World War III.

America is going to lose World War III. Accept that fact, and plan accordingly. Here’s why.

American elites remain out of touch with everyone, our institutions are broken, and some people on the Left and the Right are still in denial about how bad things have gotten. Yet, they continue to play their games, oblivious that they are treading on dangerous territory. As the rest of the world has gotten stronger, better, healthier, the United States has grown corrupt, slothful, and evil. Eventually there will be a point where these two dichotomies will cross.

It will probably be the result of some American “push” which would involve military action (of some sort) designed to exert pressure on a major Asian nation. This is already ongoing, but at some point in time, it will get “hot” and “loud”. As such, America is unprepared to the consequences that will result.

Here we talk about this.

Not the first to say that America is going to collapse…

I am not the first to point this out.

I do believe that it is the most obvious thing on the face of the planet. What I argue, in other postings, is that this collapse is inevitable. And as such, it should be “managed” so that a “new and improved” America may result.

(It’s) Sort of like Isaac Asimov’s foundation series of stories..

It is 12,020 G.E. (Galactic Era). For more than 12,000 years, the human  race—thanks to hyper-space traveling technology—has colonized the Milky  Way Galaxy in the form of a far-reaching Galactic Empire. 

The Galactic  Empire, whose failures have started to outnumber its successes, is still  able to hide its faltering behind the Gordion Knot of a social,  economical and political mess comprised of millions of habitable worlds  and over 500 quadrillion people. 

The oppressive and authoritarian rule  of Emperor Cleon I is at its peak. 

Young mathematician Hari Seldon,  hailing from a backwater planet called Helicon, arrives at the Galactic  Capital, Trantor, to present his latest research at a mathematical  convention. 

Having become associate professor at a considerably young  age, Seldon proposes a new field of science that could be used to  predict the future actions of the galactic society and humanity. 

He  cites the law of mass action, explaining that advance mathematical  calculations can analyze the aggregate behavioral data of an enormous  number of people to deduce the patterns of behavior of the masses.

-  Asimov 101: Your Ultimate Guide to the 'Foundation' Series 

Of course, the wealthy elite, and the “deep state” won’t have any of this.

They still want to maintain the pre-2016 uni-party oligarchy. But forces, far larger than their desires have set things in motion.

It’s like a large locomotive that is on the path to smash right into a solid granite mountain. It cannot be stopped easily.

Other opinions on this, from both the Left and the Right side of the political spectrum have written about this. You can read some of these articles here…

Not the first to say that America cannot win World War III…

Like my statement that America is in decline, others have also voiced agreement that America is not equipped to fight a major war against a major superpower.

Well, here is yet another article, and I think it is pretty well-written and I would like to include it here.

Check it out…

The following is an article titled “Why America Is Set to Lose the Next War” and it was penned by Angelo Codevilla. It’s quite good. All credit to the author, and I would recommend a visit to the American Mind website from whence it was first published.

Our elite forces are not so elite.

News that the wargames which the RAND corporation runs for the U.S. government show U.S. forces getting “its ass handed to it” by Russia and China have elicited disbelief: “how could this possibly be?”

The short answer is that the U.S. armed forces are utterly corrupt: the very definition of parade ground forces, superbly equipped, fabulously paid (to look good)—but utterly incapable of winning the wars that our even more corrupt national security establishment defines for them.

Corrupt, and un-serious.

Specifically: U.S. forces fail in the wargames, and would fare worse in real life, because they would be sent to fight the Chinese for control of the Western Pacific, and Russia for control of areas west of the Niemen river, as well as north of Crimea.

The Chinese and Russians, respectively, would enjoy advantages in these areas.

U.S. forces, configured as they are because of inter- and intra-Service corporate priorities, because of military-industrial collusion, and above all because of the national security establishment’s self-regarding prejudices and proclivities, are not based, sized, or equipped seriously to contest those advantages.

Above all, they lack realistic plans for doing so.

In sum, U.S. forces would lose these wars because of classic mismatches between ends and means. All entirely foreseeable. I repeat: Corruption.

The wargames dealt only with operational/tactical factors on the conventional level in the theaters of operation. But China and Russia are nuclear powers whose missiles can deliver nuclear warheads to the U.S.

Neither has been shy about pointing out that they might force the U.S. to choose between its objective in their back yard and the loss of one or more American cities.

Moreover, longstanding U.S. policy, most recently reaffirmed in 2019, is not to have any equipment that can defend against Russian or Chinese missiles.

If, perchance, Chinese or Russian forces should have difficulty disposing of U.S. challenges, raising the nuclear specter would surely force the U.S. side to reconsider why we engaged in war in others’ back yards without the capacity to protect ourselves at home.

Since nuclear weapons are fully integrated into Russia’s ground forces, this rude awakening would likely come in the course of ordinary operations.

On the Chinese side, we might well see the annihilation of Guam. But, one might respond, “U.S. nuclear missile forces are so superior to China’s!” Sure. Superior for what? What good would killing a couple of million Chinese do?

What forces against what, where, to do what, is the nub of the military matter. The Chinese and Russians, respectively, have good strategic, operational, and tactical answers. The U.S. side does not.

The Chinese want to control the Western Pacific militarily largely from the land. They began by building hundreds, perhaps thousands, of medium-range missiles able to cover the sea out to the eastern edge of Taiwan, making them largely invulnerable by emplacing them in caves or on mobile platforms.

To this they added excellent aircraft with cruise missiles, and diesel-electric submarines that would be placed—still and quiet—to wait for the U.S. carriers.

Then, they developed the DF-21, a ballistic missile that can adjust course on re-entry and kill a carrier with a nuclear warhead.

And then, they pushed that defensive envelope outward by building a network of artificial islands in the South China Sea, the military value of each exceeding that of several carriers.

China’s control exists.

To try undoing it with current bases and equipment, the U.S. would have to send at least four irreplaceable carrier battle groups across the Pacific to battle their way through Chinese defenses.

The full health of America’s satellite network is a prerequisite for such an attempt.

But the Chinese are certain to attack that network. Since the U.S. has precisely zero means of protecting against kinetic ASATs, we must assume something less than precise functioning of numerically vastly inferior forces whose perfect functioning is essential to their operation in an enemy environment.

Guam, and Yokosuka, over a thousand miles away from the action, would be the only nearby bases.

The U.S. has studiously avoided fortifying Taiwan.

But even assuming perfect functioning, the U.S. offensive in the Western Pacific would consist of a contest of attrition, in which China has the overwhelming advantage. There is no substitute for strategic vision.

China has it, the U.S. does not.

On the Russian side, the strategic objective is equally clear: maintain superiority in an area well known to, and easily reached by, the home team against what the Americans can bring from far away.

The area east of Poland, between Lithuania and northern Ukraine, was the scene of the great Soviet summer 1944 offensive that crushed the Wehrmacht.

One or perhaps two combat brigades would be the maximum that the U.S. could deploy to that area, probably by air through Warsaw.

Russian operations would consist of encirclement by land and denial of resupply by air through its formidable S-400 air defense system. Russian operations envisage a minimum of combat and maximal exploitation of the theater’s distance from U.S. power.

The operational objective would be to turn U.S. troops into hostages.

The same would apply to the southern theater—except that U.S. operations there would be aided by a U.S. carrier battle group in the Black Sea—another reservoir of hostages.

For a half century, the U.S. military-industrial-national-security establishment has been getting America’s collective ass kicked around the world. As patriotic Americans have bled, their superiors have gone to Valhallas in their retirement villas and as experts on Fox News.

It’s past time for Americans to realize how overpraised and overpaid this bunch really are.

Angelo Codevilla is a Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute and professor emeritus of International Relations at Boston University.

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Ohio Guy

Hi Uriah, love reading your blog. You have so much to say and I really enjoy reading it. The way you describe your early years is very much like my experiences as well. Your subject matter is quite diverse and intriguing. I think, one of the first articles I read had to do with your stories about cats, cat heaven, spirituality, and string theory? Anyhow, I just keep reading and learning. Just wanted to say Thank You for sharing your knowledge and experiences. I like to think of myself as having an open mind but my wife would argue with that assumption. It truly is hard to find information that isn’t tainted in some way. Most people I see and talk to daily are mentally compromised from constant media bombardment. So, after watching your first interview, I was glad to hear that you love to write. You keep on writing, I’ll keep on reading. Also, I could have swore that you wrote a guest article on a month or so back using a two letter (forget which ones) pseudonym. Anyways, it sounded like your stuff. In closing, stay safe and healthy especially during these horrible viral attacks in your country. I pray for the Chinese as well as all the good folks in this world. Give your pets a big wet kiss.

[…] game of playing catch-up to both Russia and China. Numerous military analysts project the West will lose World War III against the […]