Glimpses of the part of the Middle East that the United States did NOT destroy for democracy, and freedom

For the last 75 years, the United States Military Empire has been on a rampage attacking and waging wars, either overt, or covert all over the globe. It would utterly destroy it’s “enemies” and ignore it’s “friends”. And now today, we see the end result of this activity. Of the many, many trillions of dollars over the last 75 years dedicated to destruction and death, the American people live in squalor, destitution and poverty. A full 61% are so poor that they don’t pay any taxes, and in America that’s pretty darn poor!

America taxes everything.

Meanwhile, those nations who have been unscathed by the sheer might of the massive bloated gargantuan military wrecking ball, are unscathed. We can see China prospering. We can see Russia prospering. We can see prosperity all over the globe. And in this article we will look at the portions of the Arab world that the United States spared from destruction.

The following are some clips from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar and a few other nearby nations. They are not only doing well, but they are oozing with wealth and success.  Watch the videos. Really look at them.

This SHOULD be what America is, but isn’t.

Instead, the “leaders” decided to squander the wealth, knowledge, skills and resources of America towards the destruction of others. And listen to me, it’s all gonna come back in full force. The USA is not stopping. They are not turning off the “war machine”. Instead, they are gearing up to fight China and Russia.

Idiotic fools.

Don’t Forget Land Wars in Asia. “You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia.”. This humorous quote from the film The Princess Bride has become received wisdom, echoed by no less than my former boss, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in 2011.

Anyways, look at these videos.

This is what America could have been, but isn’t because not only have the leadership failed Americans, but the entire system of government has been corrupted beyond repair. America will NEVER ever look like these videos. Simply because the current structure will never permit it to occur.

America is a nation for the rulers. Only for the rulers.

So suck in the videos and look at what you should be living. But which the government and your “leaders” discarded when they said “no soup for you!”.

In the November 2nd, 1995 Seinfeld episode “The Soup Nazi”, the main characters check out a local soup shop with an incredibly strict chef (played by Larry Thomas) who is nicknamed “Soup Nazi” for his rules about ordering. After Elaine Benes (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) attempts to subvert his ordering procedure, the chef utters the statement, banning her from the shop for an entire year.

The Videos

Final Thoughts

The common narrative in the United States is that the Middle East is rich and wealthy simply because they have a lot of oil.

This is all a big enormous lie.

If it were true, then everyone in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas would be millionaires. Nope. Something else is going on.

But what is it?

It’s a complicated issue with no clear answers, but the question still exists.

Why are the people who live in oil-rich Pennsylvania so poor, while those that live in oil-rich Middle East so wealthy?

I argue that it is like comparing apples to bananas. There’s all sorts of other issues complicating the matter. But I will posit that the society and the government that serves that society is the primary culprit.

  • Society
  • Government
  • Laws, rules, regulations = Graft and Corruption

Pennsylvania is a “democracy” in name, but functionally an oligarchy of the wealthy out of Philadelphia.

As such, they have created a stratified society where any wealth and benefits flow upwards, and those that exist and toil on the land are treated as serf / slaves. For the vast bulk of Pennsylvania citizenry, they live in cheap housing (mostly trailer parks), farm or work the oil and coal fields, and live off supporting government handouts.

Many rural Pennsylvanians live on oil and coal rich lands, but own no mineral rights. Instead they labor by mining them, are taxed for the labor, and the profits flow to the Pennsylvania oligarchy in Philadelphia.

Meanwhile you have places like Dubai which is in the United Arab Emirates. It has a government structure similar to that of Chinese “Communism with Chinese Characteristics”.

The President of the Federation is elected by a body known as the Supreme Council of Rulers. The Supreme Council is the top policy-making body in the UAE, and the President and Vice President are both elected from its membership for renewable five-year terms. Which is nearly identical to that of China.

They manage the nation based upon the well being of the vast and diverse citizenry. They do not manage it in favor of a select few, like it is done in the United States.

As such, but China, and the UAE are wealthy, prosperous, and thriving. When wealthy people start to get out of line, like we saw in China, or Saudi Arabia, the “corruption police” step in and stops their influence.

But that is one part of the equation.

Of the United States “War on Terror”, the indiscriminate bombing and destruction of those nations were all for the benefit for the American oligarchy. Not for the citizenry. After all, the local gas station owner, or the grocer or butcher, that school bus driver or the pastor at the local church really did not benefit one penny from the destruction of Syria.

Did they now?


But, that’s where all the funds went.

Funds that could have improved the roads, funds that could have improved the schools. Funds that could have reduced taxes. Funds that should have been used to expand businesses. No.

It went to destroying things.

Here’s Syria after America saved it for democracy™ and freedom™.

America destroyed Syria.

Now the “news” media (and they are a de facto branch of the government today) is trying to spin the rapid American military escape from Afghanistan as a mistake…

…and the poor Afghanistan citizens will now look forward to a life of horror and squalor. “Oh, what about the children?” they wail on the “news” 24/7.


Afghanistan and it’s neighbors.

Right now, those in Afghanistan see that they too can have prosperity and a solid and stable society. They see the prosperity of the Uighur Muslims in China (no, you won’t ever read about this in the Western press, but it exists never the less) and the stability of Iran and Pakistan.

They want that.

They can see it.

The Uighur Muslims are thriving in China. While the Afghanistan people suffered under the boot of America.

I think that empire will continue to pull tricks out of their ass to try and regain control of the global narrative, if not in Afghanistan, then elsewhere. We have a global cult who have been in control of society in the West for hundreds of years and I haven't seen any white flags being raised from their corner.

So, Afghanistan is going to join the multi-polar world and slough off the jackboot of empire. Lets hope the Taliban understand the example they are setting for the rest of the jackbooted world. I expect their living through 40+ years of conflict has sharpened their focus on reality quite well. I expect the reality they build will shatter some of the delusions of the West and its about time, IMO

Where is our civilization war going to rear its ugly head next?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 21 2021 16:37 utc | 7


Here’s what the Afghanistan people see right over their border inside of China. This is what they see


They see growth. They see prosperity. They see happiness.

They see their traditions not only upheld, but codified into law. They see a world that they want to be part of.

They see a world that they can be part of.

They see a world that they want to be a part of…

China wants Afghanistan to prosper.

And so does everyone else in the region.

Central Asian countries. The SCO. 
Military bases and relations with the USA
Since 2014, the USA used the Manas Air Base (unofficially Ganci Air Base) near Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The American troops vacated the base in 2020. It was handed over back to the Kyrgyzstan military. 

The Russian military base, a stone's throw from the former US military base, is still there.
On 02.06.2020   President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has declared that construction of a US military base in Kazakhstan is out of question. 

"The contract with the US biolab facility in Almaty expired and the Americans left the reference laboratory, only Kazakhstani specialists work there at the expense of our budget. Given the relevance of research in this area, we are ready for the most transparent cooperation with Russian specialists," Tokayev said. 
10.05.2021   As per the administration of US President Joe Biden, it would be best to deploy troops in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, which border Afghanistan, which allows the US to quickly get into Afghanistan if necessary. However, the constitution of Uzbekistan does not provide for the deployment of foreign military bases and facilities in the country, the press service of the Uzbek Defence Ministry told RIA Novosti.
The United States has a small Air Force team, normally around seven airmen, who assist US aircraft to refuel at Ashgabat Airport, as part of this rebuilding and stabilizing effort for Afghanistan. Turkmenistan allows the US overflights of humanitarian cargo in support of stabilizing and rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan.
There ain't no US military bases in Tajikistan. Tajikistan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and hosts a Russian military base. From all the countries in Central Asia, Tajikistan has the frostiest relations with the United States. It's never gonna happen.
As Washington looks for options post-Afghanistan withdrawal, Islamabad isn’t going to roll out the red carpet. "Don’t Expect Pakistan to Host US Military Bases"  Imran Khan, PM of Pakistan said on 09.06.2021
After the chaotic US military retreat from Afghanistan on 15.08.2021, Afghanistan is lost forever.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental international organization founded in Shanghai on 15.06.2001 by six countries: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.The SCO is an Eurasian political, economic, and security alliance. Currently, the main focus is on exchange of military and intelligence information.  Observer countries are: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia. Partner countries are: Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijian, Cambodja, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey.Iran announced that all political obstacles are resolved for getting a full member of the SCO. The SCO countries represent half of the global population. (Compare that to NATO countries: 950 million people, 1/8 of the world population)

And with oil lines flowing through Afghanistan into China, the entire region is poised for great “Dubai style” wealth and prosperity.

Oil induced prosperity for Afghanistan.

The only way for the world to prosper is to recognize that the systems, used for centuries, that permits the wealthy to come and say into power is not healthy and must be discarded.

What is needed are new systems of governance and new ways of doing things so that the evil, the corrupt, and the mentally ill never ever, EVER get an opportunity to come near any kinds of power ever again.

The future of the health of the world is at stake.


And forget about the West trying to keep war alive in Afghanistan. The UK efforts fell completely apart.

That a connection to a neighboring country would help the insurgents is, in my opinion, a misperception. Russia and China would come down hard on, for example Uzbekistan, if it would allow its border to be used to support the insurgency. Every neighbor country of Afghanistan now has an interest in a united Afghanistan at peace. That is why any insurgency against the Taliban will have no chance.

The Russian ambassador to Afghanistan agrees.

And this telling comment…

As long as the Taliban NEVER reopen the US embassy and also ban all the same western NGOs Russia and China have, any color revolutions are doomed to fail.

Posted by: Mar man | Aug 21 2021 16:41 utc | 8

What China is currently doing in Africa is very, very possible in Afghanistan. And the entire world knows this (with the exception of American and their “allies”). Just like China is building houses, roads, infrastructure all over Africa, it will do so in a stable INDEPENDENT Afghanistan.

This is in Africa TODAY…

And China has changed the entire world.

They are smart, talents, organized, and have the backing of the biggest most powerful military (Russia plus China) on the planet.

They are not stopping for shit!

And they are making the world a better place for EVERYONE.

And those wealthy few do not like this one bit, and they would rather destroy the entire world rather than relinquish one tiny iota of control. But they have never seen such an organized, powerful force before.

Afghanistan has. They see. They see how their Uighur brothers and sisters are doing, and they want that in THEIR lives.

And they will be working with China in the years and decades forward…

Do you want more?

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So here’s the thing…how do you think the ME will fare with a CCP influence? And why do you think so? Especially in light of how HK has been treated? Thanks


You really didn’t answer the question yet chose to use CCP talking points….but thanks for playing.

Ohio Guy

Well Nick, we certainly know where talking points in the good ol’ USA get us. I would love to have the luxury of snark but even that gets crushed in the US.