Summary: Life is too short to hide away in your basement eating potato chips and drinking king-size Cokes. You really do need to get yourself a pretty girl, start eating steaks, and drinking some fine delicious alcohol. I'll tell you what!
I have noted that a significant number of the negative comments on this blog come from non-native speakers of English. Their comments and responses are always about a “trigger phrase” that upsets them. They get angry at the phrase, and hurriedly type off an angry response to me.
A response that I do not print.
When I say…
"America is blowing up mud huts in third-world shit holes..."
I mean…
"America is wasting, time, money, and lives on things it has no business being involved in."

Yet, even the most childish responses and comments, I do ponder about. And in so thinking, I wonder what is going on. Some of the responses are predictable…
- Radical progressive Marxist.
- Flag-waving hard-boiled Pro-America cannon-fodder (in their 20’s).
- University professor type.
- Joe Smo with a beer in one hand and pork rinds in the other.
- A 11 year old child alone at home.
- The basement troll who lives for making life miserable for others.
- A “know nothing”, know-it-all.
Well, this post here is for a different kind of person. It is one who I turned off by my use of the English language, and the way that I speak.

I well remember when my boss ordered me to change my signature. And being the beta chuck I was, I obeyed.
Never again.
Now I live my life on my own terms. If you cannot handle it, you can leave.
It is particularly true for those of you whom watched my video(s). I come across as energetic, impassioned, and convinced. I am not what people would assume an “enlightened”, or “knowledgeable”, or otherwise “well bred” person would look like, sound like, or act like.
I played those roles. I lived that life.
It sucked.
So now I’m just having fun.

You follow your own path.
You know, like Donald Trump, David Lee Roth, Pauly Shore, or Rodney Dangerfield.
Be unique.
Be you.

Well, I don’t wear white robes or a wreath of clusters of gold coated olive leaves. I don’t have a halo. I have no red “bat phone” to God. I am a human, and I act like a human.
Deal with it.

Some Notes
I find that many people are repelled by my use of American idioms.
They take them literally.
Mainly because the language is foreign to them, or that they use machine translation that does not convey American idioms very well.
Do not take the literal meaning of an idiom. It is a terrible mistake.
For instance, well imagine the confusion that would insure if you used direct machine translation for the following idioms…
- Shit a brick.
- Piece of cake
- Behind the Eight Ball
- Scoot over.
- Ballpark.
- Put lipstick on a pig.
- Bought the Farm
- Knock on wood.
- Break a leg.
- Jump on the Bandwagon
- Break a bill.
It’s going to confuse the living shit out of people.

Here’s some of the idioms that I use (that some people are in an uproar over) and what they mean.
[1] Blowing up mud huts
The idea behind this idiom is that America is using weapons, very expensive weapons, to do things that are just simply not necessary. As well as being used for things that they are not designed for.

Here, the US military will fire a $30,000,000 missile at at low-value target. Like a car parked under a fig tree, a pile of bricks, and (my favorite) a cabbage patch.
What’s their malfunction?
They hate gardens, back yards, and farm animals?
American wars for the last 70 years have been proxy adventures.
The missile is designed to shoot down other high-value targets. It has expensive electronics, expensive stealth systems, and expensive counter measures. It is tested against simulations of the most advanced Russian and Chinese weapons systems. It is tested under simulated EMC and nuclear conditions. It is tested to be used under all extremes of weather from the hottest climate to the arctic winter.
But it is being used to blow up and destroy something that it was not designed for.
It is like buying a very expensive steak, at the most expensive restaurant in the city. Then taking it and throwing it on the street for the village dogs to eat.
It’s a waste of resources, and a true shame.

The budget for the purchase of the Hellfire Missiles, and what the money could be spent on instead... 5,950 Hellfire Missiles – Housing & Smart TVs for 19,807 People $654,500,000 – $248,558,282 = $405,941,718 $405,941,718 – Replacing 10,000 Lead Pipes in Flint $405,941,718 – $216,000,000 = $189,941,718 $189,941,718 ÷ Average Monthly Grocery Expenses $189,941,718 ÷ $214.75 = 884,478.3
When I use this idiom, I mean that the military should NOT be shooting these weapons unless it is in a defensive role to defend the citizens of the United States, on United States soil.
And they most certainly should not be shooting it at average families living in rural, undeveloped areas.

We should call all the troops home. Stop killing strangers, and concentrate on things that really matters.
Like friends, family, good food and high times!

Listen up! Pay attention!
This is how it’s done…

[2] Third World Shit Hole
This is an American idiom that generally means a (crappy) poorer nation. It is used by most Americans negatively, but that is NOT how I use it.
- Urban Dictionary: Third World Shithole
- The Third World is a shithole, I live in it.
- Third World Shithole | Grouchy Old Cripple
- Paris is turning into a third world shithole | Elite Trader
- How Elites Are Getting Rich From Moving Third-World …
When I use it, I mean it to be a small nation, minding their own business…
…and that America has no business being there at all.
It may or may not be corrupt (though, no other nation could approach the level of corruption that the USA has), and it may or may not have depreciated infrastructure. (Though many places in the USA would easily fit this description. Like Detroit for instance.)

In my mind, the term “third world shithole” means;
- Small nation.
- Far away nation.
- Poorer nation.
- A nation turned into rubble by the US Military / CIA / NED / NID. (Most of the smaller nations.)
- A nation turned corrupt by the CIA and “pro democracy” regime change apparatus.
If you rely on computer, machine, or google translation services, they will fail you. They will give you an incorrect translation of this blog. Be advised, and take care.
Fun Fact: The word " Covfefe " (the word that Donald Trump tweeted) is an Arabic word. It means "I will stand up". Google deleted this reference in their translation software, and the engineer responsible for the deletion of that entry came forth and described why he was told to delete it. The internet is all about how stupid and silly Donald Trump is by misspelling an English word, when the truth is something very different.
Do not rely on internet software.

In my mind, there are many, many “third-world shit-holes” that I would be very happy living in. Seriously, like…
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Zambia (Been there.)
- Algeria
- Cambodia (Been there.)
- Indonesia (Been there.)
- Burma
For me, I see these “far away” lands as refreshing alternatives to the nightmare that the United States has devolved into.

The people live their lives easily, casually and spend time with friends, family and have fun. They do not worry about reporting their earnings to their governments, walking down the street, or driving too fast. They do not worry about drinking, smoking, or fishing. They do not worry about what their leaders are doing.
They are off living their own lives.
In my mind, many blown up mud huts” should still be untouched and standing. Not a smoldering crater in the dirt.

Life is far too short to waste it on war, death and destruction. That is my official take on these matters. I hope that you all agree with me.
Life is too short to waste on war.
We all should be enjoying ourselves. Singing, dancing, spending time with loved ones. Eating good and delicious food. Drinking the beverages that we enjoy and playing games and getting involved in activities that matter to us.

We should be spending time with pets, smelling nature, and honoring our God… no matter what you call him. Or how you worship or praise him.
Have fun.
Two girls are better than one…
… if you are up to the challenge.

We need to spend more time in appreciation of the good blessings that we have been entrusted with (by our God), and less time dealing with the evil machinations of others in power.
And yes. Whether you have someone cooking for you, or you are skilled and talented enough to make your own food, it does not matter. Cook some delicious food! And… EAT IT!
What’s stopping you?
I hope that I clarified some things here. Most people will shake their head and say WTF?
All Americans understand what those two idioms mean…
… though they might not understand why I am so aggressive in promoting enjoyment.
Don’t take things so gosh darn personally.

True, but about 25% of my audience lies outside of America.
Bet ya all didn’t know that!
And misunderstandings do occur. I do hope that this can clear some issues up.

I hope that you enjoyed this little post. I have more in my Happiness Index… here…
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Some people are too stupid to have fun and you’re too kind.
Sure if you can afford it. Kinda takes away the evil glee from all the doom and gloom articles on your blog.
I was retired in 2011. I had saved up enough money for a one-way ticket to China and about $80 in cash, and another $35 in food-stamps. When I arrived, all that I had was some money that I had stashed away years ago in a Chinese bank, my friends, and a strong desire to work and build a life up for myself. I was in my late 50’s. You do not need a lot of money to do things. You all need to stop using television and media to inform you of what is possible and what isn’t.
Just out of curiosity — and not really expecting you to answer — but I’ll ask anyways: IF you still have US citizenship, do you still file taxes to US IRS??
Just wondering. It seems like US citizenship has become a liability due to US policy of taxing US citizens no matter where they live in the world.
Americans, even if you have never set foot in the USA are compelled to file yearly taxes, financial reports, and fees, until you die. It’s an issue that really pisses me off.
Vos réflexions sont dures mais ingénieuses , votre sagesse l emporte de haut sur la radicalité . Bien que je ne me considère absolument pas comme influenceur ou m as tu vu , je pense être souvent confondu et bannis parfois, mais que ma curiosité et questionnaires sont des moteurs tellement délicieux pour avancer dans mon existence. Mille MERCI pour répondre ou partiellement avant même de poser certaines questions. Naïf accompagné de hatif est il mauvais je ne le crois pas du tout.
I’m a new follower of this blog, how I came across it is a blessing in disguise. There was an accident within the US Military and what was reported just didn’t jive with me & that’s when I came across Metallicman’s post about the subject i mentioned above. I’m nobody special . I am a US Air Force Veteran. I’m cautious as to what I post because anyone in America can be held accountable for everything & anything they say, do or believe. Metallicman, you’ve got my word. I’m going to make a donation but I cannot until I get paid 2 weeks from today. Sorry! Anyway, I respect and appreciate your honesty and I as an American have nothing but respect for The Chinese people & their culture & the same can be said of Thr Russia people. I almost feel nauseated that I’m an American. Anyway, I’m glad I’m not alone, glad I found your blog. You rock! -Thanks
Big thanks. As a lifelong member of MAJ (the ONI) I take this respect from you to heart. Thank you very much. Sincerely.
I have already attempted to try and take things seriously (being Franz Bardon’s reincarnation and all that). But when I desperately took my advisors’ spurring to do something important to save the world, it caused me far more agony and pain to both me and the people I tried to help than it did, actual good.
So, Nowadays, I just write erotic stories about big titted anime girls and exercise and galivant around NYC. It’ll be pretty much the same thing in China (minus the hentai writing kudos to China’s restrictions on porn).
I absolutely love your writing style, as it is easy to follow had is devoid of any superfluous, flowery, grandiose prose that many a conspiracy/newage/occult site would use to give off the notion that their information is profound and amazing (when it ain’t). One thing I have learned over my years of sleuthing weird sites in the deepest recesses of the information is that the blander and unassuming the site’s info and its presenter is: the more credible the information actually is.
And your humor is top-notch to me.