One of the occupational hazards as an expat in China is that everyone wants you to practice speaking English with them.
Oh, that’s fine if you are visiting. It’s a nice charming way to interact with locals.
But when you live in China, it’s a totally different story entirely.
I’m dropping my kid off at kindergarten, and a guy chases me, trying to interact with me. It’s like a crazy fruit fly that won’t leave you alone. “Hello there. Where do you come from” Do you like China”
Or, I have a half an hour to eat a quick bite at a restaurant and am smunching on a burger, and another man pulls up a chair. Sits directly opposite to me and tries to talk with me. “Hello there. Where do you come from” Do you like China”
Or, I am just sitting alone on a bench near the ocean. I am reading my daily affirmations, and a guy stands in front of me. He keeps repeating himself. “Hello there. Where do you come from” Do you like China”
Or, I am trying to buy groceries… some school age kids come up… “Hello there. Where do you come from” Do you like China”
Yes. I get it. Everyone wants to have some time to practice their English skills, meet new people and so on and so forth, but Lordy! I just want to live my own life. To cross the street without being interrupted. To talk on my phone without some granny trying to get my attention, and to just drink a beer without interruption.
Expat hassles. Ugh.
What do you think President Xi Jinping means by the transformation of traditional industries can also develop “new productive forces”?
“Let’s build whole new hi-tech industries based on new revolutionary Chinese technology so that we can drive U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo crazy, and destroy the market cap of the leading U.S. tech companies, and replace them with new Chinese national team companies like Huawei in global markets.”
I really love Nicaragua and things like this are so good!
China seeks gold in Nicaragua, receives 13 concessions in 190 days
Each mining concession is valid for 25 years, and the three companies have exclusive rights to explore, exploit, and establish beneficiation plants to process mining materials.
Be the Rufus

There has been a serious “incident” at the Rafah Border Crossing between the GAZA Strip and Egypt. Egyptian forces opened fire upon Israeli forces – one Egyptian soldier is reportedly dead.
The Israeli Defense Force ORDERED complete Censorship by the media. No reports can be aired in Israel even reporting that anything happened, never mind that shots were fired between the two armies or that one soldier is dead.
Thanks to Amendment One of the Constitution for the United States, we Press here in the United States cannot be stopped from reporting this.
According to witnesses, last night, the Israeli Air Force sent “waves” of fighter jets to bomb areas in and around Rafah, GAZA.
The witnesses say the Israelis dropped bombs on the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) TENT CITY for REFUGEES, slaughtering dozens and injuring hundreds.
Below, a single frame from a video shows an IDF laser-guised PAVEWAY Bomb just before it struck a tent city and detonated:

The witnesses describe “Apocalyptic” scenes inside the tent city, with civilians decapitated and others blown literally to pieces by the bombing.
Apparently, it was all too much for some Egyptian Soldiers who – according to witness reports – took it upon themselves to open fire on the Israeli Army.
The situation in GAZA grows worse by the hour. It is now beginning to appear that the Egyptian Army may start taking action on its own, outside of Civilian Control! It also appears that the Israeli Army has had enough of their civilian leaders backing-off, and may be moving to act on its own.
If the two armies reject civilian control and choose to engage, the situation will spin out of control almost immediately.
CHINA INVESTS $50 BILLION in CHIP SELF SUFFICIENCY – biden and usa look foolish…
Japan says that it will help Taiwan if attacked. What do you think?
As a Chinese, I can promise you that if Japan announces or sends troops to Taiwan last one second, China’s missiles will fly to all Japanese military facilities, government agencies, ports, and power facilities the next second. What I said is the most basic idea of all Chinese people. A large number of Chinese people think that we can directly use hydrogen bombs against Japan if Japan sends troops to interfere in China again. China is not a warlike country, but if Japan dares to send troops to Taiwan again, China would rather be an enemy of the whole world and bomb Japan flat, so that those Japanese who started the war will disappear completely.
What Happens When You Use Money to Attract Women
Money can buy a lot of things: cars, houses, yachts, a better education, the latest gadgets, and even an island or two if you’re into that sort of thing. But there’s one thing it can’t buy: genuine human connection. Yet, many men fall into the trap of using their wealth to attract women. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well. Here’s what really happens when you use money to attract women and why it’s a terrible idea.
You Attract the Wrong Kind of Attention
Let’s get one thing straight: if you lead with your wallet, you’re going to attract women who are interested in your wallet. It’s as simple as that. These women aren’t interested in you for who you are, what you think, or how you make them feel. They’re interested in what you can provide materially.
You might get a few dates or even a relationship out of it, but it’s all based on a transactional foundation. The moment the money stops flowing, so does the affection. And let’s be honest, that’s not the kind of attention you want. It’s superficial, fleeting, and ultimately unfulfilling.
You Devalue Yourself
When you use money to attract women, you’re sending a clear message: you don’t think you’re enough without it. You’re basically telling the world (and yourself) that your personality, your values, your interests, and your character aren’t sufficient to attract someone on their own. That’s a pretty depressing narrative to live by.
Over time, this belief can erode your self-esteem and make you even more reliant on material wealth to feel worthy. It’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to break. You become more focused on acquiring and flaunting wealth rather than developing the parts of yourself that truly matter.
You Miss Out on Genuine Connection
The best relationships are built on mutual respect, shared values, and emotional intimacy. When money is the primary attractor, these essential components take a backseat. You’re not building a relationship based on who you are as a person, but rather on what you can offer financially.
This lack of genuine connection can lead to a shallow, unfulfilling relationship. You might find yourself constantly wondering if your partner really loves you for who you are or if they’re just in it for the perks. That’s a tough pill to swallow and can lead to feelings of loneliness and insecurity.
You Set a Precedent for Future Relationships
If you rely on money to attract women, you’re setting a precedent for all your future relationships. You’ll start to believe that wealth is the only way to find and keep a partner, which can limit your ability to form meaningful connections with people who might be genuinely interested in you for who you are.
Moreover, you’re likely to attract people who are more interested in your bank account than your personality. This can lead to a series of superficial relationships that leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. It’s a cycle that’s hard to break once you’re in it.
Using money to attract women is a losing game. It might work in the short term, but it’s not a sustainable or fulfilling strategy for building meaningful relationships. Instead of relying on your bank account, focus on developing your character, pursuing your passions, and building genuine connections with people who appreciate you for who you are.
Remember, real attraction is about more than just what you have. It’s about who you are. And no amount of money can replace the value of a genuine connection. So, put your wallet away, be yourself, and watch what happens. You might be surprised at how much more fulfilling your relationships can be.
Chinese Dumplings Changed Our Lives

Meanwhile in Russia
Deli Brisket

- 1 (4 pound) beef brisket
- 1 large onion, thinly sliced
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- Place brisket fat side up in slow cooker.
- Sprinkle garlic powder on top and rub ketchup generously into brisket.
- Add onion slices all around and on top of meat.
- Add enough water to coat the bottom of the slow cooker.
- Cook on LOW, all day, for the most tender brisket you will ever eat.
- For gravy, remove brisket and turn thermostat to HIGH.
- Mix flour with 1/4 cup water, add to pot and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
How does a rescuer deal with a person who has been cut in half by a truck and obviously will not survive, but is still alive?
One night at a small local community hospital around 1982 we heard a call over the hospital intercom system “Any surgeon in the hospital, please report to the ER STAT.” Now that was a highly unusual overhead announcement. We all looked at each other but didn’t say anything in case a patient or visitor overheard us. About 20 minutes later one of our young respiratory therapists, I’ll call him Jim, came through the stairway door, white as a sheet. There was a young man in the ER, in his 20s, he said, who’d been hit by a car. The car had a large hood ornament, which was common years ago. The way the young man was hit, the hood ornament cut him from his perineal area (crotch) all the way up to his breastbone. So there was a vertical cut rather than horizontal and it was catastrophic. But the young man was alive. They had been able to access his veins,start an IV & were giving him fluids & once they got to the ER, they hung blood.
Jim said, ““He’s fully awake. He’s asking us if he’s going to be ok. I had to leave. They asked him who to call, he said his mother, but she might not be home. (No cellphones back in the day).” Two surgeons responded to the announcement. One said the intestines had been badly mangled, the other said the young man’s bladder was in shreds. They said surgery couldn’t save him, they just didn’t have the resources & the number of surgeons that would be needed to even try, and everyone was waiting for him to die.
We have these things called foot frames…you put them at the bottom of the bed to keep sheets and blankets off the feet. They put a foot frame in the middle of the bed and put a sheet over it so the patient wouldn’t be able to see his body, but the drs could see everything.
“He keeps saying, ‘‘I’m gonna be ok, right, guys? I got hit by a car, I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I got hit by a car. But I’m going to be ok, right? Do I have a broken leg?’ They’ve called his mother, there’s no answer. He’s getting pale and now he says he’s cold and wants blankets…”
He was cold because he was dying and Jim couldn’t bear to watch him die. “He’s my age. He says the car didn’t have lights on, he didn’t see it.” Poor Jim, he was one of those kind of guys who always had a smile & a joke; always laughing. His hands were shaking. “He’s been here at the hospital at least 20 minutes, nobody expected him to stay conscious this long….they’re just waiting for him to die and he’s still talking…. he’s still awake. He said he’s glad he made it because it would kill his mother if he’d died when the car hit him. ….It’s so bad. It’s just so bad…”
The nurses and surgeons stayed there talking to him until he died. Then the nurses did post mortem care. Nobody told him he was going to die because the young man really thought he was going to be ok. He wanted to believe he was going to be ok.
23 Things Only People Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand
1. You were always the first person who had to leave when everyone was hanging out.
2. Asking permission for a sleepover at your friend’s house took 37 hours of mental preparation, a detailed powerpoint presentation of your friend’s family tree, and a signed contract in your blood saying you wouldn’t drink and would be in bed by 10pm.
3. Whenever your friends would make plans for later that night, you knew your parents would say no because it literally took them 2-3 business days to process whether they would allow you to go out.
4. You would practice asking your parents for permission to do something in the mirror and preemptively come up with answers to questions you knew they’d ask.
5. You also always had to wait until they were in a good mood before asking for anything.
6. You sometimes whipped out the wounded puppy look and would sigh and say “never mind… you’re going to say no anyway” to garner sympathy from your parents before asking for a really big favor.
7. You would ask your parents once, and only once, if you could hang out at someone’s house. You never understood why your friends would think that “asking them again” would make any difference.
8. You always had to choose between going out on either Friday or Saturday night because there’s no way your parents were going to agree to both.
9. You understand THE PURE, UNADULTERATED PANIC that channels through your veins when your idiot friends change the plans 10 times and you have to keep reexplaining to your parents what you’re doing.
10. You lied constantly. About everything. You still do.
11. You never cursed until you got to college.
12. You never had “The Talk” with your parents. They probably left a book on your bed about your ~changing body~ and let you figure it out.
13. Family dinner conversations revolved around your academics and class schedule—never about your social or love life. As far as your parents were concerned, you didn’t have either.
14. To this day, you still can’t get dressed without wondering what your parents would think about what you’re wearing. Middle and high school were a 7 year war over whether that skirt was too short or if the words on your Abercrombie shirt were too suggestive.
15. Getting one piercing in your ears was the extent of what you could do to your body. If you even thought about dying your hair an unconventional color, getting a tattoo, or even getting a second piercing, hell would freeze over.
16. You probably shared the same first name as at least 4-5 other people in your classes growing up.
17. You always changed the channel if your parents walked in on you watching something where the characters might kiss.
18. Your parents always tried to sign up to chaperone school functions and field trips.
19. Manners were everything. You got the “I don’t want people to think you were raised by wolves” speech almost as often as the “is your napkin not on your lap at the dinner table? Do you do this at other people’s houses? I can’t let you out in public if you don’t put your napkin on your lap” lecture.
20. You’ve spent years dreaming of rebellion in the form of making spontaneous plans or wearing flip flops to the airport.
21. Your impulse reaction to hearing your friends say they had sleepovers with their significant others is open-mouthed shock.
22. You’re careful telling jokes to your parents because their response toes the line between laughing along to immediately going off on a 45 minute rant and probably sending you to your room afterwards.
23. If you miss one phone call, your parents suddenly assume you’re smoking “that marijuana” with “that one friend of yours” they KNEW was going to be a bad influence.
New fear unlocked
How would the U.S.A. beat China in a war?
It depends on where the war is fought. If it’s fought out at sea, far from China’s territory, then the USA would have the advantage in naval power.
If it’s fought on Chinese territory, the Americans don’t stand a chance. China’s defensive capabilities are unmatched. China has the world’s largest army. China has the world’s largest navy (destroyers, frigates, corvettes, submarines, etc.). China bristles with rockets and missiles (esp. hypersonic). China has a large and rapidly growing fleet of stealth aircraft.
What is the rudest thing that anybody has ever said directly to you?
“I know your type!”
I was about 22 years old, meeting a friend from work at a bar near the beach when he introduced me to one of his friends, a woman about the same age as we were.
She took one look at me and said, “I know your type! You’re a business major. You’re in a fraternity. You think you’re privileged and better than others.”
I didn’t know what to do. She looked at me and then said, “See! Just try to deny it. I nailed it didn’t I!?”
I can’t remember much else. I looked over at my friend for help but he had turned the other way talking with someone else and hadn’t heard anything she had said.
I may have said something like, “Do you think Neil would be friends with someone like that? Please ask him about me.” I felt like maybe something bad had happened to her and rebutting her at that moment wasn’t as good as having her talk to our mutual friend. I felt unwelcome and left. I wasn’t really interested in arguing or apologies. The moment was ruined.
It was rude because none of it was true. I was a drama major, working a minimum wage job paying my way through college, never had any interest in fraternities and generally disliked the whole good ole boy mentality. I was however blonde, blue eyed, clean cut, and wore 50’s retro style clothing. I probably looked the part.
Be the Rufus
Anti-communism, not anti-semitism, is constituted in Malaysia. Why doesn’t Malaysia recognize Israel but hold Communist China’s legs?
Why should Malaysia recognize Israel?
Why should we have any diplomatic relations with an occupying government in Palestine that commits genocide and other human rights violations on the Palestinians?
Why should we allow these type of genocidal Zionist people in our country? So they can lord it over us? We didn’t celebrate Merdeka so we can be colonized again. An Israel embassy is a colonial outpost. If you know Malaysian history, you know that the British Resident was the advisor to the Sultan and in effect was the real leader during the British colonial era. An Israeli ambassador is not here to be a regular ambassador, he would be a Jewish Resident. After the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and Japanese colonial eras, we don’t need a Jewish colonial era. We have seen what happens to Jewish colonies.
As for Communist China, while we do have relations and even trade relations and a visa free policy between Malaysia and China, what we have are bilateral relations on equal terms. Malaysia’s ethnic Chinese do not lobby Malaysia to champion Chinese hegemony the way America’s Jewish corporates lobby the USA to champion Jewish hegemony. We also do not allow China to spread communism or other Chinese origin ideologies here and China respects that because China does not interfere in Malaysia’s affairs.
If Malaysia ever recognizes Israel, that is the day I will leave Malaysia, because it means the minority Chinese and Indians are truly no longer safe. A Malaysia that supports Israel is also going to be a Malaysia that has no qualms about committing genocide on the ethnic Chinese and Indians in Malaysia with the help of Zionist Jews. I really don’t think any of our esteemed minorities in Malaysia have thought that through.
Hungarian Goulash

- 2 pounds round steak, cubed
- 1 cup chopped onion
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
- 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can tomatoes
- 1 cup sour cream
- Put steak cubes, onion, garlic in slow cooker. Stir in flour and mix to coat steak cubes.
- Add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT sour cream. Stir well.
- Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours.
- Add sour cream 30 minutes before serving, and stir in thoroughly.
- Serve over hot buttered noodles.
He is trying to steal this car…
MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate – Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid.
The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it
Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.
Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.
The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favor of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent. The tourists were ordered to stay in the hotel over the summer after one of them tested positive for coronavirus in a PCR test – the other three were labelled close contacts and therefore made to quarantine as well.
Unreliable, with a strong chance of false positives
The deliberation of the Lisbon Appeal Court is comprehensive and fascinating. It ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the Germans to the hotel. The judges also said that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and were critical of the fact that they were apparently never assessed by one.
They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid.
The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing.
Tested positive? There could be as little as a 3% chance it’s correct
This is not the first challenge to the credibility of PCR tests. Many people will be aware that their results have a lot to do with the number of amplifications that are performed, or the ‘cycle threshold.’ This number in most American and European labs is 35–40 cycles, but experts have claimed that even 35 cycles is far too many, and that a more reasonable protocol would call for 25–30 cycles. (Each cycle exponentially increases the amount of viral DNA in the sample).
Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus.
The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”
While the judges in this case admitted that the cycle threshold used in Portuguese labs was unknown, they took this as further proof that the detention of the tourists was unlawful. The implication was that the results could not be trusted. Because of this uncertainty, they stated that there was “no way this court would ever be able to determine” whether the tourist who tested positive was indeed a carrier of the virus, or whether the others had been exposed to it.
Sshhh – don’t tell anyone
It is a sad indictment of our mainstream media that such a landmark ruling, of such obvious and pressing international importance, has been roundly ignored. If one were making (flimsy) excuses for them, one could say that the case escaped the notice of most science editors because it has been published in Portuguese. But there is a full English translation of the appeal, and alternative media managed to pick it up.
And it isn’t as if Portugal is some remote, mysterious nation where news is unreliable or whose judges are suspect – this is a western EU country with a large population and a similar legal system to many other parts of Europe. And it is not the only country whose institutions are clashing with received wisdom on Covid. Finland’s national health authority has disputed the WHO’s recommendation to test as many people as possible for coronavirus, saying it would be a waste of taxpayer’s money, while poorer South East Asian countries are holding off on ordering vaccines, citing an improper use of finite resources.
Testing, especially PCR testing, is the basis for the entire house of cards of Covid restrictions that are wreaking havoc worldwide. From testing comes case numbers. From case numbers come the ‘R number,’ the rate at which a carrier infects others. From the ‘dreaded’ R number comes the lockdowns and the restrictions, such as England’s new and baffling tiered restrictions that come into force next week.
The daily barrage of statistics is familiar to us all by this point, but as time goes on the evidence that something may be deeply amiss with the whole foundation of our reaction to this pandemic – the testing regime – continues to mount.
Vintage Illustration

What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?
I took a ship to Chittagong to be scrapped. The owners sent money to a local bank to clear the wage bill. Since the crew hadn’t been paid for some time, this amounted to a lot. When I went to collect the cash, the manager gave me about half in currency notes and the rest in American Express travellers cheques. “There isn’t that much currency in the whole of Bangladesh.” I paid my Myanmarese sailors and three Russian officers in cash and the Indians with the TCs.
On return to India I went to deposit the TCs in my bank. It was a well known foreign bank which had taken over the retail banking business in India of BoA.
“You won’t get the money in your account for one month because we have to send the TCs to New York for verification.” American Express had an office in Chennai. They accepted the TCs and gave me a cashier’s cheque for the amount. I deposited the cheque in my regular bank and the funds were available the next day.
Insane save!
The United States used to have cachet in China. Not anymore.
There was a time not so long ago in China when anything American was automatically seen as better. In the 1990s, weddings were held at a McDonald’s near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. By the 2000s, Nike sneakers, iPhones and dates at Pizza Hut were the badges of middle-class achievement.
America, which is called “Meiguo” or “beautiful country” in Chinese, was the bastion of wealth and ease. Even the moon hung larger in the United States than in China, people used to joke.
Now, Chinese media and commentators mockingly refer to the United States not as “Meiguo” but as “Meidi” — “the beautiful imperialist.”
And Chinese shoppers are more likely to be sipping a drink from Luckin, a Chinese coffee chain, than Starbucks or lining up all night to buy Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro than the latest Apple device. Today, no one says the moon is any different when seen from the United States.
“Back in the days you looked at American brands you just felt they were cooler,” said Tracy Liu, a 30-year-old translator in Shanghai. “Now people chase after domestic brands.”
What’s the most brutal and intense hand-to-hand fight you’ve ever had?
In my freshman year of high school, I pissed off 5 upperclassmen on the football team at once.
On the first day of football practice, I commented that the team’s starting linebacker was a tiny dude. For comparison, I was 6′1″, 230 Lbs and he was 5′7″, 190 Lbs. Well, when you’re a piece of shit freshman who hasn’t even played a game yet, you just don’t talk about a Senior like that. I didn’t know that because I was a dumbass and sophomores were baiting me into talking shit about that guy who everyone except me knew was extremely aggressive.
After practice, the Senior who I talked shit about confronted me. Instead of apologizing and moving on, I told him to fuck off. As you can guess, that didn’t make him very happy.
A few weeks later, him and 4 of his closest friends attempted to jump me in my neighborhood. I got off the school bus and as soon as the bus drove away, they started surrounding me. One guy got his phone out and said “this is gonna be epic, better record it.”
They quickly started closing in around me. My adrenaline started pumping and I was in the zone. I had never fought 5 dudes at once before, so I was definitely on edge. However, these guys had challenged me and I was going to respond in kind and protect my honor. I was an amateur boxer, I knew that a few well placed strikes would knock these guys out. I started taunting the guy who I offended and making fun of him for needing so much backup to fight one guy. My hope was that this tactic would appeal to his ego and make him fight me one on one, where I was guaranteed to win. My strategy worked, the other guys backed off and he decided to take me on alone.
When I saw the other guys back off, I got into my fighting stance and hit him with a hard right cross. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, out cold. The other guys started ganging up on me. I took off my belt and started whipping them in the face. I quickly moved on the biggest guy in the group and hit with a left-right jab combo, he hit the ground – I broke his nose. He was out. I took the belt and strangled another guy and bashed him in the head with my elbow. He went down. The other 2 dudes grabbed me from each side and started beating the shit out of me. I felt blood trickling down my nose. I used a technique my dad taught me and tripped one of the guys and stomped on his face. He didn’t get up and the other guys hit me with a right uppercut. I literally flew up in the air and came crashing down. I was a bit woozy and everything looked blurry. That guy started running towards me like an enraged bull, I got up quickly staggered backwards and hit him with a left jab and right upper cut, he went up and then he came down. He came back up, I kneed him in the face and he went down. The adrenaline rush wore off and I kind of crashed down next to a tree stump.
Some lady had seen the whole thing and asked me if I was ok. It wasn’t a pretty sight, my clothes were torn up and my face was all bloody. I told her I was fine. I got up and called my buddy, explained the situation and asked him what I should do. There were 5 dudes on the ground, 3 unconscious, 2 writhing in pain. He told me to just walk home and I did. I guess they all got up and went home at some point.
The next day at football practice, I was ushered into the Coaches office and all 6 of us got yelled at for at least an hour. Then we were forced to shake hands and apologize to each other. Those guys never bothered me after that. I had earned their respect and they didn’t want to escalate the situation. I never disrespected them again either.
The good thing was that my fight became legendary in school. The defensive line coach took to calling me “Iron Adi” based on “Iron Mike Tyson”. He even made fun of it from time to time. He told the other guys if they ever pissed him off, he’d let me loose on them.
The Circleville Letters Mystery | Why can’t we solve this?
Why do people prefer to emigrate than to fix their countries?
Because some people don’t want to fix them.
A friend of mine decided to give something back to the UK community and taught GCSE maths at a community centre. He charged them nothing for it, those who wanted it could pay the £120 (at the time this was 00s) to take their exams. They could give 50p or something to the community hall for them to pay their bills.
He saw a problem and tried to fix it at his own cost. He gave up after 2 groups. He managed to get about 12 people to graduate and put up their photos as success. He gave up because the vast majority of people who took his course were wasters. They were sent by the job centre and had no interest in learning anything and would simply go there to drink tea and play on their phones.
That’s literally an unfixable problem, they don’t want to learn and have no interest in learning.
What were some things kids did in the 70s that would horrify today’s parents?
My brother and I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. Here’s a few common things that we did, which might make modern parents uncomfortable…
- Riding bicycles and skateboards without helmets, knee pads, elbow pads or anything else…
- Spend most of our free time outdoors and unsupervised, including walking to school.
- Driving in cars without airbags, seat belts and without cell phones.
- Playing outdoor sports and games in the middle of the street.
- Playing with BB guns, pellet guns, real bows and arrows, sling shots, lawn darts, cap guns, firecrackers and acetylene cannons.
- Building things, like tree houses in trees found on vacant lots, from scrap lumber at construction sites…
- Playing on “real” playground equipment, like 30-foot high swing sets, 8-foot high monkey bars, 15-foot high steel slides or even old decommissioned F-86 fighter planes, like we had at our elementary school.
- Paddles with holes drilled in them, hanging in the Principal’s office at school.
- Playing with toys like chemistry sets, with real reactive chemicals, radioactive science kits, hot plate cooking sets, where you make your own edible rubberized candy, which resembled insects, or buying snacks like candy cigarettes, which resembled real cigarettes.
- Dressing up at Halloween like hobos (homeless people.) Politically incorrect, which wasn’t a thing back then…
- Building plastic model kits, using model cement (styrene glue.) Using electronic kits to build radios and other devices using hot soldering irons and lead solder.
- Going to the library to check out books for information, since there was no internet, cell phones, iPads or personal computers.
- Mowing lawns, building a lemonade stand or selling candy at school to raise money. We’d use our hard-earned money to go to the record store and purchase albums and 45’s.
- Listening to transistor radios for music, since there were no iPods, Walkman players or cell phones.
Too many things to remember…
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you after doing a good deed?
I got arrested, handcuffed, and stuffed into the back of a police cruiser and driven downtown to be booked for felony assault and battery…
I cold-cocked a guy (from behind, without apologies – he was twice my size) who was beating the crap out of a woman maybe half my size with his fists on the sidewalk, and she instantly leaped on my back and started shrieking at me and trying to pull my hair out for “attacking her man”. When the cops arrived (somebody had already apparently called them), they really had no choice but to arrest me….
When we got to the police station, the arresting officer sat me down on a bench right next to the front door, and took off my handcuffs, saying, “Now don’t you run off or anything… We haven’t even got your name yet”, and disappeared into the back with the desk sergeant.
About ten minutes later, after seeing both of them poke their heads around the edge of the door to check on me a few times, the desk sergeant came back out, squatted down next to me, sighed heavily while shaking his head sadly, and said, “You’re either way too good to be true, or way too stupid to survive, but you need to listen carefully here… <wink wink> You are sitting, unrestrained, one half second away from freedom while we, silly trusting saps that we are, forgot to even ask who the fuck you are. Why, if you were to walk out of here, it’s unlikely we could ever figure out who to look for, much less where to find you… <wink wink wink wink>… So don’t <wink like a natural spastic> go getting any funny ideas or nuthin’…” <heavy sigh>
About a minute later, the light-bulb went on in my head (I guess the adrenaline level had dropped enough) and I walked out the door, a free, but terrified and utterly confused nineteen year old…
That was forty four years ago, and the desk sergeant retired in 2003, but I still see him at Whole Foods or Home Depot from time to time – and he still shakes his head sadly and wink winks at me every time I run into him.
Daddy’s Golden Mushroom Chuck Roast
This is great on Portuguese rolls.

- 3 1/2 to 4 pound boneless chuck roast, browned in 2 tablespoons oil
- 4 cans Campbell’s Golden Mushroom Soup
- 1 large can mushrooms, drained, or 12 ounces washed fresh mushrooms whole or sliced
- Milk (use the 4 soup cans to fill each 1/2 way)

- Place browned meat into slow cooker.
- Mix the 4 cans of Golden Mushroom Soup with the milk, using a whisk to blend smoothly. Stir in drained can of mushrooms or fresh mushrooms.
- Set slow cooker on LOW for 8, and let cook for 8 to 10 hours. If you like it thicker, shut off slow cooker and mix cornstarch and water and stir into gravy.
- Serve with mashed potatoes or wide noodles or dumplings and a veggie.
- Also good as a sandwich because meat pulls apart.
Expert says a Chinese invasion of Taiwan could be over in less than an hour
12 People Who Survived a Suicide Attempt Reveal Their Last Thoughts Before Attempting To Take Their Own Lives
1. Tried to overdose on Oxycontin, last thoughts were immediate regret after I pushed the plunger on the syringe all the way down, all I felt was remorse and sadness that I wouldn’t be alive anymore. Woke up 20-24 hours later extremely grateful to be alive and got help with my drug addiction, now 4 year sober on 8/14.
2. I have severe depression and never knew what genuine happiness felt like until I was 17 and on meds from the hospital after my suicide attempt, it was so overwhelming I just started sobbing in the car with my mom, out of nowhere.
Anyway, I had taken a bottle of Xanax when my mom left for church, it wasn’t planned I was just at my mental breaking point and panicked, I sat in the kitchen floor and I felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria, I just kept thinking ‘it’s over. It’s over. It’s over’
I didn’t regret it until my mom found me because she turned around after realizing she left something at home, I will never forgive myself for putting her through that. I’m 24 and the memory of her crying and tell me she loved me and she was sorry still haunts me. I have a lump in my throat just typing this.
3. The 3rd attempt was the final one. After 2 failures (tried to OD on benadryl demerol and vodka, 2nd attempt was hanging), the pain was just too much to handle.
I remember it was the Monday after Easter in 2000 I just turned 21. I came home from my internship with a bottle of skky vodka and sheet plastic. It was after 9pm, I had finished the vodka and put the plastic over my bed. I made a few phone calls to say sorry and got the box cutter out. I had it on my wrist ready to slash down to my elbow, blood began welling up and my father came in.
I saw the look of disappointment in his eyes, just one more thing I did wrong. I went through my window and took off. I went running no idea where to but I wanted to find a busy road to jump into traffic. I jumped in front of a car, it stopped. My friends got out and put me in the car to go to a diner for coffee to sober up.
Sobered up some, took off again looking to jump in the street again. I remember being so tired and fell to the ground. Next thing I know is that I’m in a hospital waking up even more depressed.
I ended up getting the help I needed. I still take zoloft everyday, but I am well adjusted now. Still have ups and downs but never that low. That was 16 years ago and this was the first time I have fully told this tale.
4. “I hope this works.”
“Oh, gods, that hurts!”
“Fuck, I made a mess on the carpet. I always make a mess for other people.”
Getting light headed
“Damn it, he’s going to have to deal with my death if I let this happen here… He doesn’t deserve that.”
Goes to stop the bleeding
“Fuck, why did I do that? So stupid. What will everyone think of me?”
5. I took around 20,000 mg of ibuprofen. At first, all I felt was relief. I wouldn’t have to deal with the shit going on in my head any longer. But I started vomiting, and then I started having these weird visions of how people I know would react to my death. People at my school gossiping about it, my teachers talking to each other in hushed voices. I saw my little sister hearing the news and breaking into tears. I saw her go down the road of self-destruction, just as I did. I saw my mother devastated. Once I stopped having these visions, I threw up some more and told a family member to bring me to the hospital. They got all the ibuprofen out of my system. I’ve been seeing a therapist and I’m doing quite a bit better now.
6. I tried to cut my throat, but I stopped because my dog was scared. I didn’t want to lose her, or my family.
7. “Everything is so fuzzy. This could be it… Goodnight.” I tried to OD several times. It’s a wonder my organs are okay.
The last time I tried to kill myself was by jumping under a car. My last thought was “fucking do it, nobody will care and you know it.” Then a drunk person pulled me back. It hit me- what a selfish way to go. Someone would have had to live with that- hitting a 17 year old girl at 6am on their way to work.
8. I laid down in my bed hearing my husband prepare my infant daughter her nighttime bottle and thought: “she’ll be fine without me, better off in fact.” She didn’t know me yet and I thought my husband and parents could raise her without my toxic damaging influence. All I could think was that I was giving my daughter a gift, a life without me as her mother. She could imagine me as anything she wanted or needed. She’d never know my weaknesses and failures. I’d just be a few photos on her dad’s Facebook. And maybe not even that if he remarried. It was the ultimate feeling of release.
9. I jumped off of a bridge. 80 ft. I remember looking down and instantly diving off. In the air I had done a flip and was thinking “What happens next happens.” Falling was so peaceful, I felt free. It was only a few seconds but it felt like a life time of floating towards heaven. Then I hit the water. I thought I was dead until I took a breath of air and was like “oh shit. it didnt work. lol. now what.” I started laughing really hard and thought “of course i survived. lol. of course this would happen to me. It took me 30 minutes to get out of the Puget Sound. Very cold. Almost drowned. Almost died of hypothermia in the hospital.
I’m so much better now. I wouldn’t say that I am happy that I jumped off of the bridge, but it changed my life for all of the better. I found a therapy that worked for me and wow. lol.
10. I didn’t go through with it… But I wrote down my feelings about the time I came close.
Things all came to a head one night in the parking lot at WalMart. I was devastatingly drunk. Crying. Drowning in self-loathing and alcohol. I hated myself. I hated the person I was. I hated the things I had done to the people that loved me. I wanted to die. I kept a .40 cal semi-auto handgun tucked between the front seats in my truck. I looked at it. I picked it up. I felt like freedom was inside it. I had to let it out. All the pain would go away. Nobody would have to deal with me anymore. I couldn’t do any more damage to anyone if I were gone. I pulled back the hammer, I stuck the barrel into my mouth, it tasted just like it smelled… I started to squeeze the trigger… People in my life started to flash into my mind and the thoughts of how it would affect them. First was my son, 23 at the time. He had a girlfriend blow her head off with a .357 magnum when he was 19. How will this affect him, I asked myself. He got over it once, he’ll get over it again, I answered. I squeezed the trigger a little more. My step-daughters, 20 and 25 at the time, how will this affect them, I asked. They would be glad to see me go, I answered quickly. I squeezed the trigger a little more. My mom, who lost her oldest child to cancer 12 years ago, how will this affect her, I asked myself. She lost one, she can lose another, I answered. I squeezed the trigger a little more. My ex-wife… How would… I stopped squeezing. I saw an image of her on her knees. Crying. Not just crying, bawling. That deep, gut wrenching, terribly broken soul heaving cry. I pulled the gun out of my mouth, unloaded it and threw it into the back seat which was full of everything I owned. I broke down and cried harder than I ever had in my life. That was it. I was done.
11. “Finally I’ll have some peace.”
I tried to overdose- mixed opiates and benzos. My best friend found me and took me back to his place. I was severely loopy. Slept for hours. Woke up and immediately thought “I wasn’t supposed to wake up.” I walked to the pharmacy and bought gel cap sleep aids and liquid sleep aids. Proceeded to chase the entire box of pills with the syrup. Apparently my best friend found me scarfing the pills down in his bed saying “nothing matters.” 911 was called. I ended up in a psych ward for 5 days. I haven’t suffered from su
Expert says a Chinese invasion of Taiwan could be over in less than an hour
icidal ideation in a while, I manage my depression with talk therapy.
For the record- I never felt regret or that last minute “what have I done?!”
12. I hung myself within the last year. Reasons are…..well my reasons. The last thought I render before blacking out was one of peace. It was the one and only time I remember feeling in control of my own life. I felt, for lack of a better word, right. It scares the absolute shit out of me, because I can’t stop thinking about it, and how much I wish I felt that way always.
Everything seems so much worse now, I have friends who are angry they couldn’t talk me through it so they have cut me off for being “selfish”. The only thing keeping me from trying again is my mom. But it’s strained our relationship.
I feel worthless, and love the feeling of being 100% in control.
Answers (Impossible to explain)
German Bundestag Calls For Ukraine Air Defense Zone by NATO
The German Bundestag has called for expanding the European air defense zone to the territory of western Ukraine in a corridor 70 to 100 km wide.
This would see NATO engaging air targets to protect LVIV all the way south to Odessa, which Russia is presently hitting.
If NATO engages Russia air power over Ukraine, then Russia can engage NATO.
The West just won’t stop interfering, and sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong. Ukraine is not a NATO member.
Developing . . . .
“I’m jealous of how easy boomers had it”
Boomers had a much easier time getting a stable job and buying a house than today. They were able to easily hold the same job for 40 years, retire with a pension and buying a decent home. They were able to do that even if it wasnt a prestigious white collar job
Now stable jobs are almost non existent as layoffs happen to almost everyone multiple times in their life, housing prices are unimaginably high to the point where buying one is only for the wealthy. Even getting a job is harder because there is no face to face interaction you are just another application.
This is why I can’t take them serious when they lecture younger generations about making money or being successful
Hey there,
I get it, you’re feeling envious of the boomers and their seemingly easy lives. But let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Sure, some boomers had stable jobs and affordable houses, but that’s not the whole story. Many of them faced incredible hardships that we often overlook. Take my uncle, for example. He got shipped off to Vietnam, along with a bunch of his peers. Can you imagine the trauma and pain they experienced? It’s no wonder that so many of them came back with what we now call PTSD, but back then, they were just told to “walk it off” and deal with their “shell-shock.”
And let’s not forget about the rampant racism, sexism, and homophobia that plagued society during the boomers’ formative years. If you were anything other than a straight, white male, life was a constant battle. Women were treated like second-class citizens, gay people were ostracized and faced the horrors of the AIDS epidemic, and people of color dealt with systemic oppression and discrimination.
Even the economy wasn’t as rosy as some might have you believe. The 1970s and early 1980s were marked by recession, inflation, and job losses. Many boomers saw their careers upended and their savings wiped out.
And what about the lack of mental health awareness and the stigma surrounding seeking help? Or the fact that many diseases that are curable today were a death sentence back then?
It’s easy to look back with rose-colored glasses and imagine that life was simpler and easier, but the reality is that every generation faces its own set of challenges. The boomers had their fair share of struggles, just like we do today.
Instead of complaining about how much easier the boomers had it, focus on what you can control. Work on developing valuable skills that will make you indispensable in today’s job market. Learn to live below your means so you can save money and invest in your future. And most importantly, stop comparing yourself to others.
So, don’t get bogged down in envy or frustration. Use it as fuel. Understand that the world has changed and is still changing. Adapt. Innovate. Take risks. The boomers had their shot; now it’s our turn to shape what success looks like in this era. The game is different, but that doesn’t mean it’s unwinnable.
You got this.
High-Value Man TRIGGERED American Women After He Told Them They Aren’t Wife Material
Why Playing It Safe Is Holding You Back from Your Best Life
Alright, folks, let’s get something straight. If you think you can achieve happiness and success by playing it safe, hiding from discomfort, and avoiding risks, you’re living in a fantasy. Sorry to burst your bubble, but happiness and success are not hiding behind the curtains of your comfort zone. They’re out there, in the real world, where things are messy, unpredictable, and sometimes downright scary.
Cowardice, my friends, is a trap. It lures you in with promises of safety and security, whispering sweet nothings about how avoiding confrontation will keep you safe. But here’s the brutal truth: cowardice will keep you safe from nothing. It will rob you of the very experiences that make life worth living.
When you avoid risks, you avoid the possibility of failure. But guess what? You also avoid the possibility of success. When you avoid discomfort, you avoid growth. And when you avoid confrontation, you avoid the chance to stand up for what you believe in and make a real impact.
Because here’s the deal: all the truly worthwhile things in life – deep relationships, meaningful achievements, personal growth – they all require courage. They require you to step outside your comfort zone, to take risks, to face your fears head-on.
Think about it. That dream job you’ve been pining for? You’ll never land it if you’re too scared to apply or put yourself out there. That person you’ve been crushing on? You’ll never know what could be if you don’t muster up the guts to make a move. That life-changing adventure you’ve been fantasizing about? It’ll remain a fantasy if you’re too chicken-shit to actually go for it.
Now, I’m not saying it’s easy. Facing your fears is fucking terrifying sometimes. It’s uncomfortable and awkward and there’s always the chance of failure or rejection. But you know what’s worse? Waking up one day and realizing that you let all your opportunities pass you by because you were too busy cowering in the corner.
Because at the end of the day, happiness and success aren’t about avoiding pain or discomfort. They’re about embracing the full spectrum of human experience, the good and the bad. They’re about having the courage to go after what you want, even when it scares the hell out of you.
So stop making excuses. Stop letting fear dictate your choices. Start taking bold, courageous action towards the things that truly matter to you. Will it be easy? Hell no. Will it be worth it? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Remember, fortune favors the bold, not the cowardly. So get out there and start facing your fears, one terrifying step at a time. It’s the only way to unlock your full potential and create a life that truly fulfills you.
Have you ever had to tell something like “You have exactly 9 seconds to get out of my house” to someone whom you knew very well? If so, what made you do that?
I was in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in Alaska, along with my wife and preschool children. My mother-in-law came up from Iowa to visit. She walked off the plane with my wife’s nephew. MIL had been invited … toddler nephew was not invited. The look I gave my wife probably scorched her a bit.
As we were leaving the Anchorage airport, we pointed out all the foreign flagged aircraft. This turned out to be beneficial less than an hour later.
Minutes after arriving at our apartment, the phone rang. Collect call from one of wife’s siblings. Wife hears me say, “Yes, I will accept collect call charges.” I then handed the phone to MIL. I didn’t say anything to MIL or to my wife. My wife looked at me and, based on the look on my face, decided to not say anything to me either.
When MIL hung up (after an extended discussion), I said to MIL, “We invited YOU up to visit. We DID NOT invite [nephew] up here. Furthermore, we DID NOT invite intrusions by [wife’s] brothers and sisters.”
I continued by explaining, “I need that phone for my Air Force duties. If we lose that phone due to not being able to pay for lots of collect calls, I will be forced to move on base.”
I went on to explain that family housing on base was very limited. So, I would probably be assigned single enlisted quarters on base. [Wife] and our children would have stay in this apartment. I would be allowed to visit them, provided I notified my supervisor or chain of command each and ever time I’d be out of telephone contact, as well as how long I expected to be out of contact.
(Even if I didn’t have a roommate in the enlisted quarters, wife and children would have to be signed in and signed out.)
I finished by telling MIL, “If this continues, we will put you and [nephew] on the very next plane out of Anchorage.” My wife chimed in to say, “And we won’t check to see where the plane is headed.”
The Mindfuck of Parental Abandonment (And How to Unfuck Yourself)
Imagine this: you’re a little kid, and one of the people you depend on most in this world – a parent who’s supposed to love you unconditionally – up and leaves you. They peace out, either physically or emotionally, and you’re left holding the bag of your own shattered expectations and broken heart.
Now, as a child, you don’t have the cognitive or emotional resources to process this kind of trauma in a healthy way. You can’t rationally say, “Well, Mom/Dad are clearly dealing with their own issues and limitations which have nothing to do with my inherent lovability.” Nah, your kiddie brain defaults to the most obvious, ego-centric explanation: “It must be my fault. I must not be good enough. If I were better, they wouldn’t have left.”
Boom. In one fell swoop, your self-worth takes a major hit. And that belief – that you’re fundamentally unlovable or deficient – can linger in your psyche like a bad fart in an elevator, stinking up your emotional wellbeing for years to come.
Fast forward to adulthood, and you may find yourself unconsciously replaying this abandonment drama in your relationships. You pick partners who are emotionally unavailable or who treat you like shit, because on some level, you’re still trying to prove your worth to that original abandoning parent. Or you push away anyone who gets too close, because vulnerability equals the risk of being left again, and fuck that noise.
Meanwhile, you’re walking around with a gnawing emptiness inside, a sense that you’re just not quite good enough, no matter what you accomplish or how much external validation you rack up. Because that wounded little kid is still calling the shots, defining your worth through the lens of an event you didn’t have the capacity to understand at the time.
So how do you break free from this emotional mindfuck? How do you reclaim your self-worth from the jaws of abandonment?
It starts with recognizing that your parent’s choices had fuck-all to do with your value as a person. They left because of their own limitations, not because of yours. You could have been the most perfect, adorable, lovable little rugrat on the planet, and they still would have bailed, because they were wrestling with their own demons that had nothing to do with you.
Next, you have to grieve. You have to feel the pain of that abandonment fully, to sit with the anger and sadness and hurt, instead of constantly running from it or numbing it with self-destructive habits. This isn’t easy, and you may need the help of a therapist to navigate this emotional shitstorm, but it’s necessary to heal that wounded little kid inside.
Finally, you have to start redefining your worth on your own terms. You have to learn to love and accept yourself, flaws and all, without needing constant external validation to prove your value. This means setting boundaries in your relationships, pursuing your passions unapologetically, and treating yourself with the kindness and respect you deserved all along.
It’s a long, messy, uncomfortable process, but it’s so fucking worth it. Because when you can stare down the pain of abandonment and come out the other side still knowing your inherent worthiness, that’s real freedom. That’s self-love in action.
So if you’re struggling with the aftermath of parental abandonment, know that you’re not alone, and your pain is valid. But also know that you have the power to rewrite the story. You get to decide what defines your worth, not some emotionally stunted adult who projected their own issues onto an innocent child.
It won’t be easy, but few worthwhile things are. The journey to wholeness never is. But trust me, it beats the hell out of staying stuck in the emotional quagmire of self-blame and unworthiness.