Hemi-Sync Radiance (Full Package)

This is an introductory post.

This post contains Hemi-Sync music / audio tracks. Hemi-Sync is a method of control that uses sounds to center the activity in the brain. When the brain is fully centered, it becomes easier to exist within this reality. Or even more specifically, easier to be able to use your consciousness to control your brain.

The files are FLAC files. Not MP3.

They should play on almost all cell phones and computers. If you have any doubt you can probably download an APP that will allow you to listen to them.

MP3 is the most popular format while FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a less known alternative. The main difference between the two is in how they compress the audio information. MP3 is a lossy format where parts of the audio information that people are not likely to hear are discarded. On the other hand, as the name suggests, FLAC is lossless.

-Difference Between MP3 and FLAC | DifferenceBetween

Hemi-Sync contains frequencies and audio wavelengths that are traditionally considered as “unnecessary” and thus is often removed using an MP3 format to cut down on the file size. That is why they are in the FLAC format.

MP3 vs. FLAC

This Post

This is an introductory post.

It engages the listener to Hemi-Sync, and gives them an experience as to what consciousness centering is all about. Do not expect any great experiences, enlightenment or seeing visions. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, it retrains the brain to be better organized. For some people they find this particular set of music very relaxing and calming. For others, who prefer an over-wrought mind, find it uncomfortable.

The link will download a ZIP file. Just place it where you want, and copy the files in order, to the player of your preference. You should listen to them in order in one sitting. It will be around a half and hour of listening.

This is an introductory post to give you an idea of how the brain / consciousness centering activity works.

Radiance (Full Package)

“Immerse yourself in an ethereal “homecoming” of the soul with the frequency-raising music of Aeoliah and Hemi-Sync Aeoliah is internationally known for his healing and uplifting music that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Radiance combines the harmonizing and transcendent effects of Aeoliah’s music with powerful Hemi-Sync meditation frequencies to transport you into higher more expanded states of consciousness. The spiritual communions made possible by this divinely inspired composition are emotionally engaging; the feelings engendered deeply touching and profound.”

“Use for massage and energy healing work or for deep, experiential meditation. Instruments featured: piano synthesizers, flute, voice and angelic choir. Length: 61 minutes. Supports massage and energy work, deep meditation Features Hemi-Sync sound technologies to balance and focus the brain.”

  • Harmonic Resonance 10:44
  • Starseed Sanctuary 10:10
  • Inner Chamber 6:11
  • The Treasure 10:18
  • Hearts of the Future 6:03
  • Isis Maria 5:06
  • Ascension Activation Portal 8:29
  • Stargate 3:30

The files

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/01-Harmonic-Resonancegood.flac" text="Download 01" target="_blank"] 01-Harmonic-Resonance (FLAC, but slow download)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/01-Harmonic-Resonancegood.zip" text="Download 01" target="_blank"] 01-Harmonic-Resonance (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/02-Starseed-Sanctuarygood.flac" text="Download 02" target="_blank"] 02-Starseed-Sanctuary (FLAC, but slow download)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/02-Starseed-Sanctuarygood.zip" text="Download 02" target="_blank"] 02-Starseed-Sanctuary (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/03-Inner-Chambergood.flac" text="Download 03" target="_blank"] 03-Inner-Chamber (FLAC, but slow download)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/03-Inner-Chambergood.zip" text="Download 03" target="_blank"] 03-Inner-Chamber (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/04-The-Treasure.zip" text="Download 04" target="_blank"] 04-The-Treasure (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/05-Hearts-of-the-Future.zip" text="Download 05" target="_blank"] 05-Hearts-of-the-Future (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/06-Isis-Maria.zip" text="Download 06" target="_blank"] 06-Isis-Maria (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/07-Ascension-Activation-Portal.zip" text="Download 07" target="_blank"] 07-Ascension-Activation-Portal (ZIP file)

[easy_media_download url="https://metallicman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/08-Stargate.zip" text="Download 08" target="_blank"] 08-Stargate (ZIP file)

Important note

This particular group of audio files are perfect for undoing the noise, the “news” and the hassles of daily life. They serve a “reset button” role in re-centering the position of your consciousness within your brain. It is an absolute necessity if you really want your affirmation prayers to work efficiently.

You can play it while you are walking or resting.

I think that resting is best, but you need to wear headphones or ear-buds for the effect to manifest. You just cannot simply have it playing as noise in the background. It will not work that way. The ONLY way that this will work is if you are wearing headphones (ear buds), and either resting, exercising or walking.

With the best (by far) way to get the full effect of the system is to lie down in bed and allow the system to work.


Label: Monroe Products
Release Year: 2007
Genre: Metamusic
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per Sample: 16
Avg Bitrate: 640 kbps
Codec: reference lib
FLAC 1.3.2 20170101
Source: CDRip (AccurateRip verified)

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Hemi-Sync Sub-Index here;



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Rod Cloutier

I’ve tried multiple times, I cannot open these files in this format. Is there a link to where they can be found elsewhere on the internet ?

Rod Cloutier

Yes, works fine now. I also found that the Monroe institute audio CD’s (Which sell for $60 each on Amazon), are all on Youtube (at least for now)


I cannot thank you enough for these! Metallucman, you have no idea how grateful I am for you and this site. I do not doubt your story at all and thank you for serving us all. I feel like I found a huge missing piece of my life here. I’m not a spy or spook or anything. Nothing special at all in fact. Electronics tech in the Coast Guard, C-5 crew chief in the reserves, got out and became a physician who is no longer practicing. Anyway I am rambling about me… Thank you so much for these recordings!


Thank you for the kind words! Things in my life took a sudden turn (AFTER I found this site and read quite a few articles) and I know this- if it was not for a lot of your articles, I’d be in a rough spot inside. Your encouragement to myself and other commenters is nothing but pure kindness from this vantage point-which just reinforces really everything you write about. The site resonating-that is the word I would use. I really resonates. I cannot thank you enough for EVERYTHING that you contribute. You-half a world a way, are making a huge difference in my life and by proxy, those around me as well. Thank you!

Last edited 3 years ago by pissedlizard

, my feelings exactly. The relationship among this website, MM and myself is a strange one. Too bad I don’t logged all the changes I have been experiencing. If someday I decide to share my experiences, those will be associated to approximate dates. But the change is there and resonating.
Quite a bunch of wonderful and intelligent people here everyday. I am very humbled and proud to stumble upon here on a daily basis.


Hi MM,

I have kept this page bookmarked until I was in a position to take advantage of it, I am trying to download the files to my iphone but have since discovered that the iphone doesn’t truly play FLAC files to their full extent?

Have you heard this to be true? Especially over bluetooth headphones? I may be able to dig up an old ipad that has wired headphone jack I hope i can get that to go on that?