Faster than light spacecraft.

A review of faster than light (FTL) travel; the techniques, and the mechanisms worthy of contemplation (part 4)

This multi-part post is devoted to the issue of travelling between the stars within the lifetime of a human.  It does not necessarily mean that the propulsion method would be so fast as to exceed the speed of light, though that possibility does exist.  It simply is a discussion on how the great gulfs between the stars can be traversed using contemporaneous human technology.  As such, it purposely omits dimensional gates and transport portals. I most certainly do not have the answers regarding this most interesting of subjects.  This post discusses this issue because one of the first things a debunker does is complain that engineering solutions are unattainable.  I discuss these issues and more.  It is a good read.

The sections

This is part 4 of a four part post. This post consists of four sections as described;

Some basics

Again, a review from the first part of this post…

First off, MAJestic as well as our benefactors have techniques and mechanisms that permit geographical travel anywhere in the universe without using a vehicle. This technology also enables such things as world-line travel, dimensional travel, and time travel.

This is a very powerful technology, but is not the subject at hand. Here, we will talk about technologies that can be used to traverse large physical distances in relatively short periods of time, without using dimensional portals or gates.

The benefit in this technology is obvious. You need to physically go to a location in order to establish “jump gate” coordinates for it. This will require physical presence, and that means physical travel. (Of course, there are other things that one can do, like trial by error, robots and probes, but please follow my train of thought on this.)

Here we discuss ways to travel “very fast” in our universe, by using existing and known technologies without using a dimensional portal or gate.


“If the space travel is at the top of a country’s agenda, that country is surely a very developed one!”

― Mehmet Murat ildan

The majority of open research paths involve further study of the fundamental properties of space-time and inertial frames, looking for candidate sources of reaction mass and the means to interact with it.

As much as these are basic areas of investigation for general physics, their investigation in the context of breakthrough spaceflight introduces additional perspectives from which to contemplate these lingering unknowns.

This alternative perspective might just provide the insight that would otherwise be overlooked.

It must be fundamentally understood that the relevant outcome per interstellar propulsion is that subspace exists, and this is how Nature implements probabilities. 

Note, neither quantum nor string theories ask the question, how does Nature implement probabilities? And therefore, are unable to provide an answer. The proof of subspace can be found in how the photon electromagnetic energy is conserved inside the photon.

Subspace is probabilistic and therefore does not have the time dimension. 

In other words destination arrival is not LFT constrained by motion based travel, but is effected by probabilistic localization. We therefore, have to figure out navigation in subspace or vectoring and modulation. Vectoring is the ability to determine direction, and modulation is the ability to determine distance. This approach is new and has an enormous potential of being realized as it is not constrained by LFT.  (This is the core point in this discourse.)

Yes, interstellar propulsion is feasible, but not as of the warp drives we understand today. As of 2012, there are only about 50 scientists on this planet working or worked towards solving the gravity modification and interstellar propulsion challenge.

Final Conclusion

The ability to travel geographically, in and out of different world-lines or to conduct apparent “time travel” are all possible.

There are those that are active doing so, and using these technologies to go to interesting places and to do interesting things.

Those that argue against this are simply ignorant.

Their time would be better served watching Ellen DeGeneres on television.

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