articles is titled "The Importance of a family meal together". And now, after seeing how the world has evolved, I want to I right? Or, am I just being old fashioned? Or to put it better, are meals something to be treasured as a venue for all of us to share and enjoy together, or is it just a "thing that you do" to get energy while you are busy working on your goals?

The reason why I am questioning this is that no one, outside of China, really seems to care that much about meals. They run-off to get some things, and then they eat. No one seems to make a big deal out of it. And I find that a real shame. It used to be that in the Deep South we would have these things called 'smoke houses" where you would cure briskets and meat for a long, long time. And they would be so amazingly delicious and tasty, and we would get together and eat together. talking and sloshing over beer and good "grub". Doesn't people do that any more?

What about England? There was a time when you could go down to the local pub and get a good stout and some bangers and meet up with friends and talk about things. You know...things. But my friends in the UK now tell me that they rarely go to pubs any longer. Things have changed.

In France, you used to be able to get some wonderful baguettes (freshly made) with real butter, and soft spread cheese, and a fine coffee and just hang out with your friends. But when I see images of France these days, I just don't see that. Why? Why is everyone staying hidden and isolated? What is going on?

Please take a piece of cake and the hot drink of your choice and have a good time with your family and friends.

I invite all of you to do so! The sea is stormy at the moment and I know many family captains are on the steering wheel trying find some calmer water. But don't forget to get together with your crew and have a nice time and good food so the sanity on board is kept.

I chose the picture with intention because while baking this cake, i poured my heart into it. It was my little ones birthdaycake and we had friends over and it was a really good time. Something i will remember for a long time!!

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Feal, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
FealperolatorOld WineGoldleafAlice

@mirri wow, that is really a beaut! May I ask what kind of cake it is? Is it a vanilla mousse cake inside? What is the icing?

It kind of reminds me a little bit of some of the nicer patisseries here in France. Since you are a pastry chef, I wonder if you also make caneles.

Mirri has reacted to this post.

@old-wine thank you so much! It's Bisquit filled with red currant jam, bilberries and vanilla buttercream that I also used outside.

The French bakeries alsways inspire me with all the little tartes and mousse cakes topped with filigran chocolate and fruits.

No, I haven't made caneles yet, but I will make some! The most "french" thing I made was petit fours and croissants. They taste as good as they are a hustle to make ;D

@mirri Your post wins the internet today 🙂 I really needed a positive message. And a beautiful cake as a bonus! Thank you!!

Mirri has reacted to this post.

What a wonderful picture. Oh, how I wish that we all could sit around a table and enjoy it together.

Alice and Mirri have reacted to this post.

Time for another round of food.

I found a utube channel that is all about russian food. They travel the country and show people making traditional regional food and where they live and so on.

I chose this video for two reasons: 1. It's about Krimtartares and 2. the granny cooking reminds me sooo much of my great-grandma and my husbands granny. Just watch her hands making the pastries. She must have done them 10s of thousands times!!


keff and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
keffMemory Loss

Now food is something that I could really eat up!


Thanks for showing us a new world!

Lovely warm people and beautifully filmed. I shall like to visit Crimea one day.

Mirri has reacted to this post.

How about this action?


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