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Eating delicious food with friends and family

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This is awesome!!!

I just want to share a staple dish of mine, if nobody minds the thread necromancy. Inspired by the always excellent recipies in MM's main posts.

If anyone makes some english muffins, as an Englisman, let me tell you they go great with breakfast foods - bacon, eggs, saussages.

The following ingredients are more of a to-taste kind of thing or when the spirits of your ancestors tell you enough is enough than a strict measurement.

Tuna Pasta Bake!

You'll need:

  1. a big ovenproof dish
  2. Two tins of tuna (comes to about 210g after straining) - I mix it, one from brine one from sunflower oil.
  3. 250g Fusilli Pasta. This is the best sort of pasta to use.
  4. About a tablespoon of ground black pepper
  5. Same again for Parsley.
  6. Teaspoon of olive oil [Optional].
  7. Somewhere between 50-100g of sweetcorn. personal taste, start with lower end if you've never tried them together.
  8. Same again for diced onion.
  9. A bake sauce jar, I tend to get a pre-made jar because I'm not yet wanting to make my own sauce. If you can find a dedicated Tuna one, use that. Otherwise some sort of tomato and herb base will be fine.
  10. 250g of grated cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pre-heat the oven at about 200c/400f.
  2. Get a big mixing bowl out.
  3. Put the cat on the floor from where you usually open the tins of tuna because she knows what the sound of that bowl means.
  4. Ask the cat why she even likes Tuna so much, she cant even naturally hunt it.
  5. Thoroughly mix all of the ingredients except the cheese into the big mixing bowl, or directly in the baking dish.
  6. Put one of the empty tins of tuna down for the cat to clean. (There are no sharp edges on my tins for clarity)
  7. Put in the oven for about 25 minutes. It'll start to come together, the pasta should be a bit soft.
  8. Take it out, give it a good stir, add the cheese as a layer on top.
  9. Put it back in the oven for about 20/25 minutes. The cheese layer should be going golden brown. You'll be able to cut it with a sharp knife and split it in two. It'll look somewhat similar to that Ziti recipie.

Eat. Comes in at about 1800 calories or so when I make it. Goes brilliantly with Garlic Bread and a salad.

It's filling, heavy, and keeps the cold out. I'll often have it as my one meal a day if I'm intermittant fasting.

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