splash 26

Grandmothers missing finger

Sawaga Bisayawa

I can only speak for the Bisaya people, who form the majority ethnic group in the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

Most of us hate him, and we want him removed as soon as possible.

SWS: Satisfaction with President Marcos lowest in Mindanao

There are large rallies and press conferences from the leaders of the Bisaya regions of Visayas and Mindanao, condemning Marcos for his foreign policies, drug use, corruption and poor handling of key domestic issues, namely the economy and safety.

A large rally against Marcos just happened last night in Tagum City, Mindanao, attended by more than 10,000 people.

The theme of these rallies are the same.

  1. Promoting peaceful cooperation with China and the rejection of American warmongering, including the demand for the immediate removal of American bases in our country.
  2. Urging the military to remove Marcos from power, and replace him with the vice president Sara Duterte.
  3. Criticize Marcos’ handling of the economy and safety.
  4. Expose Marcos’ alleged cocaine use.
  5. Expose Marcos’ corruption and theft of public funds.
  6. Reject the changing of the constitution by Marcos and his allies.

Marcos’ trust rating is currently at a low 33% according to the latest Publicus Asia survey.

From the same survey, distrust for Marcos is highest in the Visayas and Mindanao regions at 34% where the Bisaya people form the majority ethnolinguistic group.

Below, we see approval ratings of the previous Aquino and Duterte administrations compared to the current Marcos administration from Pulse Asia.

As you can see, Marcos’ popularity has dipped heavily (red) even after only being two years into office, while the previous Duterte administration (green) enjoyed a relatively high approval rating during the 7th quarter of his term (2nd year in office).

Source for graph: @IanIsland3 on X.


Marcos’ unpopularity is in sharp contrast to the still very popular Rodrigo Duterte, who is labeled as “pro-China” and authoritarian by his critics, both locally (neoliberals and communists terrorists) and abroad (mostly neoliberal and liberal Westoids).

Duterte remains to be the most popular president in Philippine history.

The biggest concern for Filipinos is the economy, while the dispute with China is at last place at only 9%.

Inflation remains Filipinos’ biggest worry: survey

It was not the hardest thing I heard, it is what I saw.

An uninsured patient came in with a back problem. It was bad. She had callouses on her knees and elbows because she could not really walk and was crawling around her residence.

I took x-rays and decided she needed an MRI. Did I mention she was uninsured?

The other fact was that I was the biggest rainmaker my hospital had ever seen. So I declared her an emergency. I told her to (lie) that she was losing bowel control. Whatever.

She had the MRI which showed she had a large herniated disc.

I proceeded to tell the hospital that they would do the operation for free. They did, I did. She got better. It cost her $100.

I made the world better and caused a hospital to make her life better. 1.5 hours in the OR and 23 hours in the hospital did not cost them much.

I got Christmas cards for years. A Thank You is sometimes more important than anything you could ever have been paid. Have a heart. No I wasn’t paid at all and never submitted a bill. I got good Karma from it.

ETA: If you think I stole money from the poor little hospital, that hospital was THE MOST PROFITABLE HOSPITAL in the entire chain of for profit hospitals. They made $10 million a year profit on just what I did.

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