Well, it appears that the Great Inflection Point of massive Geo-Political change has arrived!

I hope that I am not alone in being sick and tired of this pathetic, tiresome attempt to throw up a smokescreen and hide the inevitable reality of what is about to unfold. 

In case it isn’t completely clear to you yet, I would like to spell it all out. 

I am normally more cautious when making specific predictions, but in this case our immediate future has been carefully plotted out for us by Russia and China, with the US and its assorted puppets reduced to the status of non-playable characters in a video game who can only do one thing: hide behind a dense smokescreen of risible lies.

-A Short-Term Geopolitical Forecast

Well, we all have been dealing with a host of disturbing Geo-Political actions originating out of the USA for decades. And over the last few years they have become more brazen, more outrageous and more daring. It’s been building up to a crescendo.

This build-up has triggered actions from the rest of the world, and the most notable being Russia, and China.

During the last year, both Russia and China have established FIRM “red lines” that are absolute and that WILL result in very negative consequences for the United States if they are not treated seriously.

And they have not been taken seriously.

Well, the great point of inflection has been reached. The pivot point of Geo-political alignments and strengths is tripping RIGHT NOW.

Some “tell-tails”…

Black Operations 101;

Secrets are actually secret. Anything “leaked” in the news is a distraction and not an actual secret. Anything and everything you read in the American and Western Bloc “news” are intentional distractions. Real significant events are never reported on, and if so, it is long, long after the fact.

Thus, the purpose of the “news” media is a barometer. It’s a measure of what distractions are being put in place. The bigger; the more enormous the hyped up distraction, the more significant the actual events are.

And there is one major, significant,  distraction going on right now. It’s the “so-called” Russian build-up to invade the Ukraine.

In fact, it is so frenzied and hysterical that it is like a flashing neon red light and howling siren to all of us who have ever worked for the US Government. It tells us that “something big is up”, and to look for other things. These other things that are not being reported.

The lack of news coverage on these other things is an indicator of what is really going on.

Distractions are not what are happening. Their purpose is to take your focus away from the real events.

Do not focus on the distraction.

What is not being reported?

Let’s “cut to the chase“.

The largest American Navy build up in the history of America, and indeed the history of the earth. That’s what.

For some (only) God knows reason, the United States has decided to deploy most all of its massive naval forces off the Chinese coast. This includes five separate flotillas. Each one consisting of multiple aircraft and VTOL carriers, submarines and cruisers, destroyers and support vessels.

Along with that are elements of MAC (the Air Force Military Airlift Command) ferrying troops and munitions and arms to the Pacific. To include Korea, Japan, and other bases throughout the Pacific.

This is comparable to the build up for the Normandy Invasion of “D Day”.

In short, the largest concentration of United States Naval and Marine forces are now concentrated off the coast of China. And it is not being made public.

What’s going on?

What’s going on?

Within a few weeks, maybe days, Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Peng will attend the Winter Olympics. During the event, they will formalize and make a number of significant and strategic Geo-Political policy announcements to the world.

No one knows what they will be.

What we do know is that they will be significant responses to a series of the United States malevolent actions, ignorance, and responses to its failure to take the “red lines” of both China, and Russia seriously.

Huh? You might ask.

What are the “Red Lines”?

Russia told the United States to [1] stop CIA backed “color revolutions” in and around the borders of its nation. (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc.) And, [2] to stop the placement of nuclear-capable missiles and munitions on its borders.

When it did get an “answer”, it was told to keep it secret. Which fell outside the Russian “demands”.

The content of the US response on security guarantees allows you to count on a serious conversation, but on secondary topics."

"There is no answer to the most important question – about the non-expansion of NATO to the east.”

“Our President will now decide on the next steps.”


China told the United States to also [1] stop CIA backed “color revolutions” in and around the borders of its nation. [2] To stop the placement of nuclear-capable missiles and munitions on its borders, and in its neighbors. It also [3] told the United States to STAY OUT of Chinese domestic affairs. Which means Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and the Uighurs. All of which are internal domestic matters.

China never received any answers.

Both China and Russia told the United States to stop attacking the BRI trade routes in all the many flavors of hybrid-war that it has been engaging in.

So the USA ignored the “red lines”

The United States simply continued its actions.

Failure to show serious actions to avoid conflict, shows little respect for that national sovereignty of both nations. And is strongly suggestive that the United States plans to engage in a kinetic war with Asia.

Both nations are tired of the games, and “bullshit”.

They put up  their “white tents”, and offered branches of peace, and the United States ignored them.

So what is next, will be announced during the Winter Olympics.

Possible Consequences…

I can devote all sorts of speculations on what can occur. The top speculations are…

Formal Military Treaty between China and Russia. Not really needed, the relationship is far closer than any treaty, and both militaries train with each other. They share technology together, and have military liaisons in all of their military headquarters. It seems silly that this relationship would be formalized on a scrap of parchment. This would crush the hopes and dreams of the American neocon block.

Formal announcement of extraction from SWIFT. China and Russia might tell the rest of the world that if they want to buy goods made in China, and materials out of Russia, that they cannot use the US Dollar. This would send the US economy in a tail-spin.

Sanctions against America. This is taking a “page out of the United States playbook“, and giving the USA a “dose of its own medicine“. This would stop all trade between the USA and Asia, and any nation that wants Chinese products from Chinese factories will be punished and sanctioned if they trade with the USA. This would completely collapse the USA society.

Nationalization of American businesses and products. No longer any copyright protections. No more Coke, Microsoft, Ford, GM, McDonald’s. All their enormous profits inside of China will fall to zero, and replacement companies will take their place. This would create an economic depression, societal disruption, and political chaos like no other.

And more…


Of course, there are all sorts of other things that can happen. But we will find out soon enough what is going to happen. So there’s no point in too much speculation.

I don’t think that it will be “World War III”, though I can tell the reader that both China and Russia have knives at the throat of the United States right now, and if it tries and “funny business” there would be lethal consequences.

Let’s just wait and see.

But remember, boys and girls, don’t focus on the distraction. Focus on what is not being reported upon.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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“Let’s just wait and see.”


That’s what it always has been… years – no… decades of this bullshit.

Let’s just say that the best that The Domain can do is soften the result from complete global destruction to the well-deserved american destruction. That would leave China and Russia (among others) unscathed. If I am not mistaken, and I wanted to mention this before, this would differ greatly from the statements of my smooth-skinned, cold blooded buddy Mr.Lizard (). Both can’t be true, right?


MANY things. That’s the beauty of this site. It flat out exposes the lie that China regulates free speech.

I think the big problem that you and many are having (as well as I did) is that you have to REALLY understand Timelines. We could be identical twins and our Timelines end very differently. In fact if you were to take a far step back you will see – that although you and I occupy the same timeline right now connected through a bunch of square waves and 1s and 0s

Your outcome and my outcome can be very very different depending on how far THAT computer connection goes. People that you can sense and see have a higher probability of the same outcome because our “universes” overlap. Yours and mine overlap very very minor. You could ignore EVERYTHING I write and your Apocalypse and mine are going to be VERY different.

You and I are not REALLY on the same planet. It’s different Multiverses.

The reason I do not post here – and as MM can see from
my electronic footprint – I don’t even go to the site much – because the Quantum links that I have to MM and the site itself – it’s almost like a death sentence. I can be hunted here but not on the message board – I have NO CLUE why. But it has to do with overlapping Multiverses.

Tbe only thing that exists is what you can experience. You THINK Russia exists – but in your Multiverse it does NOT until it is presented to you.

I think my buddy down the road exists because we are getting together later – but he doesNOT exist on planet pissedlizard – yet. A portion of him exists that I see through texts and shit, but until he is physically in my world and I, his.

That being said when the lights go out on my end war may be imminent. When the lights go out in China it may mean PEACE is imminent.

The ONLY REASON you and I exist is to gain knowledge and experience that at it nothing else. Any THAT is an incentive to keep us here as religion is an incentive for “peace”

Prison, nursery, warehouse – whatever you want to call it – that’s what THIS is. A place for storage containers.

Now again, you don’t have to believe ANY of this. Don’t. It makes zero difference to ME in MY Multiverse. I like you – I genuinely do. What I see is a bright, intelligent being that is experiencing a shit ton of glitches in his reality and is now just trying to make sense of it all. But how you interact in this Multiverse has no bearing on anything in it. Because of my relationship with MM, the intertwining is very different. In THIS multiverse he gets the same eject mechanism as anyone that I interact with that I have genuine Human Love for.

It’s all about odds, brother.

I wish I could sign off (T1I)


Put yourself in my place. I read all this stuff… I mean ALL. More than once, to my self, I have said that I should say to you guys: “Prove it.” I am a simple human, you guys speak in esoteric terms, visit unreachable locations (physically and mentally), and state it all as FACT. Yet here we are, no different from yesterday and yesteryear.

This troubles me.

I do like the smoking Lion… and what it represents.

A couple of months ago at a bit of a BarBQ, a young guy (21yo) was smoking a pipe – very much like the Sherlock Holmes variety. I simply said: WTF? Purportedly aroma therapy of some sort; HAH!


Dmitri Orlov’s article, A Short-Term Geopolitical Forecast, is behind a pay wall. If you have access and if it is worthwhile, could you pls summarize it or post a few of the key passages? Thx

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posted with the author’s permission