Lukashenko large

Jay Chou and one toke over the line with Pork Ragu, nonsense about Ukraine, and a giant strawberry

It’s pouring rain out today. I mean that it is a deluge. The weather, as of late, has been very unusual. But we are all fine. I hear that this May it snowed a few feet in Colorado. Indeed that is odd, but between the Monkey-pox, and Joe Biden deciding to start world war 3 with China and Russia simultaneously, and the lack of baby formula, I mean… what are you going to do?

Perhaps a giant strawberry is what you need right now.

Howdy. Buckle up and enjoy yourself here today.


Lukashenko large
Lukashenko large

Something very unusual, big, and serious, is happening . . .

President Viktor Lukashenko of Belarus has ordered the armed forces of Belarus to immediately create an operational command to handle “the Ukrainian direction.”

Appearing on national television in his full military uniform, Lukashenko told the nation trouble is coming.

The fact that he put on his uniform for this says it all.


Lukashenko also saying that Belarus expects “pressure” from Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, in particular, with the help of NATO troops stationed there.

Hal Turner Remarks

As readers of this site will recall, it was just Tuesday into Wednesday of this week that the country of Hungary, enacted  a “WARTIME EMERGENCY” declaration despite no hostilities in or near Hungary.  (Story Here)

Now, we have Belarus ordering its military to stand-up a new Ukrainian Command . . . .

Something wicked this way comes . . . .

Slow-Cooker Pork Ragu

This slow-cooked pasta sauce goes well beyond the average spaghetti topper with all-day slow-cooked flavor. Pork shoulder, bacon and aromatic vegetables cook in a crushed tomato sauce and thicken to a hearty, rich consistency that pairs well with rigatoni pasta in particular. Make it a day ahead when you have some extra time, and let the flavors mellow and meld—or just be sure to save some leftovers! This take on a classic Italian sauce is sure to impress your dinner table regulars and special guests alike.


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  • 8 slices applewood smoked bacon, chopped (half of a 12-oz package)
  • 1 1/2 lb boneless pork shoulder, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped onions
  • 2 cups chopped carrots
  • 5 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
  • 1/2 cup Progresso™ chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
  • 1 can (28 oz) Muir Glen™ organic fire roasted crushed tomatoes, undrained
  • 6 cups cooked rigatoni pasta (about 4 1/2 cups uncooked)
  • Shredded Parmesan cheese, if desired
  • Chopped fresh oregano leaves, basil or Italian (flat-leaf) parsley, if desired
2022 05 25 19 23
2022 05 25 19 23

One Toke Over the Line

Welcome to the 1970s.

The United States has long demonstrated to the global community its disregard for international regulations, along with its readiness to unleash a war with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) anywhere in the world. This is what the Americans did in Japan, when they dropped nuclear bombs on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

There have subsequently been many other incidents documented and reported to the UN which involved the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons by the United States against its opponents not only in Korea, but also in other regions of the world. Thus, in the period from 1949 to 1988 the Soviet Union submitted to the UN evidence about 13 facts of large- and small-scale use of WMDs with the US involvement. Here are just some of them.

  • – In 1951-1953, the USSR forwarded to the UN the documented evidence about the US’s use of bioweapons against North Korea and China during the Korean War. Those crimes garnered broad media coverage even in the US itself, and were proved by declassified documentary information;
  • – in 1948-1960, the UN received some documented evidence of the application of “scorched earth” tactics by the British army, backed by the United States, with the use of chemical and bioweapons against civilians in Malaya;
  • – in 1961-1971, the UN received evidence of the use of the same policy by the US Armed Forces in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand;
  • – In 1982, Moscow forwarded to the UN documentary evidence of CIA’s financial support to breeding and proliferation of genetically modified malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Afghanistan. The biolabs in Pakistan were used for these R&D activities;
  • – in 1985, the USSR submitted to the UN evidence of the activities of US secret biolabs in South Africa and Israel, studying the impact of certain biological agents on certain racial (Negroid) and ethnic (Arab) groups;
  • – at the same period, the Soviet Union submitted to the UN incriminating evidence, supported by 25 countries, about the possible involvement of the US military laboratory at Fort Detrick (Maryland, USA) in the development of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as in deliberate distribution of this virus in Africa;
  • – in the 1990s and 2000s, the UN agencies had already been investigating the “leak” of dangerous pathogens from the US military bases in Spain and Kenya, following which it was proved that the above “leaks” were clearly purposeful and planned.

All materials on these war crimes have been registered with the UN and are at the disposal of this organization!

Most recently, The Exposé, a British publication, published the results of its investigation into the direct involvement of the United States and Ukraine in the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Recently, new documentary evidence of the US criminal activities aimed at unleashing a global biological war has been obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense during the special military operation in Ukraine.

In particular, Igor Kirillov, the Head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Russian Armed Forces (RCBPF), has disclosed new information revealing the details of the Pentagon’s inhumane experiments on Ukrainian citizens in a psychiatric hospital in Kharkov region (Strelechye village). The test subjects included a group of male patients aged 40-60 with a high stage of physical exhaustion. “The received information proved the fact that the United States was launching an offensive military biological program in Ukraine, the purpose of which was to study the possibility of initiating controlled outbreaks of diseases on particular territories,” Kirillov said.

Documented evidence was received about an attempt to infect the residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) with tuberculosis by means of fake banknotes contaminated with the tuberculosis causative agent. The infected notes were distributed among the minors in the village of Stepovoye in 2020. “The criminal masterminds exploited the behavior of children who are prone to tasting everything and eating without washing their hands,” Kirillov said. Aside from this, some additional information about the incidents associated with the use of bioweapons in Ukraine was obtained during the special military operation: documentary evidence was studied about the deliberate use of a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogen in 2020 to infect the population of Slavyanoserbsky district in the LPR.

According to Igor Kirillov, the results of bacteriological tests proved the resistance of extracted bacteria to Tier 1 and Tier 2 anti-tuberculosis drugs. The disease caused by them would be much more difficult to treat, and the cost of such treatment would be much higher. The Lugansk Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Service made a conclusion about the artificial nature of infection found on the banknotes, as extremely dangerous strains were found and their “concentration capable of guaranteeing infection and development of the tuberculosis process.”

Along with this, the Russian Armed Forces have discovered more than a dozen unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with tanks and nozzles for spraying bioweapon agents. In particular, on March 9, in the territory of Kherson region, three UAVs were detected with 30-liter tanks and equipment for spraying malicious agents. In late April, ten more similar UAVs were detected near the settlement of Kakhovka. At the same time, Igor Kirillov, the Head of RCBPF, added that, as a result of the special military operation in Ukraine, facts came to light evidencing the work carried out with pathogens that are potential agents of bioweapons.

At the same time, not only the United States, but also a number of its NATO allies, such as Germany, Poland and 10 other Western allies of Washington, are running their military biological projects in Ukraine. Thus, the Polish Institute of Veterinary Medicine took part in the studies of rabies virus in Ukraine together with the Battelle Institute, one of the Pentagon contractors, said the Head of the RCBPF.

According to Kirillov, the ideologists of American military biological operations in Ukraine are the leaders of the US Democratic Party who “formed the legislative framework for funding military biological research directly from the federal budget.” “Non-governmental organizations controlled by the leadership of the US Democratic Party, submitted their funds including the investment funds owned by the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, Biden, under the state guarantees,” the representative of the Ministry of Defense said. Major pharma companies, such as Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, as well as Gilead, a Pentagon-affiliated company, were also involved in this scheme. “US specialists are testing new medicines bypassing the international safety standards,” Kirillov added.

It should be noted that Washington has been involved in those activities for many decades, with the obvious connivance of the UN and other international organizations who were submitted incriminating evidence of the criminal use of bioweapons by the US. Instead of ensuring compliance with the international regulations and international conventions signed by the United States to combat the development and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, Washington regularly arranges fake news campaigns accusing other countries of alleged use of prohibited WMDs. And these campaigns, unfortunately, are actively promoted and supported by the US-funded media and representatives of a number of Western political parties and governments around the world, thereby shielding official revelations of the US criminal activities.

Today, US military biolabs are located not only in Ukraine, but also in many other countries of the world that are facing a similar danger of Washington using bioweapons. And the US does not seem to be ashamed telling the global community about its “right” to make plans for changing political regimes “in authoritarian countries if they pose a threat to US security.” In particular, Henry Kissinger, one of the most respected veterans of the US politics, the former US Secretary of State and national Security Adviser to the US President, recently made this statement in his interview to the Financial Times.

Given all of the above, every country in the world should be asking one question today: Why is the United States getting away with unleashing a global biological war?

周杰倫 Jay Chou千里之外 Far Away (feat.費玉清 Fei Yu-ching)】-Official Music Video

A classic Jay Chou movie out of China. All these videos date from his first album around 2002 or so. And they are videos that tell a story. You don’t need to understand the lyrics to figure out what is happening…

Dollar is dying there is no question about it

A great talk.

Texas School Shooter May Have Been ARRESTED in 2018 for “Terror Attack Plot in 2022” at SCHOOL, Years before Shooting that Left 21 Dead!

An active shooter situation in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday, left 19 children and two adults dead.   Now, however, we find the shooter may have been one of two juveniles arrested in 2018 for plotting such an attack . . . . to be carried out in the year 2022!

A hospital report from the area states that in addition to 19 kids and two adults who were killed, 14 other children and at least one other adult are being treated by hospitals in Uvalde and San Antonio.

The shooter was killed by responding police, according to Texas Governor Abbott.

The Hal Turner Radio Show has now found that in 2018 two teens were arrested for planning a mass shouting at their school in Uvalde Texas.

Their plan was to carry out the shooting in their senior year which would be 2022.

The teens were 13 and 14 years old when they were arrested. The youth were evaluated by mental health professionals and the older of the children was released to his mother. Here is the statement made by the Uvalde school system back in 2018:

Our school district is committed to the safety and education of all our students and we want to clearly communicate about safety issues when they arise. One of our Morales Junior High students was experiencing a crisis. Upon rendering aid and support, the student revealed a future plan to conduct a school shooting in the year of 2022. With the type of detailed information that was revealed by the student to law enforcement and confirmed in their investigation, the student has been arrested and will not be returning to our school. 

Our school district has a strong partnership with our local law enforcement agencies and emergency responders. They share our commitment to student safety, and we are working closely with them to ensure all information is thoroughly evaluated and our school is as safe as possible.

We ask our parents to assist us in reminding their child/children of the importance of telling a staff member if they ever become aware of a plan to harm individuals or of a weapon at school. The STOPit app may be utilized by parents or students to inform administration of any inappropriate behavior. In this way, we are all working together to keep our schools safe.


A press release obtained by TV Station KENS-5 thoroughly chronicles events leading up to an investigation performed by the Uvalde Police Department and the Texas Rangers.

<p”>In the press release, Uvalde Chief of Police Daniel Rodriguez said that a Morales Junior High School student,14, and a former Morales student, 13, had specifically targeted numerous students in what they described as a plan to perform a “mass casualty event against the school.”

Authorities said the students were motivated in large part by the Columbine shootings:

The investigation revealed that the students were infatuated with the Columbine High School shootings and identified themselves to the shooters. The investigation uncovered that the students even referred to themselves using the Columbine shooter’s names.”

Investigators also believe the students were planning to hold the attacks years from now during their senior year, on the anniversary of the Columbine shooting. However, one of the students began to convince the other that they should move the attacks up to this year.

“One of the students had numerous writings and drawings which depicted weapons capable of causing mass destruction. He wrote about being “God-like” and killing police and other persons. He had an academic analysis of one of the Columbine shooter’s journals,” the release stated.

According to the release, the teens were also planning on detonating IED’s before killing students from a list ‘ranked by priority.’

After that, the release states the pair were going to kill at random before eventually turning the guns on themselves.

“Any kids that had talked bad about them or said anything they did not like, basically, they said they were going to go and kill them,” one student said. You just felt unsafe. And teachers have been bringing it to our attention that you can’t be saying those things anymore. We can’t do that. It is wrong.”

“It was scary. We hear it everywhere else, but you don’t expect for it to happen in your town,” one parent said. “I am glad they were able to control the situation before anything does happen. And that they actually did something about it. Sometimes you think they’re just going to hear it, and say it won’t happen and dust it under the rug, and they actually did something.”

Both students were reportedly evaluated by mental health services on April 19, when the investigation led officials to the pair. The older of the two was released on April 23 into his mother’s care.

On April 25, the pair were taken into custody again, and this time arrested for Conspiracy to Commit Murder.

Because Juvenile Arrest records are SEALED, it is not yet known if Tuesday’s shooter in that same town, was one of the Juveniles arrested for such a plot back in 2018.


Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

This is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

The children shot and killed on Tuesday, were in the Second, Third, and Fourth grade.  That would make most of them between the ages 7 and 9 years old.

What kind of a monster deliberately chooses to kill such helpless, innocent, children?  Who created this monster, and who didn’t report him before he killed so many?

If Tuesday’s gunman WAS, in fact, one of the two arrested in 2018, what was he doing out of custody and what kind of mental health “professionals” turned this beast loose?

If, however, Tuesday’s shooter was NOT one of the kids arrested back in 2018, then what the hell is going on in the schools of that town, that so many kids are having fantasies of – and now actually becoming – mass shooters?

There are an awful lot of questions to be answered here.

One such question is this:  If the threat back in 2018 was for an attack to be done in April or May of 2022, where was the extra security at schools to guard against such an attack?

Seems to me the local Board of Education has a lot of explaining to do about that.

My bet, and this is just personal opinion and conjecture: I think this shooter WAS one of the kids arrested in 2018.  After all, what are the odds it would be someone else?

I’d Love to Change the WorldAlvin Lee & Ten Years After

1970s. We all wish to return to those days; to be freed from the craziness of the 2020s.

America’s Crumbling Infrastructure | 60 Minutes Archive

This is reality.

China Builds World’s First AI-Powered Drone Carrier For Maritime Operations

The latest observation of how China aims to use artificial intelligence to conquer the Pacific is the launching of the world’s first autonomous drone carrier.

According to the South China Morning Post, the intelligent, unmanned 88-meter drone carrier named Zhu Hai Yun will bring revolutionary changes to ocean surveillance, deploying a swarm of aerial, sea, and or submersible drones.

2022 05 26 22 17
2022 05 26 22 17

The Zhu Hai Yun is powered by an artificial intelligence system called the Intelligent Mobile Ocean Stereo Observing System (IMOSOS). The vessel can navigate autonomously in open water and or be controlled remotely while releasing various types of drones.

"The intelligent, unmanned ship is a beautiful, new 'marine species' that will bring revolutionary changes for ocean observation," Chen Dake, director of the laboratory responsible for the ship, was quoted as saying by the Science and Technology Daily in 2021 when the shipbuilding began. 

The ship was built by Guangzhou of the Huangpu Wenchong Shipyard, a subsidiary of China’s top shipbuilding company, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation. Sea trials will happen in the second half of the year.

Aside from these civilian uses, the drone carrier could be used for military operations.

Suppose the autonomous drone carrier is transferred to the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). In that case, it could be used as a surveillance craft to patrol the country’s militarized islands in the South China Sea.

China’s primary strategy is to defeat the US by expanding its artificial intelligence military capabilities. So this could be the beginning of the world’s second-largest superpower building out a fleet of intelligent drone carriers to patrol highly contested waters.

Meanwhile, the US Navy has piloted drone ships in the Pacific, though only equipped for anti-submarine warfare.

Photos of America today

A picture tells a complete story.

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Creedence Clearwater RevivalWho’ll Stop The Rain

MelanieLay Down (Candles in the Rain (1970)

Remember this big hit from the past?

‘Go f**k yourselves’, Zelensky aide tells Western officials

Ukrainian presidential adviser Alexey Arestovich had the nerve to cuss-out the Benefactors who have given his country over $50 BILLION; because some are now saying Ukraine must cede territory to restore peace to that region.

“Go f**k yourselves with such proposals, you dumb f**ks, to trade Ukrainian territory a little bit! Are you f**king crazy? Our children are dying, soldiers are stopping shells with their own bodies, and they are telling us how to sacrifice our territories. This will never happen,” he insisted in an interview on Wednesday.

Arestovich criticized the logic of “bleating” voices encouraging Ukraine “to curb its appetite” and to give Russia the territories it supposedly wants, as this would allow Kiev to “establish a comprehensive peace and to return to business as usual.”

Another adviser of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mikhail Podoliak, took to Telegram on Wednesday to address the “pro-Russian lobbyists in Europe.”

“We do not sell our citizens, territories or sovereignty. This is a clear red line. Ukrainian society has paid a terrible price and will not allow anyone to even take a step in this direction – no government and no country,” Podoliak said.

While no one wants a long military action or a food crisis, “the shortest way to end the war is with weapons, sanctions and financial assistance to Ukraine,” he argued.

“The Ukrainians defended Kiev, liberated three regions and are completing the liberation of the fourth. Today, the same people offer us to give Russia the east and the south. Thanks for the advice, but we'll probably take up arms,” the adviser said.

Neither man seems willing to accept the fact that Ukraine is LOSING the conflict with Russia and unless Ukraine wises-up - fast - they may not have a country left at all.

The statements from Arestovich and Podoliak come after former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Monday. Kissinger urged Ukraine to make peace quickly, warning that if the conflict is not resolved within two months, Russia may become a “permanent ally” of China in its stand-off with the US.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also criticized Kissinger, calling him out by name, while speaking in more polite terms than Arestovich, saying the American statesman “emerged” from the long gone past and spoke “as if it is 1938 and not 2022. And he thought he was talking to an audience in Munich of that time and not Davos.”

He was apparently referring to the Munich Agreement, a deal that the UK and France made with Axis powers Germany and Italy in 1938, in which the Nazis were given a free hand to invade Czechoslovakia. Comparing modern Russia with Nazi Germany is a favorite rhetorical device of many Ukrainian officials.

Ukraine has insisted that it will not agree to any peace proposals that do not respect its pre-2014 borders.

Moscow has made it clear that the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the status of Crimea as a Russian region, are not up for discussion. 

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

Slow-Cooker Pulled Pork

Bring out your inner BBQ master with this Slow-Cooker Pulled Pork recipe. Just 10 easy minutes of prep, and then let the slow cooker do most of the work for you. Once the pork roast is cooked and tender, shred it up and choose your level of spice by adding in your family’s favorite BBQ sauce for delicious smoky or spicy pulled pork that makes you the kitchen hero.

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2022 05 25 19 25
2022 05 25 19 25

China Responds to Joe Biden’s Declaration of War

周杰倫 Jay Chou青花瓷 Blue and White Porcelain】-Official Music Video

Another classic Jay Chou music video story. This shows and illustrates the Chinese belief in cycles, and reincarnation, as well as the yin / yang.

A Giant Abandoned Stawberry Is Becoming More And More Popular Among Urban Explorers In Poland

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Have you ever seen “James and the Giant Peach”? Ok, so now it’s the time for a Polish version – Alex and the Giant Strawberry. Traveling from Modlin to Warsaw you can find this amazing object. The strawberry lies next road and it’s easy to find. Actually, it’s hard not to see the strawberry, because it’s giant.

Probably you have a lot of questions now…

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2 14

Well, you know, the fruit was the symbol of a huge farm called Sadpol.

The Sadpol’s owner had a 700-hectares field and he grew there strawberries, of course. That was big business.

He sold thousands of kilograms of strawberries each year. His clients came not only from Poland but also from other European countries. It may have been the most powerful strawberry business. Unfortunately, the farm’s owner lost his employees.

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3 14

They quit their jobs and they didn’t want to return.

What happened? We don’t know.

We cannot judge him as an employer. Maybe people choose social security benefits instead of honest work. No one really knows.

The farm had to be closed and only the giant strawberry remains.

It is a relic of the glory days of Sadpol.

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Nowadays, the strawberry is abandoned so it’s a nice goal for urban explorers. It’s not a building but it’s special in its own way.

Traveling there you can have interesting urbex photos.

In the summertime, you can take colorful photos. If you prefer to have gloomy photos of the abandoned strawberry, you can visit this place in winter.

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S1E7 A B and C – Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner

We continue with the the adventure known as “The Prisoner”. This is episode 7 from series 1.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Dearest brothers and sisters, MM and OTHERS, you know I come here everyday without fail. Always something new to read, learn and of course, snark abut! Especilly the food – and wonderful things, I’d never in a billion years discover by myself. But it’s a gloomy rainy day, and I just saw a very good documentary on the Russian-Ukraine War that just came out on RT on Odysee. If you’d like to see more real pictures and moving people, on top of all the words and concepts you read in articles, well, I found this documentary extremely helpful in understanding the issues. And it’s about foreign fighters on the side of the Donbass. Really worth your time if you are deeply interested in the Russia-Ukraine War. The end is extremely revealing. And it does reveal, whose side the Supreme Commander is on, and which side is simply “soulless and inhumane.” Link:

May the Supreme Commander bless us all as we navigate through these perilous times….


Hi, I have signed to your Patreon. It is strange, trying to follow you on your various platforms.
I only wish you leave all the essential material free to all, it is too important, for all people, for humanity, it shouldn’t be restricted by a pay wall. some people have, some don’t. I prefer to pay, so others who can’t, for any reason, will get the message.
You can bonus your avid subscribers with the beauty of Chinese Han women..
I wanted to purchase your books, but I know I have limited time to read them all now, so I was wondering about which one, here we have taxes even on imported books, go figure, and Amazon is the only way. I am familiar with many of your writings, and your story, so I was wondering if going strait to Volume 3 is making any sense? maybe 2 then 3?


I agree, the work you do here, has a lot of value that is far more then you can ask for in terms of paper money. Regarding the books, I saw volume II and III are still available on Amazon, is it safe then to order it from there? As I do not fully understand the bailing out term you mentioned, regarding the publisher.

As for Starbucks, I wouldn’t pay a dollar for their coffee, but I live in coffeeholic countries so that’s easy.. I still have nightmares from American so called coffee. but that is probably the least of America’s problems.

Ohio Guy

Perhaps you overlooked my donation! I checked my banking history on 4/18/2022 to make certain, and yep, there it was! For privacy purposes, I won’t state what it was, but it sure wasn’t a measly $35.

Ohio Guy

Well….gosh! Back at you man! You’re the best! I mean that.