This is a rough overview of the transformation known as Arnold's Cat Map. I like to believe that it shows how special our universe it and how God's hand is everywhere. This is a transformation which stretches an image that is composed of n by n pixels and effectively wraps the stretched portions around to restore the original dimensions. It is of interest to people doing research in chaos and difference equations because it shows properties that many chaotic systems do. For instance after a certain number of iterations the original image is restored. The Arnold's Cat Map transform is then said to be periodic with the given number of iterations.

Ah. The handiwork of God.

There is a uniformity and beauty to the universe that we live in. Indeed, mathematicians are often able to perceive this beauty in their calculations. Now, this being said, sometimes the simplicity and the beautify that lies inherent within a mathematical construct can be profound and stunning.

It can make the most skeptical of people into a believer of the divine.

Here is one such exercise.

In the 1960s, Soviet mathematician Vladimir Arnold mapped the square image of a cat to a torus, “stretched” (sheared) it as shown on that surface, then sliced the resulting image into pieces and recomposed them into a square.

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the process is repeated, any two points in the image quickly become separated, but, surprisingly, after sufficient repetitions the original image reappears.

A discrete analogue is below…

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the transformation is repeated, the image appears increasingly random or disordered, but the underlying cat can be glimpsed making occasional appearances, sometimes as a ghostly suggestion, sometimes in multiple smaller images, and occasionally (yowling, one imagines) even upside down.

It reappears again, unhurt, at the 300th iteration.

It’s called Arnold’s cat map. You can try it yourself here.

It implies a uniformity within our universe, and a glimpse into how we can perceive ourselves, our alternative world-lines, our past and our futures through the lenses of the momentary iterations of our own consciousness.



There are different interpretations as to what this exercise amounts to. I like to consider that it is a fine illustration that no matter how complex, and convoluted life is, that it follows set patterns and rules that always fit together naturally. As such, everything, from the ordered, to the disordered, to the unexplained and the mysterious all have a role in the grand overall scheme of things…

… the idea that there is a God, or a grand force that we belong to is too strong to discount casually.

I hoped that you enjoyed this piece. If you would like to look at other mysteries and unexplained events and the curious, please attend to my index here…

Mysteries Explained

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