Get your waders on. The USA has just funded another massive anti-China propaganda campaign

Uh oh. Yup. As if the last four years of “the fire hose of disinformation” wasn’t bad enough, It appears that the neocons on K-street in Washington DC are gearing up for “round two”. Ugh!

This model for propaganda is known as “the firehose of falsehood” because of two of its distinctive features: high numbers of channels and messages and a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. In the words of one observer, “...propaganda entertains, confuses and overwhelms the audience.”

A Senate committee has overwhelmingly passed the draft Strategic Competition Act in April 2021, which takes aims at China on multiple fronts, including military, economy and technology.

Of course, China will “take it on the chin“.

To "take it on the chin" 
Meaning; this is a boxing metaphor meaning don't shy away from difficulty stand up for yourself don't complain get on with it be a man; be strong accept the challenge admit your mistakes and accept criticism

-To take it on the chin meaning

The United States is now the world’s most important powerhouse in technology, military might, and innovation. For China, being taken as a competitor by the U.S. is like to be chosen as a competitor by Mike Tyson, says Liu Baocheng.

The act is calling for over $1 billion to increase Washington’s already extensive global influence.

This includes over $650 million to fund foreign militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. The money would go to QUAD members to increase their size, train them to use American military equipment, and expand the size of their military bases so that American troops can use them.

It also includes some $450 million (in a separate budget element) for the Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative. Which sounds really good. But is really funding to support US Navy operations in the South China Sea off the coast of China. Bases and facilities are being expanded to allow for American troops and equipment to be put in place prior to military excursions. This is what happened with Saudi Arabia prior to the Invasion of Iraq by America.

And yet another $300 million to counter Chinese influence around the world. Which is on all fronts, from direct bribes to various national oligarchies, to anti-China “message campaigns” to terrorist efforts, and of course the NGO’s that conduct “color revolutions”. In other words, to give money to terrorists, and instigators so that they would directly fight with Chinese as proxies instead of American CIA, and military troops.

Funding also covers investments to expand American exports to developing markets. Which means that since the primary export of America is military technology, this money would be used to get nations all over the globe to buy American weapons systems and locate”advisors” to help train, use and maintain the systems.

There’s a huge program to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Which of course includes generous propaganda efforts about “Uighur Muslims”, and efforts to create strife and war in that entire region.

And finally there are techniques (not so much in funding) to convince American companies leave the Chinese market. Such as telling McDonalds that it is more profitable to stop selling burgers in China, but instead sell them in Angola. Or telling Starbucks that the Chinese market isn’t going to grow and that they should invest in Iceland instead.

Liu says this type of ideological confrontation is really on the escalation, both [1] domestically in the U.S. (get American to hate China more), and that the U.S. is also trying to [2] persuade its allies to be against China (have the rest of the world hate China as well).

He said this act would hit China for a time being.

China relies very heavily on imports and exports, although it has the most self-sufficient industrial chains, and also is on its rapid transformation to be more self-reliant. As China plays a very important role in the international supply chain, this act will also hurt the world; particularly the U.S.

Now all this comes on top of the massive anti-efforts by Trump and his neocon friends from 2016 to present. What propaganda you might ask?

And that is undeniable.

The fact that Western public opinion on China is marching in lockstep with the State Department’s call for Cold War aggression reflects the convergence of state, military, and corporate media interests which monopolize our media ecosystem. Behind the State Department’s bluster and the military “Pivot to Asia” exists a quiet, well-oiled machine that is busy manufacturing consent for war on China. Too often, the hawkish policy stances it enshrines are taken as objective ‘truth’ rather than as pro-war propaganda working in the interests of weapons corporations and political elites.

We call it Sinophobia, Inc.—an information industrial complex where Western state funding, billion dollar weapons manufacturers, and right-wing think tanks coalesce and operate in sync to flood the media with messages that China is public enemy number one. Armed with state funding and weapons industry sponsors, this handful of influential think tanks are setting the terms of the New Cold War on China. The same media ecosystem that greased the wheels of perpetual war towards disastrous intervention in the Middle East is now busy manufacturing consent for conflict with China.

By saturating our news and newsfeeds with anti-China messages, this media machine is convincing average people that a New Cold War is in their interests. In reality, the hype of an imagined ‘China threat’ only serves the interests of the political elites and defense industry CEOs who stand to profit from this disastrous geopolitical escalation.

-Manufacturing consent for Sinophobia

The cynical hypocrisy of the world’s No1 propagandist: US pledges $300mn to fund massive global anti-China media machine

Chinese- and Russian-funded journalism is ‘disinformation,’ but when Washington spends millions on ‘independent’ news outlets and buying journalists to get favorable coverage of its policies, it’s called ‘spreading information.’

The US Senate last week passed a bumper anti-China bill titled the “Strategic Competition Act”.

Backed by Chuck Schumer (Dem – New York) as one of his biggest priorities since becoming the Majority leader, the 270+ page document contains scores of recommendations and provisions on formalizing America’s “geopolitical competition” against Beijing.

This is a very comprehensive bill including in the fields of military, diplomacy, technology, trade and more.

There’s little question it will be passed into law, having already cleared the Senate and with the anti-Chinese sentiment in Washington being routinely bipartisan.

The bill also notably pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in various capacities for media focused initiatives against China.

This includes up to $300 million in an openly described effort to spread information on the “negative impact” of China’s $1 trillion-plus Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in participating countries.

A complete network of “anti-Chinese influence” programs.

A scheme to “train journalists” with the goal of countering Beijing.

And of course, millions more in funding for Radio Free Asia. So that it can expand its coverage in the specified languages of Mandarin, Cantonese, Tibetan and Uighur.

In short, it’s a mammoth propaganda push.

Watch out!

All the time, we hear so much about “Chinese/Russian propaganda,” “disinformation,” etc, and often its impact is depicted in highly threatening or sensational ways.  Yet rarely, if ever, is it reported how the west actively and openly engages in psychological warfare with the goal of changing politics and governments in targeted countries. Of course, all the while playing the perpetual victim.

Here it is in the new US bill in black and white.

It is as clear as crystal.

Yet very few will balk or take notice at the explicitly ambitious effort to attempt to attack China…

…to destabilize various regions of China…

…to promote unrest and…

…ideally, to “balkanize” the country.

This, of course, is not new; it’s what America has always done.

Western political thought is built on the assumption that it owns a monopoly over what is conceived as ‘political truth,’

That it is the source of all enlightenment and, in wielding that ‘monopoly,’ has a divine mandate to evangelize that ‘truth’ to others.

This draws up a binary logical distinction that everything the west advocates is always motivated by good faith, as opposed to self-interest.

And of course, and that everyone who opposes this agenda is always motivated by bad faith and evil motivations.

This underlines the mentality of western journalism, that it is the only impartial and verifiable source of the ‘truth’.

And that everyone who questions it is advocating ‘propaganda’ – a term which usually only emotionally resonates with “enemy states.”

This mindset distorts the more nuanced reality that all states engage in such behavior.

…And that the staple assumption of ‘western truth’ is subsequently used to shape the global narrative against designated targets.

…And to justify aggressive, self-interest-driven policies under the guise of “moral concern”.

…And to make people unable to question them.

The US has a long history of such psychological warfare, both explicit and implicit.

One of the most famous instances is what was revealed as Operation Mockingbird.

This operation was where the CIA secretly infiltrated the mainstream media at home and abroad, collaborating with journalists to push US foreign-policy interests.

Many journalists – including Pulitzer Prize winners – joined the CIA’s payroll.

They ended up intentionally writing fake stories to disseminate the agency’s agitprop.

And many were given falsified or fabricated information in support of the CIA’s mission.

This was during the Cold War.

But the program has never been officially discontinued, and why would it stop today in the wake of a new Cold War with China?

A “global discourse”

The Strategic Competition bill clearly illustrates that Washington places primary importance on dominating the “global discourse” in accordance with its interests, and it is arguably very good at doing this through a multitude of methods.

In addition to its efforts with journalists, America also has an army of think tanks funded by various interests.

Usually defense industries, who are designated to create studies in order to legitimize and market Washington’s foreign-policy goals.

Then they coordinate with the press which gives them favorable coverage.

They are capable of feeding terms, ideas and concepts to shape coverage in their favor.

Such as creating “talking points” such as “wolf warrior diplomacy,” “economic coercion,” “Indo-Pacific” and so on.

All of which don’t make arguments as much as they create “assumptions” to shape public thinking accordingly.

Then, of course, there’s the actual state media.

Instruments like “Radio Free Asia” (RFA) are never earmarked by social media as “state affiliated media”.

When it should be.

In the way the likes of CGTN and RT are described.

All this, despite the fact that RFA is a US government-funded tool directly spreading propaganda on behalf of Washington.

The bill’s text makes its purpose explicit: RFA will be utilized to promote unrest and resistance in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and even within China itself, something which would be deemed a malign form of foreign interference if done towards the west.

Yet the shocking part about it is, this is not all for China itself.

The US wants to interfere and manipulate the politics (and minds) of the citizens of hundreds of countries against Beijing.

It is planning to do so by spreading deliberate “negative” information concerning the BRI, with, of course, no consideration of its upsides whatsoever.

This means the American propaganda effort will span Latin America, South-East and Central Asia, as well as Africa.

Yet many in the west are happy to pass this behavior off as normal or acceptable, because the west is deemed the source of “truth” and “enlightenment” with the responsibility to “save” the backwards non-west.

In this case, we definitely need to talk more about organized, American-led disinformation and pure, geopolitically motivated propaganda.
Notwithstanding the onslaught of daily negative coverage as it is, Beijing needs to be ready to combat this effort and desperately improve the efficiency and credibility of its own media, especially in pointing out this kind of agenda and helping people think more about what they are consuming.
So you all had best get ready…

10 ways to recognize war propaganda in western media

A Handy checklist


The ten rules of war propaganda were set forth by the historian Anne Morelli in her book The Principles of War Propaganda.

Well, let’s look at these rules.

In doing so, we will see that our mainstream media follow them exactly.

Anyone who follows the media reports in the West must realize that our Western  media, free, objective, and critical, are engaged in war propaganda.

There are 10 well-known rules of war propaganda that are easy to check.

Rule 1: We don’t want war

The West supposedly never wants wars.

Even so, the West wages more wars than all other nation states put together.

Germany is fighting in Mali to supply the French nuclear power plants with uranium (officially against terrorists, of course).

Germany fought in Afghanistan for 20 years, so long that most have already forgotten what it was all about.

Germany has been militarily active in Kosovo for over 20 years to build democracy, but the Albanian mafia still rules there under the protection of the Bundeswehr. And so on.

All of these – and also the other – wars of the US-dominated West in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and on, all have one thing in common: Of course, the West did not want them at all, but was forced to war by the evil rulers.

This is the official reading every time, and none of the “rulers” has ever attacked a country in the West.

It was always the other way around, the West attacked.

But: “We don’t want the war

Rule 2: The opposing camp is solely responsible for the war

See point one. Assad is allegedly responsible for the war in Syria, although the media in the West consistently keep silent about the CIA operation “Timber Sycamore” with which the CIA started the war.

If this is new to you, it’s no wonder.

Der Spiegel, for example, has never reported on how you can find the term “Timber Sycamore” when you search the Spiegel archive.

The relevant documents of the CIA were published in Washington years ago. If this is new to you, check it out.

It is always done that way. So it was with Iraq, Libya and all other wars in which the West is fighting.

The blame was placed on the other side, concealing that the West started the wars itself.

Rule 3: The leader of the opposing camp has the face of the devil

This is the classic.

The choice of words is crucial.

Putin, Assad and whoever are “potentates”, “autocrats”, “dictators” who commit all the deadly sins of the world.

When a war is imminent, the media bring – in order to make the population ready for war – the inevitable formulations of the “Second Hitler”, from whom the world must be saved.

Of course, the enemies do not have “governments”, they are “regimes”.

With all these formulations the “enemy” is dehumanized, the public should feel hatred and be ready to overthrow such an evil person, even at the cost of thousands of lives.

This is what is called “hatespeech” in modern German and what the same media, that use this hate propaganda against unloved heads of government, always find very bad.

Rule 4: We defend a good cause and not special interests

Of course, the US wanted to bring human rights, democracy and prosperity to Iraq.

Of course, it wasn’t about the oil wells that US corporations have secured for themselves.

Not even in Libya, where France (one of the driving forces in the war) has secured many oil wells.

And Mali is about the fight against terrorism, not the uranium on which the French nuclear industry depends.

And of course Syria is not about oil or the only Russian naval base in the Mediterranean, it is only about democracy, human rights and prosperity.

Wherever a government is critical of the West and where there are also natural resources (or where one of the main enemies China and Russia can be harmed), the West finds democracy and human rights very important.

But if a government is pro-Western and allows the West access to natural resources, such as the absolutist Saudi dictatorship, then democracy and human rights are not so important.

Incidentally, this is the key to understanding why Russia, which was a political friend under Yeltsin, has become enemy number one again under Putin:

Under Yeltsin, Western corporations had secured control of Russian oil and gas.

Putin ended that by 2003, and suddenly he was the number one villain.

It doesn’t say that in the “quality media”, but it was actually so banal.

Rule 5: The enemy commits atrocities deliberately; on the other hand, when we cross the line, it is unintentional

We experience this one all the time.

If the US is undoubtedly bombing a hospital in Afghanistan, then that is “collateral damage” and it was an accident.

Nobody is punished, the “quality media” quickly forget it and do not ask for clarification.

On the other hand, it is enough if someone claims without evidence that Russia or Syria bombed a hospital and the media in the West are reporting not only for days, but also afterwards, so that the public does not forget who it must hate.

Rule 6: The enemy uses illegal weapons

That is also a classic.

We have all heard many times that Assad uses “barrel bombs”.

Nobody really knows what that actually is, but it sounds pretty nasty.

The USA constantly uses barrel bombs, except they are called “cluster bombs” and the “quality media” are almost always shyly silent about them.

Why? Well, because these weapons are internationally banned.

Whether Assad uses this weapon has not been proven at all, but as a precaution the media have come up with a separate word for it so that the readers don’t even get the idea that the West could also use such weapons.

“…But he does that all the time.”

Rule 7: We suffer only slight losses; the enemy’s losses are enormous

This rule only applies when the war has entered its critical phase.

Before the war it was the other way around.

Before the war it was reported that the enemy was aggressive and, for example, had killed so many of “our” soldiers again when violating a ceasefire.

This is to prepare the public for a war.

We have been seeing this in Ukraine for years.

The “quality media” always report when it gets “hotter” there that the rebels have killed so many Ukrainian soldiers.

In doing so, they keep silent about the fact that the mostly Ukrainian shelling of residential areas preceded them, in which civilians were killed.

But you don’t find out about that from the “quality media”, you have to read the reports of the OSCE.

The “quality media” did not consider the fact that the OSCE presented a report in November 2020 in which it stated that almost 75 percent of civilian casualties in Donbass were due to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Rule 8: The artists and intellectuals support our cause

Notice how often celebrities have their say in the media who think the Western wars are good for moral reasons.

Celebs have spoken out against Assad, Gaddafi, and Saddam in recent years.

This is particularly evident in the American media.

In 2019 a prominent “benefit concert” for Venezuela took place in the Colombian border town of Cucuta.

Famous artists appeared in the middle of the jungle to sing against Maduro. Conveniently right next to the US military base there.

And for Navalny, for example, Western celebrities wrote an open letter to Putin in April 2021.

It did not contain any truths and probably hardly anyone has read it.

It was just important to be able to name the celebrities in the headlines of the media who are against Putin.

There are innumerable examples of this method of war propaganda.

But none of this has anything to do with politics, after all, what politician is interested in a singer’s opinion?

These reports only have the purpose of giving the public the feeling that the position of the West is morally correct.

And thus the fans of the stars are to be influenced accordingly and to follow their idol.

It’s all about emotions, not the actuality.

Rule 9: Our concern is something sacred

Of course, after all, it is supposedly about the “holy” values ​​of the West, that is to say about democracy and human rights.

You can also kill people for this.

This is probably the oldest means of war propaganda in world history.

In ancient Rome one had to bring civilization to the barbarians, of course it was not about the enrichment of the generals.

Caesar moved to Gaul as a practically bankrupt man and came back very rich.

Later the Spaniards had to bring the “savages” in America the right faith so that they would not burn in the hell to which the Spaniards sent them on the occasion.

It wasn’t about the gold, of course.

And the British Empire wanted to bring civilization back to the “backward” colonies, because the poor, backward people in the colonies couldn’t rule themselves.

What I am writing here so ironically is true.

You can read it in the documents from the corresponding periods.

There was always a “sacred” reason for urgently going to war.

And today the “holy” concerns are democracy, human rights, women’s rights and so on.

It’s still the same principle as in antiquity, only the “sacred” concern changes every now and then.

Rule 10: Anyone who questions our propaganda is a traitor

Today the word “traitor” is out of date.

Today you can choose to say “Putin understanders”, “Kremlin trolls”, “conspiracy theorists”, “Chicom”, “fifty center”, “anti-Americans” and whatever other names are currently circulating.

Anyone who disagrees is demonized and marginalized.

But all of these terms have one thing in common: They identify the named person as an opponent of “Western values” or democracy. Ergo: it’s a traitor.

It’s shocking, but the German media is actually doing war propaganda like in the darkest times in history.

And not just since yesterday, it happened in 1991 in the First Gulf War with the incubator lie and has not been less since then, on the contrary, it has become more, and the techniques have been refined more and more.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the media works exactly according to the propaganda textbook?

Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)

Since many good people have found themselves susceptible to the narrative that China is the global supervillain…

…conspiring to overthrow western Christian values by any means necessary…

… I believe some lessons should be brought to bear.

      1. Anti-Nation state fanatic George Soros stated at the 2020 Davos Summit that China has become the greatest threat to his vision for Open Society (right behind Trump’s USA). This was echoed by Lord Malloch Brown’s 2020 Global Government Speeches.
      2. China’s deep alliance with Russia and the increased integration of the Eurasian Economic Union with the 135 nation strong Belt and Road Initiative form the basis of an alternative multipolar paradigm has kept imperialists up at night for the past several years.
      3. The prospect of a US-China-Russia alliance has been one of the greatest threats to empire which peeked in the weeks before COVID-19 arose onto the scene as the US-China Trade Pact successfully entered its first phase (and has since fallen into shambles) as well as Trump’s repeated calls for “good relations with Russia.”

Amidst the surge of anti-China media psy ops published across Five Eyes nations, countless patriots of a conservative bent have found themselves absorbed into a red-scare manic hysteria.

All the while forgetting that the actual causal hand of British Intelligence has been caught blatantly running the overthrow of nation states for decades (including the 2016-2020 to run regime change within the USA itself).

Understanding the nature of the current psy ops, and new red scare deflection underway…

… it is necessary to review some seriously underappreciated facts of recent history…

… and since former secretary of State Sir Henry Kissinger (a genuine Knight of the British Empire), figures prominently in this story, it is wise to start with his relationship with China.

Although he is celebrated for being an “enlightened” liberal politician who helped China open up to the west after the dark days of Mao’s Cultural Revolution by extending western markets to China…

… the truth is very different.

A devout proponent of world government and population control, Kissinger had been the tool selected during a particularly important period of human history to advance a new ordering of world affairs.

The Division of the World Into Producers and Consumers

Since the world was taken off the gold reserve system way back in 1971, a new age of “post-industrialism” was unleashed onto a globalized world.

Humanity was given a new type of system which presumed that both our nature and the cause of value itself were located in the act of consuming.

The old idea that our nature was creative, and that our wealth was tied to producing, was assumed to be an obsolete thing of the past… a relic of a dirty old industrial age.

Under the new post-1971 operating system, we were told that the world would now be divided among producers and consumers.

The “have-not producers” would provide the cheap labor which first world consumers would increasingly rely on for the creation of goods they used to make for themselves.

“First world” nations were told…

…that according to the new post-industrial rules of de-regulation and market economics…

… that they should export their heavy industry, machine tools and other productive sectors abroad…

…as they transitioned into “white collar” post-industrial consumer societies.

The longer this outsourcing of industries went on, the less western nations found themselves capable of sustaining their own citizenries…

… building their own infrastructure…

…or determining their own economic destinies.

In place of full spectrum economies that once saw over 40% of North America’s labor force employed in manufacturing, a new addiction to “buying cheap stuff” began, and a “service economies” took over like a cancer.

To make matters worse, the many newly independent nations struggling to liberate themselves from colonialism…

…were told that they would have to abandon their dreams of development…

…since those goals would render the formula of a producer-consumer stratified society impossible to create.

Those leaders resisting this edict would face assassination or CIA overthrow.

Those leaders who adapted to the new rules would become peons of the new age of “Economic Hitmen”.

China and the West: The Real Story

By the time Deng Xiaoping announced the “opening up” of China in 1978, Kissinger had already managed the economic paradigm shift of 1971…

… the artificial “oil shock therapy” of 1973…

…and authored his 1974 NSSM 200 Report

…which transformed U.S. Foreign Policy from a pro-development orientation towards a new policy of depopulation.

One that ended up targeting the poor nations of the global south under the logic that the resources under their soil were the lawful possession of the USA.

The NSSM 200 (titled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests”) outlined its objective “Assistance for population moderation should give emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is a special US and strategic interest”.

Kissinger, and the hives of Trilateral Commission/CFR operatives to which he was beholden…

…never looked on China as a true ally…

… but merely as a zone of abundant cheap labor.

Cheap labor which would feed cheap goods to the now post-industrial west under their new dystopic producer-consumer world order.

It was in that same year that Kissinger’s fellow Trilateral Commission cohort Paul Volcker announced a “controlled disintegration of western society”…

… which was begun in full with the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to 20% …

…that ensured a vast destruction of small and medium businesses across the board.

Believing China (then still largely an impoverished third world country) to be desperate enough to accept money and short-term salvation…

…after years of trauma induced by the Cultural Revolution.

Under Kissinger’s logic, China would receive just enough money to sustain a static existence but would never be able to stand on its own two feet.

Unbeknownst to Kissinger, China’s leaders under the direction of Zhou Enlai, and his disciple Deng Xiaoping had a much longer-term strategic perspective than their western partners ever imagined.

While receiving much needed revenue from foreign exports, China began to slowly create the foundations for a genuine renaissance which would be made possible by…

…slowly learning the skills…

… leapfrogging technologies…

…and acquiring means of production which the west had once pioneered.

Zhou Enlai had first enunciated this visionary program as early as 1963 under his Four Modernizations mandate (Industrial, agricultural, national defense and science and technology).

And then restated this program in January 1976 weeks before his death.

This program manifested itself in the July 6, 1978 State Council Forum on the “Principles to Guide the Four Modernizations”.

Informed by the findings of international exploratory missions conducted by economist Gu Mu’s delegations around various advanced world economies (Japan, Hong Kong, Western Europe).

The findings of Gu Mu’s reports laid out the concrete pathways for full spectrum economic sovereignty.

A sovereignty with a focus on cultivating the cognitive creative powers of a new generation of scientists.

Scientists that would drive the non linear breakthroughs needed for China to ultimately break free of the rules of closed-system economics which technocrats like Kissinger wished the world adhere to.

Deng Xiaoping broke from the radical Marxism prevalent among the intelligentsia by redefining “labor” from purely material constraints and elevating the concept rightfully to the higher domain of mind saying:

“We should select several thousand of our most qualified personnel within the scientific and technological establishment and create conditions that will allow them to devote their undivided attention to research. 

Those who have financial difficulties should be given allowances and subsidies… 

We must create within the party an atmosphere of respect for knowledge and respect for trained personnel. 

The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed. All work. Be it mental or manual, is labor.”

Over the course of the coming decades, China learned, and like any student, copied, reverse engineered and reconstructed western techniques as it slowly generated capacities that ultimately allowed them press on the limits of human knowledge outpacing all western models.

Scientific and technological progress became the driving force of its entire economy and by 1986, the “863 Project for Research and Development” was announced.

Project 863 focused on areas of space, lasers, energy, biotechnology, new materials, automation and information technology.

This project became the driver for creative innovation guided by the National Science Foundation and was upgraded to the 973 Basic Research Program in 2009 to: “1).

Project 973 supported [1] multidisciplinary and fundamental research of relevance to national development; [2] Promote frontline basic research; [3] Support the cultivation of scientific talent capable of original research; and [4] Build high-quality interdisciplinary research centers.”

The fruits of these long term programs was beginning to be felt and by 1996, discussion for a New Silk Road reviving the ancient trade routes connecting China to Europe and Africa through the Middle East and Caucasus was beginning with conferences hosted by Beijing under President Jiang Zemin.

One of the few western participants at these Chinese events was the Schiller Institute, whose founders delivered a full day seminar in 1997 describing the program that would finally come back to life in 2013 when Xi Jinping made it the focus of China’s foreign policy outlook under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Why did this program wait until 2013 to blossom onto the world stage when obvious momentum was already in motion in 1997?

George Soros and the Attack on the Asian Markets

From May 1997, George Soros’ targeting of the Southeast Asian “Tigers economies” of Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos, and Malaysia with…

…speculative short sales of their local currencies…

…and which resulted in months of vast anarchy across all of Asia and the world more broadly.

Currencies collapsed from 10-80% over the next 8 months and took many years to begin to recover.

Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohammed was brave enough to call out Soros’ economic warfare.

He did much to help his nation weather the storm by imposing capital controls to maintain some semblance of stability.

He ended up calling out the speculator saying:

“as much as people who produce and distribute drugs are criminals, because they destroy nations, the people who undermine the economies of poor nations are too.”

Chinese President Jiang Zemin followed suit calling Soros “a financial sniper” and stated he would not let the speculator enter Chinese markets.

As analyst Michael Billington astutely wrote in his August 1997 EIR report:

“The ultimate target is China. 

The British are particularly worried about the increasingly close collaboration between China and the ASEAN nations, which are being integrated into the massive regional and continental development projects initiated by China under the umbrella of the Eurasian Continental Land-Bridge program. 

Such real development policies offer the alternative to the cheap-labor, colonial-style export industries of the “globalization” model

- the model that has led to the financial bubbles now bursting worldwide.”

The Tumultuous Years of 1997-2013

With the advent of the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management…

 (whose meltdown nearly took down the world economy in 1999 if not bailed out by central banks),

…followed by the Y2K/tech bubble explosion of 2000, the world markets nearly collapsed on several occasions.

9-11 unleashed a new era of warfare which deflected attention from the rot of the financial system while derivatives were deregulated.

And ‘Too Big To Fail’ banking formed in short order growing far beyond the powers of any nation state to rein in.

Under this period of destabilization, wars, terrorism and easy money speculation, China and its Eurasian allies moved slower to rebuild the physical basis of their existence…

…with the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization…

… long term planning…

… and a slow but steady focus on real (vs speculative) economic activity.

The fact that China was among the only nations of the world to keep national controls over their central bank and maintain Glass-Steagall bank separation were not lost on the enemies of humanity…

…all of whom are still yearning for a world-wide bankers’ dictatorship.

This process continued until it became evident that the western unipolar agenda would stop at nothing…

…including nuclear war…

…in order to assure the total subservience of all nation states.

With Obama unveiling his Asia Pivot (air-sea battle) plans against China along with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) economic attack on China.

The veil was now lifted to the true ugly face behind the liberal fascist smiles and it became clear that the full spectrum dominance military encirclement of Russia’s perimeter was being fully extended to China’s perimeter as well.

The Revival of the New Silk Road

It was in the face of this existential threat that Xi Jinping emerged as the new leader of China.

And a historic crackdown of party corruption on all levels Federal, Provincial and Municipal was begun in force.

While Xi’s 2013 announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan revived the New Silk Road/Eurasian land bridge policy of 15 years earlier.

Although China is often accused of intellectual theft, the reality is that it has begun to clearly outpace western nations becoming a pioneer on every level of science and technology.

China now registers more patents than the USA, has become the cutting edge leader of high speed rail engineering.

With over 30 000 km, bridge building, tunneling.

As well as water management, quantum computing, AI, 5G telecommunications, and even space science.

China is becoming the first nation to ever land on the far side of the moon with an intent to mine Helium 3 and develop permanent bases on the Moon in the coming decade.

All of these cutting edge fields of science and engineering are being organized by the ever-growing Belt and Road Initiative.

Which has taken on global proportions.

And integrated itself into a deep alliance with Russia, Iran and over 135 nations.

Nations who have signed onto the BRI Framework stretching from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Asia, and Europe.

This is the system which the USA and other western nations could have joined on multiple occasions.

But they did not.

Instead it has been targeted as a global threat to western hegemony.

According to the logic of those western utopians who refuse to let go of their old outdated 1971 script for a new world order…

China’s New Silk Road must be subverted at all costs…

… since it is very well understood that it would become the basis for a new world system…

…as the old globalized paradigm comes crashing down faster than the Hindenburg.

The Real Perpetrators Laugh as a New Cold War Hysteria is Orchestrated

It is perhaps an irony that those figures who have been caught time and again attempting to destroy the foundations of both the USA, China and Russia have deflected attention from their own actions by promoting the idea that China is the USA’s natural enemy.

The reality is China is currently not only reviving the ancient silk road paradigm that focused on a harmony of interests and mutual self interest through economic and cultural exchange…

…but they have also revived the spirit of President Sun Yat-sen’s International Development of China program in full.

In this 1920 document China’s first President outlined the superiority of the American system of political economy which he studied deeply beginning in his early student days in the USA.

And upon which he explicitly modelled his new republican China and his three Principles of the People (premised on Lincoln’s principle of a nation for, by and of the people).

Sun Yat-sen (a Christian Confucian revolutionary) is not only the beloved founding father of the republic of China celebrated to this day, but stated his views pro-American views in the following terms

“The world has been greatly benefited by the development of America as an industrial and a commercial Nation. 

So a developed China with her four hundred millions of population, will be another New World in the economic sense. 

The nations which will take part in this development will reap immense advantages. 

Furthermore, international cooperation of this kind cannot but help to strengthen the Brotherhood of Man.”

Both mainstream and alternative media outlets that tend to be sympathetic to conservative values have bit the bait…

…and are now blind to the fact that those oligarchical social engineers managing the World Economic Forum…

…and drooling over a new era of World Government…

… population reduction and technocratic feudalism…

…are laughing at all of those fish in their nets whose ignorance to history and other cultures are leading them to their own self-destruction.

Upon this backdrop we have this little interesting take  on events…

U.S. Four Star Generals Ask DNI To Stop Lying

These folks have had it with the constant stream of baseless propaganda U.S. intelligence is spilling over the world:

Dear Director of National Intelligence,we, the the 4-star Generals leading U.S. regional commands all over the world, are increasingly concerned with about the lack of evidence for claims you make about our opponents.

We, as true believers, do not doubt whatever judgment you make about the harmful activities of Russia, Iran and China. However - our allies and partners do not yet subscribe to the bliss of ignorance. They keep asking us for facts that support those judgments

Unfortunately, we have none that we could provide.

You say that Russia thought to manipulate Trump allies and to smear Biden, that Russia and Iran aimed to sway the 2020 election through covert campaigns and that China runs covert operations to influence members of Congress.

Media reports have appeared in which 'intelligence sources' claim that Russia, China and Iran are all paying bounties to the Taliban for killing U.S. soldiers. Fortunately no soldier got hurt by those rumors.

Our allies and partners read those and other reports and ask us for evidence. They want to know how exactly Russia, Iran and China are doing these things. 

They, of course, hope to learn from our experience to protect their own countries.

Currently we are not able to provide them with such information. Your people keep telling our that all of it is SECRET.

We therefore ask you to declassify the facts that support your judgments.*


The Generals

PS: *Either that or shut the fuck up.

The above may well have been a draft for the letter behind this report:

America’s top spies say they are looking for ways to declassify and release more intelligence about adversaries’ bad behavior, after a group of four-star military commanders sent a rare and urgent plea asking for help in the information war against Russia and China.The internal memo from nine regional military commanders last year, which was reviewed by POLITICO and not made public, implored spy agencies to provide more evidence to combat "pernicious conduct."

Only by "waging the truth in the public domain against America’s 21st century challengers” can Washington shore up support from American allies, they said. But efforts to compete in the battle of ideas, they added, are hamstrung by overly stringent secrecy practices.

“We request this help to better enable the US, and by extension its allies and partners, to win without fighting, to fight now in so-called gray zones, and to supply ammunition in the ongoing war of narratives," the commanders who oversee U.S. military forces in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, as well as special operations troops, wrote to then-acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire last January.

“Unfortunately, we continue to miss opportunities to clarify truth, counter distortions, puncture false narratives, and influence events in time to make a difference," they added.

The generals must have been seriously miffed to write such a letter.

There have been a number of published intelligence judgments where the NSA had expressed low confidence in conclusions made mainly by the CIA.

The NSA is part of the military.

Between two bureaucracies such an accusing letter or internal memo is the equivalent of a declaration of war.

It is doubtful that the intelligence folks would win that fight.

That gives some hope that the Office of the DNI and the agencies below it will now lessen their production of nonsensical claims.


The CIA/FBI/17+ known/unknown agencies are clearly a security apparatus that’s gone out of control when even the USA’s “nine regional [four-star general] military commanders” are out of the loop and pleading to be better informed.

Worryingly, though, they ask for “ammunition in the ongoing war of narratives,” which they apparently are ready to go right along with.

Western news media, of course, has become but a compliant weaponized appendage of that security apparatus, and democracy, which depends on informed voters, is nowhere in control of any of this.

Down this slippery slope, lies fascism.

US needs a correct mindset to compete with China: Global Times editorial

It must be emphasized that it's the sacred right of all 1.4 billion Chinese people to have a better living standard through the country's development. The US elites fear and try to contain China's development, and turn the normal competition between the two countries into a zero-sum game. This is immoral and runs counter to human rights that they trumpet. Washington cannot say one thing but do another. Blocking the economic and technological progress of developing countries is the biggest sin of the 21st century. They need to bear in mind that it's not the privilege of the Americans and Westerners to live a decent life.

Around and around the water goes down the drain. Those in the water are desperately trying to throw out anchors and shoot flare into the night skies above. But no one is aware.

The warning alarms are ringing loudly

While the United States might believe that it represents the entirety of the “free world” and thus ALL nations that “matter”. This is a complete falsehood. The rest of the world is really, seriously getting fed up, and angry.

From the global times...

Since Joe Biden took over the White House on January 20, the US has been pushing for what it calls an allied approach against China on trade and other issues. So far, that approach appears to be gaining some traction, as the US and some of its allies, including the EU and Japan, are reportedly mulling harsher trading rules targeting China.

Chinese officials have repeatedly registered their displeasure with such an approach of forming small circles or clans among so-called democratic economies to harm other countries’ interests.

However, China’s legitimate concerns have been largely overshadowed by what appears to be a coordinated smearing campaign against China by the West and their media. Not many countries, including developing economies that may also be targeted by the West’s “tougher” rules against China, spoke up. Even if some did, their voices are often ignored.

But at the EU’s trade policy day this week, where EU officials repeated long-standing grievances against China’s industrial policies and the state-owned companies, the new head of the WTO offered a very powerful and pragmatic repudiation of the group’s approach to gang up on China.

“I’ll just be very open,” said Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who made history in March when she became the first woman and first African to head the WTO, as she warned against targeting China. “When China feels it’s being targeted and it’s only about China, then you get a lot of resistance.”

In the speech, Okonjo-Iweala went further to warn countries not to “use the WTO or trade as kind of a weapon to solve” political issues. She did not name names, but that is a reference to the plan pushed by the US, the EU and Japan to try to “weaponize the WTO” and international trading rules to serve their ill-willed, selfish political interests in containing China’s economic rise.

The WTO chief was eloquent and understandably diplomatic in issuing a dire warning against such a dangerous trend in global multilateral trading system. But in case some in the West might need a more straightforward reminder, here is the bottom line: The era when a small group of powers can decide others’ fate is long gone. The global multilateral system is no longer a tool that they can deploy at will.

Moreover, today’s China is no longer the same country that was easily invaded by the so-called Eight-Nation Alliance over a century ago. It is now the world’s second-largest economy, the world’s largest trading nation, and the biggest contributor to global economic growth. China will not be intimidated and pushed around by a few so-called advanced countries.

To put the WTO chief’s warning into more blunt terms, China will not sit idle and allow the US and its allies to use the WTO as a weapon against itself. Any such attempt should and will be met with forceful resistance.

And that resistance won’t just come from China.

The US and its allies might being targeting China directly, but whatever reform plans they push forward at the WTO will also hit other developing countries, which have similar economic policies and development plans as China. In fact, while the US and its allies may have put China on the spotlight, their true intention is to pull the WTO and global trading rules further into their favor and away from the developing economies.

The WTO, whose operations and authority have been seriously undermined by the US, is in dire need of reform. But any reform plan should be discussed and decided by all of its 150 or so members, not just by the US and its allies. The reforms should make the WTO more balanced to serve not only advanced economies – as it is in many cases – but also developing economies – which make up two-thirds of its membership.


Ok, so it’s really clear. Billions of dollars are pouring out of the United States towards the demonization of China, and towards instigation of internal strife and NGO-backed revolutions.

This will not happen quietly.

American readers will get the brunt of the propaganda. Most Americans, Brits, and Australians (as well as other member of the “Western Alliance”) will start seeing their news feeds clogged up with very healthy does of anti-China “news”.

  • Some of it will be subtle; existing real news with injections of anti-China phrases and content interspersed.
  • Some of it will be direct, in your face. It might consist of lies, or half-truths. All will be distortions.
  • Some of it will be directed at any nations that support China. If Cambodia does something in favor of the BRI, you can well expect a healthy dose of anti-Cambodia articles to start appearing as well.

But that’s not all.

The new funding is specifically directed at fomenting military operations inside of China itself.

  • There will be more attempts at “color revolutions”, “pro-democracy” actions, and covert insurgency operations.
  • There will be an increase in Social Justice Warrior interruptions; all designed to tear apart the strong Chinese social and familial value system.
  • There will be training to these ends, and clandestine efforts to stop China at all casts so that it collapses from the outer edges, and internally from the middle.

Every time you read an anti-China “news” article, realize that it is part of a triad of articles across different platforms all sending the same messages, and with that they interlock with your reading habits to interject, at key points, other anti-China screeds. All with the ultimate desire to have you (the reader) “foaming at the mouth” ready for war with China.

Here’s what they want the sheeple to turn into… (from my inbox)

Filthy Scumbag Communist Traitors are constantly trying to convince you that it’s normal to go through life living off handouts and dependent on the government for survival. 

Communists want you to believe you are a victim and that others are to blame for your circumstances. 

Communists employ censorship and violence to force their beliefs on you because they are incapable of forming valid arguments. Because there is no valid argument to convince you to accept that your prosperity must depend on the degree of your worship of the state. 

You can not be convinced by logic or reason that you’re better off poor and powerless than rich and in control of your destiny. 

Real Americans believe in and practice self-reliance. Real Americans accept responsibility for their circumstances and make the necessary sacrifices of their time and attention to improve the quality of their lives. 

Real Americans Are Entrepreneurs. Real Americans create opportunity and prosperity. Real Americans are not victims because Real Americans Are Champions.

My Fellow Americans Please Help To Make America Greater Than We Already Are And To Help Keep America Great By Starting Your Own Business Or Expanding Your Existing Business.

Capital Funding And Comprehensive Training And Mentoring Are Available to All American Patriots Regardless Of Your Current Credit Score Or Current Or Past Circumstances.

This comes from a reader who admitted that they never visited China, never obtained a passport, but knows what China is because…

…well they said it’s “obvious”.

Sheeple. The United States Congress has decided to militarize the sheeple to ready them for war.

Last Minute additions

Video: US President Biden administration will provide US$300 million per year to promote fake news against China. 美國總統拜登政府將每年提供3億美元,以宣傳針對中國的虛假新聞.

Expect more hate crimes targeting Asian American in the coming months and years. 預計在未來數年內,將有更多針對亞裔美國人的仇恨犯罪。

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The idea that the CIA actually has accomplished anything useful was put to rest in investigative journalist Tim Weiner’s excellent 2008 exposé Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA. His main points were that (1) the agency did a poor job of prediction and spotting trends, including the demise of Soviet Communism; and (2) covert ops either failed or caused blowback in the US. Hmm, was COVID-19 a CIA op?

Weiner wrote a corresponding book about the FBI, Enemies: A History of the FBI (2012), slamming that agency.

Just wanted to mention those. K-Man highly recommends both.


Looks like the propaganda arm just hit the jackpot.

Ah well, more “good news” on the way. More hate, fear mongering, xenophobic, racists rants against the filthy slant eye yellow skin chinks.

Long live American Hegemony. U-S-A. U-S-A.


The US neocon psychopaths/Satan worshippers/Dominionist are at its sadistic mode of destruction again. A false flag by an underground nuke or direct energy weapon by HAARP is coming to the New York City/City of Hatred any day now just like 9/11 inside job as an excuse to implement martial law throughout the land and to attack Iran or Chyna. The destruction from underground would heave up like a volcano to take a big chunk of the city away. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who live in the Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and Little Bronx will be destroyed and/or affected in some ways. The call-out for prayers and fasting for this city of hatred & violence so that the lost souls will repent and turn to the Lord and won’t be ended up in the pit of hell after the destruction. New Yorkers, your life on planet Earth is your last chance to make a reconciliation with your Creator. Don’t blow it!

A Call out for prayers:

After this kick-off event, the world will change rapidly, one event right on top of another. Unfortunately, the majority of people/delusional sheeple in Murica will succumb to the mass media propaganda war machine, Antifa/BLM, MAGA idols and all sorts of filthy craps coming from their Satanic handlers, both alt-right/Freemason and alt-left/ Aleister Crowley Why? Because they do not love the truth.

2 Thessalonians 2: 11-12
“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

COVID-19 has been in circulation back in 2015, probably released from Fort Detrick bio lab but got no news coverage, and Chyynah got the blame. A really bad one is coming.

Nibiru/Brown Dwarf with its planetary bodies (Planet X) is passing through the Kuiper belt dragging along with it a massive amount of hot rocks. The incoming Brown Dwarf gravitational pull is going to cause severe earthquakes and tsunamis. The perturbation was probably detected by NASA, but they wouldn’t tell people to prepare for earthquakes and disasters.

Matthew 24:7
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

The Kingdom of God/Truth Kingdom is within you (“truth”seeking people, Luke 17-21) shall keep you strong against the Chaotic Satanic
kingdom (delusional sheeple deceived people along with their handlers).

Where do you go to get the truth? By seeking the Creator.

[“Reflections” Of The Father’s Heart]

April 29th
* The way of the world is to “think and think and think” [reason – based on past experience and sense knowledge] as they seek a solution to any given problem. But the way of My Kingdom is for one to “abide” in Me [My Word and My Wisdom] – and, thus, spontaneously gain a “revelation” of the perfect solution [Wisdom] in any given situation or circumstance.

Vox Blog Reader

The first comment in Vox Popoli’s blog:

“You have more freedom in China than in America.”


Well, Mr Man, when companies stateside can get away with this kind of thing, the US is in no position to claim leadership of an international rules based order, eh?
Talk about a lack of honour. Where would one even start.
First a quote, then a short article.
Parasitic scum is a term that comes to mind.

“I have worked with this person for many years, and he has a tendency to try to change the terms of payment after agreeing on a certain way of operating,” said the contract worker”


That’s the kind of thing that happens in Tyrannies, right? And if contracts can be treated like that, it sets a dangerous precedent. Let’s hope it’s a once off. But for an employer to even consider such a greedy request as somehow “okay”, suggests to me that something is going very badly wrong in the world of work, stateside.
Be sure to click on the embeddex link within the article for the original post and reply. Illuminating to say the least.