I just checked my American news sites. It’s still full of the nonsense that the American government wants you to believe. Some people have commented that the outrageous shrilling is an indication of failure. Maybe so.
When the amount of money used to control the narrative exceeds that in putting a man on the moon, then any reasonable person can well conclude that “something is amiss”.
Here, in this article, I will present a few vetted news items.
Not the Rah-Rah-Rah America is great nonsense. Nor, the Ha-Ha-Ha Putin is failing and it’s karma payback time. Nope.
Instead, it’s a serious look at a serious subject, organized in a serious way to make a point. And the last article might be an indicator of something quite deadly serious.
What is the death of a few journalists compared to democracy?
The credability of the Western “journalsim” already dying, has recieved a death blow with the Ukraine invasion.
This blogger (James Fetzer) went over the “proof” that Russia is being defeated by the brave Ukranians, and that Russia is killing innocents.
He took the videos and the pictures and did a reverse image search and came up with where the pictures ACTUALLY came from. Interesting. Mind blowing, if I didn’t already know this.
Other nations are saying “Let’s stop using the USD”
China supports Russia!
A sudden hot buying of Russian products in China has resulted in empty shelves, and an urgent market for all things Russian. In fact, President Putin is looked upon as a major hero standing up against the insanity that is the West today. My feeds are full of pro-Russian videos, and many, many douxing videos are depicting President Putin as a real leader making hard decisions.
But, you know that the United States does not like this relationship one bit.
China’s Largest Chipmaker Will Be ‘Shut Down’ If It Sells To Russia Says U.S. Official
Don’t Fuck with Russia
This video says it all.

China refusing to supply Russian plane parts?
"China's position has been stated clearly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our international policies are consistent," -Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, according to a CNBC translation.
China to double yuan’s trading band with ruble to 10% in first-of-its-kind move – Global Times
Russia and China, are not alone.
Russia’s defense minister reports that there are 16,000 volunteers in the Middle East who are ready to come to fight in the Ukraine. They will join with Russian-backed forces in the separatist-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk areas of the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.
Uh Oh! What have we done?
EU investment capital is gushing out and bleeding Europe dry!
Chinese Space Station to become a business portal
“China to open space station to commercial activity”
China kicked off The Tiangong Space station Program after Being rejected to join international ISS space program (2001) later forbidden by “wolf law(2011)“
Now, decades later China own space station Tiangong (天宫太空站)is circling in space. Now China is to open space station to commercial activity. The rejector and wolf law makers are going to cooperate.
This story is pretty much telling us
1. Sanction will not work to kill competition
2. shoe is on the other foot(三十年河东三十年河西)
China says the United States used its computers to launch cyberattacks on Russia, Ukraine | Reuters
NSA earning it’s keep. Fucking around with both Russia and China simultaneously. What could possibly go wrong?
A coincidence or ?
Compare the below Australian and United States reports. A coincidence or what? From my “untrained eyes” it looks like Australia has become an arm of the United States, and just copies and approves everything without a critical look. Next step… statehood.
Russia owes Western banks $120 billion. They won’t get it back – CNN
United States bioweapons in the Ukraine
Russian Defense Ministry releases materials of U.S. bio-military operations in Ukraine. It’s a treasure trove. Better grab it before the NSA takes all the information down.
Australia’s Morrison vs Russia’s Putin
United States weapon shipments to Ukraine…
The standard mode of operation; the USA “playbook” has just been thrown into the firepit. If the USA ships any weapons to the Ukraine, any forces, any “advisers”; the United States will be treated as a hostile nation emgaging in war against Russia.
“Statements made today by Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergey Ryabkov, have officially put the U.S. and its allies on notice that any weapons shipments into Ukraine will be viewed as legitimate targets and potentially attacked as such.”
‘We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Ryabkov told state television.
He went on, warning “about the consequences of the thoughtless transfer to Ukraine of weapons like man-portable air defense systems, anti-tank missile systems, and so on.”
NASA Astronaut “Enraged” by Russian Threat to Leave American Stranded in Space
Biden considers digital dollar—here’s how it could differ from regular money
So the USA is going to try to compete against the e-yuan. Good luck. The e-yuan is backed with gold.
The problem with using the USD is that…
- Inflation through $30 trillion debt and unlimited spending undermines it’s stability making it a volitile medium.
- American government and banking interests are mercurial. It’s easy to lose everything by some whim by politicians or faceless bureaucrats.
- It is not backed by any commodities, gold, hard precious metals, manufacturing ability, reserves, or talent.
Biden’s order said a US-issued digital currency could be used to “support efficient and low-cost transactions, particularly for cross‑border funds transfers and payments, and to foster greater access to the financial system, with fewer of the risks posed by private sector-administered digital assets” such as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Video of SWAT Arresting a man who was about to give evidence of Ukrainian Biolabs in 2009
It seems rumors of the US running biolabs in Ukraine date back to 2009. Here’s a video of a SWAT takedown of a “whistleblower”. He’s probably either killed or doing time in prison as a sex offender.
China trade: export growth slowdown in January-February ‘alarming’ despite beating expectations
Imagine that. The growth is much larger than expected, and it is reported in the pro-USA SCMP as “alarming”! Words like “catastrophic”, “fiasco”, “disastrous”, and “clamorous” are are words that have negative connotations, that should not be used when positive unexpected news occurs.
- 2022 Exports grew by 16.3 per cent in combined figures for January and February compared to a year earlier
- 2021 Imports grew by 15.5 per cent in combined figures for January and February from a year earlier
Biden banned the supply of dollar bills to Russia
US President Joe Biden signed a decree banning the sale of dollar bills to Russia.
"The following is prohibited... export, re-export, sale or delivery directly or indirectly from the United States, as well as from individuals or companies in the United States, regardless of their location of banknotes denominated in US dollars, to the Russian Government or to any person located in the Russian Federation,"
In addition, Joe Biden restricted the import of alcoholic beverages, diamonds and seafood from Russia, as well as the export of luxury goods to the country.
Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in the Donbass. He announced this in his video message to the Russians on February 24, 2022. As the Head of state emphasized, the Russian Federation does not plan to occupy Ukraine, but aims to demilitarize the country.
Well, if it’s going to seize anything Russian, then Russia can play the same game…
McDonald’s, IKEA, Apple are included among 59 companies that the Russian Federation may nationalize, as a response to widespread corporate withdrawal.
Gold stockpiled in Asia
Yes. While the West just keeps printing money out of thin air, the world pivots back to hard tangibles, instead of paper, then the collective West is in for a real shock.
The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis scared developing countries into accumulating more funds to shield their currencies from crashes, pushing official reserves from less than $2 trillion to a record $14.9 trillion in 2021, according to the International Monetary Fund. While central banks have lately sought to buy and repatriate gold, it only makes up 13% of their assets. Foreign currencies are 78%. Barring gold, these assets are someone else’s liability—someone who can just decide they are worth nothing. Last year, the IMF suspended Taliban-controlled Afghanistan’s access to funds and SDR. Sanctions on Iran have confirmed that holding reserves offshore doesn’t stop the U.S. Treasury from taking action. Yet the entire artifice of “money“ as a universal store of value risks being eroded by the banning of key exports to Russia and boycotts of the kind corporations like Apple and Nike announced this week
The US is not in a position to lecture China!
China slams US over state sovereignty remarks …
Dmitry Orlov Discuss Russia, Ukraine and the United States
It’s a great You-Tube video found HERE. Over an hour long.
But there’s one particular section that is REALLY important. It’s about energy and the hopeless, fucked up situation that the USA is in right now. It really fits in with my belief that both Russia and China have war-gamed all steps and are playing chess, while the United States doodles on the wall with crayons.

Big whopper lies out of Australia
Australia a vassel state of China? Seriously?
The secret of scaring people is not to tell lies – but rather it is to tell really really BIG LIES. That has always been the strategy of successful war propaganda machines – from Goebbels to Putin.
Here trainee Senator James Paterson (friend of fellow professional China scaremonger Andrew Hastie) really makes me laugh. His analysis (or big lies) misses they key point – that is – Australia is already a vassal state of the USA.
Australians appoint Americans like Heather Cook to lead ASIO.
Australians commit hundreds of billions of dollars to buying weapons, planes and submarines that we don’t need (instead of spending on jobs, hospitals, disaster recovery, education, indigenous equality).
Australia even allows an American political project to control 70% of Australian media channels!
Even when a million Australians support a petition crafted by a former PM to stop the dominance of the divisive News Corp – nothing happens!
Why is the supposed Australian think tank – ASPI- funded by the US department of defence and US defence industry contractors?
Canberra is simply too scared of Rupert and Washington. That fear is unAustralian and is the root cause of us being a sacrificial pawn, a puppet, in US foreign policy. That why being a vessel for US policy makes us a vassal. Australia should be better than that, braver than that .. because, after all, Australians have a decorated history of bravery!
In comparison – please ask yourself – are a couple of Chinese diaspora polital candidates and a few campus activists actually a threat? In reality is China – a country with 1 (one!) overseas military post compared to the US with its 800 (eight hundred!) overseas military posts the actual threat?.. of course not. Hence the need for BIG LIES. And lots of them.
Saudi oil giant Aramco strikes $10B petrochemical deal with China
Gasoline in California: $8.62/gal for Regular
- Crazy high’: Home heating oil prices in Mass. rapidly nearing $6 a gallon.
- Home heating oil prices on Long Island jump another 20% to a record $5.25 a gallon.
Gas prices like this are going to have major consequences, for everyone and everything.
And not to rub salt in this wound, but Trump literally stated, in public, this would happen if Biden became President. Here. Look:
Remember when Trump warned us about $7.00 gas if Biden got in? Well here we are. pic.twitter.com/LDecWc3Rhr
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 7, 2022
By the way, not only did the United States ban Russian imports on oil but it also banned their imports on precious metals, many of which are used in the manufacture of automotive parts, batteries, etc.
Inflation, combined with unbearably high gas prices and ridiculously high priced vehicles due to material shortages and therefore price hikes, will eventually lead to the American consumer ditching gas powered vehicles in favor of alternatives (what ever they might be).
You-Tube goes all out to block Russia
YouTube blocks Russian state-funded media channels globally | Reuters
DuckDuckGo ends neutrality, will down-rank sites “associated with Russian disinformation”
“Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create,” DuckDuckGo CEO and founder Gabriel Weinberg tweeted. “At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.”
Like the conservatives, independent companies destroy themselves by trying to imitate what seems to be the going trend, in the process erasing what made them an option to the delight of those promoting the trend.
The Top ten ways that America is the most corrupt nation in the world
Only ten?
Oh and about those pictures and videos of how the Ukraine is destroying Russia…
- Consider that there are 26,000,000 cell phones in Ukraine.
- There is no interruption of wifi or internet, or power.
Yet, there is not one single live footage of any battles, fighting or “evidence”. Think about it.
China Plans To Take Advantage Of The Big Oil Exodus From Russia | OilPrice.com
- The exodus of Western companies from Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine has left a business vacuum that China is very interested in filling.
- Notably, China is interested in taking advantage of the oil, gas, and metals projects that have been left behind by various companies boycotting Russia.
- It seems that sanctions and boycotts on Russia may have the unintended consequence of strengthening China’s efforts to internationalize the yuan.
Russia-Ukraine-NATO: It Keeps Getting Worse
The Special Military Operation by Russia in Ukraine, which NATO continues to interfere with, got very much worse overnight. A particular escalation too place overnight that has alarm bells ringing in the heads of all thinking people.
Russia will treat western arms shipments to Ukraine as legitimate military targets, deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov says. "We warned [the US] of consequences from the insane transfer to Ukraine of weapons like mobile anti-aircraft systems, anti-tank missiles, and so on." Now, Ryabkov's statement does not reveal if treating weapons shipments as legitimate military targets means hitting such weapons inside Ukraine, or taking them out before they get to Ukraine, which means hitting them in another country. No matter how one looks at it, this is now an aggressive new escalation.
An indirect threat to China / Taiwan
The current Ukrainian crisis entails secondary, but no less serious, consequences on the geopolitical balance between China and Taiwan.
Russia and Ukraine are the only producers of palladium and neon, which are indispensable for the production of microchips.
Moscow’s possible retaliation has attracted more attention in recent days after market research group Techcet published a report highlighting the dependence of many semiconductor manufacturers on materials of Russian and Ukrainian origin such as neon, palladium and others. According to Techcet’s estimates, more than 90% of U.S. supplies of semiconductor neon come from Ukraine, while 35% of U.S. palladium comes from Russia. […] According to the US International Trade Commission, neon prices rose by 600% before Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014, because chip companies relied on some Ukrainian companies […] If it is true that a Chinese invasion of Formosa would put the global technology supply chain at risk, it is also true that a sudden shortage of raw materials from Russia could stop production, so as to make the island lose the “microchip shield” and induce Beijing to attempt the annexation of Taipei.
Close to World War III?
Many people maintain that we are very close to a world war. But does “very close” actually mean anything? It is quite possible to stand for hours with your toes hanging over the edge of a cliff and never jump. Suicide is a big decision: big even for a person, much bigger for a large country.
On March 1, 2018 president Putin unveiled Russia’s new weapons systems against which the United States is defenseless and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Previously, the plan was to surround Russia with military bases and missile batteries, then launch a preemptive first strike, destroying its ability to retaliate and forcing it to capitulate.
This plan has now conclusively failed, and a US/NATO attack on Russia is once again assured to be an act of suicide. Worse than that, even limited military confrontations are now mostly unthinkable because Russia can now inflict unacceptable damage on US/NATO forces from a safe distance without putting any of its own assets at risk. If Russia won’t attack and the US/NATO can’t attack, then how likely is a war?
- https://www.veteranstodaynetwork.com/2022/03/08/has-usa-lost-global-power-and-is-now-just-faking-it/
NATO does this; NATO does that…
But, what UN authorized power does NATO actually have? An interesting read.
NATO violates international convention for sending mercenaries to Ukraine: former UN official
Tucker: This could very easily get worse
An exceptional FOX “news” opinion piece on the USA economy. Go to YOU-TUBE here.

Why the USA is the master of propiganda…
…during the strange and tumultuous twentieth century during which the US briefly flashed across the world stage, these three countries went by different names, which all ended in “empire”:
The Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire.
Of these three, the Russian and the Ottoman empires were heirs to the Holy Roman Empire, whose eastern half, with its capital Constantinople, went on for centuries after Rome had turned into a depopulated ruin and a dark age had descended on Europe.
After Constantinople fell to the Turks and Islam took over the region, the center of Orthodox Christianity migrated north to Moscow.
Now add China, or the Chinese Empire if you like, which is now aligned with Russia, and complete the picture: all of the greatest and most ancient Eurasian empires have come back and are talking and cooperating, while the has-been upstart on the other side of the planet isn’t even invited.
Given this situation, what is the US to do?
It has three choices.
The first is to start a major war, thus committing national suicide (while taking other countries with it). It lacks the political will to make this decision, although it could blunder into a major war by accident.
The second choice is to basically just fold: give up trying to project power around the world, retreat into its own borders and lick its wounds. It lacks the political will to do this as well; all that remains in the realm of possibility is to pretend that everything is still fine for as long as possible.
But how is it possible to pretend that everything is still fine even as everything is falling apart? The answer is to start faking it.
The third choice is to fake it. If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer.
It may no longer be capable of achieving any of its aims, but it is still very much capable of mass murder, as was recently demonstrated by the US “coalition” bombings of Mosul and Raqqa, which now lay in ruins. Similar wanton acts of mass murder have been committed America’s Saudi-Arabian proxy in Yemen, and by their Ukrainian proxies in the Donbass.
But even the opportunities to commit mindless mass murder with impunity are now becoming fewer and farther between, forcing the US to resort to more boutique acts of violence. To justify these acts, the US (and much of Europe) curtains itself off from the rest of the world using an elaborately constructed wall of complete nonsense…
And that my friends is why the United States funds propiganda so lavishly.
Mainstream media isn’t always so bad…
Mainstream media are not all bad. Sometimes they may even make a mistake and tell the truth.
- Here is a one-year old Time report on White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine, a fact the West and its lying hypocrites are not allowed to mention any more.
- Even better. We have a report from the Beast’s mouth. BBC has an eight-year old report on Neo-Nazi threat in New Ukraine. Have the Nazis disappeared or have they taken over?
- The Guardian won’t be left out. Four years ago, they knew about Ukraine’s far-right children’s camp. It was all fun and guns then. Are the kids out there killing yet?
- I almost forgot to mention DW. This is another one that can’t seem to speak a single truth about China or Russia. But they reported five years ago on the Azov battalion.
- What d’ya know? Canada, the neighborly henchman of America, reported about official meetings with the Azov battalion. It was clear that everyone knew about the Nazis in Ukraine. The story even compared the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis with ISIS. How delicious! But somehow they’ve all disappeared from the narrative.
- And four years ago, Max Blumenthal, a real reporter who shows you his material, knew about the US arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis. It’s American tax dollars at work, folks. This is what happens when your democracy produces liars, miscreants, and war criminals to represent you.
- Is anyone in the West indignant. Actually yes! Here is Irish MEP Clare Daly giving them hell. And here is Clare Daly again exposing her EU colleagues as hypocrites. She’s the female version of Mick Wallace. What’s with Ireland always coming up with politicians who tell the truth?
- Here Clare and Mick together told the truth about the West pushing for war with Russia a year ago. They saw it coming, but did you?
The Nazis tried to leave Mariupol under the guise of civilians. The deception failed, and again accused Russia of disrupting the evacuation.
I’ll keep it short. I read Facebook and again came across a note about the “cruel Russians” who allegedly once again disrupted the evacuation of civilians from surrounded Mariupol. Well, as if nothing like surprising, quite a common thing-Russia is to blame for everything. If not for the comments in which the Ukrainians unwittingly handed over their “heroes” in full.
So, according to them, it was like this:
- – the opening time of the humanitarian corridor has been agreed,
- – a column of Mariupol women is approaching, some with children,
- – Russian troops issue an ultimatum – personal search of each refugee,
- – the Ukrainian side is trying to demand that everyone be allowed to pass without exception and without being searched,
- – the Russians refuse,
- -quote “not a single Azov fighter will be released from the city”,
- “the column turns around in a hurry and goes back.
- Ah, what bad Russians… the “humanitarian action”was disrupted again.
Realizing that the trick failed, “Azov” returned back to the city, without releasing the real women with children. After all, “heroes” need someone to hide behind that…
The SBU; the Ukranian Gestapo
Another pesky French journalist. How dare you break our illusion and report that there were crimes against humanity in Donbas? How dare you agree with Putin of Nazi forces attacking civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk ?
"The French Embassy in Kiev, alerted at the time, did nothing to help them and hushed up the matter. It is because we were already supporting the Ukraine of murders and massacres."
US national debt exceeds $30 trillion for first time in history
The national debt has expanded by approximately $7 trillion since January 2020, weeks before the pandemic began, as the Trump and Biden administrations dispersed stimulus payments and took other measures to support the economy. The $30 trillion debt is equivalent to $231,000 per US household and $90,000 per person, according to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. If every US household paid $1,000 per month toward covering the debt, it would take 19 years to pay down the sum.
Democracy has bankrupted itself. It will take either [1] a world war or a [2] default to get out of this hole.
Beijing calls Moscow its most important strategic partner
Russia considers Chinese payment system, as Beijing calls Moscow its ‘most important strategic partner’
Mr Wang said China’s alliance with Moscow constituted “one of the most crucial bilateral relationships in the world”. China has broken with the US, Europe and others that have imposed sanctions on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine and said sanctions create new issues and threaten a political settlement of the conflict. “No matter how perilous the international landscape, we will maintain our strategic focus and promote the development of a comprehensive China-Russia partnership in the new era,” Mr Wang told reporters at a news conference.
Germany rejects American sanctions against Russian Energy
Anyone that deals in trade with Russia will automatically be sanctioned as well. This does not bode well for Germany, as well as China. While China says “bring it on”, Germany is much more pragmatic.
Washington said at the weekend it was in “active discussions” with its European allies about imposing a boycott. But Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, issued a statement rejecting the idea on Monday. “Europe deliberately exempted Russia energy exports from sanctions. There is currently no other way of securing Europe’s supply of energy for heating, for mobility, for power supply and for industry,” he said.
Oh, and let’s not forget those 336+ biolabs…
US has 336 Biolabs in 30 countries including 26 in Ukraine:
UN Representative for Brazil Calls for Biological Weapons Investigations in Ukraine
"Brazil strongly condemns the use or threat of use of weapons of mass destruction, including biological and chemical weapons, anywhere by anyone under any circumstances."
COVID-19 is not a pandemic, but an undeclared biological war
Covid Bioweapons: Made in the US, aimed at China
The United States has been waging a covert biological war against it’s “enemies” for the last decade if not longer. Evidence found in Ukraine clearly show that Russia was the next target. This information recieves zero attendtion in the Western “news”, but it should. You see, if the United States wages WMD against Russia and China, they will slam WMD right back.
One of the reasons why the topic of biological warfare came to the fore in a number of media outlets is the information that Russia received and continues to receive during the special military operation in Ukraine.
On the eve of the operation, the media reported that at least 15 biolabs under the control of the United States operate on the territory of Ukraine.
Then it turned out that the number of such biolabs is twice as large. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, these biolabs were working in the interests of the US Military Department (Pentagon). This biological weapon is aimed at the Russian Federation with its tip.
In 1972, many countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union, signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC).
Washington has been strangely passive in monitoring the implementation of the BTWC.
In 2001, he disrupted the signing of the protocol, on the basis of which it was planned to create a mechanism for mutual checks, created and maintained biolabs on his territory that had a secret mode of operation.
For more than two decades, there has been an extremely unpleasant situation in the world: there are no mechanisms to check the content of many American biological programs.
Moreover, Washington began to rapidly create a network of biolabs outside the United States.
America has established 336 laboratories in 30 countries over two decades.
A considerable part of them is located on the territory of neighboring countries of Russia.
Now the topic of “pandemics” somehow quickly went to the second or even tenth plan, but it seems to me that this topic and the topic of biological warfare should be combined.
They complement each other.
In the first year of the” pandemic”, the first version of natural origin of covid prevailed. They say that the pathogen COVID-19 itself appeared in nature. However, gradually accumulated more and more facts that cast doubt on this version.
The second version was the assumption that Covid was born in a biolab in the Chinese city of Wuhan and accidentally (more precisely, by someone’s mistake) broke free. At first, it began to amaze the residents of this large city (11 million inhabitants), then spread to other cities in China and eventually entered the world. Washington also switched to this version, which made it possible to accuse Beijing of all serious crimes and even demand astronomical compensation for the damage that the” pandemic ” caused to America.
However, the “Wuhan” version is not completely convincing. It doesn’t matter how this virus originated, but after a while it would spread evenly and affect people in China, Europe, and America in approximately the same way.
However, covid-19 statistics compiled by Hopkins University, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies show a strange picture. Yes, there can and should be differences, but when covid-19 mortality varies by country (based on 1 million inhabitants) ten, a hundred times, there is something to think about.
They usually say about American biological laboratories: they should be closed, because they can be used for conducting biological warfare. But those people who think about the oddities of covid statistics say differently: American biolabs should be closed, because they are already waging a biological war against humanity. And the weapon of this war is the COVID-19 pathogen. Such “non-standard” experts emphasize that there is a “targeted” use of the pathogen (the target can be an individual, a certain group of people, the population of one country).
A prominent representative of such “non-standard” experts is an American Ron Unz. He comes from a Ukrainian-Jewish family, is a billionaire with a high-tech business in Silicon Valley, a conservative politician, and a writer.
From 2007 to 2013, he was a publisher The American Conservative, and has been a publisher and editor since 2013.
The Unz Review. This is a website where Unz accumulates alternative to official American points of view on what is happening in the country and in the world.
Since the beginning of 2020, the main topic of his publications has been “pandemic”.
Unza’s views on this topic are so far out of step with Washington’s official position that many of the materials published in the article are based on the fact that The Unz Review is blocked. And last year, he published the book “Our Covid-19 Disaster” (Our Covid-19 Catastrophe).
Ron Unz denies the natural origin of the pathogen.
In the version that Washington is still trying to adhere to, the story looks like this: the virus broke out of a laboratory in Wuhan and struck people who were at a seafood market in the same Wuhan. At first glance, it is plausible. However, Unz specifies that the distance between the laboratory and the market is 20 kilometers.
For some reason, there were no casualties in the immediate vicinity of the lab.
Unz is not at all sure that the injection of the pathogen occurred from the Wuhan laboratory. And it reminds that, according to many experts, the outbreak of covid in Wuhan did not begin in the first days of January 2020, but in November or even October 2019.
Unz also recalls that at the same time, in October 2019, about 300 American servicemen visited Wuhan as part of the World War Games.
This story is described in sufficient detail in the Unza article “Covid Bioweapon: Made in the USA, Aimed at China” (The Covid BioWeapon: Made in the USA, Aimed at China).
Ron Unz writes:
“This visit [the arrival of the US military in Wuhan] would be the perfect cover for America to slip a couple of operatives into the group and get them to spread the virus around the city. With thousands of foreign troops traveling and sightseeing, any risk of detection would be minimal.”
" What would the Americans think if 300 Chinese officers made an extended visit to Chicago, and right after that, a mysterious, deadly virus epidemic suddenly broke out in that city?"
Gradually, Ron Unz leads readers to the third version of the origin of covid: it was the United States that conducted a terrorist operation in Wuhan to infect the population with a new pathogen.
By the way, Unz is very surprised by the lack of awareness of some US officials about the status of the Wuhan laboratory.
They, accusing Beijing of leaking the pathogen, call this laboratory “Chinese”. In fact, the lab was French-Chinese. The French designed, built, and filled the laboratory with French equipment. It was put into operation in 2015. This was the Chinese country’s first lab with the highest degree of P4 protection, and now China could start working with the most dangerous pathogens. It was assumed that joint French-Chinese projects would be implemented in the laboratory.
And soon the Americans came to replace the French.
In the face of such serious organizations as DARPA–the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the US Department of Defense, as well as NIH – the National Institutes of Health, which is part of the US Department of Health and closely cooperates with the Pentagon.
These organizations interacted with the laboratory in Wuhan through an intermediary represented by the non-profit organization EcoHealth Alliance (EHA).
Its officially declared mission is to protect people, animals and the environment from infectious diseases, led by Peter Daszak.
DARPA and NIH acted as customers, and EHA transferred money to the Wuhan laboratory.
Today it is known that the EHA worked closely with the US CIA and carried out such tasks that were contrary to the Biological Weapons and Counter-Terrorism Act of 1989 and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
Unz suggests that the pathogen was imported from the Fort Detrick biolab (USA, Maryland), and was only temporarily deposited in the Wuhan laboratory.
Another important point from Unza’s work: if the first pinpoint strike was carried out by the Americans in Wuhan, China, then the second – in Iran a few weeks after the first deaths from covid were recorded in Wuhan.
Unz writes:
"By the end of February, Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elite was particularly hard hit: soon as many as 10% of the entire Iranian parliament was infected, and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians died from the disease, including some of them quite high-ranking ones. Neoconservative activists on Twitter have gleefully started pointing out that their hated Iranian enemies are now dying like flies."
Covid had a very rich harvest of deaths in Iran before he started killing people in other countries. At the end of 2019, relations between the United States and Iran sharply worsened.
Today, there is no doubt that the January 2, 2020 assassination of General Qassem Soleimani was targeted.
The Pentagon confirmed that Soleimani was killed on the orders of President Trump.
A few weeks later, representatives of the Iranian elite began to become infected with covid and die one by one.
"So we see America assassinate Iran's top military commander on January 2, and then, just a few weeks later, a significant portion of Iran's ruling elites will contract a mysterious and deadly new virus, and many of them will soon die as a result. Could a reasonable person have considered this a mere coincidence? "
So asks Ron Unz.
So, America’s two leading adversaries – China and Iran – were the first to take a hit in the form of a mysterious, deadly virus.
After getting acquainted with the work of Unza, it seems that 336 American biological laboratories scattered across 30 countries of the world continue to perform (with the exception of 30 Chinese laboratories that have dropped out of the game) the functions of a kind of military bases.
They are engaged not only in research and development of new types of bioweapons and ways to deliver them to the target, but also serve as a kind of hub where the US military places pathogens planned for use against US opponents. COVID-19 is one of them.
In Washington, DC two people got the deadly hantavirus
It’s a good thing that Russia and China aren’t striking back against the US Bioweapon strikes…
The Americas are best known for harboring “New World” hantaviruses, which cause a severe respiratory disease called Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. And these are much more deadly. HPS can also begin like a generic infection, with fever, chills, and aches. But, it can progress to an acute, life-threatening cardiopulmonary phase after about a week. And from there, the disease can progress rapidly, with the lungs filling with fluid and people needing hospitalization and often ventilation within 24 hours. HPS is fatal in about 38 percent of cases, the CDC notes. But for the most important “New World” hantavirus in the US—the Sin Nombre virus, spread by the deer mouse—the fatality rate is about 50 percent.
Curious thing this.
Hantavirus is prevalent in the Western United States. Not the East Coast, and certainly not in Washington DC; the capital.
What an odd coincidence.
The United States has ignited a conflict with Russia and China. These nations do not play. If you are ready to step into the boxing ring, you sure as fuck better be in top shape and have upped your game.
It will not matter how many attractive cheerleaders are rooting for you. In this arena, it’s winner take all, and nothing about it will be reported on.

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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i haven’t finished reading this and plan to come back to it, but @conjing yu I did more digging after i sent that video of the guy getting pepper gassed in his car courtesy of SWAT back in 2009, after claiming the US had biolabs in Ukraine…..turns out SWAT lobbed 4 gas cannisters into his car, and after being baffled it had no effect, had to send in robots to retrieve him. The reason the gas didn’t work was because he was A FUCKING MOSSAD AGENT THAT HAD BEEN WORKING IN THAT VERY BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS PROGRAM. His claim was that the US were going to use H1N1 to create a false pandemic so they could topple the economy and bring through a new currency. he was on his way to the Israeli consulate after being tipped off SWAT were after him when that video was taken. Shortly there after he was sent back to Israel and kept under lock and key…..
Curiouser and curiouser said Alice…
“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
After this mammoth article and all the sidebars, I will never view the US in the same way again.
MM money quote,”Suicide is a big decision: Big even for a person. much bigger for a large country.”
Oh, and what is it with truth telling Irish politicians? They always seem to float to the surface!
I’ll take avoiding mushroom clouds for $1000, Alex. Keep your thoughts well everyone, we (as a country) may just only default with minimal bloodshed.
Dear brothers and sisters and MM, when I see articles like the above and there are many in MM’s site, my jaw just drops open – and I fear to read everything bcos I think my head would just explode – very much like those Martians would do, if they get decimated by Earth’s natural defence – er, Slim Whitman music. Seeing that I do not have much lse I could say, whenever my head is in exploding mode – I thought I’s just send a pix.
The link to that pix is here: https://waynedupree.com/2022/03/putin-xi-pancake-stunt/
A picture says a THOUSAND WORDS. Actually, it does more.
Methinks more will come. And the winners will be the GOOD GUYS.
Yeah, I mean the RUFUSes who will save everyone.
We’ll see!
Thank you, MM and others.
Sorry, and addendum to my note, the SCARY MOVIE about Martians attacking earth, called very aptly “Mars Attacks.”
(You can see the subtly imbued veracity of my illustrious background and plenipotentiary training as an avid MM commentator).
Hahaha. The irony will be seen.
When the skies are fallen…. The special beings appear….
And, then you’ll know that MM wasn’t kidding all along….
And, we all hope it’s gonna be A BETTER WORLD….