How the “lone wolf” and “every-man for himself” culture manifests inside of America

I have long argued that the reason why everyone in America is so unhappy these days has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with the system of government and the culture that evolved from it.

When you have a culture of “every man for himself”, and divide and conquer so that the biggest and most powerful person can become the leader you end up with a dog-eat-dog world. It’s an uncomfortable world that is truly ugly and where “normal” and healthy people do not want to live.

dog eat dog

Ruthless acquisition or competition, as in With shrinking markets, it's dog eat dog for every company in this field. This contradicts a Latin proverb which maintains that dog does not eat dog, first recorded in English in 1543. Nevertheless, by 1732 it was put as "Dogs are hard drove when they eat dogs" (Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia).

Within this world you see things that simply do not exist outside of America. And while the more Western nations have adopted some of these American aspects, not all do. And you would be surprised at how much better life can be without…

  • Fees to use a Bank ATM.
  • Being forced to buy bottled water instead of a water fountain.
  • Having to pay to have your car washed.
  • Reporting your entire year of financial transactions to the government.
  • Being told that you MUST buy health insurance or face fines.
every man for himself

Each individual puts his or her own interests foremost. For example, In this company no one helps anyone-it's every man for himself. In Chaucer's day this dictum was stated approvingly, meaning "if you don't look out for yourself, no one else will," but today such selfishness is usually censured. Despite the wording, the term applies to either sex.

So anyways, what I am presenting here is just a small taste of how the “every man for himself” culture manifests within the Untied States. If you live within a Western nation like the UK, like Australia, and like Canada some of these images will seem strangely familiar.

Big Tricks

We start with one of the big tricks. In it the BIG words and numbers say one thing, but the fine print says something else…

So, eh? What is it? Why not simply say nothing?

It’s all very manipulative and insulting.

Disguised Packaging

Here’s another trick, to pretend that the consumer will get more product by disguising the size of the packaging.

Again, trying to provide less while giving the impression of more.

How can this be legal? Well, if the government does not take action against these kinds of predatory activities then indeed it is actually legal.

In the case of the meat above, the deception is that the buyer think that it is a slab of meat that is much larger than what the packaging shows or indicates. It’s fully deceptive. And while the fine print, the tiny letters might say so many ounces or Kg of meat, that is meaningless when the image is right there in front of your face.

Look at this below.

We can see that the number of cookies in the package was intentionally reduced to save on costs to make the product, but the end sale price was not changed.

Deceptive Wording

And then, there is the “deceptive wording” trick. Where the words say one thing, but legalese is used to twist the meaning of the words.



US Health Care

And of course nothing says fraud and corruption in America like the “health care system”.

Here’s an example about the care that people receive inside of America…

My Point

My point is not to list the many, many ways that companies swindle, cheat or trick consumers. That has been the norm for some time now. My point is that it is permitted to happen without consequence.

I wouldn’t even notice this, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am in China. If a Chinese company tries to pull such a shit-head move they risk some serious push-back from the Chinese government. Probably a notice, and then a time-table to incorporate the changes. Followed by fees and fines if the company “drags it’s feet”, and much harsher measures down-the-line if results still do not materialize.

China is a serious; serious nation that does not play.

For the world to become a better place, people and companies need to STOP this on-going policy of trickery, manipulation, bait-sand-switch, and money-grubbing profit at all costs orientation.

There is no way around it.

And it is a significant issue, but NO ONE inside America is talking about this. Absolutely no one.

It is considered a trivial matter.

What are they talking about instead? Well, it’s the same old, same old.

I guess that the point that I am trying to make here is that whatever you might want to call America; a “democracy”, a “Republic”, a “crime syndicate”, an “oligarchy”, a “military empire”, the fact remains that it is NOT servicing the needs of the American citizenry.

It is not.

This is evident on every single level, in every single measurement, and in every conceivable way.

This is more than problematic, it is horrifying.

You see, America is at that historical stage where the government no longer functions to the point where the needs of the people are not met.

Typically, a solution develops. Either [1] the people construct a new government, or [2] they overthrow the old violently, or [3] that the government takes preemptive measures and starts some kind of distraction to prevent the “torches and pitchforks” from arriving at their doorsteps.

The government has decided to go with door number three.

And they are poking both the bear and the panda (Russia and China) with a long pointed stick.

They refuse to consider the MUCH NEEDED option; an emergency Constitutional Convention to restructure the Federal government, or disband the federal government entirely.

They would rather start World War III than accept any other solution.

Dangerous times indeed.

Things must be FIXED. Wrongs must be righted, and serious structural changes to the government need to start happening right NOW.

If they do not happen…

…do not believe that nothing worse will happen…

…you do not need a crystal ball to forecast the future of America without serious structural changes to it.

This is NOT the time to pay the same old “play book”. This is the time for America, the American people, the world, and everyone to come together.

To download the video HERE.

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Bo Chen

When I was telling everyone on SinoDefenceForum in early 2020 that Covid was a CIA biovirus they thought I lost my mind… now people on there are starting to wake up to the truth…

In fact I know Israel had a hand in this as well…. And China found out

Gunny HiWay

Ohh… So it was the JOOS eh??

Really…It was CHINA and FAUCCI and the LIBERAL SCUM running the USA.
It began with Clinton, continued with Obama and will end with Biden or Harris.
Till then, Get lost NAZI.


From which hole in the matrix did you fall? anyway, I bet your real name is Dick.

Ohio Guy

Whoa there, Gunny. I think maybe you’ve had too much mainstream media to drink.


Hi Bo, can you elaborate more? the article you mentioned didn’t.


Some thoughts, if you wouldn’t mind.
Nothing last forever, remember Cartago? troy? Ancient Athens? Ancient Rome, Babylon, ancient Egypt? Gone with the wind, some only to leave marvelous structures of their power and kingdom ship.
For some time, trying to understand modern power structures is a complicated task.
Modern politics which emerges around Machiavelli’s time, turned basic principles of politics since the time of Plato and Aristo on their heads.
Everything is possible, politics became not an art, a wisdom to rule them all, but a pale reflection of the first. Like the shadows from Plato’s “the cave”, it is not important to search for the truth, so justice, morals and truth became obsolete.
The ruling oligarchy instead of leading the society out of the cave, preferred the way Machiavelli describe so well. A way which perfected its control on the people, trapping them in the cave, and prevented any individuals, groups or ideologies that were trying help people to get out of this cave.
Back to our time. Looking at the transition of power from the British empire, including its tentacles, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US (please observe the flags of these entities, they can tell the whole story) to the American empire.
One can observe, these entities, although displayed as nation states, sovereign states, and of course democratic states, are actually the reflection of a power that we trapped in the cave cannot see.
Of course, Other countries are trapped in this power game, they all try to survive, some do it better than others. Some becomes provinces (Israel) others a vassal state (Japan), modern and democratic of course, only few will try to oppose, and they do have a good reason, Empires do not possess empathy.
What we know as empire, was to be called in these modern times imperialism, and the power behind it was split between what today we call nation states. Chronologically speaking, the holy catholic church, Venice, Firenze then Spain Portugal, France, Germany, England even holland and Belgium had their hand in the pile. Last entered Tzar Russia (before the revolution), Japan and the ex-British colony of the united states of America.
From this brave new world of Imperialism emerged endless wars between the clans. I say clans as it seems to have heavy blood connections between the royals and oligarchs who ruled the different clans.
Europe was a bag of snakes, but snakes with a superior military technology and apparently no morals attached, who could kill with a single bite as the people of the new world would sadly find out.
From the 15th century to the 20st century it was an orgy of blood and tears. This helped in the colonization of the new world, by Europeans who had to by force, by greed or by destiny to look for a new habitat.
Then proceeding two world wars, new order emerged and with it a new world leader.

From Patrick Hurley’s report to FDR: “The imperialism of Germany, Japan, Italy, France… will, we hope, end or be radically revised by this war [WWII]. British imperialism seems to have acquired a new life. . . What appears to be a new life…”
Soon after FDR died. Churchill came to the states to declare that an iron curtain has been descended on Europe. Oh the peaceful and friendly Europe, Churchill with his brilliant rhetoric forgot to mention that actually he, or the west for that matter decided to pull this curtain of iron. But then what should we expect from an avid pupil of Realpolitik, the modern terminology for the Machiavellian cynical and brutal political philosophy.
I think Hurley had a point, yet he examined only a fraction of the picture, what he probably did not know, is that the people behind the stage controlling the British empire had already starched their tentacles and got hold of the emerging new power.
One might say that apart from the name, from a functional angel, the oligarchy had moved her seat, from the British to the American empire. Making in so, the American democratic Republic obsolete.
Two hundred years after the revolt and the declaration independence, seems that war against the enslavement by the British crown and the European oligarchy is not over yet.    
I would not dive into the subject of US president’s death, but I find it no coincidence that Lincoln FDR and JFK found their death in such violent ways.
I know, FDR case was apparently different. Maybe, maybe not. He was 63 years old when he died, and his death made it easier for the transition of power from the old empire to the new one.
What we got is an inverted imperialism disguised as a democratic superpower (whatever that means) in a body of an empire that is being transformed into a totalitarian regime, regime which thrive to be the sole hegemon and ruler of the planet. And as so, it finds any free people and nations around the globe, and naturally the ones who would not bow down, the fearless of all, China and Russia, an existential threat.      
Last words.
I am in Israel now, but even when I was in Europe people see reality as they are consuming it from the media, most of the people in the west are being subjected to same manipulation. I do not blame them; that would be hypocrisy.
I have been there; we all have been there in some stage.
And the manipulation only gets better.  
Let us be humble. Most of the people are trying to survive and most of them cannot even imagine the way this sick powerful people think and act. 


TQ for sharing your thoughts. Well thought out and written. It really sums up quite nicely.


Great article. I would only add to this and expand and let you know its even worse from my experience in some other G7 colonial countries. My experience is that dog-eat-dog now permeates Canada, US, Aus, NZ, UK (big time). There is little social conscious, sense of history, or common culture….as it has been intentionally demolished. A lot of folks figure that Canada or Aus or NZ is the answer only to find out there are virtually no constitutional freedoms there, you cannot even elect a justice as they are only appointed, and the law there is a Star Chamber.