My inbox is now getting all cluttered up with people asking me about World War III. Seriously. They are doing this. Though, I cannot blame them. The anti-China propaganda out of America has been absolutely relentless and horrific. It has gotten so bad that I even stopped following many of my favorite conservative websites because of the outright lies, nonsense and bullshit that is pouring out of them.
As China’s Ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, pointed out in a recent interview, the political atmosphere you have in the U.S. can be characterized as the “ABC policy”, meaning “Anything But China”, that is, that nothing good should be said publicly about China or the Chinese government, whose growing respect in the international community is deemed a threat to Western hegemony.
The last time then this propaganda onslaught was this severe was in the days leading up to World War I.
Though, people are beginning to see the obvious propaganda. Check out this post at MoA; "China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult". Americans are waking up, and just read the comments. All of them are pretty much seeing America as the "King without any clothes on". Maybe this pile on propaganda onslaught will ease up soon. But don't get too soft and comfortable. It will just change form. "The fact that China had an outbreak of corona virus dose not mean it originated in China ! This virus came from a USA /UK bio warfare lab."
So, obviously, given all this steaming bullshit…
- Three unmistakable signs that WAR is coming to America: Pompeo orders all American citizens to “immediately” return to the USA
- GOP Senator: Yes, China Killed Americans With Their Gross Incompetence Containing the Wuhan Coronavirus
It’s getting worse.
Senators are calling for “war” to “punish” China…

… people are naturally asking me what I think about what China would do…
…how it would react…
…were America to start moving some troops about and flying in and out of Chinese airspace. Maybe landing a contingent of Marines on Taiwan, or taking over tiny Hong Kong, or lobbing some cruse missiles at some of the Spratly islands. You know, doing the same kinds of things that led up to the USA invasion of Libya.
Or, the USA invasion of Panama.
Or, the USA invasion of Grenada.
Or, the USA invasion of Kuwait.
Or the USA invasion of Vietnam.
Or the USA invasion of Iraq.
They ask me, off line and via e-mail, about (my thoughts on) what “might” happen if the USA decides to “protect” Taiwan. They wonder about China, and what China’s reaction might me. They see the constant anti-China propaganda as all pure pristine truth. And after this onslaught, they view China as a very vary bad nation, full of evil despicable people.
Thus they are worried about China’s “saber rattling”.
Anti-China propaganda = China “saber rattling”.
Well, rather than send out about twenty e-mails, I decided to jot down a few things herein so that everyone can read them. Right or wrong, here it is.
But some things before I get started…
Firstly, I was not in the CIA, or the DOD. I was in MAJ.
That gives me a unique perspective, but one that might not be in agreement with the current set of folk in charge of the levers of power. What I know comes about via other avenues and with other (um) “baggage”. I sort of see the “bigger picture”, don’t you know. The “why” rather than the “how”.
Secondly, I am an American inside China. I read both Chinese and American “news”. I live, breathe and fully understand China, and no it does not resemble anything even remotely like the image and the caricature that is portrayed inside of America.
What passes for “news” out of America these days isn’t any kind of reporting, or even educated editorials. It’s mostly pure lies, and distortions. They (the writers) take a piece of information and twist it beyond recognition into something evil, dirty and dangerous.
No wonder Americans are so petrified and afraid of the rest of the world. Jeeze Louise!
But, you know, you asked, so I’ll tell you all what is going on.
Most Americans are all living inside their own “bubble”; their own “echo chamber” and surrounded by their own “yes men” that nod and agree with everything they say. They read the same publications and earnestly believe that what they want will be best for their idea of the future of America.
They believe that what they read is mostly true, and that America needs to take action! And take control of the situation, NOW!
The USA is losing it’s role as the leading superpower. This is intolerable as the entire fiction that the US dollar is stable would fall apart were another nation take supremacy. So the USA is working to “suppress” China.
This could go easy or it could go hard. Apparently the people occupying the buildings in Washington DC want it to go hard.
The problem is, have absolutely no fucking idea what they are asking for. And here, is my opportunity to tell you all what to expect.
First things first…
This anti-China propaganda is not organic. It is intentional and designed to prime Americans for war with China.
On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of an upcoming propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China:
As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast. The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China. The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”
Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term “China Cover-up” now finds 449.000 results. It’s interesting stuff for certain, but let’s not get side-tracked.
The USA has an active propaganda campaign to prime Americans up for War against China.
Discussions of War!
This all began innocently enough. I received an email asking about how China would react were American forces were to “make moves” inside of Taiwan. You know… for “democracy” and “freedom“.

Rescue Taiwan from the evil clutches of nearby neighbor China, huh?
Well, first things first.
How Taiwan is described to Americans is off-the-wall incorrect. Taiwan is not a small independent nation that is “under the thumb” of a brutal tyrannical Communist Dictatorship out of Beijing.
Taiwan is part of China.
Just like Rhode Island is part of America. It shares the same race, the same culture, the same society, the same familial relations, the same meals and is tied financially to mainland China. People go back and forth between the two nations regularly. Most people in Taiwan have relatives on the mainland. They share the same holidays and the same interests and the same behaviors. The Taiwanese have both Chinese and Taiwan citizenship. People living inside of Taiwan are card-carrying mainland Chinese.
The only thing is that Taiwan’s local government is a “democracy”.
Saying that the USA should “make moves” on Taiwan is like China tying to “make moves” on New Hampshire. It’s an issue of “outsiders” getting involved in things they know nothing about and risking world war III in the process.
Nations famously tend to always try to fight the last war, and what America is preparing to do today with the newly assertive China is no exception. The problem is our last war was against primitive religious fanatics in the Middle East. China is an emerging superpower with approaching-peer level conventional capabilities. They have an actual strategy for contesting the United States in all the potential battlespaces – land, sea, air, space and cyber. America is simply not ready for the Pacific war to come. We’re likely to lose. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
So let me be absolutely clear on this. The United States is the sole major military aggressor left in the world. It is currently fighting eight simultaneous wars, and has been fighting them for long, long periods of time. The presence in Afghanistan is almost twenty years now!
That is not a “policing” operation. That is nothing less than a good old fashioned military excursion to acquire territory for the empire. Just like Britain, France, and the Dutch used to do. It’s just like the Nazi’s did when they overran Poland, or what Russia did when it annexed Lithuania.
America today is a military empire.
China knows this. Russia knows this, and both of them are getting pretty alarmed at what they are seeing. Their “spies” inside of Washington DC are informing them of terrible plans. Just terrible, and they are going to try to avoid the events by purposely dancing, and waltzing around them.
That is…
… up to the point where there isn’t any “dance floor” left.
And then, well… it will not be pretty.

The neocons are dangerous.
Honestly, anyone that is contemplating war with China needs to have their head examined. They really do.
- The Trump administration goes Neocon-crazy
- Pompeo Goes Full Neocon | The National Interest
- Trump and Bolton Are Still on the Same Team | The Nation
- Trump Goes Full Neocon as Bolton Adds Fred Fleitz as NSC …
- Donald Trump has been captured by the neocons | Spectator …
- Neocons Surrounding Trump Suckering Him Into Iran War …
- Trump adds Zionist Neocon stooge to war cabinet – …
- Ron Paul Slams Neocons Bolton & Pompeo For Undermining …
- Return of the Neo-Cons: Mike Pompeo and the Death of …
- Bolton & Pompeo: Deciphering Trump’s Neocon Shift …
China wants a “win-win”…
The Chinese do not want war.
They view the world as a small village. They see nations and groups of people as different families (in that village) that have their own customs and habits as well as different ways of doing things. They believe that they should be left to live their own life on their own terms. They do not believe that they have the rights to scold or persuade or negotiate with the heads of these other families to change their way of doing things.
Yeah. It doesn’t agree with what you have been reading in American media does it? Eh? But then again, facts don’t matter to the ideological American press. China is planning to invade America!
Yuppur! With it’s single landing craft and one and only aircraft carrier!
I guess that all the Chinese soldiers will swim to America.
Anyone who knows anyone from China (on a personal basis) will agree with this assessment. China is looking for global win-win situations. They don’t want to control the world. They only want to provide a safe haven for the Han race.
It’s like most other nations, don’t you know.
Like Israel wants safety for it’s Jews. Just like the Palestinians want safety for their people. Just like most normal nations want. The nations want to protect it’s people, help it’s people, and provide a good and healthy place for them to live their lives in peace. Anyone who has traveled to Asia can see this instinctively.

The Oligarchy wants POWER!
But that is not what the Powers That Be (PTB) that own, run and control America want. This oligarchy wants full and absolute dominance of the world. They want to maintain a post-World War II level of global control and will stop at nothing to make sure that that reality is maintained.
To maintain that level of control, America must suppress any nation that approaches the leadership role.
Which is what China is doing. Google up “China’s rise”…
- The Rise and Future of China as an Economic Power
- China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power …
- The Rise of China – Foreign Affairs
- China’s Rise, America’s Fall | The American Conservative
- China’s rise will continue, whether the West likes it or …
Suppressing China.
So America must suppress China, and has been involved in doing so ever since Donald Trump became President. From 2017 to 2019, it has been using germ warfare designed to destroy the chicken, pork, foul, wheat and (unsuccessfully) the rice industries. Yes, it is true. America attempted to suppress China via wide spread famine.
And it was pretty innovative too. With using drones to spray Swine Flu all over the widely separated pig farms in the remote hinterlands. Pretty crafty. I mean, I am personally impressed on how the virus was obtained, stored, converted into aerosols, and sprayed in specially designed and manufactured drones. It wasn’t a “garage” operation that’s for certain.
Do you, dear reader, know how to obtain a virus? How to handle it? How to store it? How to put it into an aerosol, and then modify a drone to fog it over livestock?
Pretty fucking innovative, I’ll tell you what.
And let’s not even get into the efforts to collapse the RBI (Road and Belt Initiative) via protests, and violence in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. Hey! Did you all notice that the “pro-democracy” protests came to a complete (and sudden) end once the American “journalists” were expelled from Hong Kong. What a coincidence!
Imagine that!
But China is not that card-board cut-out that the neocon echo chambers think it is. America tried to starve China. But you know, China did not starve. They just moved to other things to eat. Like water, they moved like water.
America tried to make “pro democracy” protests in Hong Kong, a place that already had a democratic government. It fell flat on it’s face, but forced the movement of international companies out of Hong Kong, but into the welcoming arms of mainland China.
Imagine that!
China is not what the “echo chamber” thinks.
American neocons have no idea how intelligent and flexible China is or how resilient their people are. That is because we are all fed a constant and steady diet of “bat slurping” evil Chinese.
There is a kind of fantasy, a card-board cut-out, or cartoon image of what the Chinese are, what China is, and what the Chinese government is. It’s all wrong.

War! War! War!
The Chinese do not want war.
They are not stupid either.
Again I note that the PRC leadership can read maps. It is probably more aware and less self-deluding about the economic precariousness of its situation than American politicians would be if the positions were reversed, because Marxist doctrine insists that politics is an epiphenomenon of economics. The PRC can start a war, but they don’t have the capability to win one. That’s why, barring a Hitler-scale episode of insanity in the PRC leadership, it’s not going to happen. -On the implausibility of a war with China
It’s the American neocons who want war, and they have ramped up their entire propaganda machine to jazz up the American people into a pro-war frenzy. The articles are everywhere, and the decision to blame China for the COVID-19 is from the very top of the Presidency.
America selected China as the Villain de jour.
In Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was dumb enough to choose to face a U.S. military that was ready to fight its last war. That last war was the Cold War, where the Americans were prepared to fight a Soviet-equipped conscript army using Soviet tactics. And Saddam, genius that he was, decided to face America and its allies with a Soviet-equipped conscript army using Soviet tactics, except fractionally as effective as the Russians. It went poorly. I know – I was there at the VII Corps main command post as his entire army was annihilated in 100 hours. Chances are that the Chinese will not choose to fight our strengths. In fact, those chances total approximately 100%. It’s called “asymmetrical warfare” in English. What it’s called in Chinese I have no idea, but Sun Tzu wrote about it. Don’t fight the enemy’s strength; fight his weakness. Strike where he is not. Spread confusion about your intentions; force him to lash out. It’s all there in The Art of War; it’s just not clear anyone forming our current American military strategy has read it. Maybe they would if we labeled it “Third World” literature and said checking it out would check a diversity box for promotion. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Motivated and angry sheeple!
Are you one of the people so jazzed up? Are you getting all hot and bothered about the “evil Chinese”? Do you want to go ahead and “teach them a lesson”?
- Save Taiwan from the hideous horde?
- Rescue Hong Kong so that they can have “democracy“?
- Embrace the poor downtrodden Uighurs in Xinjiang?
- Crush China so that Tibet can be “independent”?
- Evaporate the naval Bases on the Spratly Islands for climate change?
Well, if so, then welcome to being a sheeple.

Because that is exactly what you are. Depending on your age range you are either a sheeple or cannon fodder. You are being manipulated, and it is in coming hard and fast.
Well take a chill pill.

A build up for war!
The Chinese are not going to invade the USA. They are not going to do anything. They are going to continue to improve their economic situation, build up relationships all over Asia and Africa, and keep on keeping on. they haven’t fought a war since 1977. How many wars has the USA fought since then?
Right now, today, the USA is fighting EIGHT wars.
So who is “saber rattling“?
The American neocon faction, led by Pompeo, is all setting a massive military system in motion designed to suppress China’s rise on the economic stage. This is on going. And the COVID-19 offers some great excuses to ready up the military.

Every indication indicates that the American political machine has targeted China as an enemy.
Every indication.
Every one of them.
Which is WHY I am getting a small flood of emails on this subject.
We seem intent on fighting not the enemy we face but the enemy we want to face. This is a rookie mistake. And we’ve built our strategy around that error. Take aircraft carriers. I have a sentimental attachment to those potent floating fortresses – the Schlichters are usually Navy officers and I’m the random green sheep who went Army. There was a picture of my dad’s carrier (the U.S.S. Lake Champlain) hanging in my house as a kid. I love them – but in 2019 they’re a trap. We’re hanging our whole maritime strategy in the Pacific Ocean around a few of these big, super-expensive iron airfields. If a carrier battle group (a carrier rolls with a posse like an old school rapper) gets within aircraft flight range of an enemy, then the enemy will have a bad day. So, what’s the super-obvious counter to our carrier strategy? Well, how about a bunch of relatively cheap missiles with a longer range than the carrier’s aircraft? And – surprise – what are the Chinese doing? Building a bunch of hypersonic and ballistic anti-ship missiles to pummel our flattops long before the F-35s and F-18s can reach the Chinese mainland. We know this because the Chinese are telling us they intend to do it, with the intent of neutering our combat power and breaking our will to fight by causing thousands of casualties in one fell swoop. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Manipulation 24-7.
The news media is all FUCKING BULLSHIT.
None of it is true.
None of it is true.
None of it is TRUE.
Have I made myself clear on this?
Now that the American population is sufficiently primed towards war with China, what’s next is some “spark”, or some “event” to justify a military excursion. That’s the standard template.
It happened in World War I, and in World War II, and the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, and Kuwait, and Panama, and Iraq…
…now, it’s the same “song and dance” about China.
It always works because most Americans are just mindless sheeple.

Therefore, it is likely that the United States will make some kind of provocative move that will enable the enormous military system to grind into action. Expect some sort of provocation, and the American mainstream media to hammer (over and over again) that war is necessary to destroy China.
You know…
… for democracy.

Reality Check
Well, we cannot control things outside of our reality. We have to run with the herd and try to be an outlier, somehow, so that we do not run off the cliff. You know, it’s not enough to know that this is going on, it’s being aware and TAKING PROACTIVE ACTIONABLE STEPS.
Another mistake is over-prioritizing quality over quantity, which is the same mistake the Nazis made with their tanks. The Wehrmacht had the greatest tanks in the world – all top notch. Really good tanks. Tank-to-tank, they were the best – the dreaded Tiger had an 11.5-to-1 kill ratio. The Americans and Russians had merely decent tanks, just multiples more of them. Quantity has a quality all its own. Right now, America has something like 280 ships. We’ll have about 326 by 2023. That’s to cover the entire world. We had 6,768 ships when WWII ended in August 1945 Of course, it would also be nice if the Navy would emphasize seamanship and basic skills again so that it could keep its super-expensive ships from running into other vessels. The U.S.S. Fitzgerald collision not only killed some of our precious sailors, but took out a key weapons platform – 1/280th of our entire fleet! – because its officers failed again and again and because key systems on the ship were out of commission. This is inexcusable, but it is being excused. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Well, the United States today is going to get it’s ass handed to it were war to erupt. China does NOT PLAY. They are a serious, serious, SERIOUS nation that wants to avoid war at all costs. But, if they decide to fight, Lord help the people on the receiving end.
That means the Fucking United States.

Keep in mind…
- China is geographically larger than the USA by about 30%.
- China has 4 times the population.
- China has about 35 times the number of STEM trained workers.
- China is a nation by merit. You either win or you beg on the streets.
- China has 40 times the number of manufacturing factories.
- The Chinese are survivors and will do anything to survive.
- China is aligned militarily with Russia
A War with China is a war with Russia also.
So these neocons who are getting you all worked up and hot and bothered about “liberating” Taiwan are unaware that once they set a war machine in motion, both China and Russia will attack America.
Let me say that again.
China has specifically told the world, and Donald Trump personally, that any action against China in any way will result in the harshest and most devastating response that they can muster.
What do you think that means?
- Trade tariffs?
- Blockade?
- PLA military movement inside of China?
- Economic sanctions.
- Arrest of dissidents?
You are NOT listening to what they said. They said the harshest and most devastating response.
Harshest and most devastating…
People that is not economic. That is not trade. That is not diplomatic. That is not about internal policing, or military movements within China. That is about war. War that is fought by a truly pissed off capable nation.
Are you ready for a radioactive America?

Let’s talk about China’s reaction…
It’s not about an electricity “grey out”.
It’s not about a loss of some internet for a spell. Or, not being to access Alexa, or your book collection on your EPUB appliance. It’s not about not being able to use Facebook or check Google.
It’s not about lines at at a gas station for gas.
It’s not about people running to COSCO for toilet paper.

Are you ready to not just no wifi, but no electricity, and no gas? Are you ready to turn on your water, and nothing comes out? Are you ready to discover that no electronics works at all. That an EMP fried everything. Imagine. No cell phones. No computer. No car starters. No lawnmowers. No cable. No movies. No radio.
Anything that uses electronics would be non functional. Even that old CB Radio that you have in a dusty box on a garage shelf.
Have you stockpiled food and supplies for two fucking years?
The focus of our military has shifted from victory to satisfying the whims of politicians. Here’s a troubling thought – if you go to one of the service branches’ War Colleges and poll the faculty and students about America’s greatest strategic threat, as many as 50% of the respondents will tell you it is “climate change.” That’s not an exaggeration. Our military is supposed to be dealing with the Chinese military and its brain trust is obsessing about the weather in 100 years. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
America would be reshaped completely were just ONE American city to be obliterated by a high-yield nuclear warhead…
… Imagine what it would be like if every city larger than Fort Wayne, Indiana were reduced to glass slag and radioactive rubble.
Imagine what it would be like when the new capital of the United States was relocated to Augusta, Georgia.
How would you be able to handle this situation?

Now, take this sanity check. Let’s see how prepared you are.
Don't drive your car / truck today. Try to go to work, pick up groceries or do anything without a car. Try it. I am not kidding. Try it.
America without infrastructure is Somalia.
You will not even begin to start repairing things. No dozers, lifts, electric tools, and electric generators would work. All would have their electronics completely and absolutely fried beyond usefulness. It will just be you, and your muscles.
Of course…
…all the time while wearing radiation protection and masks for the various bioweapons unleashed.
Under this situation, would you give a “rat’s ass” whether or not Taiwan is politically connected to Beijing?

That is what is being set up. The media is treating all or you as dupes to go ahead with a war that they believe will be similar to Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria. But you know what? It won’t be that way at all.
There will not be any “carriers off the coast plinking at the Chinese mainland“, or “Marine expedition forces moving on Taiwan or entering Hong Kong“.
Nor will there be any riots and protests demanding “regime change”. Or that China switch from a traditional conservative Chinese government to that of a diverse and progressive democracy. And you won’t find anyone (except those on the CIA payroll) demanding that China embrace American style “democracy”.
It’s going to be something else entirely.
Put yourself in the Chinese shoes…
Here’s how the Chinese win. First, they take out our satellites. You know the GPS location service on your phone? Satellites, which are easy to hit. Say “bye-bye” to much of the ability of our precision weapons to find their targets. Also up for destruction are the communications satellites we rely on to coordinate our operations. And then there is the Chinese cyberattack, not only on our military systems but on systems here at home that control civilian power, water and other logistics. A U.S military with no comms and no computers is essentially the Post Office with worse service. An America with a ruined internet is Somalia. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Imagine if you were Chinese…
You have studied and studied and trained and trained and trained. You grew up attending schools that only had one winner and everyone else were losers and you rose to the top through sheer blood and guts. You rose to the top, not by diversity quotas, or racial advantage. You rose to the leadership position through merit.

Now today, you, as a Chinese leader / advisor / strategist are tasked with kicking America in the gut, disabling it’s strategic response ability, and disabling it with the least number of causalities as possible.
What would you do?
Well, for starters…
- EMP – fry all electronics and render all vehicles, cell phones, computers, and manufacturing equipment into worthless slag.
And you know…
- Detonating nuclear weapons on the top 20 cities would cut the American population in half.
As well as…
- Nuclear bombs, already buried beneath the major cities would be detonated bypassing all the expensive early warning systems.
But you are the top of the top. You would be crafty and creative. You would not be a “diversity hire” and most certainly wouldn’t be there because of “political pull”. You would handle things differently…
- Nuclear destruction of Mono Lake would turn California into the Sahara desert. It would dry up, and any water that would seep up from the ground would be heavily radioactive.
Oh, and why have China do all the “heavy lifting”…
- Allow Russia to perform a “double tap” using it’s Satan II weapons systems.

The Dongfeng 41, of DF-41, is currently the most powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), developed in China. It is one of the deadliest ICBMs in the world. It is based on an 8-axle launcher vehicle and is similar in concept to Russian road-mobile ICBMs such as Topol-M and Yars. First test launch of this missile was made in 2013 and the second followed in 2014. Some sources report that the DF-41A missile was fielded in 2016 or 2017. It was first publicly revealed in 2019. The DF-41 is a solid-fuel missile. It has an estimated range of 12 000 km and carries up to 10 Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs). Its range is sufficient to reach all areas of United States, Europe and Russia. It will take roughly 20-25 minutes from launch for the DF-41 to reach targets in the United States. This missile is extremely devastating and can wipe out entire countries. This missile has internal navigation system with indigenous Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system update. It could be accurate to 150 meters, or possibly, even more accurate. -Military Today

America would be reduced to pre-Medeaval England but without water, and religion to sustain any sort of community unification. Far flung bases would be on their own. All 800 of them. They would die out or start to turn to the neighboring host nations, who (in case you haven’t noticed) are now close friends with China and Russia.
Then they hit our land bases on Guam, Okinawa and elsewhere with a blizzard of missiles, knocking them out and annihilating our aircraft on the ground. Maybe we could respond with B-2s flying from the continental United States. We have 19 whole combat-capable aircraft, assuming a 100% operational readiness rate, which is just not a thing. We might even take out a few missile batteries on the Chinese coast. We won’t know the difference though. As for our carriers, if they come to play, they are likely going to get sunk, and if they stay out of the fight, they are merely useless – assuming quiet diesel subs do not find and sink them. This is not a surprise. We play wargames against the Chinese all the time, and we lose. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Ah, Kirk, yeah this is possible if nuclear weapons were not used. But, that’s your American biases showing.

All carrier groups would be destroyed. Not by precision missiles, but by big, dirty and nasty nuclear weapons that could detonate five miles away from the carrier and sink it easily.
Boomer subs would be sunk before they could launch anything and the ICBMs would be pre-targeted by specialized anti-missile spacecraft.

Moreover, we need to get it through our heads that no one is going to be as dumb as Saddam was and conveniently fight us the way we want to be fought. We need a complete strategic mindset revolution, one that moves from a few super-expensive systems to many affordable ones. We need to say good-bye to legacies of the 20th century, like mostly manned combat aircraft and a few huge carrier battle groups. We need to prepare to defeat the enemy we actually face, not the enemy we want to face. -We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
Of course, there would be a response…
American forces react
The American forces are all set in motion for an “easy peasy” invasion and would need to be re-directed to new objectives. Nuclear missiles would be launched, and much of the Chinese cities would lie in ruin. Chinese military would take hits, and once the nuclear genie was let out of the bottle, America would continue to utilize it’s already announced strategy of using “low yield” nuclear weapons on China.
China would hurt. Make no mistake.

Chinese ships would be sunk. Chinese cities would be plummeted and damaged. Smoke, oily smoke would fill the skies, and American Marines would engage in efforts to make land fall in critical strategic points all through the South Pacific.
America could destroy the largest Chinese cities and still maintain a population three times that of the United States. They still would have their factories. They still would have their infrastructure. They still would have Russia on their side.
The Chinese would pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and get right back to work improving their lives and making the world a better place.
Oh, you don't believe me. You think that China as "lucky" that they got the COVID-19 under control in two months. While America is going to be dealing with it for two years. It's "luck" you say. The Chinese DO NOT PLAY.
America would be in ruin.
Surviving Americans would fight among themselves and various fiefdoms would be established. America would devolve into city-states and much of the rural country side would be no-mans land.
The Balkanization of America would manifest as enclaves; all of which would kill each other off for scraps of moldy turnips.
It won’t be at least ten years before America stabilizes.

At that, when the dust clears, America will probably end up a five separate nations.
It would be a mere shadow of it’s former self.
Horrible, right?
Yes, it is horrible.
And that is just my point.

Anyone wanting war or conflict is nuts. Pure and simple. They are nuts, crazy and evil.
occupatio @11: "A hot war is not imminent..." I just read Pepe's leak from finance insiders and am not so sure about this. The US has tried sanctions, tariffs, various trade barriers and dire threats to all and sundry, and even a series of bio attacks on China in order to maintain global dominance. As Peter AU1 has suggested not long ago, the US may try to blockade China's oil supply, but that will lead to "kinetic encounters" guaranteed and for sure. Does anyone really believe that the US will give up on hegemony without playing every possible card it has? And what cards does the US have left other than its military? -Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 8 2020 16:26 utc | 13
Fighting China will not be a “walk in the park”. It will be the end of the United States as you know it. Your children will curse you, your behavior and your actions.
What you can do is fight back
Anyone who talks to you, suggest to you, and posts an article (anywhere) suggesting war with China needs to be shut up immediately. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that things WILL NOT GO as they assume it will.
Do not wish for war. It’s an awful, awful thing.
Conclusion and Take Aways
When people ask me what I think about the USA getting involved militarily with China, they are often of the mindset that it will be some sort of regional conflict, conducted far away, off in China.
It will not.
Any war with China will go nuclear on American soil.
Let me make myself perfectly clear on this.
Any American military “intervention” in or around Taiwan, the South China Sea, or any Chinese bases and facilities will be considered an attack on Beijing. Just like if the Russians decided to land their Spetsnaz in New Orleans, it would be considered an act of war.
The result will not be a police action. It will be a declaration of war.
If any American military operations are conducted on or near China, there will be complete nuclear Armageddon unleashed on American cities. Make no mistake, and let’s be frighteningly clear about this. This is not debatable. It will not be a far-away war that you can eat popcorn to while you are cruising through your internet news feed.
It will be up close and very personal.
I mean ANY attempt to interfere with China overtly or militarily.
So please don’t try to come up with “questionable” scenarios where the Chinese might somehow be convinced to play a conventional war with America. It will not happen. The Chinese do not play. They are a serious, serious nation.
They make the rules.
You all should realize this by now. haven’t you been paying attention during the last four years of the “Trump Trade Wars”. Things will be done on their timetable, on their terms, and under their control.
America doesn’t have a chance.
- One nuclear hit on Mono Lake will render the entire West coast uninhabitable for centuries.
- The destruction of New York with zero out the stock market and with it will be the collapse of every public American company.
Any one who thinks otherwise is a fool.
If you are going to shoot Tony Soprano, you had best make sure you kill him. Otherwise, your life is over.

Keep in mind…
- China knows what is coming and is prepared to confront it.
- A war against China will result in a full-MAD level response.
- A war with China will result in nuclear destruction of American cities.
- China has peer-level military capabilities.
- Both Russia and China will fight together against the United States.
- The EU will side with China and Russia.
- The Middle East will side with Russia and China.
- India will try to stay neutral.
- Australia will probably side with the United States.
The results…
- China can handle a nuclear war and return to normal.
- America cannot handle a nuclear war and it would destroy everything.
Check out these links…
Remember, China and Russia are military partners.
If you attack one, the other would chime in. Combined, any attack on either Russia or China would result in both coming for the American jugular vein. And there would be no mercy. Both would conduct “double taps”, and America would become a radioactive agrarian society… without electricity or running fresh water.

It’s not just myself that understand this. This has been the continuous, steady state response to all the simulations conducted by the RAND group, the pentagon, and other NGO’s.
- WW3 simulations ‘leave America destroyed by Russia and …
- US defeated by Russia and China across most scenarios in …
- War Games Simulation Shows U.S. Forces “Crushed” By China …
- The US apparently ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in war games …
- The US military ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in World War 3 …
- us loses simulated air war china – WhiteOut Press
- Chilling World War III ‘wargames’ show US forces crushed …
Yet, the anti-China narrative has ramped up. It’s fucking insanity.
A Final Word
All this neocon talk and discussions in preparation for a war with China will absolutely tank the United States completely. With this in mind, it’s probably best to have Bozo the Clown as President rather than Donald Trump and his army of neocons.

China and Russia will not permit a war to manifest.
- Russia and China Militaries Reach ‘New Heights’ Together …
- Russia and China’s relationship- how deep does it go
- China and Russia Want to Control the ‘World Island …
- ‘Unprecedented level’ of China-Russia cooperation …
- Russia Moves Toward Military Cooperation Deal With China …
- Russia and China pledge to maintain special relationship …
- China and Russia: A Strategic Alliance in the Making
- China, Russia ‘Show Americans’ Their Close Relationship …
So, to answer the question;
Question: “What would happen were the United States to start making military movements and actions around China in the South China Sea?”
Answer: China would unleash nuclear Armageddon upon all of America with their military partner, Russia.
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If I wasn’t in agreement with the likelihood of my own Australia as being one of the doomed fools to side with the USA in such a war I’d feel a lot better about having read this article. The truth is we’d not have any option. The one time we had a government which sought to remove US military presence on our soil the government, Gough Whitlam anyway, was removed from office by a less bloody but no less effective regime change. I am curious however that you think the EU would go with China? Once this COVID thing is over or at least the opening round since I suspect we’ll be getting to know this one better in the coming years it might be more likely if things continue on their present course but I’d be interested to know why you think it would be so now? The Euro countries are about as subservient to the USA as anyone. NATO are their ratpack.
You would be surprised how closely the European nations are tied to the Chinese supply chain. To cozy up to the USA would mean to cut those ties. A reliance on a non-existent American supply chain would cause all sorts of problems. Mostly it would result in either local manufacture, or sourcing somewhere else in Asia or Africa. If this were to happen, the problems of quality, delivery and infrastructure will become enormous. Have you ever had a tractor trailer mired in meter-deep mud and had to have a trio of elephants to pull it out? That’s something that you would never need to worry about in China.
In any event, were the European nations to leave China they would be forced to accept substantially more expensive products. This would result in a slump in the economy as the number of products, purchases and projects decrease. When you have a slump in industry, and a raise in the cost of living, the likelihood of it going ballistic is a real possibility.
This argument is no different to what could be made for Australia. Even more so. China is our main trade partner. We have huge Iron Ore, Coal and Natural Gas exports to China. I’m in Western Australia. It is a mining state and China’s presence in our business life is ubiquitous. The USA on the other hand is more of a trade competitor in reality. Yet here we are. About the most certain US ally of the lot. We’re occupied in truth. How I see it. Between Pine Gap, Exmouth and Leeuwin base here we’re tied closely into the US power projection in the region.
Yes. You are correct, and that is a very dangerous position to be in.
Remember what happened to Hungary, and Romania when they allied with Germany. They would have been far better off to be neutral. Like Switzerland, or Iceland.
I feel there are some mis-truths with this article but unsure if intentional or not? America won’t want a war with China but instead those interested in the destruction of the US will prime them for war.
There are plenty of enemies behind the gates and either way it is bound to happen and maybe a new epoch is due? Just need to put up with the birthing pains.
You might find the neocon articles interesting. I do believe that the majority of Americans do not want war. But that is NOT who is running the nation. The nation is being run by neocons, and they DO WANT war. In order to make this happen, they need at lest some degree of support from the sheeple. And this is why there is a propaganda blitz.
Do you have another explanation for the anti-China propaganda blitz? If so, I’d like to hear it.
..and what about the ET tech that the US was able to access over so many years, surely the military have found some way to create “an advantage” with it?
But then again, we have grown used to using fiber optics, LED’s, nano-technology, Kevlar, and some of the various technologies that were provided to the civilian markets over the last few decades.
Type I greys do not shoot guns using bullets. They just control the minds of humans. They tell you what to do and you do it.
Most of the technologies are thousands of years more advanced than what our applications (at this time) call for.
Excuse my ‘ ignorance ‘ ( ‘ still ‘ fresh of the boat ? )…you said not CIA, not DOD, but in MAJ…Couldn’t find what MAJ stands for ( other than Major in US Army, Marines, USAF ). That ‘ in ‘ confuse me: not Cocaine/Crime Inc., not Department of war, now defense…but ‘ in MAJ ‘…?! Regarding the war, again: ” If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy ” – James Madison
Oh my. This is “an entire keg of worms“.
MAJ stands for MAJestic. It has the highest SAP (Special Access Program) secrecy classification in the United States Government; MAJIC.
We are a unacknowledged (does not exist), waived (no Congressional government oversight) organization that is involved in “tin foil hat” technologies and the entities that provided them to us. These technologies are around 30,000 years more advanced than what we know about and understand. My role in this organization is really confusing to outsiders. Some people find my story fascinating, and others believe that I am a liar trying to get attention.
I have an entire section on this website devoted to the program, my role in it, and how I was recruited for it. It really doesn’t have anything to do with China, or what is going on today with the COVID-19 virus. It has to do with my background working for the US government. If you want to “go down that rabbit hole” be advised that the knowledge will polarize you. You will either agree with me, or find me a raving lunatic. (sigh)
Here is the link to my MAJestic Index.
And here is my response to people who do not believe me; that the USA is open, honest, and “transparent” about everything. That the USA has no secrets, and I am just some kind of millennial hiding in my parents basement.
I do not know what to think, except that I am reading (on other sites) that when Americans go to check up on the news of “long lines at hospitals”, “workers passing out”, and “piles of dead people”, they find nothing at all. The hospitals are quiet, there are no lines and nothing out of the ordinary.
Meanwhile the beating of war drums against China is reaching a fever pitch.
Could this all be part of a propaganda onslaught to force Americans to approve of a first strike against China in retaliation for the COVID-19? I don’t know, but it is most curious.
With respect to the military scenario you lay out:. If the Chinese are smart (which no doubt they are), then they’d know that the use of any nuclear weapons would bring on nuclear winter resulting in mass starvation around the world. No one will emerge victorious once the nuclear threshold has been breached. As for the US, their political class – or a segment of it, anyway – is delusional and is very capable of starting a war it thinks it can win, but won’t.
The Chinese are smart. Most certainly.
The American neocons, and political “insiders” not at all.
And, you know what? You and I are trapped in the middle between these two extremes. It’s very uncomfortable and all that I am seeing is Push – Push – Push and Push by the American neocons. It’s going to have to give one way or the other.
And there’s that issue of trillions of dollars spent on DUMBs; not just in the US. but world wide.
Check out that seed bank deep underground in Norway, too.
‘They’ are planning for something; and have been for decades. Covid may just be the opening salvo of global chaos about to be unleashed. Or may even be the second or third salvo (911, etc. ) before things turn well and truly hot.
The surface would be ravaged, but those safely underground would eventually surface very much alive. And with a clean slate. Scary stuff.
Thanks, Mr Man.
Have read that post several times, already; and the extra info here is a bonus.
Stay safe, and a glass of poitin raised in your general direction.
Medicinal purposes only, of course.
(Because this stuff at 110% proof will kill any virus. )
Thanks also for your latest post about the ‘schooling’.
And it resonates for some gruddarned strange reason.
Slan anois.