Hemi-Sync Going Home Support Kit (Full Package) Part 2 of 2

This is part two of a large two part series. The series is a complete “study kit”. It consists of two series of sounds/music, of 11 and 12 files respectively, and an instruction manual included herein.

This post contains Hemi-Sync music / audio tracks. Hemi-Sync is a method of control that uses sounds to center the activity in the brain. When the brain is fully centered, it becomes easier to exist within this reality. Or even more specifically, easier to be able to use your consciousness to control your brain.

The files are FLAC files. Not MP3.

They should play on almost all cell phones and computers. If you have any doubt you can probably download an APP that will allow you to listen to them.

MP3 is the most popular format while FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a less known alternative. The main difference between the two is in how they compress the audio information. MP3 is a lossy format where parts of the audio information that people are not likely to hear are discarded. On the other hand, as the name suggests, FLAC is lossless.

-Difference Between MP3 and FLAC | DifferenceBetween

Hemi-Sync contains frequencies and audio wavelengths that are traditionally considered as “unnecessary” and thus is often removed using an MP3 format to cut down on the file size. That is why they are in the FLAC format.

MP3 vs. FLAC

This Post

This is the full training kit called “going home”

  • Part 1 – 11 FLAC files titled “Subject”.
  • Part 2 – (this article) – 12 FLAC files titled “support”

This particular package enables the person to train their mind to begin “lucid dreaming”, eventually out of the body consciousness movements, and other related activity.

The link will download a ZIP file. Just place it where you want, and copy the files in order, to the player of your preference. You should listen to them in order in one sitting. It will be around a half and hour of listening.

The Manual for this series

Here is the manual for using this series. You need to read it first before you start listening to the FLAC files and performing the exercises.

Going Home Manual

The Files

You can download the files by clicking on the images below…

File 1-12
File 2-12.
File 3-12.
File 4-12.
File 5-12
File 6-12.
File 7-12.
File 8-12.
File 9-12.
File 10-12.
File 11-12.
File 12-12.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Hemi-Sync Sub-Index here;



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Ohio Guy

Thanks again,MM.


Thanks for these! Note: the first disk is not hemi-sync, but lectures for helping to counsel a dying person. Those not attendng someone who is dying can start with CD 2, track 2.