Yes. More stuff about China and the on-going war-war-war narrative out of the United States. I tire of it, and I am sure you all do as well. But this is a little important article that throws some light on all the absolute garbage “floating out there” regarding China and Taiwan.
No, this is not a parody. This is a serious discussion of things as they actually are, and not what we all want to believe.
Yes, there is a lot of misinformation, and disinformation floating about regarding a war with China, (or a war with Russia), here we will ignore those “articles” and discuss the reality instead. After all, those “articles” are for domestic American, UK or Australian consumption to garner support for war.
They are not to actually inform.
This article discusses the real reasons behind the need for a war against China, as well as the real capabilities and the real issues involved. We discuss truths here, no matter how distasteful they actually are.
So we are going to cut through the lies and the propaganda. You know them anyways. There’s no need to rehash the bullshit. The purpose is for domestic consumption, not for real strategic planning purposes.
But first [1], we need to address what China actually is. We need to see the nations involved as they actually are. We also need to see the United States as it actually is. By addressing reality we can then address how the United States can turn things around to achieve it’s goals and objectives. Then, [2] we can discuss how to use American strengths as a means towards success.
In this discussion I will present already established and published reports of advantages, as well as some things that are not really for general public release.
What America is today
Let's cut out all the bullshit. Face what America is right now. The good and the bad.
America is a young nation. It’s just under 250 years old. And it is still growing. The Roman empire was around 1000 years old when it eventually collapsed.
It was formed as a Republic. Just like Rome. But that didn’t last long. 28 years later, with the passage of the 12th amendment, it became a Democracy.
Internal stresses and conflicts between the federal government and the state governments resulted in a civil war that conclusively turned the nation into a Central Federal Democracy. During that time the fully autonomous individual state-nations lost their independence once and for all, and a central federal government became reality.
Subsequent amendments gave greater and greater control to the wealthiest individuals in the nation. So that by the beginning of the 19th century, it emerged as a solid Oligarchy.
As a result, Presidential candidates, Senators, and Congress representation were selected by the oligarchy and put up to the citizenry to vote upon. No matter who they voted into office, the oligarchy controlled the levers of power.
With the end of World War II, the massive American military might on a distraught and collapsed world resulted in an Oligarchy-run Military Empire.
There was a potential scaling back of the military aspects of the empire under President John F. Kennedy, but his death, and the subsequent replacement by President Lyndon B. Johnson established a mighty massive military empire.
Suppression of the civil dissatisfaction of what the government had become changed the structure even further. By 2001, it became a Domestic Police State, and an Internationally run Military Empire.
For various reasons what America is today more closely resembles a complex, multi-layered Kakistocracy. It’s obvious, and is (I am sure) the bane of the current President Biden administration.

That DOES NOT mean that America is bad, evil, or collapsing. No.
Nations constantly go in and out of periods of change. And because of the current shape of the government, and the current domestic turmoil, it is necessary to unify the nation towards the greater good. One must consult history books to realize just how long the Roman Empire existed as a Kakistocracy.
It was a long time.
In any event, the domestic turmoil inherent with the current American government structure requires attention. There are numerous solutions. However, the ones selected consisted of [1] a state of constant fear, [2] control of every aspect of the citizenry’s lives, [3] birth to death taxation with enormous penalties for non-compliance, and [4] the generation of a common enemy.
The American people must be unified against a common enemy, and that way they can focus on an outside target instead of fester inside the nation and contribute to it’s collapse.
To this end, obviously, both China and Russia have been selected as the targets.
By doing so, and constantly feeding the American populace horrible hate filled images of Russia and China, their angers are directed outwards, and not on the domestic turmoil that embroils inside the United States. This is a good thing. Otherwise great civil disturbances will manifest. Possibly even a second civil war.
So the anger and frustration must be externalized.
So there MUST be a war. It is the only way that the United States can unify, and get though this period of change and maintain it’s global leadership as the world’s biggest and most powerful Military Empire.
Why China?
Both China and Russia have been selected as the enemies to target. However, those in Washington DC view China as the “weaker” of the two foes. This is primarily a military consideration based on the number of nuclear weapons that it possesses. It’s very difficult to see any other criteria.
What China is today
Let's cut away the endless stream of lies and falsehoods about China. Let's look at what it actually is and how it actually works.
China has over 6,000 years of written history. It has seen nations come and go. The current government was formed just after World War II by Mr. Mao and he embraced Communism.
Like America still calls itself a “Republic” when it is a Kakistocracy. Modern China continues to call itself a “Communist” nation when it is actually a Meritocracy.
It is important to realize that what China is today has no parallel anywhere else in history. It is unique and new. There has never been a real meritocracy in the history of the world until now.
Being a Meritocracy, everything in China is now sleek, modern, efficient, high technology, and the people are happy, unified, and content. This is true thought China, whether in the shining and gleaming buildings or in the tiny isolated villages.

Obviously images of this must be withheld from the citizens of the United States.
It is critical that Americans are unable to compare their lives with anyone outside of the bubble of control. (It sounds bad, but ti’s the way the American leadership views the situation.) This is why the 2022 Federal budget allocated funding to suppress any news, articles, pictures, or videos out of China.

That is $1,200,000,000 USD total.
The anti-China narrative has been an onslaught, and most people believe the bullshit. If you do also, you should be ashamed of yourself.
China is wholly focused on itself and on it’s citizenry. In so doing, it has established the BRI to surround itself with prosperous and happy national neighbors.
When China bought up $3 trillion of the United States $20 trillion dollar debt, everyone thought that it was crazy and foolhardy, but what China has been doing is using that debt to build massive infrastructure projects throughout the BRI, and surround itself with comfortable and growing happy economies.
Today, China is a prosperous nation with a great economy, a strong and traditional society, and a massive defense system.
The Oligarchy are calling the shots.
There are two primary forces pushing for a war between the USA and China. They are…
- The Taiwan Oligarchy.
- The American Military-Industrial Establishment Oligarchy.
Additionally, both American Political Parties are “riding” the anti-China deluge (funded by the Taiwan oligarchs, and the Military-Industrial oligarchs) and using that to garner votes for election purposes.
The Taiwan Oligarchy
When Taiwan reunifies with the mainland, it’s not if… it’s when, the oligarchy will suffer immensely. They will be forced to share and enjoin the same laws that are applied uniformly throughout China. This is unacceptable to them. As for the last handful of decades they operated as lawless entities… completely above the law and controlled everything as their own fiefdom within Taiwan.
It is no wonder why they are spending billions of dollars to foster a war between the United States and China. They want their king-like lifestyle to continue unabated.
The American Military-Industrial Establishment Oligarchy.
If you read any of the articles out of Washington DC, whether pro-war or anti-war, they ALL make the same statement. Which is that a war between the USA and China would be a long, long, LONG drawn out affair.
Only a mere spattering of articles suggest a nuclear slug-fest, and absolutely NONE discuss the detonation of nuclear weapons on American cities.
Such as this…
It would take Beijing decades to overcome the losses incurred from a war to take Taiwan, even if Beijing triumphs. The United States and our western allies, on the other hand, would remain at full military power, dominate the international business markets, and have the moral high ground to keep China hemmed in like nothing that presently exists. Xi would be seen as an unquestioned aggressor, even by other Asian regimes, and the fallout against China could knock them back decades. Our security would be vastly improved from what it is today – and incalculably higher than if we foolishly tried to fight a war with China. -The Guardian
This is great news to the American military-industrial complex. They need a replacement founding source since they lost Afghanistan in this role.
So they are pushing for war.
The conditions for the war
This Military-Industrial Complex are pushing for strict and defined criteria [A, B & C] that MUST be met for a successful American takeover and suppression of China.
[A] Force a conventional war. Prevent China from nuclear retaliation.
This is accomplished by ringing China with Nuclear weapons. Not just in the seas with nuclear submarines, but ringing it with nuclear warheads in Korea, in Japan, in Australia and…
…still in process…
… Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Then once China is backed into a corner, plunge the entire nation into an embroiled conflict. And to this end, it must be…
[B] Engage a long duration war on Chinese soil.
By doing this it is inconceivable that the war would “spill outside” of the kill zones. The USA would define the area of conflict, the type of conflict and the participants of the conflict. The United States would thus be in full control of the situation from start to finish.
[C] Lower it’s guard / disable it’s nuclear arsenal
Under current policy, the United States will not use nuclear weapons against the vast majority of the world's countries in any circumstances. There are however, exceptions. Longstanding US policy, re-affirmed in the Trump administration's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), says that the United States ... "will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states that are party to the NPT [Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty] and in compliance with their nuclear nonproliferation obligations"; this promise covers more than 180 countries (OSD 2018). This policy is known as a "negative security assurance." However, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea do not fall under the US negative security assurance. China and Russia are nuclear weapon states under the NPT, and North Korea withdrew from the treaty in 2003 and conducted its first nuclear test in 2006. And Iran is treated as an unconfirmed nuclear power. This means that they could be expected to be targets for US nuclear weapon preemptive strikes. Which means the United States launching weapons at them first prior to a formal declaration of war. This was since confirmed by both President Obama, and then reaffirmed by President Donald Trump.
Such as with this agreement. (By the way, America NEVER lives up to any agreements it signs.)

Nice agreement.
So then [1] the USA – Australian nuclear deal is no longer going to happen and the construction of nuclear facilities inside of Australia will now end. No. And that [2] the American nuclear ships and submarines will leave the South China Sea, and that [3] the American nuclear weapons will no longer be positioned in the Ukraine? Is that all correct. No.
Then what is this all about?
It’s about defanging the Chinese military strategy.
Chinese Military Strategy
So many articles, all throughout the Western media, discuss war with China. Yet not one single one discusses modern Chinese military doctrine. At best there is a trivial mention of Sun Tsu and his "Art of War". This omission provides a distortion of the reality in this matter. So before we continue we need to provide an overview of current Chinese military strategy.
Let’s cut out the bullshit and consider the reality and why it is such a difficult task to obtain those two stated goals. Then we will show exactly how the United States can overcome this formidable adversary.
Here’s a few selected key points that must be included in any calculus involving a war with China.
[1] Routine use of tactical nuclear weapons
If anyone attacks China, China will respond back ferociously. Agreement of not. China will fight back.
China military doctrine has always called for the use of every weapon at it's disposal with no concerns as to the type and nature of the weapon. The Chinese are just as capable of firing a gun, as it is releasing a toxic chemical, or unleashing nuclear weapons. They make no distinction between their use, nor their consequences. This is clearly stated in Chinese military policy briefs. They have never changed. Once the shooting starts, many of the first munitions fired by the Chinese will be nuclear.
[2] First strike nuclear use policy
This policy has always been defensive in nature, but if China believes that they will be attacked, they WILL fire nuclear weapons first to prevent that attack.
The United States and much of the nuclear armed world have manuals and policies on how and when to use nuclear weapons. China does not have any of that. Their doctrines do not make a distinction between military forces and civilian targets. In fact, Chinese history clearly illustrates that the best way to destroy an enemy is to destroy the cites of the enemies completely and irreparably. When the United States fires the first bullet against China, you can expect to see the top 40 American cities eviscerated in nuclear fireballs. Then, the military bases will be targeted afterwards. This is a long standing Chinese policy dating to the times of Genghis Khan.
[3] Routine use of AI swarm nukes
Isn’t technology wonderful?
The United States has a long standing policy of precision weaponry. Each weapon is designed to directly and specifically target a building, a complex, or a specific location in a city. China does not have this policy. Instead China employs AI controlled swarm nukes. Instead of a MIRV with different precise targeted objectives, the Chinese incorporate AI to alter the flight paths of a swarm of nuclear munitions. the policy is to blanket an entire region or swath of area with clusters of nuclear weapons. The belief here is that the damage and the disarray and the causalities would be much greater in this manner. This is a "shotgun effect" using nuclear warheads. While the American strategy is more akin to a nuclear sniper rifle.
[4] Routine use of neutron bomb nuclear weapons
Fielded since the 1970’s.
The American military do not field "neutron bombs" due to the inhumane nature of the weaponry. Not so with China. Their military doctrine is to employ the most horrific weapons possible in the shortest span of time possible. A neutron bomb is the WORST type of nuclear weapon ever created.
[5] “Hit them where it hurts” retaliatory strategy
Good bye New York. Good bye Chicago. Good bye Los Angles. Bye Bye to Houston.
The United States military operate in "theaters" and plan every battle and every strategy down to the last horseshoe. Not so with the Chinese. The Chinese believe that the best way to hurt an aggressor force is to destroy their homeland. The sack of Baghdad is a prime example of how the Chinese conduct wars. It should be of no surprise that the entire military and assault forces were Chinese sappers. Not only would New York City be completely destroyed, but the entire region of New York State would be uninhabitable for centuries afterwards.
[6] A nation of trained soldiers
Both China and the United States has a military of trained volunteer soldiers. However China teaches military training starting in first grade to everyone. There are weekly classes in discipline, military strategy and small arms operation. By the time the child attends middle school they are introduced to maneuvers, martial arts, and disabling armored vehicles. This continues throughout childhood. Then this is followed by a mandatory two year stint in the military and then afterwards as a forever irregular as part of the Chinese societal structure. That is 1600 million people. The American military is 1.2 million people.
When did you all learn how to fire mortars, arm and hit targets on military operations? The Chinese learn in third grade. video 6MB
[7] Peer-capable military
American military are certainly well equipped. But what is not well understood is that the Chinese military is equally well equipped. Further, American military doctrine suggests a heavy reliance of Command and Control technologies, remote surgical strikes, and precision munitions. The Chinese fight in autonomous clusters using sophisticated high-technology weapons that operate independently.
[8] Top Line Russian weapons
Russia has been supplying their cutting-edge weapons systems to China, and China has been supplying Russia with their systems. It is a foolish mistake to believe that the weapons that the United States has no deterrence and defense against is not being shared.
[9] Full control of the South China Sea
China owns the South China Sea, just like Russia owns the Black Sea. The entire region is crisscrossed with sensors and observation platforms and bases. Nothing can move in this region without being tracked and monitored by the Chinese.
[10] Combined Military Allies with Russia
Much to the chagrin of the United States, China and Russia re more than just allies. They possess a symbiotic relationship. It is far tighter and closer than can even be imagined in the West. To this end, the both share military actions as partners and as equals. Any war against China will involve Russia as well.
[11] Massive Navy operating in a small defined area
China has the largest Navy in the world. It is also one of the most modern, and it is equipped with peer-superior technologies that the United States Navy has little defense against. It also operates almost exclusively in the South China Sea. Such a massive concentration of military vessels is a great lethal deterrent.
[12] Mystery weapons
Rarely reported are numerous fielded weapons that have no Western analog. Robot hand-grenades. Swarm drones and swarm robots. Field denial radiators, pain generators, and insect-size drone munitions. Not to mention, the strange UFO like vehicles that toy with the United States navy from time to time and the USO objects. Of course, China does also possess hyper-sonic weapon delivery systems.
video 3.1MB
[13] Quick and painful doctrine
The Chinese military doctrine is one of "massive damage" in a stunningly short period of time. When the Chinese decides to remove all the embedded CIA and NED operators they did so in hours. Hundreds. Within hours. In this case, they collected all their intel, and waited. They then went and captured every one. They interrogated them, and then quietly killed all of them. They did not imprison them, use them as bargaining chips, or anything like that. They just killed them.
[14] Carrier Killers
If there is one thing that China has perfected it is the destruction of aircraft carriers and Naval battle fleets. Nothing else needs to be said.
[15] Sonic weapons
China possess systems that can render all aircraft systems to go crazy and fail. They have systems that can generate pain on military personnel (such as in a submarine) or flying in a plane. They have systems that can make the nuclear power systems on Naval Vessels scram.
[16] Historical Weapons
They have implanted agents everywhere, and many are not ethnic Chinese, but for-profit Americans who will perform sabotage, espionage, and clandestine activities for a profit.
[17] Motivated and Patriotic
The Chinese people are the most patriotic people that I have ever seen. When I hear that the Chinese are pining away for "democracy" and that the Chinese government doesn't have the support of the people, I just laugh. I laugh at the ignorance of any fool that would believe the propaganda. The Chinese are fiercely patriotic.

[18] Never again.
Anyone who REALLY knows about what the Japanese, the UK and the Western forces subjected China to, should be pissing in their pants not to fuck with China. China has NEVER forgotten. And they will be brutal back. You all do not want that kind of karma.
[19] Dead hand
There are indications that the Chinese have implemented the exact same technology as the Russian “Dead hand” switch. So no matter how big or how small the nuclear detonation is, whether a large city buster, or a micro-nuke to take out an office building, the “Dead Hand” system would engage and launch a full onslaught nuclear ICBM / hypervelocity salvo against the United States.
Dead Hand (Russian: Система «Периметр», Systema "Perimetr", lit. "Perimeter" System, with the GRAU Index 15E601, Cyrillic: 15Э601), also known as Perimeter, is a Cold War-era automatic nuclear weapons-control system (similar in concept to the American AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System) that was used by the Soviet Union. The system remains in use in the post-Soviet Russian Federation. An example of fail-deadly and mutual assured destruction deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by sending a pre-entered highest-authority order from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Strategic Missile Force Management to command posts and individual silos if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity, and pressure sensors even with the commanding elements fully destroyed. By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during times of crisis; however, it is said to remain fully functional and able to serve its purpose whenever it may be needed. -Wikipedia
I can CONFIRM that this system (Were it to be formally announced, after all, it’s not supposed to exist. Wink. Wink.) will be switched on during DEFCON 3 or higher states of readiness.
Watch the movie of The Battle at lake Changjin
The Chinese fought the United States in Korea.
The United States with a bunch of Allies (27 or so nations) attempted to seize Korea. China got involved, and the Chinese forced the United States back and the US military left defeated.
So, instead of capturing all of Korea, the USA “punted”, setup a North and a South Korea, and declared the fiasco a “victory”. Here is a movie of just one such contributing battle.
It’s a surprisingly good movie.
Free on You-Tube. Here’s the full three hour long version of the most popular movie of 2021. It’s the true story of the 《長津湖》The Battle at Lake Changjin(English subtitle).
The Secret American Weapons
All in all, the Chinese are perhaps the most formidable foe that the United States has ever encountered. Along with Russia it appears that any attack would be suicidal.
It really does.
I, trying to explain for years now that the issue is very simple--US Armed Forces never fought the enemy which can not only defeat them, but completely shut down the skies for the US main power tool--its Air Force and standoff weaponry. Once this is removed from the equation, annihilation of the opposing force is just the matter of Russia's own standoff arsenal and then mopping up by the ground forces which will retain their combat effectiveness even against most advanced and massive attacks from the air. It is, obviously, impossible to explain to neocons infesting corridors of high power in D.C. and who made their careers both in Pentagon and State Department by writing theses on Peloponnesian Wars and deriving "lessons" from swords, shields and bow and arrows armed cohorts slaughtering each-other more than 2,000 years ago, that those do not apply for machine speed operating combat networks and weapons which can hit not just to tactical and operational depths, but can, actually, reach easily the United States proper. And that is a big, big difference. -Big Big DIfference
Unless there is some big massive secret weapon that the United States possess.
It seems so impossible given Chinese military doctrine, technology, training, and global political support. But the United States is pushing and pushing for a war against China. And I believe that it is doing so because it has a secret weapon. Let’s go over some of the very formidable secret advantages that the United States military possess.
According to all the serious military strategists in the United States today, these are the American strengths…
[1] Diversity
One of most prized and valued elements of the new, revised, and improved American military is the strengthening of LGBT values, trans-gender and minority leadership appointments.
I have often wondered why this is considered a strength as I (personally) consider this a weakness. However, upon reflection, I have come to this conclusion…
It's been well promoted and advertised, and to many conservatives and traditionalists, it seems like some kind of sick joke. However, the fundamental idea behind having a diverse military is to be so inclusive that everyone wants to support your efforts and join you. No one wants to harm a cute fuzzy bunny rabbit. No one wants to shoot a kindly little old lady. And no one wants to throw away uneaten pizza slices. By having a diverse, minority run, and LGBT military no one would be desirous to shoot and attack you. In war and combat, split second decisions are the difference between life and death. By being diverse and LGBT, the enemies would have second thoughts about shooting and harming people that they can relate to. This is America's biggest and most powerful secret weapon.

[2] Massive support for war
A war against China will not be like the Vietnam war. It will have massive public support. In fact, it will rally the United States together against a singular enemy.
The American military is respected and loved all over the world. When the United States troops left Afghanistan, thousands of people didn't want them to leave. Many wanted to travel back to the United States with them. That is how beloved the American military is. Currently polls internal to America show a great deal of support for a war against China. This support will make it easier to have a long drawn out war when millions of people are dying.

[3] An endless military budget
This is a well known fact, but will have a major impact on the long-duration promotion of war.
America owns the world's money printing presses and it can print all the money it needs. it's an unlimited budget. Other nations do not have this ability. Thus in a war situation, the United States can out-spend and thus out-produce any foe.

[4] Powerful allies willing to die for America
The United States has enlisted hundreds of nations that are part of the "democracy coalition". Many ware willing to fight on the same side as the United States and will happily allow American bases, American military on their land. Not to mention that many are willing to fight and die for America. The most notable examples are Canada, Australia, the UK, and the Ukraine.

[5] A powerful media messaging machine
No matter what China says or reports, it will be effectively drowned out, forgotten and suppressed by the very powerful media megaphone.

[6] Largest military in the world
America possesses over 800 bases all over the world. It have one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons and has military culture. America has substantial military experience.

[7] God
The biggest and strongest fist of power is God. With God on the side of the United States it is impossible not to prevail.
The most important, popular and significant religious leaders inside of America have confirmed that God is on the side of the Righteous. And thus, it is on the side of America. Any other nation, no matter how strong they appear on paper are helpless before God. No matter what. God will smite the enemies of democracy.

The reader might disagree on this calculus. But the strengths of both China and the United States are presented as they actually are. Not as one might wish them to be.
Sources are the military leadership of both nations. Not the political mouthpieces, or their media.
From the point of view of China, they believe that they are strong enough to prevent anyone from daring to attack them. Whether it is via a “false flag event” or due to some domestic action that has been demonized in the mainstream media (Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong, Uighur’s, etc.) China has worked on being very formidable, and very dangerous and lethal.
From the point of view of the United States, it is critically important that a war against China starts to happen quickly, and last a long LONG time. Otherwise, the entire nation might implode. To this end, the United States has incorporated numerous unconventional weapons that when combined are truly formidable in breadth and scope.
From the point of view of the oligarchs, it is important that they maintain their income stream and positions of global power. Whatever is necessary to accomplish those ends are acceptable to them. Nothing is to dangerous, too lethal, or too horrific to prevent them from losing their positions of power.
From the point of view of a regular guy, I wish that all the oligarchs would just disappear, that the United States would fix it’s domestic problems, and that everyone else would let us alone to live in peace.

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 2.
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Under Chinese Military Strategy, point #6:
“That is 1600 million people.”
Did you mean 1.6 billion people, the entire population of China including babies & elderly? (Google says China population is 1.4+ billion.)
Or did you mean the Chinese military is 160 million (160,000,000) people, active, or active plus permanent irregular? (which would be bout 11% of entire population of 1.4 billion)
Just wondering.
My bad. The population of China is 1.4 Billion. I just threw the numbers out there. It’s probably actually around 80% of that figure if you cut out the children under six years old and people over 80 years old. So let’s make that figure 80% of 1.4 billion people = 1.12 billion people. So instead of 1600 million people, the actual value is 1100 million fighting folk.
By the way, if anyone would like to watch Battle at Lake Changjin, I believe Bo Chen has it linked here on this site somewhere in comments. It’s a good movie and shows the fierce patriotism and dedication to country and family.
Here’s the Youtube link HERE. It’s free, and I watched it and recorded it off youtube. What an absolutely AMAZING movie! Seriously. This is a movie you MUST watch!