I just read that wine is bad for you. It’s all over the Western “news” media. My guess is that soon there will be a temperance movement to rival the anti-smoking movement. For the “children” don’t you know.
It’s all so silly.
I really don’t think I want to live in a place that bans drinking wine.

I mean, really! Wine is bad, but lard burgers deep fried are good. Sheech!
You know, the longer I stay outside the “West” the more insane it appears.
Dionysus cat agrees!

It’s been accepted that the Western Bloc (in defiance of Donald Trump’s executive orders to the contrary) pretty much uses Tictok as an Application to make and share movies. It’s a division of the Chinese version known as Douxing. It is NOT the same thing.
In fact, most of the videos posted inside of China are banned by the non-Chinese versions.
Thus, because of that, the presentation of what China actually is; is withheld from the global readership. (It’s something that I do not fully understand why, but it offers strong hints of Geo-political manipulation for domestic consumption purposes on a regional basis.)
To get around this limitation, you must have a Chinese cellphone and install Douxing on it while you are in China.
Now, with that awkward introduction, let’s get to the meat of this article. Here is a South Korean group of video-blogers that take various Chinese Douxing videos and comment on them. I find that it is interesting, and amusing and telling on how the Korean society reacts to the Chinese society. Because, after all, they are both of the Han race.
Please enjoy this great peer into cross society insights.
2021 Overview
We start with this video.
At the end of 2021 were a bunch of videos that summarized the events of 2021. Some are actually quite good. Of course, most of the world outside of China has no idea what has been going on inside of China. Their government (especially if you are an America or Brit) won’t allow it. Here, the Koreans get to watch some of the videos and comment on them.
Chinese minorities on display
The Chinese honor, fund and keep the traditions and societies of all the minorities within China alive and prospering. Here is a selection of the various videos in this category.
The PRC officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition to the Han majority. As of 2010, the combined population of officially-recognized minority groups comprised 8.49% of the population of mainland China. In addition to these officially-recognized ethnic minority groups, there are Chinese nationals who privately classify themselves as members of unrecognized ethnic groups, such as the very small Chinese Jewish, Tuvan, and Ili Turki communities, as well as the much larger Oirat and Japanese communities. -Wikipedia
CN Military
Of course, there are all sorts of videos about the Chinese military. Here, the Koreans get their first look at some fan, and government videos…
China VR
Chinese virtual reality similar to “Google Glass” is getting to be popular in the first tiered cities. video 38MB
Dancing to pop music done in traditional style
The song is from Jay Chou, but done traditionally. And the people dance to it in a traditional manner. video 14MB
Different personalities
This is a common theme inside Chinese culture. That you can have many different “faces” or side to your personalities. video 21MB
Girl Actor
A very famous girl actor. Perhaps you have heard of her or seen her in some movies, perhaps? video 10MB
Girl singing group
Here’s a group of girls that love to dress up and sing traditional Chinese opera. It’s kind of cool. video 10MB
Good vs Bad
It’s all about the Yin and the Yang. video 23MB
Gung Fu
What’s not to love? This is the real deal, with many Shaolin monks participating. video 26MB
Han Clothing
Very popular. On display here for thoughts and comments. video 13MB
Han Cosplay
These are videos of people dressed in Han Clothing and meeting in cosplay events and fashion shows. video 14MB
Honoring the family
This is a big thing. Not only does China have a firm belief in the importance of the traditional family life and culture, but it funds videos that are sprinkled in with all the other videos to remind people of the importance of family and community. It’s sort of how the LGBT “news” and “issues” are all being driven in the United States today. It’s a very big part of what China is all about. When was the last time that you saw a video or a commercial stressing the importance of family, community and care for others in America? video 14MB
I love how this scene mesmerized the movie critics.
Honoring the Rufus firefighters
In praise of Rufus. You just don’t see this kind of stuff in the West. video 14MB
In another time
In another time. Sigh. It reminds us, through these videos, that while times, clothing and society has changed, we are still the same. We are still people who work, earn a living, have a family and participate within society. video 20MB
Little gung fu master
Great little guy! I love it. Video 29.5MB
Martial arts for morning exercises
I see this every morning. The people do these exercises all the time and everywhere starting at 5am. Here are some videos of them doing so. Great.
Stage dancing
Dancing and moves on the stage as part of opera and other venues. video 22MB
Sword dance
Sword dance. It’s a great way to limber up, and start the day, as well as manage a very good defensive posture in a battle. video 45MB
Sword exercise
Another group of sword exercises. Quite well done. video 24MB
It’s all about change. Good stuff. video 11MB
Uighur Culture
And of course, the Chinese promote the Uighur culture and Xinjiang. And oh baby! The USA hates that. Great video 17MB
One last thought…
Dionysus is strongly associated with the satyrs, centaurs and sileni. He is often shown riding a leopard, wearing a leopard skin, or in a chariot drawn by panthers and has been called the god of cats and savagery. He may be recognized by the thyrsus he carries. -Dionysus - Crystalinks
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my China Music Index here…
CN Music.
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Dionysus the cat. Now that’s what I call purrfection.
Thank you so much for all the effort you put into these posts. As a Korean American I often feel like I am living in an alternate reality here. South Korea has completely Westernized and the people I talk to there have forgotten and no longer care about their roots and true culture. For entertainment I watch only Viki and IQIYI. I remain surprised that our government still allows me access to IQIYI but I no longer can access it thru a browser, only the app.
I find it patently absurd – the propaganda about Falun Gong, about the Uighurs. Our government must take us for complete idiots. But in all honesty, it seems half of our population believes these lies. There is a preponderance of hateful comments everywhere here directed toward anyone of Asian decent.
Thank you for that. At a $7B investment (NASA budget is $20B) there is no wonder that a sizable percentage of people hate the Chinese and would gleefully go to war over them.