
A discussion on how to pray or structure your intention narratives and verbal affirmations in order to manifest your desires and world-line materialization.

Here we enter into a discussion on how to pray or structure your verbal affirmations. If you are doing it properly, it will look like an operation manual for a VCR or refrigerator. Here we discuss how to write your own operation manual for world-line travel and your personal adventures. For some it might be a little too cut and dry, and not all that “traditional” and “religious”.

But it works, and that, after all, is all that matters.

Instruction manual for a camera.
Instruction manual for a camera.

As I have discussed in my other posts, the idea behind all this is that you are in control of your reality. Your reality is constantly changing and shifting. And in order for it to be exactly what you want, you need to have the discipline to control your thoughts.

I have specified an exacting method to do so.

This is the use of prayers / verbal affirmations along with an “image board” or similar device.

In this post we will specifically discuss how to pray or vocalize your affirmations. With an emphasis on how to structure your prayers for maximum effect.

The Basics

Firstly you must have two elements that you must use simultaneously. This is [1] “prayer” and [2] a “vision / dream board”. A purist might argue that you do not need both simultaneously, but I am not a purist and if you want to use my technique, then you will use both simultaneously.

I have another post on how to construct a dream board. That is here…

Using intention to navigate the MWI.

But, in any event, this post will concentrate in how your words and phrases used within your verbal prayers can best direct your consciousness to manifest the reality that you desire.

Why Prayer?

If you do not ask for things, the answer will always be “no”.

We have been taught that life is random and that we are just floating on the seas of chance that nothing is within our control. Instead, we are told to obey others, do not “step out of line”, and do as we are told. That is fine for infants, and young children, but quite dangerous for adults.

We cannot be sheets blowing in the wind. We have responsibilities, and obligations, and we absolutely need to control our lives. And since our reality, our universe is ruled by thoughts. We must control our thoughts.

Prayer (or Verbal affirmations) is a specific technique that helps us to control our thoughts.

A Common mistake

Perhaps the most common mistake in using prayer is to “talk to a deity”.

We “pray” to ask for promises, help and guidance from Jesus, God, Mohammad, or other historical figures that we hope and wish listens to us, and agrees to granting our petitions.


It does not work that way. The mechanism is quite different.

Prayer is actually YOU directing YOUR thoughts. YOU are reprogramming YOUR brain how to direct YOUR consciousness in movement in and out of world-lines. No other entities are involved.

So, yes, you are actually talking to yourself. I strongly advise that you speak clearly and aloud in doing so, however you can whisper it if you are among others.

Now, that being said… DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. Non-physical entities can be asked to assist you. You can pray to them. You can ask them to help you. You can petition to them. Yes you can.

However, prayer / intention affirmations are not ONLY a petition to a non-physical being. It is much more expansive and inclusive. Please heed this advice.

Private and personal

The world is filled with busybodies that somehow believe that they have a say in what you do, what you think, and how you act. This is false. No one has that right. No one, and that includes your family and your spouse.

Your affirmations are personal. You should keep them under “lock and key”, and do not share them with anyone.

Unless of course, you want to.

The reason for this is simple. While we inhabit a world line (apparently) alone, we actually share it with the “quantum shadows” of others. Their thoughts, good and bad, will have an influence on your thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to keep your thoughts, your desires, and your intentions secret and private.

You see, when we enter a world-line, it’s not only the physical environment that we enter, but all the the thoughts and non-physical influences that are floating about the world-line.

No realistic limits

There are no limits to what you can wish for and create within this mechanism. Now, the most outrageous and far-out changes to your life will take some time to manifest. While those that are simple can manifest quite quickly.

This all have to do with the number of world-lines that you must pass through. The more outrageous the goal, the more world-lines that you must travel through.

Now, that being said, there are SOME limits.

  • You cannot turn into another person.
  • Things that are physically impossible within this universe will stay that way.
  • You cannot resurrect the dead.
  • You cannot force another consciousness to do anything.

But aside from that, you are free to desire and plan on anything your heart desires.

Use and duration

A prayer “list” or a list of verbal affirmations will take time to read. Sometimes my affirmation list is actually quite lengthy. It ends up taking 15 to 20 minutes reading it all out loud. And, as such, I am also updating, revising and improving my affirmations.

In general, you need to be reading and praying your affirmations every day, if you can. Eventually there will come a time when you will feel it’s time to quit. As nothing is going on, and you have other things in your life to worry about. That is fine, and it is normal.

When that happens it means that your prayers have effectively programmed your mind and now it is time to give everything a break and allow things to happen and manifest. Let it go. This is normal.

In general, everyone is different, however personally, I find that my prayers redirection effort is on a three-month cycle. Three-months of reading my affirmations, and then three-months off and resting. Then I begin the entire event all over with new or revised affirmations.


I use an excel spreadsheet.

I call it “verbal affirmations”, and have a date with it. That way I know that I am using the most recent version.

I also have it password locked.

You must put a password on your affirmations, and keep it to yourself and tell no one else, nor write it down. This is most important. Make no exceptions.

You must protect your prayers from prying eyes.
You must protect your prayers from prying eyes.

To lock a MS spreadsheet is very easy.

Just go to FILE, and then assign a password to the book by clicking on the PERMISSIONS button. Like this…

How to assign a password.
How to assign a password.

Now inside the spread sheet are just line after line of prayer / intentions…


I separate the intentions into groups.

You do not need to do this, but I have discovered that if I do not, I have a pesky problem with repeating myself and making the entire prayer event much longer to read than it should be. Ugh!

Here are my classifications. Yours can be quite different.

  • General
  • New Stuff
  • Self Control (my emotions and thoughts)
  • My appearance
  • My enjoyments
  • My relationships
  • My property
  • MWI Routing and corrections
  • Safety
  • Intention Canvas (Desktop splash screen)
  • Blocking and protections
  • Asking for assistance
  • Money & Career
  • Jealousy
  • Opportunity
  • Respect / Power
  • Personal Health
  • Household
  • Fun
  • Lifestyle
  • Other / Misc
  • Death

Now, I am going to go into some detail about my various categories and why they are important and how I structure them. These categories are those in BOLD above.

“New Stuff” category

A significant portion of my affirmations are “carry over”, “cut and paste”, “boiler-plate” affirmations that I have used in other affirmation campaigns. This category is my way to keep track on a new campaign and what I wish to manifest.

Campaigns are prayer / intention projects that I implement as I notice that my life is changing.

For instance, once I realized that after I manifested a tropical South Pacific island life, I suddenly discovered that I wanted to eat fresh loaves of French Bread. So I started a new campaign to manifest this.

Fresh loaf of French Bread. You know, sometimes what you want might not be something that is easy to obtain.
Fresh loaf of French Bread. You know, sometimes what you want might not be something that is easy to obtain.

BTW. What happened was that there was a family on the island that baked French bread that I was unaware of, and once my intentions manifested, I ended up “discovering” this family and getting nice fresh delicious hot-piping crusty French Bread. What do you know!

MWI Routing and corrections

This is where I define the “rules” on how my affirmations work; how to think of things to say, how to move about the world-lines, as well as what happens. This is not like a game of “Monopoly”. You can make the rules and establish how they will manifest.

This is from my own list…

  • I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality.
  • I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
  • As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness.
  • I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
  • I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines.
  • I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
  • I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
  • I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires.
  • I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
  • I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest.
  • I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.

“Safety” category

I have had experience, first hand, that clearly show and illustrate the dangers of world-line manifestation. You need to put in place specific affirmations that will purposely isolate you from dangers and strife.

  • I and my family are safe and secure.
  • Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
  • My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger.
  • We are always safe.

This category includes so many subcategories as well.

Intention Canvas (Desktop splash screen)

You need to link your verbal affirmations to your “intention dream board” or Desktop splash screen. For starters you need a statement much like this…

  • I utilize the desktop image display on my XXXXXX PC to help cultivate and imagine the reality that my world-line is.

But you also need to define what the images represent, and how they work. It’s sort of like this…

  • In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
  • In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success given and provided to me.
  • Images portray the situation that I am participating in, and if the image is of a static item it is representative of my personal ownership of that material item.

You get the general idea.

The idea is that you want the good aspects of the image to manifest, and not the bad aspects. If, for instance, you have the picture of Tony Soprano from the television show in your dream canvas, you need to say…

  • In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor.
  • Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me.
Tony Soprano and associates from the televisions series "The Sopranos".
Tony Soprano and associates from the televisions series “The Sopranos”.

Blocking and protections

Over our lifetime, there are others (quantum shadows) that can disrupt our sentience, our world-line and our environment with all kinds of physical and non-physical events. In olden days they called this the “evil eye”, a “hex” or a “spell”. While we have learned to laugh at these old-fashioned and quaint notions, the raw truth is that they actually do exist and they actually do work.

In quantum physics, you can clearly see how the thoughts and the "spells" of other intentions and directed thought can adversely influence your own. You must not ignore these action and must take specific action to protect yourself.
In quantum physics, you can clearly see how the thoughts and the “spells” of other intentions and directed thought can adversely influence your own. You must not ignore these action and must take specific action to protect yourself.

So, you need to free yourself of all the chains and limitations that others have placed upon you.

  • I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
  • I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
  • I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
  • I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
  • I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals.

Asking for assistance

While our consciousness moves in and through the world-line via thought, we can always ask for help. And why not? This can be physical help and non-physical help.

Do not be shy in asking for help. The only thing is to specify the limits of that help and assistance and how you want it to manifest and what to avoid.
Do not be shy in asking for help. The only thing is to specify the limits of that help and assistance and how you want it to manifest and what to avoid.

Some of the non-physical entities can perform just amazing feats, if you just ask them.

  • I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
  • I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
  • Other entities, not limited to but including, Mantids, greys, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here.
  • In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
  • I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly.

Personal Health Category

If you do not add this category, then you are being foolish.

Otherwise your wishes can come true, but there won’t be any safeguards or brakes to the damage your physical body might endure in the process.

As I have stated before, world-line travel is not for the meek. Do not assume that you will always be healthy and fine. Life happens, and the further your goals are, the greater the risk to your health.

Plan accordingly.

  • I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
  • I am well-read, have impeccable manners, and am a very elegant dresser.
  • My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
  • Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.

Misc Category

This is an area where you can put things that do not fall within the other categories that you have listed elsewhere.

  • I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
  • My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
  • I am healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what I love.
  • I am careful in putting affirmations in place so that I will NOT have any bad or negative consequences.
  • All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.


Ah, we are all going to die. We might as well accept that reality and put in place some affirmations regarding it.

Our consciousness travels in a herd with other consciousnesses associated with soul clusters. When they enter a world-line they do so (for the most part) individually, one per world-line, but the quanta is jointly associated through all the world-lines.

Therefore, do not worry about anything. You are never completely alone.

The transition will be smooth. What will happen is that the world-line migration “carrier wave” (in and out of the various world-lines) will stop and your consciousness will stay at “wave propagation” behavior.

Some nice affirmations…

  • When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
  • Those left behind will be well taken cared for.

Free Use

You are all free to use any of the ideas or affirmations / prayers listed herein. Just go ahead and update them for your very own goals and situations.

I sincerely wish for you to have a most excellent and wonderful and happy life!


If you are going to utilize prayer and affirmations to control the navigation of your personal world-line adventures, then you will need to be very careful about how to do it. If you fail to take the necessary precautions you could easily fall into traps, troubles or events that are uncomfortable.

The way to prevent these missteps is to be careful in writing out your prayers.

Take the time to navigate your life in and out of world-lines. This requires careful thought and consistency.
Take the time to navigate your life in and out of world-lines. This requires careful thought and consistency.

You can use the suggestions listed herein to help you in that task. Do not be afraid to dream big and set lofty goals. Just realize that the farther away the goal is, the longer that it will take to manifest. So start now, today and dream big. Sooner is better than later.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others in my MAJestic index, here…


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I’m sorry I just have to comment on this. This article has info that is one of the most importan tools for mankind – and yet it is not taught in schools anywhere. It is probably taught in special groups that PTB and PTB’s children are involved in. It is no accident that in the west the use of religion has been “filtered out of society”just so that his power & resource is hidden from the masses – so that the lone 1% & their descendants – who listen (because there are descendants who are just dumb assholes as well). In the east, the use of zen buddhism, & other forms of thought have taken out the utility of the power of this resource. In other words, PTB has emasculated the use of this power not to hobble humanity, but to keep it hidden SO THAT only the WORTHY discover it & use it. Guess why you are writing this so deliciously well??? ANyone who read this had better read the writing on the wall. i.e. That offer you can’t refuse… DO it & you live & live very well; don’t do it, & you get fed to the fishes. Thanx metallicman. (BTW, anyone can disagree with my opinion. As metallicman says on everything on this website, “it’s just my opinion, that’s all”)


Awesome, Mr. Man– Thank you. Any practicing Catholic can recognise the truth of what you say. Thing is, the messenger gets mistaken for the message by those not in the know every single time. To my limited understanding, many alternative belief systems focus very much on ‘service to self’ (meditation, detachment, etc.)– intentionally (!), or not. One has to be very, very careful. ‘Mental masturbation’, as an old teacher of mine referred to such practices.
Anyway, I’m sure you have lots to be getting on with, but you may find this interesting given what’s been going on lately– and given what you have been posting about! (You and your colleagues aren’t the only ones concerned about the South China Sea this summer.)


Are we allowed to pray for things outside our immediate concern such as the old ‘world peace’ or is that impacting on the free will of those who subconsciously choose to be in that situation – poor, starving, tortured etc?


Thank you for your wisdom


I like to do use the phrase ‘for the highest good of all’ as a catch-all for the intentions…

So for instance, “I live my best life for the highest good of all”

What do you think?