Do not accept wooden nickels.

Accept no wooden nickels.

I have been informed by various people that there are others “out there” in internet land who sound like me, that say that they live in China / Asia and post (seemingly) “disclosure” type information. And thus I am asked, is that me?


I only post in one place.

That is right here and right now.

Accept no wooden nickels.

A wooden nickel is a worthless or counterfeit coin. A wooden nickel is a person or thing that only vaguely appears to have any real value, but is ultimately worthless. A nickel is worth five cents, thus already being worth very little.

-Don't take any wooden nickels


Please take special note. I do not comment or post on any other forum.

However, there are two exceptions.

  • The first exception to that rule is LinkedIN. I have posted some topical links to metallicman in the comment sections of my feed from time to time. People who know me personally, and have connected to me professionally are the only ones that can see that feed.
  • The second exception is the posting of entire metallicman posts on Free Republic in 2016. I did that until I was banned. The situation behind the banning was my accurate contention of suggesting the NID was behind the “pro democracy” movement in HK. I am now perma-banned and will never return.

That is it.

So, if you read, hear, or someone that seems to be me on any American forum, please realize that they are not me. No matter how much of what they say seemingly appears to fit within this dialog.


I do not trust American-based social media. So I do not use it.

Do you want to know why?

Perhaps it is my experience with the American police state, when armed black-clad assault troops poured into my home as I was leaving for work. The event left scars. And, I will never forget how I was treated, and the absolutely ease at which they went though my personal papers and household belongings.

I talk a little bit about it here…


And while I am at it, you might want to check this out. They do go hand-in-hand, don’t you know.


Additionally, please take special note that I live in China.

I live in China

Most access to American social media and software is banned in China. That means that you cannot use it because your computer cannot even find it. There was a time when you could bore through the firewall with a VPN, but that ended in 2016.

The Chinese internet presence is much larger than what is available in America. There is a greater selection of websites, software, applications, and larger audiences by a factor of ten compared to anything in the United States.

Once you get adjusted to the differences, you pretty much appreciate getting all that nonsense out of Politically Correct California off your home computer.

Trust no one who says that they are in China, yet posts on American media platforms. They are lying.

The following social media sites are IMPOSSIBLE to access from within China;

  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Gmail
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr

And there are many others.

Do not believe anyone who says that a VPN can bore or tunnel through the “Great Fire Wall of China”. An occasional lapse in the wall might happen from time to time, but it is not consistent, nor stable. Certainly the best that I have been able to accomplish was a seven minute “window of opportunity” for my ProtonMail account back in the Summer of 2019.

It’s a situation that allows brief and temporary access to banned Western websites and APPs, but prevents practical and substantive long-term utility.

Do not be confused

There are well meaning people out there who earnestly want to spread the “gospel” about our benefactors and other things that I discuss. They mean well, but they are not me.

Since they are not me, their experiences are not mine and not shared. Thus they will say things that I not only disagree with, but that I know is absolutely false. Keep in mind…

  • Solar systems with large stars, hot stars, variable stars, and young stars are pretty much devoid of civilization.
  • MAJestic is an American organization.
  • “Reptilians” do not exist. It’s a fiction.
  • There is no prohibition on drinking alcohol, doing drugs, having sex, or eating certain kinds of foods by any of the species that I encountered. Those are human fabrications.

This does not mean that I am the sole guardian for “the truth”. I am not. I only know what I know. No more, no less.

So read what you see from others and absorb it in, but know that it is not me, and I cannot validate any information that they might have provided to you.

Accept no wooden nickels.

At that, please have a great day! Be safe, and make the day special in some way.

Master Index

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

To go to the MAIN Index;

Master Index


  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE .
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.


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What English language websites that are part of the China internet do you like?


There is no prohibition on drinking alcohol, doing drugs, having sex, or eating certain kinds of foods by any of the species that I encountered. Those are human fabrications.

are you allowed to elaborate? drugs\sex eating meat\fish how is that view ‘out there’?


Thank you for your reply, if 1 is timid, weak and avoids confrontation where possible and tries to be helpful and kind to others do they set a karmic path of similar across all time lines?

The world currently appears to be a shitstorm that we are swept along are we paying for something previous? Or are we meant to be exposed to a wide range of experiences to learn from?

Rod Cloutier

I would say I have seen you posting online as Metallic man in two places:

Zerohedge, in the comment section
You Tube, in the comment section of the Mandela effect channel Recall Vector

Are these not you ? (This is how I discovered your site)